Day Week Unit Lesson Plan 4(M8) Sept8

Week 3
Basic Political
Lesson Plan
Due today:
 Nothing is due
 However, you should be working on your Ch. 1 and 2 study guide
Lesson Plan:
 Daily Desktop Lesson: GDP, GDP/C, and PPP
 Review Practice lecture…Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, etc.
o With peers, but no notes
o Memory and comprehension check
 Begin review lecture on Ch. 1 and 2
 Select on of the eligible charts from the “38 charts that explain the
economy” document/website and create a summary/analysis
document with:
o A copy of the chart itself
o A summary/analysis of the chart’s information and what
the importance of this information is to understanding the
global economy
o An annotated bibliographic entry of 1 article whose
information relates to the chart.
 Continue reading and filling in Ch. 1 and 2 Study Guide
o Study Guide is due on the day of the Ch. 1 and 2 Open
Note Test
Week 3
Basic Political
Due today:
 Select one of the eligible charts from the “38 charts that explain
the economy” document/website and create a summary/analysis
document with:
o A copy of the chart itself
o A summary/analysis of the chart’s information and what
the importance of this information is to understanding the
global economy
o An annotated bibliographic entry of 1 article whose
information relates to the chart.
Lesson Plan:
 Daily Desktop Lesson: Demographic Transition
o Chart and explanation
 Additional visual: Japanese Population Decline
o Problems that come with population decline
 Singapore National Night commercial
 Example Articles to show: US Birth Rate at
Record Lows, A Billion Shades of Grey, The
Japan Syndrome, America’s Pension Problems
o Show video from (“Population growth
explained using IKEA Boxes”)
 Randomly selected students (probably 5) will explain their chart to
the class
 Continue lecture on Ch. 1 and 2
 Read from the Lanahan reader: “Federalist #39 and #46” or
“Federalist #51” by James Madison
o Complete a “Peer Teaching Form” to hand to me and a
copy to give to a student who read the other article
 This form can be found on my website on the AP
Government Resources page. It is located near the
bottom under the “Permanent Resources” heading
 I recommend using this rather than hand writing
so that you don’t have to make a 2nd copy
 Continue to work on Ch. 1 and 2 Study Guide
Week 3
Basic Political
Due today:
 Read from the Lanahan reader: “Federalist #39 and #46” or
“Federalist #51” by James Madison
o Complete a “Peer Teaching Form” to hand to me and a
copy to give to a student who read the other article
 This form can be found on my website on the AP
Government Resources page. It is located near the
bottom under the “Permanent Resources” heading
 I recommend using this rather than hand writing
so that you don’t have to make a 2nd copy
 Continue to work on Ch. 1 and 2 Study Guide
Lesson Plan:
 Daily Desktop Lesson: Unemployment, Underemployment, and
Payroll to Population rates
 Small group discussions of the Federalist assignment from the
 Finish lecture on Ch. 1 and 2
 Finish Ch. 1 and 2 Study Guide
 Test on Ch. 1 and 2 will start on Monday with the essay portion
and be completed on Wednesday (early out) with the multiple
choice section.
Next Week
Test on Chapter 1 and 2
Federalism, begin with reading and film on Hurricane Katrina