Letter to new students who joined the university in September

Dear Student,
For the Attention of all new students enrolled at Coventry University in September
I hope that your first term at Coventry University is living up to your expectations and that
you have settled in to your study. Engaging fully with your course and life in the University is
the very best way that you can ensure that you will give yourself the best chances of
success. We have a very strong reputation as the best modern University in the country and
this is based on your involvement in your study and the design of your degree. We welcome
your views and we will seek them often; along with you, we have a real desire to make your
degree the very best, so please engage with the student rep system in the Students’ Union
and have a clear voice.
During your first few weeks at University you will have received a lot of important information
about life at the University. Now that you have settled into your course I am writing to remind
you about some of the most important parts so that you are prepared for a successful year
Essential information that you should refer to:
During enrolment you will have been given a link for your relevant student handbook and
since then, you will have been introduced to this document and also to your course
handbook during your induction week. These handbooks should be available on your course
Moodle web. Within the Student Handbook you will find a summary of key dates and lots of
other information that you should familiarise yourself with. If you are unsure, a version of
your handbook can be located HERE.
Another source of useful information is an iPhone/Android app, CU Connect, which has been
developed for students as a quick reference tool for information about a variety of University
procedures. The app includes other information including your library loan status and an A-Z
of student life.
iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/cu-connect-for-coventry- university/id410343491?mt=8
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ombiel.campusm.coventry
Blackberry - http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/128346/?lang=en
Academic Engagement Attendance Monitoring:
You are expected to attend the classes for all modules on which they are enrolled. Please
remember that you must meet all attendance requirements as specified for individual
modules or as specified for your course overall. If you need to be absent from the University
for any reason, you should follow the procedures outlined within the ‘Student Attendance
and Absence Policy’ which can be located HERE.
International students who have a Tier 4 visa are required to meet the requirements of their
Tier 4 sponsorship with the University as their sponsor. As such you have specific and
required responsibilities as outlined by the Home Office. The University is using the
Academic Engagement Attendance Monitoring AND the ‘Check-In’ procedures outlined
below to demonstrate our commitment to you and to ensuring that your visa status is
protected throughout your studies with us. With the exception of University vacation periods,
international students MUST NOT go home without securing authorisation in advance.
Please visit the Student Portal for more information or visit the Tier 4 Compliance Team in
the Student centre.
Check-In Monitoring for ALL students with a Tier 4 Visa:
The University is committed to helping you to meet your Home Office responsibilities.
Therefore, the University’s ‘Check-In’ monitoring system will continue this year to enable you
to demonstrate that you are meeting these visa responsibilities. Tier 4 students must
undertake Check-In monitoring AND Academic Engagement Attendance Monitoring. All Tier
4 students have been provided with a pocket-guide at enrolment and can refer to more
information via the Student Portal.
University Student Email Addresses:
You need to use your Coventry University email address (username@uni.coventry.ac.uk)
and check it regularly. The University will only use this email address for communication
with you. It is your responsibility to check your University email account frequently; this is
where we will send all important communications, some of which might require a quick
response from you.
Important financial information for students:
Enrolment on to a course has immediate cost implications. If for any reason you need to
temporarily or completely withdraw from your studies then you should discuss this with your
Course Director and your Faculty Registry team. There is also a helpful withdrawal guide
available on the Student Portal here, which explains the financial implications of any decision
and has contact details for the Debt Officers who will be able to answer any queries you may
have. Any cancellation of study must be verified via the formal University withdrawal process
and you will be charged a proportion of course fees.
If you are experiencing any financial difficulties, then you should contact the Senior Debt
Officers in Finance as soon as possible, who will be able to talk you through any options
available. Outstanding tuition fees will be chased via the University’s debt collecting
procedures by the issuing of regular warning, blocking and exclusion letters. Students who
have not spoken to a member of Finance and who still have outstanding tuition fees by the
end of their first semester/term may be excluded and subsequently withdrawn.
Please refer to the finance page of the student portal for the Terms and Conditions,
Refund Withdrawal Policy.
Attending Examinations and Submitting Coursework:
It is vital that you submit your coursework on time and attend all your examinations.
