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C. Smith University http://mydigimag.rrd.com/publication/?i=96042 (see pp. 11-12) Miami University Regionals www.regionals.muohio.edu/fostercare/ Middle Tennessee State University www.mtsu.edu/nextstep/ Northern Arizona University www4.nau.edu/insidenau/bumps/2010/8_27_10/blavins.html; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP9cZ1Abnf4 Ohio University www.ohio.edu/univcollege/fostercare/ Sam Houston State University www.shsu.edu/~forward/ San Diego State University, Consensus Organizing Center http://consensus.sdsu.edu/fcc.html San Francisco State University www.sfsu.edu/~eop/gs.html San Jose State University www.sjsu.edu/cmesociety Seattle University www.seattleu.edu/sas/fosteringscholars/default.aspx?id=32650 Texas State University San Marcos www.vpsa.txstate.edu/programs-and-services/Foster-Care-Alumni.html UCLA www.guardianscholars.ucla.edu/ & http://vimeo.com/46937317 University of California East Bay’s Renaissance Scholars Program http://www20.csueastbay.edu/academic/academic-support/sas/renaissance/index.html University of Michigan, Blavin Scholarship Benefits Students from Foster Care http://studentaffairs.umich.edu/article/61 University of Washington http://depts.washington.edu/omad/uw-champions-program-serving-foster-careyouth-and-alumni/ Wayne State University www.tipwaynestate.org/ Western Michigan University www.wmich.edu/fyit Wright State University Independent Scholars Network (ISN) www.wright.edu/independent-scholars/ Other Models Promises2Kids, Guardian Scholars Program in San Diego County http://promises2kids.org/guardianscholars/ State Higher Education/Child Welfare/Community-Based Organization Collaboratives New New New California – California College Pathways Florida – Florida Reach & www.floridacollegeaccess.org/2014/05/19/florida-reach-network-helps-fosteryouth-achieve-higher-education/ Georgia – Georgia Embark & Embark PPT Kansas - Kansas Kids @ Gear Up Michigan – Fostering Success Michigan North Carolina – North Carolina Reach Ohio – Ohio Reach Texas – Education Reach for Texans Virginia – Great Expectations Washington – Passport to College Promise and www.wsac.wa.gov/sites/default/files/PassportReportFinalPDF_0.pdf For additional information, contact John Emerson Casey Family Programs jemerson@casey.org 206.270.4921 8