Unit 5

.12th Grade Government-Economics
Course Outline & Syllabus
Mr. Gene Ponder
Spanish Fort High School
Unit 1: Chapters 1-2-18 & 3-4-5
Economic Introduction
(Chapter 1); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Power Point: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith. (1). Take Handwritten Paper Notes:
Vocabulary terms & Concepts. (2). Prepare for a Short Answer Quiz
(50 points).
*Supplemental Video: The Wealth of Nations. (1). Take Handwritten Paper
video notes. (Capitalism vs. Socialism) Prepare for a short answer video quiz
(50 points).
*Supplemental Video: Making Economics Come Alive: Economics of Property
Rights (25 Points; Watch)
Economic Systems & Decision Making
(Chapter 2); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Economic Systems: Socialism,
Communism, Capitalism, Free Enterprise: (1). Definitions (2). 3 Advantages
& 3 Disadvantages of each (3) Choose one Nation for each economic system
and research the following: (1). Style or type of government (2). GDP &
Exports (3). Population (4). Per capita income (DI & DPI) (5) Income
disparity or Income Gap (6) List of War History past and present (7)
Standard of Living World Ranking (8) Demographics (Race-Religion-AgeGender) (9) Income Disparity (10) Monetary System (11) Educational Levels
Upload images of: Map, Leaders, and other vital research information. Power
Point Submission. (100 points)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Economic Systems: Find one ProCapitalism, Socialism, Communism, Free Enterprise News Article and one
Anti-Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Free Enterprise News Article. Cite
your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize each article (8 News
Articles). Each summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of
view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all
bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion
agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict
constructionism by citing parts of the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Is America #1? (Socialism vs Capitalism)
study: A market comparison of: Hong Kong, India and United States.
Handwritten video notes to be submitted at the end of the video. Develop a
Chart on one sheet of paper. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: Making Economics Come Alive; Public Choice,
Economics and Crony Capitalism (25 points; Watch)
*Supplemental Video: 2012 In The Classroom; Live Free or Die,
Entrepreneurship, Minimum Wage, Earned Success, Cash for Clunkers
Comparative Economic Systems
(Chapter 18); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Assigned 1: Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong,
Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Benito
Mussolini, Francisco Franco, Juan D. Peron, Vladimir Lenin, Emperor Hirohito,
Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung, Omar al-Bashir, Slobodan
Milosevic, Idi Amin, Yakubu Gowon, Antonio de Salazar, Czar Nicholas II,
King Leopold II, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Enver Hoxha, King Abdullah (Saudi
Arabi), Charles Taylor, Ahmed Sekou Toure, Gamal Abdel Nasser, David
Dacko, Robert Mugabe, Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez, Than Shwe,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khomenei, Muammar Gaddafi.
Power Point Submission: Style or type of government, Type of Economic
System, Past or present Wars, Racial-Religious-Socioeconomic Policies,
Imperialistic Policies duration of reign, educational level (100 points).
Upload Images of: Leader, Country, and other vital research information.
***Assessment: Chapter 1-2-18 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 1-2-18 Exam (100 points)
Business Organizations
(Chapter 3);
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Greed. Handwritten video notes to be
submitted at the end of the video (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: Making Economics Come Alive; Regulation and
Unintended Consequences (25 points; Watch)
Demand: (Chapter 4)
*Supplemental Video: The Power of Choice; Healthcare and Profit, Costs of
“Free” Healthcare, Swimming in Lawsuits, Debt & Responsibility, Federal
Spending (25 points: Watch)
(Chapter 5)
*Supplemental Video: The Price System at Work. Handwritten video notes.
Video Quiz (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: I the Pencil. Handwritten video notes. Video Quiz. (25
*Supplemental Video: PBS: Is Wal-Mart Good for America. Handwritten
notes. (50 points)
***Assessment Chapter 3-4-5 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment: Chapters 3-4-5 Exam (100 points)
Unit 2: Chapters 6-7-8 & 9-10
Prices as Signals
(Chapter 6);
*Supplemental Video: The Drew Carey Project I. Watch (25 points)
Market Structures
(Chapter 7); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Federal Regulatory Agencies: Assigned 1
historical origin of, purpose of, authority of, and economic trade-offs of your
regulatory agency. (100 points) Power Point Submission.
