Kinetic Energy Operator in curvilinear coordinates: numerical approach A. Nauts Y. Justum M. Desouter-Lecomte Spectroscopy, floppy systems L. Bomble (PhD) control quantum gates La Grande Motte, February 2008 Why we need curvilinear coordinates In quantum dynamics, the calculations are easier with curvilinear coordinates: -The center of mass is separable: XCM=[XCM, YCM, ZCM] -The overall rotation is well-described by means of 3 Euler angles: q=[q,j,c] -The torsion of a chemical fragment (ex: Methyl) can be described by one coordinates: a dihedral angle, f. H -.... f O H1 C -All 3N curvilinear coordinates will be noted: q=[qi] H3 La Grande Motte, February 2008 H2 Kinetic energy operator in curvilinear coordinates Contravariant conponents of metric tensor Tˆq (q,q ) = extrapotential term (function of J and ) ij (q) (q)G (q) j (q) i 2 ij q q 2 1 ij 2 2 ij 2 ln G ij = G i j G (q) j j i q q q q q ij 2 i 2 j f2ij (q) d = (q)dq 1 where and G=g dq n 1 f1i (q) x x g ij = i j q q J(q) = det( g ) La Grande Motte, February 2008 Where is the problem? 2 2 ij 2 T (q, q ) = G i j 2 2 ij i q q f2ij (q) ln J G ij j G q j q j qi ij f1i (q) With few degrees of freedom, analytical expressions are easily determined: up to 3-4 atom systems or with (quasi) orthogonal coordinates: Jacobi Ex: Numerical integrations For larger molecular systems, the analytical expression of T is difficult to obtain. For numerical applications the analytical expressions may not be needed, but only the values of the functions f2(q) and f1(q) on a grid. La Grande Motte, February 2008 Example: For the 1D-Kinetic energy operator of methanol: One active (dynamical) coordinate, f, and 11 frozen coordinates H H1 f O C H3 H2 G(f)=A/B A = -6 RCH2 (MCH3 MOH RCO2 - 2 MH RCO (3 MOH RCH Cos(aHCO) + MCH3 RCOH Cos(aHOC)) + MH (3 MCHO RCH2 Cos(aHCO)2 + 6 MH RCH RCOH Cos(aHCO) Cos(aHOC) + MCH3O RCOH2 Cos(aHOC)2)) Sin(aHCO)2 - 9 MH MCH3OH RCH 4 Sin(aHCO)4 - RCOH2 (2 MCH3 MO RCO2 - 12 MH MO RCH RCO Cos(aHCO) + 6 MH MCO RCH2 Cos(aHCO)2 + 3 MH MCH3O RCH2 Sin(aHCO)2) Sin(aHOC)2 B = 6 MH RCH2 RCOH2 Sin(aHCO)2 (2 MCH3 MO RCO2 -12 MH MO RCH RCO Cos(aHCO) + 6 MH MCO RCH2 Cos(aHCO)2 + 3 MH MCH3O RCH2 Sin(aHCO)2) Sin(aHOC)2 La Grande Motte, February 2008 Where is the problem? 2 2 ij 2 T (q, q ) = G i j 2 2 ij i q q f2ij (q) ln J G ij j G q j q j qi ij f1i (q) With few degrees of freedom, analytical expressions are easily determined: up to 3-4 atom systems or with (quasi) orthogonal coordinates: Jacobi Ex: Numerical integrations For larger molecular systems, the analytical expression of Tdifficult to obtain. For numerical applications the analytical expressions may not be needed, but only the values of the functions f2(q) and f1(q) on a grid. La Grande Motte, February 2008 Objective of Tnum[1] To calculate -numerically and exactly -for molecular systems of any size the functions f2(q) and f1(q) for a given value of q using a Z-matrix definition of the curvilinear coordinates. Similar numerical procedures 1-2 active coordinate(s) (inversion of ammonia[2], ring puckering[3,4], torsion[5]) 6 active coordinates (inversion of ammonia…)[6] B-matrix used to calculate the gradient and hessian in internal coordinates [1] D. Lauvergnat et al., JCP 2002, 116, p8560 [2] D. J. Rush et al., JPC A 1997, 101, p3143 [3] J. R. Durig et al.,JPC 1994, 98, p9202 [4] S. Sakurai et al.,JCP 1998, 108, p3537 [5] M. L. Senent, CPL 1998, 296, p299 [6] D. Luckhaus, JCP 2000, 113, p1329 La Grande Motte, February 2008 ˆ (q, ) = T e q ij 2 2 G i j 2 q q 2 i 2 ij ln J G ij G i q j q j