THE SENATE 5.3 OBJECTIVES -Analyze why the Senate has fewer rules and a less formal atmosphere than the House of Representatives. -Discover why the Senate usually takes longer than the House to pass a bill. SENATE AT WORK I. Senate at Work A. Informal Atmosphere 1. unlimited debate B. Leadership 1. VP a. only votes during a tie b. cannot debate 2. President Pro Tempore MAJORITY/MINORITY FLOOR LEADERS 3. Majority/Minority Floor Leaders a. Elected by members of party i. steer party bills through Senate ii. plan work schedule and agenda iii. organizing party members support 4. Whips C. Scheduling Bills 1. Senate leaders send proposals to committees 2. Two Calendars: a. Calendar of General Orders b. Executive Calendar – treaties & nominations FILIBUSTERING D. Filibuster -stall the legislative process and prevent a vote. ex.) Strom Thurmond (D) SC = 24 hours 18 min. to block the Civil Rights Act of 1957… 1. Stopping a Filibuster a. 3/5ths (60) of Senate vote for Cloture -limiting speak to 1 hour on a bill HOMEWORK/IN-CLASS Guided Reading 5-3