Upload Images of: Agency symbol, building or location(s), Leader, # of
employees, Budget, or other related information.
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Find One Pro-News Article and one AntiNews Article about your agency. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author)
and summarize each article (2 News Articles). Each summary must contain
the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one
paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one
paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author.
Base your opinion on strict constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (50
*Supplemental Video: History Changing Choice. Handwritten video notes.
Video Quiz (25 points)
Labor and Wages
(Chapter 8); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: The Blame Game. Handwritten video
notes. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: 2010 In the Classroom; Rinkonomics, Farm Subsidies,
Middle Class (25 points; Watch)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Presidential Intervention of labormanagement disputes (Injunction & Seizure). Find One Pro-News Article and
one Anti-News Article about Presidential Injunction. Cite your source (URL,
Title, Date, Author) and summarize each article (2 News Articles). Each
summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by
the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points
of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or
disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict constructionism
citing the U.S. Constitution (50 points)
***Assessment Chapter 6-7-8 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
*** Assessment Chapter 6-7-8 Exam (100 points)
Sources of Government Revenue
(Chapter 9); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: The Fair Tax, The Flat Tax, The
Progressive Income Tax. Find One Pro-News Article and one Anti-News Article
about each of the 3 tax proposals (6 News Articles). Cite your source (URL,
Title, Date, Author) and summarize each article (2 News Articles). Each
summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by
the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points
of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or
disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict constructionism
citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
*Supplemental Video: John Stossel Goes to Washington or The Laffer-Curve
Video Series. Handwritten video notes. (25 points)
Government Spending
(Chapter 10); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Readings/Research: Assigned 1: Medicaid, Medicare, Social
Security, Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income, Food
Stamps, Welfare (TANF), Unemployment Insurance Compensation. Affordable
Care Act, Pell Grant: Research should include: Eligibility requirements,
Number & Percent of beneficiaries, per capita expenditure, annual budget &
budget deficit, historic growth of program and proposed future growth.
Power Point Submission. Upload images of: Program symbol, costs,
beneficiaries and other related research. (100 points)
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Assigned 1: Find One Pro-News Article
and one Anti-News Article about your entitlement (2 News Articles). Cite your
source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize each article (2 News
Articles). Each summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of
view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all
bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion
agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict
constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (50 points).
*Supplemental Video: Making Economics Come Alive; Government Spending,
Deficits, and Debt (25 points; Watch)
*** Assessment Chapter 9-10 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
*** Assessment: Chapters 9-10 Exam (100 points)
Unit 3: Chapters 11-12 & 13-14-15
Money and Banking
(Chapter 11);
*Supplemental Reading/Research: Assigned 1: Bitcoin, Liberty Dollars,
Disney Dollar, Digitial Gold, Berkshares, Community Exchange System,
Detroit Community Scrip, Fourth Corner Exchange, Litecoin, PayPal, and
Moneygram. Find One Pro-News Article and one Anti-News Article about
your money type (2 News Articles). Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize each article (2 News Articles). Each summary must
contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one
paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one
paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author.
Base your opinion on strict constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (50
Supplemental Video: The Secret of Oz, Bill Still (The History of Money).
Handwritten video notes: Time-lined Notes. Video Essay Quiz (100 points)
Supplemental Reading/Research: Find One Pro-News Article and one AntiNews Article about: The Gold Standard & Fiat Currency (4 News Articles).
Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize each article (2
News Articles). Each summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted
points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article
using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your
opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict
constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
Financial Markets
(Chapter 12);
*Supplemental Power Point: Moodle: Investing, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds.
Handwritten power point notes (50 Bonus points)
*Supplemental Research/Game: http://www.marketwatch.com/game/100kvirtual-stock-market-game Register a name, password, and begin playing.
You will play for 30 days and review your investments. (100 Bonus Points)
***Assessment Chapter 11-12 Vocab Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment Chapters 11-12 Exam (100 Points)
Economic Performance (Chapter 13);
*Supplemental Video: Drew Carey Project II. Watch (25 points)
Economic Instability
(Chapter 14); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Videos: The Great Depression. 2013 Good Intentions Gone
Wrong; Income Disparity, Job Creation, Professional Panhandling,
Innovation: Private vs Public, Collaboration Leads to Innovation (25 points;
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Income Inequality and Income Gap.