j q ij (Numerical) Calculation of T IIIa G matrix and its derivatives I Mass-weighted cartesian coordinates in terms of the curvilinear ones G = g 1 x(q) x q i x q i q j 2 IV Kinetic energy operator x x x x gij = i = j q i q j q q g ij 2 x x x 2 x = q k q k q i q j qi q k q j II g matrix and its derivatives G g = G k G k q q Tˆe (q, q ) or f2ij (q) and f1i (q) J= g ln J 1 1 g = g q k 2 q k La Grande Motte, February 2008 IIIb Jacobian and its derivatives Cartesian coordinates in BF H1 a1 R1 O1 phi R H2 a2 O2 R2 O1 O2 O1 H1 O1 H1 O2 Z-matrix R R1 O2 a1 R2 O1 a2 H1 phi Qzmat Qzmat Q iact 2Qzmat j Q iact Q act x(Qdyn ) V2 V3 Cartesian construction with the vectors in any order. x Q iact => Polyspherical, Jacobi vectors.... V1 2 x j Q iact Q act Especially developed for MCTDH bunch of vectors Analytical expression La Grande Motte, February 2008 Further transformations: Qzmat => Qdyn Qzmat : Coordinates associated with the Z-matrix or the bunch of vectors Qdyn : Coordinates used in the dynamic (active, inactive) Transformations Identity Qzmat = Qdyn 1 if Qizmat = Qkdyn Qizmat = k i k Qdyn 0 if Qzmat Qdyn Linear combinations Qizmat = C(i,m)Qmdyn m Q izmat = C(i, k) Q kdyn La Grande Motte, February 2008 Polar transformations i1 k1 k2 Qzmat = Qdyn cos(Q dyn ) i k1 k2 2 Qzmat = Qdyn sin( Qdyn ) Q i 1 k2 zmat = cos(Q dyn ) k1 Q dyn 1 Q izmat k1 2 sin( Q kdyn ) k 2 = Q dyn Q dyn Rigid or flexible constraints Qdyn is split in active and inactive coordinates. The inactive coordinates are not used in the dynamics. Rigid constraints: Flexible constraints: Q iinact =0 k Q act Qinact = Cte Qinact = Qinact(Qact) Q iinact has to be calculated k Q act La Grande Motte, February 2008 Test : H-CN (Jacobi) H C Z-matrix : r (1-m)R m=MC/MCN X mR N Spectrum of HCN/CNH (diagonalization) : level (cm-1) rig id constraint (1d)[1] (0 0 0) 725,4 (0 2 0) 2167,9 (0 4 0) 3586,0 [0 0 0] 4366,3 max diff 0,3 constants adiabatic constraint (1d)[1] 721,9 2167,2 3590,2 4396,0 < 0,1 HADA (1+2) [2] 3508,95 4952,48 6383,93 7318,47 < 0,01 [1] F. Gatti, Y. Justum, M. Menou, A.Nauts et X. Chapuisat J. Mol. Spectroscp. 1997, 181, p403. [2] D. Lauvergnat, A.Nauts, Y. Justum et X. Chapuisat , JCP 2001 , 114, p6592. [3] D. Lauvergnat, Y. Justum, M. Desouter-Lecomte et X. Chapuisat, Theochem 2001 C X C (1-m)R N X m R C 180,0 H X r C N 0,0 Normalization : (x,R,r)=1 with x=cos() Spectrum of HCN/CNH (WP)[3] : adiabatic constraint (1d : ) Use of Tnum: To set up or to check analytical kinetic energy operators: Ethene with constraints, W2H+ (MCTDH) Spectroscopy: MethylPropanal, Methanol (1+11D), Fluoroproprene, Ammonia (6D) Implementation in pvscf with D. Benoit and Y. Scribano Propagation: WP: Optimal control and quantum gates (4D) Single Gaussian WP (60D) and classical trajectories Other groups: Double proton transfer by Harke, JPC A 110, p13014, 2006 WP on 1,3-dibromopropane by R. Brogaard in Denmark La Grande Motte, February 2008 Tnum and MCTDH -In Tnum, the elements of the G tensor can be known only on the full dimensionality grid! Incompatibility between Tnum and MCTDH! => We do not know whether one element is zero or a constant or a function of only 3 variables. - In MCTDH, the KEO has to be given as a sum of "single" mode products What can be done? -Use a fitting procedure -Taylor expansion of G La Grande Motte, February 2008 Can be easily used with CDVR!! Taylor expansion of G around Q0 G(Q) 1 2G(Q) i i i i j j G(Q) = G(Q0 ) (Q Q ) (Q Q )(Q Q 0 0 0) i i j Q Q0 2 i,j Q Q Q i 0 -The calculation of the derivatives of G (up to the second order) is already implemented in Tnum. This form can be used with MCTDH This approach is well known: 1. 