Chapter 12 Vocabulary, Atlantic South America

Chapter 13 Vocabulary, Southern Europe
1. mainland: a region or country’s main landmass
2. sirocco: a hot, dry wind from North Africa that blows across the
Mediterranean to Europe.
3. city-states: self-governing cities, such as those of ancient Greece
4. mosaics: pictures created from tiny pieces of colored stone
5. pope: the bishop of Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church
6. Renaissance: French word meaning “rebirth” and referring to a new era of
learning that began in Europe in the 1300s
7. coalition governments: governments in which several political parties join
together to run a country
8. Moors: Muslim North Africans
9. dialect: a variation of a language
10. cork: the bark stripped from a certain type of oak tree and often used as
stoppers and insulation