Choose one cause of income inequality: Education, wealth, monopoly
power, or ability. Provide one governmental economic policy designed to
reduce income inequality. Find One Pro-News Article and one Anti-News
Article about: Income Gap/Inequality and Economic Policy designed to reduce
income inequality (4 News Articles). Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize each article. Each summary must contain the
following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph
summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph
analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your
opinion on strict constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
The Federal Reserve
(Chapter 15); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Video: Federal Reserve. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Find One Pro-News Article and one AntiNews Article about: Income Gap Cause and Policy to reduce inequality (4
News Articles). Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize
each article (2 News Articles). Each summary must contain the following: 3-5
bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the
article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your
opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict
constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
***Assessment Chapter 13-14-15 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Chapters 13-14-15 (100 points)
Unit 4: Chapters 16-17-19-20
Achieving Economic Stability
(Chapter 16); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Fiscal Policy (Keynesian Economics).
Supply-Side Policy (Reaganomics). Monetary Policy. Find One Pro-News
Article and one Anti-News Article about the 3 types of economic policy (6
News Articles). Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize
each article. Each summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of
view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all
bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion
agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict
constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
*Supplemental Video: 2011 Best of In the Classroom; Needy Seniors or
Greedy Seniors, Universal Pre-K, Rescues for Stupidity.
International Trade
(Chapter 17); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Protectionists viewpoints: National
Defense, Promote American Industries, Protect American Jobs, Keep Money
at Home, Balance of Payments. Assigned 1: Free Trade Viewpoints. Find
One Pro-News Article and one Anti-News Article about Protectionist and Free
Trade Policy (4 News Articles). Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author)
and summarize each article. Each summary must contain the following: 3-5
bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the
article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your
opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your opinion on strict
constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
*Supplemental Video: Making Economics Come Alive; International Trade
and Trade Barriers (25 points; Watch).
***Assessment Chapter 16-17 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment Chapters 16-17 Exam (100 points)
Developing Countries
(Chapter 19);
*Supplemental Video: ABC News; Tampering with Nature. Handwritten
notes. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: Making Economics Come Alive; Why Some Nations
Prosper and Others Stagnate (25 points; Watch).
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Education, Religion, Corruption, and War
are all obstacles of economic development. Assigned 1 country. Power
Point Submission. Haiti, Samoa, Nepal, Cambodia, Yemen, Bhutan, Lao PDR,
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Zambia, Uganda, Somalia, Lesotho, Rwanda,
Senegal, Sierra Leone, Niger, Mozambique, Mali, Liberia, Malawi,
Madagascar, Liberia, Gambia, Guinea, Chad, Burundi, Benin, Angola,
Ethiopia. Central African Republic, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau. Research and
apply any or all of the obstacles of economic development. Use as many
examples as you can to show how and why your assigned country is still
trapped in the 3rd world of development.
Upload images of: -Country, Topography, Population, Business, GDP, DI,
Exports, Crime, Government leaders, Style of government, type of economic
system (100 points).
Global Economic Challenges
(Chapter 20)
*Supplemental Video: The Power of Choice; Global Warming Debate,
Running the Country (25 points; Watch)
*Supplemental Video: 2014 In the Classroom; The Fracking Debate, High
Speed Rail: Boondocks & Boondoggles (25 points: Watch).
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Man-Made Global Warming Theory. Three
Supporting Articles and three Opposition Articles about Man-Made Global
Warming Theory (6 News Articles). One Article must come from the IPCC.
One Article must come from the GWPP. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize each article. Each summary must contain the
following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph
summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph
analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Base your
opinion on strict constructionism citing the U.S. Constitution (100 points).
*Supplemental Videos: An Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore) & An Inconsistent
Truth (Phil Valentine). Handwritten Video Notes. (100 points)
*Supplemental Video: 2007 In the Classroom; Foreign Aid, Price Gouging, Oil
Supplies (25 points; Watch).
***Assessment Chapter 19-20 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
*** Assessment: Chapters 19-20 Exam (100 points)
Final Exam:
Class Work:
Home Work:
American Government
Formative Content Quiz: www.uscis.gov/
You will take the Immigration and Naturalization Test on the second day of class. You
may review for the test using the above website (50 points).
