New Life College of Nursing POST RN BScN Degree Program Year- I, Semester-I Presentation Schedule (Health Assessment) Contact Address: A-173, Railway Housing Society, Gulshan-e-Jamal, Block-C, Opp.Millennium Mall, Karachi. Phone: +92-21-36018124 / 36018121 / 36033748 Website: Dated: 16-10- 2014 Subject: Tableof Specification for “HEALTH ASSESSMENT “Course, Designed for Mid Term and Final Term Exam 2014 of Post RN BSc Nursing Year I Semester I. Week GROUP # GROUP MEMBER TOPIC DATE MID-TERM UNITS. 1. 1 Shahzad Bashir Unit – I A Introduction to health assessment concepts 6th to 15th Oct.2014 2. 2 Shahzad Bashir Unit – I B Interviewing skills and health history 20th -21th Oct.2014 Shahzad Bashir UNIT II: Introduction to physical examination & general survey 22th -27th Oct.2014 Abdul Fatah Abdul Wahab Abid Ali UNIT III: Assessment of the skin, head & neck 28th -29th Oct.2014 3. 3 4. 4 5. Quiz-I (5%) 03rd Nov.2014 5 Amjad Ali Arish Asgher Ashfaq Gul UNIT IV: Assessment of nose, mouth & pharynx 04th -5th Nov.2014 6. 6 Bilqees Bano Fouzia Javeed Hussain UNIT V: Assessment of the abdomen, anus & rectum 10th -11th Nov. 2014 7. 7 Mahmood Ahmed Khan Mansoor Ahmed Muhammad Akram UNIT VI: Assessment of peripheral vascular &musculoskeletal system 12th -17th Nov. 2014 Quiz-II (5%) 18th Nov. 2014 FINAL –TERM UNITS. 8. 8 Muhammad Kashif Muhammad Ramzan Nazia UNIT VII: Assessment of thorax and lungs Raheel Basharat Rashid Arshad Rukhsana UNIT VIII: ASSESSMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 03rd - 8th Dec.2014 UNIT IX: Assessment of the breast, axilla & genitalia 09th -10th Dec.2014 UNIT X: Assessment of the eyes, & ears 15th – 16th Dec.2014 01st -2nd Dec.2014 9. 12 10. 13 Sajida Adeline Shahzad Sikander Sobia Shaheen 14 Tahir Hussain 11. Quiz-III (5%) 17th Dec.2014 12. 15 Shahzad Bashir 16 Shahzad Bashir UNIT XI: Assessment of the mental status and sensory Neuro system 22nd – 23rd Dec.2014 13. 14. 17 Shahzad Bashir UNIT XII: Assessment of the an elderly client 29th -30th Dec.2014 UNIT XIII: Assessment of the pediatric client 05th -6th Jan.2014 Quiz-V (5%) 21th Jan.2014 Revise Classes NO Topics 1 Part I. Introduction to health assessment concepts: Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the need for health assessment in general nursing practice. Explain the concepts of health, assessment, data collection, and diagnosis. Identify types of health assessments Document health assessment data using a problem oriented approach. References Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.01 p.n 01-65 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Chapter No.01 p.n 01-24 Part II. Interviewing skills and health history: Objectives: 1. Explain the purpose, process & principles of interviewing. 2. Discuss the process of investigating positive findings during the health history. 3. Practice obtaining and recording a client health history. 4. Describe the content and format used to obtain a health history. 5. Practice utilizing therapeutic skills with a student partner. 6. Identify strengths and weaknesses via observation of a videotaped interaction and self/peer analysis. 7. Interview patient in clinical (CIN / AHN) and collect feedback from colleagues and faculty about use of therapeutic communication. References Book: Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Chapter No.05 p.n 55-95 2 Introduction to physical examination & general survey: Objectives: 1. Explain the purpose, process & principles of interviewing. 2. Discuss the process of investigating positive findings during the health history. 3. Practice obtaining and recording a client health history. 4. Describe the content and format used to obtain a health history. 5. Practice utilizing therapeutic skills with a student partner. 6. Identify strengths and weaknesses via observation of a videotaped interaction and self/peer analysis. 7. Interview patient in clinical (CIN / AHN) and collect feedback from colleagues and faculty about use of therapeutic communication. References Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.01 p.n 01-65 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.05 p.n 55-95 3 Assessment of the skin, head & neck Objectives: 1. Describe the component of health history that should be elicited during the assessment of skin, head & neck. 2. Describe specific assessments to be made during the physical examination of the above systems. 3. Apply braden scale to assess the bed sores of patient 4. Document findings. 5. Describe age related changes in the above systems & differences in assessment findings. References Book: 4 Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.14&15 p.n 239-294 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.06 & 07 p.n 171-250 Assessment of nose, mouth & pharynx: Objectives: 1. Describe the component of health history that should be elicited during the assessment of nose, mouth and pharynx. 2. Identify the structural landmarks of the nose, mouth and pharynx. 3. Describe specific assessments to be made during the physical examination of the above systems. 4. Document findings. References Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.14 &15 p.n 239-294 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.06 & 07 p.n 171-250 5 Assessment of the abdomen, anus & rectum: Objectives: 1. Discuss the pertinent health history questions necessary to perform the assessment of Abdomen, Anus and Rectum. 2. Describe the specific assessment to be made during the physical examination of the abdomen. 3. Discuss components of a rectal examination. 4. Document findings. 