Introduction - anthonybyers

13 Colonies
13 Colonies?
Question: What were the original 13
Quiz Time
England’s Thirteen
Colonies were located on
the Atlantic Coast inbetween French Canada
and Spanish Florida.
Colony: is a group of
people in one place who
are ruled by parent
country elsewhere.
Jamestown, Virginia
Jamestown, Va: first permanent
English colony
Government: first managed by
governor and council appointed
by the Virginia Company
House of Burgesses: 1619
colonists formed the first
representative assembly,
legislature-had little power but
marked beginning of self
government in America
House of Burgesses
But forasmuch as men's affaires doe litle
prosper where God's service is neglected, all
the Burgesses tooke their places in the Quire
till a prayer was said by Mr. Bucke, the
Minister, that it would please God to guide
and sanctifie all our proceedings to his own
glory and the good of this Plantation ... The
Speaker ... delivered in briefe to the whole
assembly the occasions of their meeting.
Which done he read unto them the
commission for establishing the Counsell of
Estate and the general Assembly, wherein
their duties were described to the life ... And
forasmuch as our intente is to establish one
equall and uniforme kinde of government
over all Virginia &c.
– John Pory, "A Reporte of the Manner of
Proceeding in the General Assembly
Convented at James City" (July 30, 1619)
In April, 1619, Governor George Yeardley arrived in
Virginia from England and announced that the
Virginia Company had voted to abolish martial law
and create a legislative assembly. It became the
House of Burgesses — the first legislative assembly
in the American colonies. The first assembly met on
July 30, 1619, in the church at Jamestown. Present
were Governor Yeardley, Council, and 22 burgesses
representing 11 plantations (or settlements)
Burgesses were elected representatives. Only white
men who owned a specific amount of property were
eligible to vote for Burgesses.
Plymouth, Massachusetts
1620, Pilgrims travel over
seas and settle at
Plymouth for religious
Mayflower Compact:
constitution created
aboard the Mayflower to
help govern and create
democracy for this new
colony-41 men signed this
Mayflower Compact
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal
Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great
Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for
the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King
and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by
these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another,
covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better
Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue
hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts,
Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and
convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due
Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our
names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fiftyfourth, Anno Domini; 1620.
Your Turn
As a group create a
compact/laws that
if you were to start
a new
what would they
13 Colonies
The Thirteen Colonies can
be divided into three
regions. Each region was
unique and gave the
English a wide variety of
opportunities and
13 Colonies
The Middle
The South
New England
New England
13 Colonies Map
Economic Development of New
Heavy reliance on the
Atlantic Ocean
Trade and Smuggling
Triangular Trade
Navigation Acts of
Law passed by the
English in an attempt
to get a cut out of New
England’s wealthy
Difficult for the
English to enforce.
Climate and Soil of New England
Long winters
Rocky soil
As a result, many
farmers used
subsistence farming.
The People of New England
English settlers were the
largest ethnic group.
Land was sold to large
groups – often Puritan
As a result towns grew in
a way that was conducive
to trade.
People continued …
African Americans – slavery wasn’t economical in
New England because they weren’t needed for
Many slaves worked in houses or were hired out
for various jobs.
Slaves could eventually save enough money to
purchase their freedom.
Puritans – their religion declined of competition
with other groups and because their ideals didn’t
go well with business.
The Middle Colonies
The Middle Colonies
13 Colonies Map
Economy Continued
Middle Colonies also had
excellent ports and river
New York, NY on the
Philadelphia, PA on the
Exported grain, furs, and
whale oil and imported
manufactured goods
Ship building
New York and Philly
developed and
expanded quickly
Rivaled the nicest
cities of England.
Climate and Soil
Rich soil
Mild winters
Growing season
that lasted between
6-8 months
People of the Middle Colonies
Was known for its
Heavy German influence
in the region
German craftsman and
artisans created many
important goods such as:
Long rifles, iron works,
glass, furniture, and dinner
Climate of Tolerance
The wide variety of groups made it difficult for one
group to dominate any other
As a result – there was a great deal of tolerance in the
Middle Colonies.
African Americans
Some were slaves and some were free. Either way they
worked as laborers, servants, drivers, sailors, and
Racial tensions did exist, especially in NYC.
Violence was used by both sides – but African
Americans were force into submission.
Colonial Philadelphia
The South
The South
13 Colonies Map
Economic Development of the
Ideal for plantation
crops like indigo, rice,
and tobacco.
Plantations were
largely self-sufficient,
so very few large
cities developed in the
The Need For Slavery
Plantations had difficulties
finding the necessary
labor to run a plantation.
Many indentured servants
were leaving plantations.
Turned to slave labor.
Africans already
established as reliable
slaves – so planters started
to use them.
Kept under control with
strict slave codes.
Climate and Soil
Very rich soil
Warm weather
Mild winters
Nearly year round
growing season
The People
Planter Class
Became wealthy off of
the cash crops they
Dominated all aspects
of Southern life
Viewed themselves as
The Frontier
Pioneers were
colonists who needed
to move westward to
find themselves land
that they could settle
and claim as their
The diversity of the 13 colonies offered a
great deal of economic possibilities to the
British Empire.
It would also give the 13 colonies the
wealth needed to start becoming a country.