Information Technology High School 21-16 44th Road, Long Island City, New York 11101 718-937-4270 SYLLABUS Geometry-Term1: MGS-41 FALL 2013 Instructor: Department: Room Email address Textbook P.M. Foucault Mathematics 340 TBA COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to provide students with the essential mathematical knowledge and critical thinking skills required by the New York State Board of Education. This course will include a Midterm examination, a Final examination and one weekly summative assessment. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Expand your knowledge of key mathematical concepts, definitions, formulas and properties. 2. Understand the connection of certain mathematical ideas to everyday situations. 3. Improve problem-solving methods and gain better test taking skills. 4. Understand the nature of formal and informal proofs in mathematics. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS GRADING POLICY The following items will be factored into an overall grade based on 100%. Tests………………………………………………….….35% Quizzes ………………………………………………….20% Extended Units of Study/Projects>…………………….20% Homework………………………………………………15% Class Work/Participation………………………………10% Your FINAL SEMESTER GRADE is the average of all three marking period grades. TENTATIVE CALENDAR: Month September Unit 1 Topics Introduction to class and Pre-assessment Diagnostic Tools of Geometry 1.1 Points, lines, and planes 1.2 Segments, rays, parallel lines and planes 1.3 Measuring segments 1.4 Measuring angles 1.5 The coordinate plane 1.6 Perimeter, Circumference, and Area Review Assessments Summative Assessment Every Friday. Exam_1 at the end of Uni_1 Visit for worksheets with answers, past Regents questions, and the free online Amsco Geometry textbook. October Unit 2 November Unit 3 Reasoning and Proof 2.1 Conditional statements 2.2 Biconditional and definitions 2.3 Deductive reasoning 2.4 Reasoning in Algebra 2.5 Proving Angles Congruent 2.6 Proving Segments Congruent Review Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 3.1 Properties of Parallel Lines 3.2 Proving Lines Parallel 3.4 Parallel Lines & the Triangle-Sum Theorem 3.5 The polygon Angle-Sum Theorem 3.6 Lines in the coordinate plane 3.7 Slopes of parallel & Perpendicular lines 3.8 Constructing Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Review December/January Congruent triangles 4.1 Congruent Figures Units 4, 5, & 6 4.2 Triangle congruence by SSS & SAS 4.3 Triangle Congruence by ASA & AAS 4.4 Using Congruent Triangles: CPCTC 4.5 Isosceles & Equilateral Triangles 4.6 Congruence in Right Triangles 4.7 Using Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles Relationships within Triangles 5.1 Midsegment Theorem 5.2 Use Perpendicular Bisectors 5.3 Use Angle Bisectors of Triangles 5.4 Use Medians and Altitudes 5.5 Use Inequalities in Triangles 5.6 Indirect Proof Special Lines Euler Line Simpson Line Review Exam_2 at the end of Unit_2 Visit for worksheets with answers, past Regents questions, and the free online Amsco Geometry textbook. Midterm Exam 11/14/13 Visit for worksheets with answers, past Regents questions, and the free online Amsco Geometry textbook. Exam_4 at the end of Unit_4 and Exam_5 at the end of Unit_5 Visit for worksheets with answers, past Regents questions, and the free online Amsco Geometry textbook. Review January 2014 REVIEW Final