If you have a problem (due to ill health, for example) then there are procedures designed to
help you, and these are explained in the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Even if you miss a coursework deadline you must submit your work in order to be able to be
allowed to resit. Handing work in late means that you will get zero for that assessment but
you will have registered your commitment to the subject and will be able to resit.
If you fail to submit any work, then you will be recorded as ‘absent’ and the assessment
board will normally require you to completely withdraw from the University.
The University’s Student Coursework Submission System:
Most of your tutors will ask you to submit your coursework electronically through Moodle. If
you are asked to hand in a physical piece of work the personalised coursework coversheets
are available for download to make handing in your coursework simple and easy. You can
do this by accessing the ‘My Assessments’ page via the following this link. These cover
sheets are bar coded and will help ensure that an accurate record is retained of your
Within the ‘My Assessments’ page you will also find a list of all of your assessment dates for
the academic year which will support you in planning your workload, as well as a useful Help
Guide on how to download the forms.
The University has always taken academic dishonesty very seriously. In order to help you
understand plagiarism and learn how to avoid falling into traps that may cause you to be
accused of cheating, the University has devised a quiz, which can be found via the Student
Portal as follows (via your log in to Moodle): https://cumoodle.coventry.ac.uk.
The quiz will provide useful feedback and the score will indicate whether you need to seek
further help to improve your writing and referencing techniques.
Students should be aware that buying or acquiring work/effort/programming code from
another party (in full or in part) for the completion of an assessment is academically
dishonest. A viva voce may be requested at any time for a student or students suspected of
having sought to gain unfair advantage in an assignment to test their understanding of their
The maximum penalty for a proven case of academic dishonesty is expulsion from the
Further information about what is defined as cheating and the sanctions that may be applied
are available via this link.
Phoenix Student ID Card Census Points:
You should scan your Phoenix ID Card weekly to ensure that the Card is up-to-date. There
are 32 Phoenix Registration Points across the campus, and they can be found in most
buildings, normally on the ground floor near student common rooms and front entrances.
Instructions on how to register are at each Registration Point (silver-coloured box). Tier 4
students please note, this process is NOT the same as the Check-in Monitoring – both
Phoenix Student ID card Census scanning AND the Check-In scanning procedures need to
be adhered to.
Time limits for the appeal procedure for Extensions and Deferrals:
You have the right to appeal decisions relating to all requests submitted for deferrals and/or
extensions. However, there are strict time limits applied to the request for an appeal.
For deferrals, you must submit an appeal within 7 working days of the rejection of your
original deferral request.
For extensions, you must submit an appeal within 5 working days of the rejection of your
original extension request.
Please remember, all requests submitted for deferrals and/or extensions must be made in
writing, before the due date of the assessed activity. Students who are still awaiting the
outcome of their deferral and/or extension application on the due date of the assessed
activity are advised of the implications of not handing in their assessment regardless of the
outcome. If you have not met all of the criteria for a deferral and/or extension (outlined on
the form) and do not get a deferral and/or extension granted, you will be marked as absent
for your assessment if you do not hand in on the due date and will have deemed to have
Further information is available via the Student Portal.
Charges under the Student Disciplinary Procedures:
Students who admit to misconduct, or who are found guilty of bad behaviour, may be liable
for a fine. Further information is available within student handbooks or within the General
Changes to the Academic Regulations:
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the Academic Regulations that relate to you
and your course for this academic year, as they are updated annually. These can be found
on the Student Portal.
There have been changes to the maximum period that you are allowed to take to complete
your course, see regulation 6.4.8 and 7.3.3. There have also been changes to when the
Assessment Board will grant you a condonement, when you do not pass a module,
principally that condonement, where allowed, will always be at the discretion of the
Assessment Board, see regulation 6.7.9 and 7.5.8.
External Examiners Reports made available to students:
In meeting the Quality Assurance Agency’s indicators of sound practice, all reports received
by the University’s External Examiners will be available to students via the Student Portal
within your Faculty.
With best wishes,
Ian Dunn
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Empowerment)
Frequently Asked Questions
Under the Academic Engagement Attendance Monitoring procedures, how will
attendance be monitored?