Formative Quiz & Analysis: Your Political Self: Quiz & Response.
http://www.theadvocates.org/ &
Take both quizzes. Print your answers/charts to be placed into your
portfolios. Prepare to present your self-analysis during a student led
question/answer session (50 points).
Unit 1: Chapters 1-2-3-4
Principles of Government
The State; Political Culture (CR-1)
(Chapter 1);
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Read: The Code of Hammurabi. List 10
laws/codes you agree and disagree with as a form of law. Research local,
state, and/or federal laws, which may be similar to the 10 codes you agree
with as a form of law in the United States and 10 codes you disagree with as
a form of law in the United States (50 points).
*Supplemental Video: The Code Of Hammurabi. Watch and take handwritten
notes (25 points).
*Supplemental Quiz: The Pledge of Allegiance (Origin & Meaning). Rote
memorization. You will be required to define words from the Pledge of
Allegiance. (100 points)
Origins of American Government
(Chapter 2);
Original Intent (CR-1)
*Supplemental Research/Readings: Declaration of Independence & 27
grievances against government action. Choose 10 of those
grievances/complaints listed by the founding fathers against their
government (King George/Monarchy). Compare those 10 selected grievances
with current federal, state, or local laws.
Power Point Submission: 1 grievance/complaint per power point slide. You
will have 10 total grievances listed in your chart and 10 federal, state, or
local laws.
*Supplemental Video: Declaration of Independence. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: Schoolhouse Rock. Watch. (Preamble & Bill of Rights)
*Supplemental Video: Sunnylands: Creating a Constitution. Take
handwritten notes to prepare for a video quiz. (50 points)
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Assigned 1: Madison’s Virginia Plan,
Federalist #10, Federalist #51, Anti-Federalist Responses #17, or #84. Find
one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize your article. A summary must contain the following:
3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of
the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of
your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation.
(50/50 points)
*Supplemental Research/Reading: Assigned 1: John Locke, Second Treatise
Of Civil Government; John P. Roche, The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus
in Action, Charles A. Beard, Framing the Constitution Choose 1 and complete
a summary. Find one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your source
(URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize each article. A summary must
contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one
paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one
paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author.
Student presentation. (50/50 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 1 & 2 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 1 & 2 Exam (100 points)
The Constitution
(Chapter 3); (CR-1)
*Supplemental Quiz: Preamble, 7 Articles, Bill of Rights. Rote
memorization & vocabulary quiz (100 points).
*Supplemental Research/Reading; All Court Cases: U.S. vs. Morrision
(2000); McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819); Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824), Gonzales
vs Raich (2005) Washington D.C. v. Heller (2008), Barron vs. Mayor, City
Council of Baltimore (1833). All 6 cases will be summarized in the following
manner: Plaintiff-Defendant, legal issues or merits of case, descriptive
arguments on both sides, majority opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting
opinion (200/200 points). Prepare for an open-notebook quiz on each court
*Supplemental Video: Michael & Me, 2nd Amendment Rights. Watch (25
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Balance of Power & Checks
and Balances. Watch (25 points).
Federalism (Chapter 4); (CR-1)
*Supplemental Readings & Responses: Assigned 1: James Bryce, The Merits
of the Federal System; Mortin Grodzins, The Federal System. Find one online summary or peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and
summarize your article. A summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted
points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article
using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your
opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation. (50
*Supplemental Video: Sunnylands: Key Constitutional Concepts. Watch (25
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Federalism, Deciding Who
Decides. Watch. (25 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 3 & 4 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Supplemental Quiz: 1-27 Amendments. Rote-memorization. (50 points)
**Unit 1 EXAM: Chapters 3 & 4 (100 points)
Unit 2:
Political Parties
(Chapter 5); (CR-2&3)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: You Can’t Say That. Take Handwritten
notes and prepare for a video quiz. (50 points)
* Supplemental Project: Political Parties & Presentations: Comparative Study
of Democratic & Republican Party Platforms. Assigned 1: Libertarian,
Constitution, Independent American, Green, America First, American,
American Independent, American Nazi, American Reform, American
Freedom, Communist Party USA, Freedom Socialist, Independence Party of
America, National Socialist Movement, Peace & Freedom, Prohibition, Reform,
Social Democrats USA, Socialist Party USA, US Marijuana, US Pacifist,
Veterans Party of America, American Patriot, Citizens, Conservative Party
USA, Pansexual Peace, Revolutionary Communist Party USA, Progressive
Labor, Working Families, Socialist Equality,& National Socialist Movement.
