Review for Chapter 3, Section 1 Quiz

Review for Chapter 3,
Section 1 Quiz
Chapter 3
The Colonies Come of Age
I. Section 1
England and Its Colonies
I. England and Its Colonies
A. England’s North American colonies
existed for the benefit of the home country
1. mercantilism
a. obtain wealth with gold and silver
and a favorable balance of trade
b. become self-sufficient
2. Colonies provided a built- in market
3. threat to England- colonies sold raw
materials to other countries
B. 1651- England’s Parliament passed the
Navigation Acts
1. restricted colonial trade
2. certain goods could only be exported to
3. other goods had to be passed through
England and taxed
C. Illegal trade causes Charles II to revoke
Massachusetts’ charter
D. 1685- James II becomes king.
1. Dominion of New England
2. Sir Edmund Andros
E. Internal Conflict in England
1. Glorious Revolution
2. Parliament now has greater power over
the English king
F. Parliament restored original colonies, and
gave Massachusetts its charter back.
1. king would appoint governor
2. Massachusetts would have to be
tolerant of different religions
G. Stricter trade laws on the colonies
1. courts with English judges
2. Board of Trade
H. Parliament- policy of salutary neglect
* Colonies were able to practice an early
form of self-government
Chapter 3
The Colonies Come of Age
I. England and Its Colonies
A. England’s North American colonies existed for the benefit
of the home country
1. mercantilism
a. obtain wealth with gold and silver and a favorable
balance of trade
b. become self-sufficient
2. Colonies provided a built- in market
3. threat to England- colonies sold raw materials to other
B. 1651- England’s Parliament passed the Navigation Acts
1. restricted colonial trade
2. certain goods could only be exported to England
3. other goods had to be passed through England and taxed
C. Illegal trade causes Charles II to revoke Massachusetts’ charter
D. 1685- James II becomes king.
1. Dominion of New England
2. Sir Edmund Andros
E, Internal Conflict in England
1. Glorious Revolution
2. Parliament now has greater power over the English king
F. Parliament restored original colonies, and gave Massachusetts
its charter back.
1. king would appoint governor
2. Massachusetts would have to be tolerant of different religions
G. Stricter trade laws on the colonies
1. courts with English judges
2. Board of Trade
H. Parliament- policy of salutary neglect
* Colonies were able to practice an early form of self-government
Cause and Effect
Answer the following questions. After you finish, choose one of the topics and write a
paragraph on the causes and effects.
1. Why did Parliament pass the Navigation Acts?
2. How did these acts benefit England?
3. How did these acts benefit the colonies?
4. How did these acts hurt the colonies?
1. Why did the Glorious Revolution occur?
2. How did this revolution affect England?
3. How did it effect the colonies?
Character Development
Agree or disagree:
Courtesy and politeness are a lot of
nonsense .
Write a paragraph on your answer and
explain. Give examples to support your