For all Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught (PGT) courses this will be through
registers that will be circulated in your timetabled sessions that you will be required to
sign. For PGT students who are engaged in their dissertation/project and
Postgraduate Research students, this will be via your face-to-face supervision/tutor
What if I am unable come into the University to attend my teaching sessions?
You should notify your Faculty Registry offices if you are unwell and unable to attend
timetabled sessions, however you will be marked as absent and if your attendance
reaches a level of concern you will be sent email communications. If your attendance
levels persist to be unacceptable then you may be forcibly withdrawn from your
course for non-engagement. If you are absent due to extenuating circumstances then
you may apply for Authorised Absent as per the ‘Student Attendance and Absence
Policy’. Third party evidence will be required and Authorised Absences are limited to
a maximum of 10 days in an academic year. You should familiarise yourself with this
new Policy by following this link .
What will happen if I get one of my friends to sign a register on my behalf?
This is a very serious matter (for both students) and will be dealt with under the
University’s disciplinary procedures.
Do I need to be involved in the Academic Engagement Monitoring procedures
if I am a part time student?
I am a student at Coventry University London Campus (CULC), does the
information in this letter apply to me?
No, you need to refer to the CULC student portal for the procedures that CULC
students need to adhere to.
I do not have timetabled teaching sessions, so what do I need to do under the
Academic Engagement Monitoring procedures?
If you are a PG Research student you will be advised by your Director of Studies, if
you are a PG Taught student engaged in dissertation/project studies, you should
attend all of the requests to meet with your Tutor/Supervisor – your attendance at
these will be recorded and monitored and your are expected to meet on a fortnightly
basis as a minimum expectation.
I am repeating a few modules with attendance, do I need to be involved in the
Academic Engagement Monitoring procedures and Check-In (if I hold a Tier 4
Yes. You will still need to sign registers within timetabled classes and if you are a
Tier 4 student, check-in as required.
I am a Tier 4 student and I live outside of Coventry and commute in to the
University, am I still required to Check-In?
What if I need to go home urgently?
You must follow the procedures outlined within the ‘Student Attendance and Absence
Policy’, You must request and be granted authorisation before you leave Coventry.
Click Here for the policy.
What if I am on a Placement/Study abroad?
Placements must be formally authorised University placements. The University will
contact your placement provider for weekly attendance reports and you will be
visited/contacted by Skype by your academic Supervisor/Tutor to monitor your
academic engagement.
What if I am on a reading week within my course?
This will be built into the system for Academic Engagement Monitoring. However, if
you are a Tier 4 student, you will still be required to Check-In.
What if I am on a field-trip?
All approved University Field Trips; including those organised on the Global Leaders
Programme, are communicated to Faculty Registry offices and your attendance
records will be updated accordingly.
What if there is a system failure with the Check-In system?
You should still continue to Check-In as required, a manual system of recording will
be implemented in the unlikely event of a system failure.
What if I can’t attend ‘Check-In’?
If there is a genuine reason for you not to be able to attend, you must contact your
Faculty as soon as possible and use the procedures notified within the ‘Student
Attendance and Absence Policy’.
I am not sure whether I hold a Tier 4 visa, should I still Check-In?
Yes, you should still Check-In. You will be told by the Check-In reception staff if you
are not a Tier 4 student.
What will happen if I do not Check-In (Tier 4 students only) and attend my
timetabled sessions (all Coventry University students)?
You will be called in to see a member of staff within the Faculty and/or the
University’s Tier 4 Compliance team. This may ultimately lead to the University
withdrawing you from your course of study.
I am a student but also a member of University staff, do I still need to adhere to
the procedures highlighted in this letter?
Yes, this applies to ALL students, even if you are also a member of University staff.
How do I print off a bar-coded cover sheet?
In order to print off a bar-coded cover sheet you need to go into the NOVA system,
Click Here for the link.
You will be asked to login using your normal login codes. Once in the system you
will see ‘My Assessments’ screen, see below, and from this you can view a complete
list of all the submission dates for all assessments (excluding formal examinations)
for the academic year.
When you know which assessment you have due click on the download cover sheet
and print this off.
When do I print off my coursework cover sheet?
Your sheets will be available two weeks in advance of submitting your coursework for
you to print. If any changes are made to the assessment after this date, you will
receive an email informing you of this and you must re-print your coversheet.
