NATIONAL COLLEGE HEALTH ASSESSMENT ACHA/NCHA II Saint Mary’s College of California Spring Semester Results 2014 S National College Health Assessment S National Research survey organized by the American College Health Association to assist institutions in collecting data about student habits, behaviors, and perceptions on the most prevalent health topics. ACHA 2014 Objectives for ACHA Survey Identify the most common health and behavior risks affecting student’s academic performance Design evidence-base health promotion programs with targeted educational and environmental initiatives Create social norms marketing campaigns Impact the campus culture by opening a dialogue about health with students and staff PHYSICAL HEALTH S How would you describe your general health? Students consider themselves very healthy or in excellent health. 93% (91%) of college students surveyed their health as good, very good, or excellent Health Markers Body Mass Index S 2x increase students being underweight S 6x prevalence in females underweight vs. males S Over 30% of male students being overweight S 9% of those overweight may be classified as obese Exercise S 40% of SMC respondents don’t meet the recommended intensity and frequency for exercise each week S 20% of respondents don’t do any exercise Physical Health Concerns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Allergies Back pain Sinus Infections Asthma UTI Strep throat Migraine Fracture/Sprains Ear infection Irritable bowl Smoke Free SMC Initiative 70% of health related problems that students seek professional help for are respiratory related. This supports the need for a stronger smoke free policy for Saint Mary’s College. Diagnosed Conditions: • 12% of students reported having a physical disability • Chronic illness, deafness, hearing, mobility, sight • 15% of students reported having a learning disability • Including ADD • 6% of students reported having a psychological disability Mental Health S Within the last 12 months, have any of the following affected your academic performance: S Stress 30% S Anxiety 22% S Sleep Difficulties 20% S Concern with Family/Friends 10% S Internet/Computer Games 10% S Cold/Flu 16% S Relationships 9% S Work 14% S Roommate Issues 8% S Extra Curricular Activities 14% S Depression 11% Mental Health Diagnosis by a Professional 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Insomnia/Sleep disorders Depression Attention Deficit Disorder Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Substance Abuse Mental Health Issues % Happened in the Last 12 Months SMC 2014 Male Female National 2014 Male Female Felt things were hopeless 44 52 40 52 Felt overwhelming anxiety 44 64 42 61 Felt overwhelming anger 43 41 35 40 Felt so depressed difficult to act 27 35 28 35 Attempted suicide 2.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 Seriously considered suicide 7 7 8 9 Intentionally cut, burned self 5 6 5 9 Eating Disorders Affect on Academic Performance Anorexia/Bulemia S Diagnosis for anorexia and bulemia has increased since 2009, but numbers are still at national average of 3%. S 3% of males report that they have experienced lower grades for an exam or a course due to an eating disorder. S There are slightly more men (3.4%) than women (2.8%) reporting being diagnosed with anorexia/bulemia in 2014 S 2% of females report that they have experienced lower grades for an exam or significant disruption to their thesis Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs ATOD S Alcohol Binge Drinking Rates S 18% of students don’t drink alcohol which is a drop from 23% in 2011 and lower than the national average of 21% S Increase in binge drinking S 4 or less drinks in one sitting S 42% of SMC males (69%) S 69% of SMC females (62%) S Females 5-6 drinks in one sitting S Males 5-6 and 7 or more drinks in one sitting Social Norming.. Perception Vs. Reality • Alcohol • Perception- mid to high 90s • Actual Use- f: 64% m: 73% • Males above national average by 7% • Marijuana • • Perception- mid 80s to high 90s Actual Use- f: 17% m: 30% • Males above the national average by 6% Alcohol and other Drugs Consequences of Drinking past 12 months Consequences of Drinking in the past 12 months Physically injured yourself Physically injured another Doing something latter regretted Forgetting where they were Getting in trouble with the police Seriously considered suicide SAINT MARY’S National 2014 Male Male Female Femal e 13 2 28 10 1 26 14 3 29 12 1 30 28 6 25 1 28 4 26 2 2 1 2 2 Alcohol and other Drugs Protective Factors Leading Protective Factors Saint Mary’s National M F M F Use a designated driver 73 75 59 67 Stay with same group 59 71 58 68 Eat before and/or during drinking 61 66 57 63 Keep track of how many drinks 50 59 43 53 Relationships & Sexual Behavior S Abstinence Within the last 12 months, 37% of males and 35% of females have had 0 partners in oral sex, vaginal intercourse and anal intercourse. Contraception (of those that are sexually active) S 6% decline in use of oral contraceptives S IUD use has doubled since 2009 and we have higher rates than the national average S Emergency contraceptive use has gone down from 21% in 2011 to 16% in 2014 S Male Condom utilization is 3% below the national average S Withdrawal method has gone down (26% female, 18% males) and we are below the national average S Women reporting their actual use of contraception was significantly lower than the male perceptions regarding use of these methods Sexually Transmitted Infections S Proportion of college students who reported being diagnosed or treated by a professional within the last 12 months: S HIV S Genital Herpes S Gonorrhea S Hep B or C S Chlamydia S HPV 0.6 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.3 Sexual Behavior Sexual behavior and using a condom/protective barrier in the past 30 days: 2009 2011 2014 National 2014 Oral Sex 6 7 7 5 Vaginal Intercourse Anal Intercourse 56 56 57 53 33 41 34 28 Violence & Physical Safety S Violence Within the last school year, SMC students reported experiencing: % 2009 2011 2014 National 2014 M F M F M F M F 8 4 4 3 4 3 5 3 Involved in a physical fight 17 6 10 3 9 3 11 3 Verbally Threatened 37 16 26 15 25 12 33 66 Physically assaulted Domestic Violence Title IX Statistics % Incidence in the Last 12 Months SMC 2014 Male Female National 2014 Male Female Sexually touched without consent 3 8 4 10 Attempted penetration against their will 2 4 1 4 Sexually penetrated without consent 2 9 1 3 Stalking 4 4 3 7 A physically abusive intimate relationship 1 1 2 2 5 9 6 11 3 1 1 2 An emotional abusive intimate relationship A sexually abusive relationship Information on Campus S Top 10 received information S Top 10 information requested 1. Alcohol/Drug Use 1. Stress Reduction 2. Sexual Assault 2. Nutrition 3. Stress Reduction 3. Sleep Difficulties 4. Nutrition 4. Help others in Distress 5. Cold/Flu/Sore Throat 5. Physical Activity 6. Physical Activity 6. Depression/Anxiety 7. Depression/Anxiety 7. Sexual Assault 8. Relationship Difficulties 8. STD/STI Prevention 9. Violence Prevention 9. Grief and Loss 10. Tobacco Use 10. Relationship difficulties