Public Schools of Robeson County Career and Technical Education

Public Schools of Robeson County
Career and Technical Education Lesson Plan Template
Teacher: Nina Southern (Entrepreneurship)
Subject/Grade Level: 9th - 12th Grade
Date: 11/26/2012
CTE Essential Standards
Objective 1.01:
Objective 1.02:
Objective 1.03:
Objective 1.04:
Understand economic systems to be able to recognize the environments in which businesses function.
Participate in career-planning to enhance job-success potential.
Acquire information to guide business decision-making.
Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively.
Learning Target (I Can…):
Understand economic systems to be able to recognize the environments in which businesses function
Essential Question:
Technology Standard:
What distinguishes an entrepreneur from a small business owner or manager?
What are the barriers to small business/entrepreneurial success?
What impacts the growth of small businesses?
How have small businesses contributed to society?
HS.SI.1.1 Evaluate resources for reliability.
Level of Bloom's:
Vocabulary: Entrepreneur, Venture, Entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurial, Economics, Free Enterprise System, Profit, Services,
Factors of Production, Scarcity, Demand, Elastic, Inelastic,
Diminishing Marginal Utility, Equilibrium, Environment, Enterprise
Zones, Opportunity, Start-up Resources, New Venture Organization,
Business Failure, Discontinuence
Strategies/Sequence of Instruction:
Monday: Bellwork (Chapter 1)
Tuesday: Bellwork (Chapter 2)
Wednesday: Bellwork (Chapter 3)
Thursday: Bellwork (Chapter 4)
Friday: Bellwork (Chapter 5)
Monday: Students will Review: 1.0 Quia Review Activities, 1.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 1 Review Activities
Tuesday: Students will Review: 1.0 Quia Review Activities, 1.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 2 Review Activities
Wednesday: Students will Review: 1.0 Quia Review Activities, 1.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 3 Review Activities
Thursday: Students will Review: Review: 1.0 Quia Review Activities, 1.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 4 Review Activities
Friday: Students will Review: 1.0 Quia Review Activities, 1.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 5 Review Activities
Monday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Tuesday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Wednesday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Thursday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Friday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Monday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Tuesday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Wednesday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Thursday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Friday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Monday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Tuesday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Wednesday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Thursday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Friday: Chapter 1-5 Vocabulary Test/Objective 1.0 Study Guide Test
Assessment/Ways to Check for Understanding:
Monday: Homework: Study Guide Questions (1-20)
Tuesday: Define terms: capital, competition, enterprise, foundational skills, internet, investment, profile, role model, markdown, markup (Ch. 2)
Wednesday: Define terms: business broker, demographics, franchise, franchisee, franchiser, goodwill, innovation, outsource, trade shows, trade magazines, strategic
alliances (Ch. 3)
Thursday: Define terms: Disposable income, exporting, tariffs, global economy, GDP, importing, Joint Venture, trade barriers, IBX, interpreter, SITC Codes (Ch. 4)
Friday: Define terms: Benefit, business concept, business plan, competitive grid, direct channel, distribution channel, executive summary, feasibility analysis, feature,
indirect channel, SBA, target customers, vision, trade associations (Ch. 5)
Smartboard, Whiteboard, Computer, Teacher Websites,
21st Century Themes:
21st Century Skills:
Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy
Information Literacy
Students will learn the difference between an entrepreneur and a manager.
Teacher: Nina Southern (Entrepreneurship)
Subject/Grade Level: 9th - 12th Grade
Date: 5/6/2013
CTE Essential Standards
Objective 2.01:
Objective 2.02:
Objective 2.03:
Objective 2.04:
Objective 2.05:
Objective 2.06:
Employ entrepreneurial discovery strategies to generate feasible ideas for business ventures/products.
Acquire information to guide business decision making.
Employ entrepreneurial discovery strategies to generate feasible ideas for business ventures/products.
Generate venture/product ideas to contribute to ongoing business success.
Utilize critical thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes.
Employ entrepreneurial discovery strategies to generate feasible ideas for business ventures/products.
Learning Target (I Can…):
Acquire information to guide business decision making.
Essential Question:
Technology Standard:
Define venture.
What contributes to ongoing business success?
How is critical thinking important in making every day business decisions?
How will you use critical thinking when starting your own business?
HS.SI.1.1 Evaluate resources for reliability.
Level of Bloom's:
Vocabulary: Barriers to Entry, Brand Loyalty, Customer Needs
Analysis, Customer Profile, Descriptive Research, Industry, Market,
Target Market, Primary Data, Secondary Data
Strategies/Sequence of Instruction:
Monday: Bellwork (Chapter 6)
Tuesday: Bellwork (Chapter 7)
Wednesday: Bellwork (Chapter 8)
Thursday: Bellwork (Chapter 9)
Friday: Bellwork (Chapter 10)
Monday: Students will Review: 2.0 Quia Review Activities, 2.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 6 Review Activities
Tuesday: Students will Review: 2.0 Quia Review Activities, 2.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 7 Review Activities
Wednesday: Students will Review: 2.0 Quia Review Activities, 2.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 8 Review Activities
Thursday: Students will Review: Review: 2.0 Quia Review Activities, 2.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 9 Review Activities
Friday: Students will Review: 2.0 Quia Review Activities, 2.0 Study Guide Review Activities & Chapter 10 Review Activities
Monday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Tuesday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Wednesday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Thursday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Friday: Teacher will go over Worksheets/Handouts, Student Answers/Responses, & Presentation Notes in class
Monday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Tuesday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Wednesday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Thursday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Friday: Students will demonstrate what he/she learned through completing objective activities on Quia
Monday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Tuesday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Wednesday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Thursday: Vocabulary & Online VOCATS Practice Test & Obj. Activities
Friday: Chapter 6-8 Vocabulary Test/Objective 2.0 Study Guide Test
Assessment/Ways to Check for Understanding:
Monday: Homework: Study Guide Questions (21-41)
Tuesday: Homework: Study Guide Questions (42-62)
Wednesday: Define: Bait & Switch, Capacity, consideration, contrast, copyright, patent, patent applied for, price discrimination, trademark, FICA (ch. 8)
Thursday: Define: Appointments, Census Tracks, economic base, facade, incentives, industrial parks, interrelationships, layout, trade area (ch. 9)
Friday: Define: marketing plan, marketing mix, brand, package, label, product mix, product positioning, private brand, sufficient demand, intermediaries (ch. 10)
Smartboard, Whiteboard, Computer, Teacher Websites,
21st Century Themes:
21st Century Skills:
Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy
Information Literacy
Students will learn the importance of business decision making.