Where and how do I submit my course work?
If you have a piece of work which has to be submitted manually, you do this by going
to the appropriate Assessment Handling Office and submitting your work with this
bar-coded form. Each Faculty hand-in point will be open between 8:30am and 4pm,
Monday-Friday. You will be told by your module leader which Faculty his/her module
belongs to and you must submit your coursework to the correct Faculty hand-in point.
Your module leader will not be able to accept work from you directly as it must be
correctly recorded. You must submit your work by 4pm on the day of the deadline.
All work received after 4pm on the deadline date will receive a mark of ‘0%’. Do not
leave your hand-in until the last minute. Plan your time and submit your work well
before the deadline.
Some modules will be by electronic submission. In such cases your module leader
will explain how to submit your work electronically and the deadline for E-submission
is 11:55pm on the date of submission.
If your assessment is a presentation, poster or piece of art work, you will be informed
by the tutor how the submission process for that piece of work will be carried out.
If you are unsure of anything then please ask as staff will be more than happy to
assist you. The Faculty Office contact numbers are:
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences:
Faculty of Engineering and Computing:
Coventry School of Art and Design:
Faculty of Business, Environment and Society:
024 7679 5800
024 7765 8888(EC)
024 7788 8166(JL)
024 7765 7435(ET)
024 7765 8248(GS)
024 7688 7186(WM)
024 7688 8399(GE)
What if I have good reasons to need an extension?
You need to use the University’s extension request process before the submission
deadline and this can be found Here.
What if I am unable to hand in or submit my coursework on the due date
through no fault of my own?
You need to use the University’s deferral process and ring your Faculty Office on the
day to ask for a deferral. The Faculty Office contact numbers are listed above.
What if I have 3rd party evidence for use in my application for a
deferral/extension or authorised absence and it is from an overseas authority?
Where documentary information is presented by a student for the purposes of any
University procedure (e.g. third party evidence for a deferral), if the original document
is not in English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation document. It is the
student’s responsibility to provide this, not that of the University. Failure to do this
will mean that the evidence will not be considered.
Can I choose to submit my work up to 2 weeks late and receive a percentage
deduction from my mark?
No. Any work submitted after the deadline will receive a mark of 0%.
What if I miss an exam or fail to hand in a coursework and I haven’t had an
extension or deferral agreed?
You will normally be required to withdraw permanently from the University. However,
the assessment board may allow you to repeat with attendance the following year,
but this will mean that you may need to take another year to complete your studies.
What if circumstances occur whereby on the day I am detained (e.g. have a car
accident) and can’t make the exam/coursework submission venue?
Exceptionally you can apply for a deferral in these unusual circumstances (providing
appropriate documentary evidence). You will need to get in contact with the
examinations hotline (024 76 15 22 15) or your Faculty office in regard to coursework
on the day of your assessment. The Faculty Office contact numbers are listed
What if I get 0% for an assessment, will I still be permitted a resit?
Yes. There is no minimum mark required to be entitled to a resit. The only
requirement is documented attendance at an examination or submission of
coursework in all components. Attendance counts as an attempt.
When can I take my resit examinations?
For undergraduate students, even if you take your first examinations at the end of
semester 1, your resit examinations will be in the 29th June – 11th July 2015 resit
period. For postgraduate students, your resit examinations will be at the end of the
following semester. For students on courses with non-standard dates, e.g. nursing,
please contact your Faculty Office for this information.
When will I be able to attend my graduation ceremony?
Once you have successfully completed your course, you will be able to attend the
next available graduation ceremony. These are held in Coventry Cathedral in April
and November every year and are for all students. There is an additional ceremony
in July, which is specifically for postgraduate, research and overseas students.
Please be aware that if you need to take any resits in July, you will not be able to
graduate at the July ceremony.
How can I check the progress of my application with SFE?
You can check the progress of your application by logging into your student finance
account at www.gov.uk/student-finance and selecting the academic year you’ve
applied for.
I have received my Student Finance Notification of Entitlement letter, what
should I do next?
If you have applied online then your Student Finance Notification of Entitlement letter
will contain an 'Online Declaration' which you are required to complete and return.
Please ensure that the Online Declaration is returned to the following address:
Student Loans Company Ltd, PO Box 4035, Glasgow, G52 4XF.