Power Point Submission: Develop comparison charts of both the Democratic
and Republican Party Platforms/Issues/Belief Statements. Assigned 1 third
party: Compare and/or relate your assigned 3rd party’s platform with the
Democratic or Republican Party platform. Be specific on the political issues,
belief statements and platforms. Include platforms, symbols, charts, issues
and other related material into your power point (150 points).
*Supplemental Research & Readings: Assigned 1: David R.
Mayhew; Divided We Govern, E.E. Schattschneider; Party Government, V.O.
Key; A Theory of Critical Elections, V.O. Key; The Responsible Electorate.
Find one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize your article. A summary must contain the following:
3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of
the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of
your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation.
(50 points).
The Electoral Process
(Chapter 7); (CR-2&3)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Hype & Consequences. Watch (25 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 5 & 7 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 5 & 7 Exam (100 points)
Voters & Voting Behavior
(Chapter 6); (CR-2 & 3)
*Supplemental Video: Socioeconomic / Race Politics (Walter Williams; Link
provided). Take handwritten video notes. Prepare for a video quiz (50
*Supplemental Video: 2010 In the Classroom: Vote or Die! Watch. & 2012:
In The Classroom: Live Free or Die (25 points)
Mass Media and Public Opinion
(Chapter 8); (CR-2&3)
*Supplemental Research/Readings: Assigned 1: Bernard R.
Berelson, Democratic Practice and Democratic Theory, Larry J. Sabato, The
Misplaced Obsession with, PAC’s; David Broder, A Republic Subverted. Find
one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize your article. A summary must contain the following:
3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of
the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of
your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation
(50 points).
Supplemental Video: States of Fear: Science or Politics? Michael Crichton.
Take handwritten notes and prepare for a video quiz. (50 points)
Supplemental Video: ABC News: Junk Science or Media Hype or Are We
Scaring Ourselves to Death? Watch. (25 points)
Interest Groups
(Chapter 9); (CR-2&3)
*Supplemental Readings & Responses: Assigned 1: Larry J. Sabato, The
Misplaced Obsession with PAC’s; David Broder, A Republic Subverted Find
one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date,
Author) and summarize your article. A summary must contain the following:
3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of
the article using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of
your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation
50 points).
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Myths Lies & Nasty Behavior. Watch. (25
*Supplemental Project: Create/research 5 Iron Triangles and 5 competing
Iron Triangles. Explain the 3 points of the triangle. Create or research 5
Power Point: Take one Iron Triangle and one competing Iron Triangle and
develop a 527 video or power point advertisement or research an existing
527 political video advertisement. You may create or copy an existing video
into your power point for this assignment (100 points).
*** Assessment: Chapter 6 & 8-9 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Chapters 6-8-9 Exam (100 points)
Unit 3: Chapters 10-11-12-13-14
Congress (Chapter 10); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Court Case Research & Reading: Buckley vs. Valeo (1976).
Your court case will be summarized in the following manner: PlaintiffDefendant, legal issues or merits of case, descriptive arguments on both
sides, majority opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting opinion (50 points)
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Congress At Work An Inside
Look. Watch. (25 points)
Congress at Work
(Chapter 11); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Readings & Responses: Morris P. Fiorina, The Rise of the
Washington Establishment. Find one on-line summary or peer review. Cite
your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize your article. A
summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by
the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points
of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or
disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation(25 points).
*Supplemental Video: American Government: In committee How a Bill
Becomes A Law. Watch. (25 points)
Congress in Action
(Chapter 12); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Lies, Myths & Stupidity. Watch. (25
*** Assessment: Chapter 10-11-12 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
*** Chapters 10-11-12 Exam (100 points)
The Presidency
(Chapter 13); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Video: Sunnylands: Presidential Mandate. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: American Government: A Heartbeat Away Selecting
the Vice President. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Research & Reading: John W. Dean, Presidential Powers in
Times of Emergency. Find one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your
source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize your article. A summary
must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a
one paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a
one paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the
author. Student Presentation (25 points).