2. 3. 4. .... R. Wallace, CP, 11 p189 1975: H2O, CH of benzene (Zero order) E. L Sibert III, W. P. Reinhardt, J. T. Hynes, JCP, 81, p1115 1984: CH in benzene (first order) L. Halonen, T. Carrington Jr JCP 88 p4171 1988: H2X (third order) L Lespade, S. Robin D. Cavagnat, JPC, 97, p6134, 1993: Cyclohexene (second order) La Grande Motte, February 2008 Taylor expansion of G around Q0 The Taylor expansion may give non-hermitian KEO ! Ex: AB-C with Jacobi coordinates : 1 1 1 2 T(x,R,r) = 2 2 (1 x ) 2 MR mr x x The Taylor expansion (2d order) T(x,R,r) = R R 0 (x x 0 ) 3 (2x 0 ) x x MR 0 2d order in x and R. Non-hermitian with Legendre polynomial Always Hermitian with the sine and the HO basis-sets. La Grande Motte, February 2008 Example: H2O in valence coordinates &geom zmat=T nat=3 / 16. Z-matrix 1. 1 1. 1 2 defined constraints (here no constraint) 111 &niveau nrho=1 read_nameQ=t / r1OH 1. reference r2OH 1. geometry, Q0 a 1.6 Number of terms for (H2O)2H+ (D2d): 29,92,279 ------------------------------------------------HAMILTONIAN-SECTION modes | r1OH | r2OH | a -----------------------------------------------1 1 1 # Zero order part: -1/2*G^ij(Qref) 2 M m -------------------------------------------------0.53125000000000011 |1 dq^2 -0.53125000000000000 |2 dq^2 -1.0643249701438311 |3 dq^2 1.82497014383055053E-003 |1 dq |2 dq 6.24733501900941249E-002 |1 dq |3 dq 6.24733501900940971E-002 |2 dq |3 dq ------------------------------------------------# First order part: # -1/2*dG^ij/dDQk d./dQi * DQk * d./dQj ------------------------------------------------1.0643249701438311 |3 dq^2 |1 q 1.0643249701438320 |3 dq^2 |2 q -6.24733501900941179E-002 |3 dq*q*dq .... Advantages/drawback of Tnum + A numerical and exact representation of T is possible including constrained model. + Can deal with very large systems (tested up to 60 degrees of freedom). + Implemented for: Wave packets propagation Time independent methods Classical Trajectories (Hamilton) - Hard to find a basis set well adapted to T (with a diagonal representation). La Grande Motte, February 2008 Curvilinear coordinates: Z-matrix 3 At1 d2 At3 atom 3 : distance d3 from atom 2 and angle a3 between atoms 1, 2 and 3 d3 At2 atom 1: at origin atom 2 : distance d2 from atom 1 x zmat = x zmat 3 2 0 = 0 d 2 zmat zmat x1 x Q k zmat 1 0 zmat = 0 0 x zmat 2 0 zmat = 0 0 x zmat 2 Q k x 3zmat x zmat = 2k k Q Q 0 = 0 d 2 k LaGrande Q Motte, February 2008 zmat sin( 3 ) zmat d 3 0 cos( ) 3 sin( 3 ) zmat d 3 0 k Q cos( 3 ) cos( 3 )zmat 3 d3 0 Q k sin( 3 ) Curvilinear coordinates: Z-matrix 3 At1 d2 At3 atom 3 : distance d3 from atom 2 and angle a3 between atoms 1, 2 and 3 d3 At2 atom 1: at origin atom 2 : distance d2 from atom 1 x zmat = x zmat 3 2 0 = 0 d 2 zmat zmat x1 x Q k zmat 1 0 zmat = 0 0 x zmat 2 0 zmat = 0 0 x zmat 2 Q k x 3zmat x zmat = 2k k Q Q 0 = 0 d 2 k LaGrande Q Motte, February 2008 zmat sin( 3 ) zmat d 3 0 cos( ) 3 sin( 3 ) zmat d 3 0 k Q cos( 3 ) cos( 3 )zmat 3 d3 0 Q k sin( 3 ) Curvilinear coordinates: Z-matrix 3 At1 d2 At2 atom 1: at origin At3 d3 d2=2. d3=2. a3=120° atom 3 : distance d3 from atom 2 and angle a3 between atoms 1, 2 and 3 Qk= d3 atom 2 : distance d2 from atom 1 x 3zmat 0.8660 zmat = x 2 2. 0 0.5 d 3 d 3 zmat x1 x Q k zmat 1 0 zmat = 0 0 0 zmat = 0 0 x zmat 2 0 = 0 2. zmat zmat 0 x zmat 2 = 0 k Q d 2 0 Motte, February 2008 La dGrande 3 zmat 0.8660 x 3zmat x zmat = 2 k 1. 0 k Q Q 0.5 0 .5 2. * 0. 0 3 0.8660 d 3 zmat zmat