Philanthropic Youth Council Agenda Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 7:00-8:30 Ridgefield Boys’ and Girls’ Club Snacks: Steven Drinks: Sarah Tardy: Riley Absent: Michael, Stephanie, and Cole 1. Guest Speaker: Suni Harford a. See bio on second page: READ THIS BEFORE THE MEETING b. Prepare 1-3 questions to ask Ms. Harford c. Follow up after she leaves d. Notes on Ms. Harford i. Grew up in Ridgefield ii. Been at Citi group for 20 years, in the business for 30 years iii. Take math in college! iv. Brings in 500 new college kids per year v. We should not act entitled, (even though that it how our generation is labeled.) vi. Think more outside the box in order to make a difference. vii. You can always find a way to make a difference, no matter who you are, or where you are in life viii. Many big corporations look to give back ix. Gives away 100,000s of dollars. x. Philanthropy is becoming an “endangered species”, $ is becoming tight. xi. They regenerate poor neighborhoods. xii. Community thrives company thrives shareholders drive xiii. Many financial education programs xiv. Helps a lot with newly returning veterans. xv. Microfinance- loans to individuals (especially women) in emerging countries, to help get them up on their feet. xvi. Not easy to be creative and flexible in such a big company, but you must find your own way to do it. xvii. Before taking a job at a company, look into their philanthropic interests. xviii. Employee initiatives- community service days, xix. Worked to benefit the widow and orphan fund of the victims of 9/11, raised 490,00 $ in one week. xx. Raised 500,000 in 2 weeks for wounded warriors fund. xxi. Can be good for “team building” amongst a company. xxii. Boosted morale, overall better feel. xxiii. Worked with Calvert group xxiv. Helped create the Women’s Initiative. xxv. Had a matching program that has taken a blow due to the economic status. xxvi. xxvii. Did she face sexism? Not at Citi. Thank goodness! Football conflict. Be creative: camerawoman. xxviii. Wall street: you eat what you kill. Everyone is good at his or her job. Much more transparent than other occupations/world. xxix. A company with a diverse work group will function and thrive better. xxx. As a head of a team, you must be able to manage all different types of personalities, and backgrounds. xxxi. The work world has become much more diverse. xxxii. One of the key reasons that Citi pulled through the economic crisis was their coming together as a team, and doing much philanthropic work. xxxiii. Family life can take a blow from being so involved with work and personal philanthropic motivations. xxxiv. By involving philanthropy in her job, she gets paid to reach out and help, as she personally wants to. xxxv. Try to find a way to incorporate multiple things into your life xxxvi. The trick to getting a job is to getting an interview. NETWORK! NETWORK! NETWORK! xxxvii. Arrogance is super bad. Read the paper that day! xxxviii. Find someone who works where you want to work, do your homework. Know the daily price of gas, favorite type of book, etc. Make the person like you/click with you. xxxix. Personal contact. Find a way in. Be prepared. Do not be arrogant. xl. Involve as many people as possible in a philanthropic event. xli. Get the word out! Fire people up! 2. Fundraisers a. Holiday Stroll/Tree lighting i. Sarah will contact Carnell/Ridgefield Insurance b. Holiday Wreaths i. Do we want to do Flamingos again? ii. Come up with ideas for a new theme, if we want to do a new one. 3. 5-10 minutes to break out into fundraising groups again to catch up on research/ tie up lose strings 4. Fundraiser presentations 10 minutes each a. Time for questions etc. b. Date Auction i. Dec. 15th ii. Target audience: high school frosh-seniors iii. 3-5 frosh 3-5 soph, 5-7 Jr 7-10 sr. iv. Draw 100-300 ppl v. $5 per admission, + bidding $. Start bidding at $5. vi. Hold at boys and girls club. vii. Talk to the playhouse??? viii. Talk to Rec Center? ix. High School? x. Yanity? c. Dimitris/Piccolos/Peachwave/Race i. Dimitris and Piccolos- yes! ii. iii. iv. v. Email Piccolos a poster with a date Dimitris want to talk in person. (Cole) Selling merchandise at races Kids triathlons, RLAM, Boston Build up, Turkey Trot, where the wild things run etc. vi. Triathlons, turkey trot RLAM vii. Make stencils $52 viii. Only 17 posters sold to break even. 4-5 $ per poster. ix. $150 for stickers? x. Still need to contact event coordinators and find out most dates. xi. Variety of personalized and premade. xii. The rest will be discussed via email d. Dances i. 8th grade ii. Frosh and soph iii. Dec 15th? Probably not if the date auction iv. Feb 9th for middle school dance? v. DJ- $75 for the night. vi. Tickets- $45 per 300 tickets. vii. $30 snacks viii. $50 for decorations ix. $200 for police (high school) x. Breathalyzers needed for high schoolers xi. 650/700 total cost xii. Very profitable, easy set up. xiii. 8th grade- marketing issue? Do we know enough 8th graders? xiv. 8th grade dance? A good introduction to the PYC 5. Vote for fundraisers a. Book dates for events 6. Last minute questions or concerns *DRESS WELL: this is a reminder since it’s our first guest speaker * COME ON TIME: it is awkward and rude if you’re late for our speaker Suni Harford Managing Director Regional Head of Markets North America Citi Suni Harford is a Managing Director and Citigroup's Regional Head of Markets for North America. In this capacity, Suni oversees the North American sales, trading, and origination businesses of Citi's premium securities and banking franchise. Additionally, Suni chairs the division's Diversity Committee and is the co-chair of the Markets Recruiting Steering Committee. Prior to this assignment, Suni was Citi's Global Head of Fixed Income Strategy and Analysis, where she was responsible for Citigroup's credit analytics, Research Strategy and Fixed Income Quantitative Research efforts globally. She also manages Citi's premier fixed income analytics platform, The Yield Book. Ms. Harford served as the Head of Citi's FIG Fixed Income Capital Markets Group from 1995-2004, responsible for capital markets origination of financial institutions. Ms. Harford joined Salomon Brothers in January 1993, after five years with Merrill Lynch & Co. where she was a Vice President in Investment Banking. She joined Merrill upon graduation from the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, where she received her MBA in 1988. Prior to business school, Ms. Harford was an actuary at Insurance Services Office, Inc. Suni received her Bachelor of Science degree from Denison University, where she majored in physics and math. Suni lives in New York City with her husband and three children: Devon, Jenna and Liam. She is on the MBA Advisory Board at the Tuck School, and has served on the Board of Trustees of John Cabot University in Rome, Italy. Here is also an interesting article about her that shows a little bit more about her personality. Although neither talk about her philanthropy, she is planning on sharing alot about what Citi group does for the community during her visit.