*Supplemental Court Case Research & Reading: Ex Parte Milligan (1866),
INS vs. Chadha (1983). Your court case will be summarized in the following
manner: Plaintiff-Defendant, legal issues or merits of case, descriptive
arguments on both sides, majority opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting
opinion (50/50 points)
The Presidency in Action
(Chapter 14); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Presidential Prerogative: The
Power of the Office (25 points)
*Supplemental Quiz: 1-43 Presidents Quiz. Rote-Memorization (50 points)
*** Assessment: Chapter 13-14 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Unit 3 Exam (100 points)
Unit 4: Chapters 15-18-17
Government at Work
(Chapter 15); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Video: American Government: The Census Stand and Be
Counted. The Power of Rule-Making. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: 2014: Making Government Come Alive: Taxi
Licensing: Are We Being Taken For A Ride? Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Bureaucracy Project: EOP, Cabinet, Czars, Independent
Regulatory & Executive Agencies Quiz. Create a handwritten chart including
the following: 12 EOP Agencies and Functions, 15 Cabinet Departments and
functions, 33 Independent Agencies and Functions, 30 American Czar
Positions (100 points).
Power Point Presentation: Develop a power point presentation including at
least 5 EOP, Cabinet, Czars, and Independent Regulatory Agencies. You
should have a total of 25 Power Point slides for presentation to the class.
(150 points)
*Supplemental Readings & Responses: Assigned 1: James Q. Wilson, The
Rise of the Bureaucratic State; Peter Woll, Constitutional Democracy and
Bureaucratic Power. Find one on-line summary or peer review. Cite your
source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize your article. A summary
must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by the author, a
one paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points of view, and a
one paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the
author. Student Presentation. (50 points)
The Judicial Branch
(Chapter 18); (CR-4)
*Supplemental Video: Sunnylands, Checks & Balances, Gideon v.
Wainwright. Take handwritten notes and prepare for a video quiz. (50 points)
*Supplemental Court Cases Research & Reading: Gideon v. Wainwright
(1963), Marbury vs. Madison (1803); Dennis vs U.S. (1951). Your court
cases will be summarized in the following manner: Plaintiff-Defendant, legal
issues or merits of case, descriptive arguments on both sides, majority
opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting opinion (75 points).
*Supplemental Readings & Responses: Assigned 1: John P. Roche, Judicial
Self-Restraint; James Madison, Federalist #78; William J. Brennan, How the
Supreme Court Arrives at Decisions (25/25 points). Find one on-line
summary or peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and
summarize your article. A summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted
points of view made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article
using all bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your
opinion agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation (50
*Supplemental Video: Sunnylands: An Independent Judiciary. Watch. (25
*Supplemental Video: 2014 Making Government Come Alive: Product
Liability Lawsuits: Who Gets Burned? (25 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 15 & 18 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
***Chapter 15 & 18 Exam: (100 points)
Foreign Policy (Chapter 17)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: War on Drugs. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: American Government: The President Goes to War &
The War Powers Act. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: Selective Service, A Voluntary Military or Draft. Take
handwritten video notes and prepare for a video quiz. (50 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 17 Vocabulary Quiz (100 points)
***Assessment: Chapter 17 Exam (100 points)
Unit 5: Chapters 19-20-21
Civil Liberties
(Chapter 19); (CR-5)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Help Me I Can’t Help Myself. Watch. (25
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Gun Control and the 2nd
Amendment (25 points).
*Supplemental Court Cases Research & Reading: Griswold vs. Connecticut
(1965), University of California Board of Regents vs. Bakke (1978), Roe vs.
Wade (!973), New York Times vs. Sullivan (1964): Bob Jones vs. U.S.
(1983), Escobedo vs. Illinois (1964); Greg vs. Georgia (1976), Lemon vs.
Kurtzman. All 8 court cases will be summarized in the following manner:
Plaintiff-Defendant, legal issues or merits of case, descriptive arguments on
both sides, majority opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting opinion (200
*Supplemental Research & Readings: Assigned 1: Sandra Day
O’Connor, Constitutional Liberty and the Right to Abortion; William R.
