The Outsiders


The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chap. 1

Answer each question completely.

Chapter One

1. Identify the following characters:




2. How are the Greasers different from the Socs?

3. Who are the other members of Ponyboy’s gang?



4. What happens to Ponyboy on the way home from the movies?


The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chap. 2

Answer each question completely.


Chapter Two

1. Who do Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy meet at the Nightly Double?


2. Contrast Dally’s approach to Cherry and Marcia with Pony’s, and contrast Cherry’s response to Dally with her response to Ponyboy.

3. Why are Cherry and Marcia alone at the drive-in?

4. Pony is somewhat surprised that he was getting along with Cherry and Marcia. Why?

5. What had happened to Johnny prior to the time of this story?

The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chaps. 3 & 4

Answer each question completely.

Name: Period:

Chapter 3 & 4

1. After talking with Cherry, what reasons does Ponyboy finally give for the separation between the Greasers and the Socs?

2. Who are Cherry’s and Marcia’s boyfriends?

3. Why don’t the Socs and Greasers fight during their first encounter after the movie?

4. Why is Ponyboy late coming home from the Nightly Double?

5. What causes Ponyboy to “run away”?

6. What happens to Johnny and Ponyboy at the park?

7. To whom do Johnny and Ponyboy turn for help after Johnny kills Bob?

8. Why do Johnny and Ponyboy go to Jay’s Mountain?

The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chaps. 5 & 6

Answer each question completely.


Chapters 5 & 6

1. Why is Ponyboy upset about getting a haircut?


2. What is Johnny’s favorite part of Gone with the Wind? Of whom does it remind him?

3. When Dally finally arrives at the church, what news does he bring?

4. What does Johnny announce?

5. Describe Johnny’s relationship with his parents.

6. What happens when Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally return to the church?

The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chap. 7 & 8

Answer each question completely.


Chapter 7

1. What additional problem do the three brothers face after Ponyboy’s return?

2. Why does Randy want to talk to Ponyboy?

Chapter 8


1. When Johnny’s mother comes to visit him at the hospital, what is Johnny’s reaction?

2. Why won’t Cherry go visit Johnny?

The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chap. 9

Answer each question completely.

Chapter 9


1. Compare and contrast the boys’ reasons for fighting:





2. What does Ponyboy say is the difference between Tim’s gang and his?

3. Identify Paul Holden:

4. Who “wins” the rumble?

5. Where does Dally take Ponyboy after the rumble?

6. How do we know that Dally feels at least partially responsible for Johnny’s fate?

7. What advice does Dally give to Ponyboy on the way to the hospital after the rumble?

8. What are Johnny’s last words to Ponyboy?


The Outsiders

Study Guide, Chaps. 10-12

Answer each question completely.


Chapter 10

1. Of what does Ponyboy try to convince himself on the way home from the hospital?

2. What does Ponyboy decide is the reason Dally couldn’t take Johnny’s death?

3. Why does Dally rob the grocery store and then raise his unloaded gun to the police?

4. Why does Ponyboy think he is in Windrixville while he is delirious?

Chapter 11

1. What is Ponyboy’s reaction when Randy talks about Johnny?

Chapter 12

1. What is the result of the court hearing?

2. How does Ponyboy react to the three Socs who bully him about killing Bob?

3. Johnny’s note makes several points. What are they?

4. How do we know that Ponyboy will be all right?