5. List the changes in Abdomen that are characteristics of aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.23 & 25 p.n 473-506 & 582-611 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.11 & 15 p.n 433-468 & p.n 577-589 6 Assessment of peripheral vascular &musculoskeletal system: Objectives: 1. Discuss the pertinent health history question necessary to perform the assessment of Peripheral Vascular System (PVS) and Musculoskeletal System (MS) system. 2. Discuss critical observations to assess PVS. 3. Assess musculo - skeletal functions including muscles strength, symmetry, size, contour, ROM and its characteristics. 4. Document findings. 5. List the changes in the given systems that are characteristics of aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.22 & 24 p.n 447-472 & 507-544 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.12 & 16 p.n 489-510 & p.n 597-633 7 Assessment of thorax and lungs: Objectives: 1. Describe the components of health history that should be elicited during assessment of respiratory system. 2. Describe the following: a. Chest contour and symmetry b. Respiratory rate and pattern c. Tactile fremitus d. Chest expansion e. Density of lung fields f. Diaphragmatic excursion g. Auscultated lung sounds 3. Assess the respiratory system including inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. 4. Document findings. 5. List the changes in respiratory system that are characteristics of aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.19 p.n 8 369-395 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.08 p.n 293-319 ASSESSMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Objectives: 1. Describe the components of health history that should be elicited during the assessment of cardiovascular system. 2. Identify the landmarks of the chest. 3. Describe the following: a. Pulse rate, rhythm and pulsation characteristics b. PMI c. Heart sounds 4. Discuss systolic and diastolic murmurs. 5. Assess the cardiovascular system systematically. 6. Document findings. 7. List the changes in cardiovascular system that is characteristics of aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.21 p.n 416-445 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.09 p.n 333-385 9. Assessment of the breast, axilla & genitalia: Objectives: 1. Discuss the history questions pertaining to male and female breast and Genitalia assessment. 2. Perform a breast examination including axillary nodes and interpret findings. 3. Discuss components of a genital exam on a male or female. 4. Review components of a comprehensive reproductive history. 5. Document findings. 6. List the changes in breast, male & female genitalia that are characteristics of aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.20 p.n 396-415 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.10 p.n 406-428 10 Assessment of the eyes, & ears: Objectives: 1. Identify the component of health history necessary for the examination of eye & ear. 2. Describe the following: a. Eye structure and position b. Upper and lower eyelids c. Gross visual perception d. Characteristics of the cornea, sclera, pupil, and lens fundi. e. Peripheral fields f. Color, shape, and location of auricle g. External ear canal and tympanic membrane h. Gross hearing 3. Perform the examination of eye and ear. 4. Document findings. 5. List the changes in eye and ear that are characteristics of aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.16 & 17 p.n 295-345 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.07 p.n 207-209 Following Topics will be included for Health Assessment, Final Term Examination of BSc Nursing (Post RN) Year I Semester I. Final Term Examination Topics: NO Topics 11 Assessment of the mental status and sensory Neuro system Objectives: 1. Perform mental status examination of a client. 2. Assess cranial nerve, sensory, sense of proprioception and cerebellar functions and deep tendon reflexes. 3. Document findings. 4. List the changes in the nervous system that are characteristics of the aging process. Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.16 & 17 p.n 295-345 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.15 & 17 p.n 141-162 & 681-740 12 Assessment of the an elderly client Objectives: 1. Describe the common structural changes brought on by aging in various body systems. 2. Recognize the geriatric syndrome. 3. Discuss the variations in history taking for an elderly client. 4. Examine elderly client by modifying examination techniques. 5. Describe assessment abnormalities in elderly clients. 6. Describe how communication should be varied to communicate with elderly clients Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. 13 Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.32 p.n 787-826 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.20 p.n 917-954 Assessment Of The Pediatric Client Objectives: 1. Discuss how children differ in structure and function from adults and how these differences affect physical assessment. 2. Explain components of pediatric history. 3. Evaluate the growth and developmental patterns of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school goers and adolescents. 4. Describe how to assess the neurological system in the pediatric client. 5. Differentiate health assessment norms and variations for infants, and children. 6. Identify common examination techniques/skills for pediatric health assessment Reference Book: Health Assessment in Nursing (5th Edi.) 2014, By Janet R. Weber & Jane H. Kelley, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.30 p.n 693-729 Bate’s guide to physical examination & health history (11th Edi.) 2013 By Lynn S. Bickley & Peter G. Szilagyi, Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter No.18 p.n 765-819 Mr.Sohail Sajid Principal New Life College of Nursing Shahzad Bashir Lecturer New Life College of Nursing