Your Student Finance Entitlement letter will also have a 'Payment Timetable', if you
have received this after the start of your course then you may need to show this to
Coventry University Finance.
I started on a full-time course but now want to study on a part-time basis how
will this affect my funding?
Please note that any previous study undertaken at Higher Education (HE) level may
affect your eligibility for funding.
The funding available will depend on your mode of study i.e. part-time or full-time.
Please see details below on how to apply and finance available.
Part-time – If you change your actual 'mode of study' from full time to part time you
should apply as a new part-time student using a PTL1 form. You will be eligible to
receive a Tuition Fee Loan only (subject to eligibility) but no support towards living
Full-time - If the Faculty states that you are classed as a full time student regardless
of the intensity of your study, you should complete a PR1 form as you will be a
returning student. You will be eligible to receive funding available as a continuing
If I need to repeat a year of study what funding can I apply for?
If you are required to repeat a year of study you should still apply to SFE as a fulltime continuing student using a PR1 form. As you intend to return to full-time study
you will still be classed as a full-time student for funding purposes.
If you are applying by paper application please send your completed application form
to the following address:
Student Finance England, PO BOX 210, Darlington, DL1 9HJ
What do I do if my fees have not been paid to the University once I enrol?
Normally fees will be paid to the university or college on set dates within the
academic year.
There are several contributing factors that may result in you not receiving payment of
student loans or grants. Your application for student finance must first be approved
and you will have received a Student Finance Notification of Entitlement letter to
confirm your funding. This will also clarify the next steps you must take to receive
payment. If you have not received this then there may be some outstanding
information they require from either yourself or the sponsors (parent/guardians) of the
application. You can check the progress of your application or check if there is any
further information needed by logging into your Student Finance account.
If your loan has been approved by Student Finance England then you are only
required to show your university or college your 'payment advice notification' that was
sent to you at the beginning of the academic year, it is included in the Student
Finance Notification of Entitlement letter. These fees will only be paid on receipt of
the Attendance Confirmation Report which is returned by your university or college.
If you have not had your loan approved by student finance you will have to make
alternative arrangements to pay the fees directly to the university or college.
For some courses your fee support may come from other sources, e.g. NHS
If I pay for my course fees while I am awaiting funding from a sponsor or
Career Development Loan or SFE will I be refunded?
Yes, once the tuition fees have been received in full by the University, you will be
entitled to a refund of the credit.
What is the mechanism for a fee refund if I decide to completely withdraw?
A refund can only be calculated once a complete withdrawal is actioned on the
University’s student record system, which can only occur following the completion of
the necessary withdrawal process. Fees will be refunded to the person or
organisation paying the fees and not to any third party. (The correct refund form must
be used; either for Home/EU accounts or overseas accounts, please check with a
member of Finance staff).
Please see the following link to the Refund Withdrawal Policy:
What is the mechanism for a fee refund if I decide to temporarily withdraw?
Students who temporarily withdraw from the University are, by definition, expected to
return. Refunds will not be issued for temporary withdrawals and any resulting credit
will remain on your account and be carried forward to the following year to count
towards further fees charged.
Upon enrolment the following year, you will then be expected to pay the fees at the
new fee rate of the year of return to study. If you return for the full academic year,
then you will be charged in full at the new rate.
Where a student withdraws part way through a term, and returns to study at the same
date the following year, they will be required to pay any outstanding tuition fee for the
remaining study at the new fee rate. If the full fee was paid then the inflationary
increase for the remaining study will need to be paid.
If a student chooses to return to study at an earlier point the following year to which
they withdrew, the University will charge for the additional term(s) of study at the new
fee rate. If the Faculty decide that you must repeat any terms of study due to
changes to the course, the University will not charge over 100% for the two years.
Before returning to the course, it is your responsibility to make the necessary
arrangements with the relevant Course Administrator including confirming your
intended return date. The Course Administrator will then communicate with Finance
to ensure that the correct fee is charged for you when returning to study.
Students who temporarily withdraw/interrupt their studies remain liable to pay any
outstanding fees due to the University and re-enrolment will not be permitted until
outstanding fees have been paid.
Please see the following link to the Refund