Rehnquist, Liberty, Privacy, and the Right to Abortion; Antonin Scalia, Liberty
and Abortion: A Strict Constructionist’s View. Find one on-line summary or
peer review. Cite your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize your
article. A summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view
made by the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all
bulleted points of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion
agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation (50 points)
Protecting Individual Rights
(Chapter 20); (CR-5&6)
*Supplemental Video: ABC News: Stupid in America. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Drug Testing in Schools A Test
of Civil Liberties. Prayer in School A Nationwide Debate Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: 2014: Making Government Come Alive: Food Nannies:
Who Decides What You Eat? & 2013: In The Classroom: Food Police, Police
Accountability, Censorship at College, Professional Panhandling. Watch. (25
*Supplemental Research & Readings: Assigned 1: Samuel Warren & Louis
Brandeis, The Right to Privacy; Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Need to Maintain
a Free Marketplace of Ideas. Find one on-line summary or peer review. Cite
your source (URL, Title, Date, Author) and summarize your article. A
summary must contain the following: 3-5 bulleted points of view made by
the author, a one paragraph summary of the article using all bulleted points
of view, and a one paragraph analysis of your opinion agreeing or
disagreeing with the author. Student Presentation (50 points).
Civil Rights
(Chapter 21); (CR-6)
*Supplemental Video: Sunnylands: Thurgood Marshall & Civil Rights & A Call
to Act (Ledbetter vs. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company). Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Video: 2081: Everyone Will Finally Be Equal. Watch. (25
*Supplemental Video: American Government: Equal Access The Rights of the
Disabled. Affirmative Action in Higher Education. Watch. (25 points)
*Supplemental Court: Engel v. Vitale (1962); Plessy v. Ferguson (1896);
Brown vs. Board of Education (1954 & 1955); Miranda vs. Arizona (1966);
Powell vs. Alabama (1932); New Jersey v. TLO (1985); Sheppard vs. Maxwell
(1966) U.S. vs. Leon (1984). All 8 court cases will be summarized in the
following manner: Plaintiff-Defendant, legal issues or merits of case,
descriptive arguments on both sides, majority opinion, concurring opinion,
dissenting opinion (200 points).
*** Assessment: Chapter 19-20-21 Vocab. Quiz (100 points)
*** Unit 5 EXAM: Chapters 19-20-21 (100 points)
Summative Quiz: You will again take the Immigration and
Naturalization test (100 points).
Class Work:
Home Work:
Classroom Rules & Expectations
1. No cell phones. If I see your cell phone, I will collect your cell phone from
you. I will complete a disciplinary referral for disobedience. No warnings.
From the moment you enter the classroom, No cell phones. If your cellphone
rings during class, I will collect your cell phone and complete a disciplinary
referral for disobedience and willful disruption during class.
2. No computers will be taken out of your book bag until instructed to do so. If I
see your computer out of your book bag, I will collect your computer from
you for the remainder of the class period, and I will complete a disciplinary
referral for disobedience. No warnings.
3. Due Dates are posted on Moodle, SFHS website, and are written on the
white-board beneath Due Dates. No late homework or classwork will be
accepted…period. If you have an excused absence, you have until the next
class session to submit any homework or classwork. If you have an excused
absence, you have 3 class days to complete any quiz or exam…period. All
make-up quizzes and exams are Short-Answer formatted. Make-up exams are
administered beginning at 7:20 -7:55 am…period.
4. Cheating: Cheating is unacceptable. Cheating can be a “two-way street”. If
you copy another student’s work, both students will receive a zero (0) for the
assignment. Cheating results in a disciplinary referral for both students.
Plagiarism is cheating. All classwork essays will be submitted through the
website: turnitin.com .
5. No Sleeping during class. Unless you have an approved written medical
excuse from a medical doctor excused by Mr. McRae to sleep during class,
sleeping results in a disciplinary referral. Sleeping during class lectures or
student presentations results in a zero (0) for classwork…period.
6. Vocabulary usage. Every word you choose to use on supplemental
research assignments, project completions, homework or classwork, you
may be required to define and/or use the word in a sentence, or explain the
meaning of the word. If you are unable to define, explain or use the word in a
sentence, your submitted work will be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is
7. All assignments are handwritten. No printing of or photocopying of ANY
8. Portfolio: This is your final exam. Students will keep a portfolio
throughout the duration of the course. Detailed instructions for item
placement in the portfolio must be followed according to the guidelines…no
exceptions. Portfolios will be collected and graded throughout the
course/year. Students are responsible for keeping, maintaining, and
submitting their portfolios on a weekly basis.
9. Classwork and Homework assignments: Partial credit would not be given
for partial or incomplete work. You must complete the entire assignment to
receive any credit.