The Parish Church of St. Paul with St. John Sunday,19t h February 2012 The last Sunday after Epiphany Lectionary B THE REVEREND CANON O. SAMUEL NICHOLS Rector Home Telephone: 784-458-4332 Office: 784-457-5163 E-Mail: THE REVEREND FR. KARI XAVIER MARCELLE Assistant Priest Home Telephone: 784-457 - 4839 E-Mail: THE REVEREND MRS. VERBINA C. GONSALVES Deacon Assistant Home Telephone: 784-456—8834 Ms. Joye Browne (457-4128) & Ms. Alice Mandeville (458- 4355) Wardens Education - Sanctification - Fellowship – Evangelism St. Paul Celebrant & Preacher : St. John Celebrant & Preacher: Rev’d Fr. Kari Marcelle Rev’d. Canon O. Samuel Nichols ORDER OF SERVICE Introit Hymn Opening Sentence Greetings & Collect for Purity The Kyrie 104 Pg. 97 Pg.101 Pg.102 COLLECT OF THE DAY O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed His glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of His countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into the His likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever Amen. The Prayer for Homes and Families Pg. 82 The First Reading Psalm The Second Reading Gradual Hymn Gospel 1 Kings 19:9-18 27:5-11 2 Peter 1:16-19(20-21) 789 Mark 9:2-9 THE SERMON The Nicene Creed Pg. 104 The Intercession Form C Pg. 120 The Act of Penitence & Absolution Pg. 123 The Peace Pg. 124 THE ANNOUNCEMENTS Offertory Hymn 96 & 790 Offertory Prayer Form A Pg.126 Eucharistic Prayer Form A Pg.131 The Lord’s Prayer Pg.144 The Breaking of Bread Form III Pg.145 Invitation Form A Pg.145/146 Communion Hymns – 106, 594, 572 & 409 Blessing of the Children 655 Post-Communion Prayer Prayer III Pg.147-8 Recessional Hymn 403 First Lesson Mothers’ Union Mothers” Union READERS FOR TODAY Psalm Second Lesson Charles Samuel Mothers” Union Elso Ross Mothers’ Union 19th Feb. 2012 BELIEFS: There can be many differences between individual Anglican churches, but all Anglicans hold these in common: 1.The Holy Bible, comprising the Old and New Testament, as a basis of our faith; 2. The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds as the basic statements of Christian belief; 3.Recognition of the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion; and 4.The Historic Episcopate—ours is a Christian tradition with bishops. This quadrilateral, drawn up in the 19th Century, is one of the definitions of Anglican faith and ministry. Another is a style of worship which has its roots in the Book of Common Prayer and the Services of Ordination (the Ordinal). Anglicans also celebrate the Eucharist (also known as the Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper or the Mass), the Sacrament of Baptism and other rites including Confirmation, Reconciliation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick, and Ordination. Anglicanism rests on the three pillars of Scripture, Tradition and Reason as it seeks to chart ‘a middle way’ among the other Christian traditions. MISSION: Following the teachings of Jesus Christ, Anglicans are committed to proclaiming the good news of the Gospel to all creation as expressed in the Marks of Mission: To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom; To teach, baptize and nurture new believers; To respond to human need by loving service; To seek to transform unjust structures of society; To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. This is expressed in all areas of a Christian’s life: their words and their actions. Therefore, members of the Anglican Communion around the world are involved with a range of life-changing activities that include evangelism and church growth; providing food, shelter and clothing to those in need; speaking out with and for the oppressed; and setting up schools, hospitals, clinics and universities. random rumblings: We simply can’t live in the future at the expenses of the present. What will become of our health? Will we go blind or deaf or lose our memories? Who will take care of us? What about tomorrow? Will we have the strength to live tomorrow well, wisely and even joyfully? Our task today is not to have the strength needed for tomorrow’s burdens. Our task today is to live by the mercies given for today, and to believe and trust that there will be new mercies for tomorrow. You see, trust combines the realization of our need and conviction of God’s sufficiency. Remember Proverbs 3:5. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Trust cannot be tentative or cautions; it must be whole-hearted, it’s an all or nothing principle. It means look for the answer in God’s word mediated through the sacraments, then, when we find it, we put our faith in it. Whatever, the situation, development, detour, turn, obstacle or challenge, the Lord will make a way somehow. Life is a matter of not only living in God’s “somehow” but trusting in “God’s somehow.” Trust is an affirmation of faith in God’s capacity and commitment to handle tomorrow. WELCOME to the Anglican Parish Church of St. Paul, Calliaqua with St. John, Belair. We are so pleased that you chose to worship with us today and it is our hope that you were blessed by Word and Sacrament and we hope that you would visit us again. ASH WEDNESDAY—services will be held on 22 February 2012 at 6:00am; the children’s service at 9:00am (with the Calliaqua Anglican School) and evening Ser vice 6:00p.m at St.. John, Belair and 7:00pm at St. Paul. Please bring in your Palm Crosses now. 2. ACWA—invites all members to the celebration of Shrove Tuesday on February 21st from 7:00p.m-8:30p.m. Help us to strengthen this tradition of fellowship and reflection on the eve of the Lenten Season. 3. ST. DAVID’S PATRONAL FESTIVAL—The Priest and members of St. David, Chateaubelair invites you to celebrate their feast of Title on Sunday 4th March, 2012 beginning at 3:00pm. The preacher for this solemn occasion is, the Rev’d Fr. Kari X. Marcelle. 4. Mission— this year will take place from March 18th—25th. Theme is Faith and Family—Back to Basics. 5. THE DIABETIC GROUP from Calder will be worshipping at St. John’s Belair on the 18th March 2012. 6. We want all hands on deck this year with our Easter Luncheon. Please help in what ever way you can. Have a super idea? Please let the People’s Warden or sis Shirla Little know about it. 7. FAMILY SUNDAY—On Family Sunday a family will be expected to read the lessons, and Intercessions; to process with the elements at the Offertory, take up and Offering (Collection). They will sit together. Optional: Spon sor the Bulletin; provide the wine and candles, flowers for the service; Choose their favorite hymn; a Render some suitable item. 8. The diocesan Almanacs are here. Get yours now. They are a gem for all ANGLICANS This bulletin is sponsored by Mrs. Lucene Charles in thanksgiving for her family especially her daughter Ajohke who is celebrating her birthday today, and her niece Aria Rose who celebrated two days ago. Wishing God’s blessing on them. Financial Corner St. Pauls St. Johns 5th Feb 5th Feb Att: 238 Att: 83 Total $2644.69 Total $1280.50 YOUR HEALTH AND YOU by : Dr Michael Goodluck MD Sexually transmitted infections/ STI (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes/Genital Warts, Hepertitis B&C, HIV, Syphillis). Chlamydia is a disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It is most commonly sexually transmitted. Chlamydia infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the World. Sexually active individuals and individuals with multiple partners are at highest risk. Signs and Symptoms are: As many as 1 in 4 men with Chlamydia have no symptoms. In men, Chlamydia may produce symptoms similar to gonorrhea. Symptoms may include: Burning sensation during urination Discharge from the penis or rectum Testicular tenderness or pain Rectal discharge or pain Only about 30% of women with Chlamydia have symptoms. Symptoms that may occur in women include: Burning sensation during urination Painful sexual intercourse Rectal pain or discharge Symptoms of PID, Salpingitis, liver inflammation similar to hepatitis The diagnosis of Chlamydia infection involves sampling of the urethral discharge in males or cervical secretions in females. If an individual engages in anal sexual contact, samples from the rectum may also be needed. The sample is sent for a fluorescent or monoclonal antibody test, DNA probe test, or cell culture. Some of these tests may also be performed on urine samples. Treatment: The usual treatment for Chlamydia is antibiotics, including Tetracyclines, Azithromycin, or erythromycin. You can get Chlamydia with gonorrhea or syphilis, so if you have one sexually transmitted disease you must be screened for other sexually transmitted diseases as well. All sexual contacts should be screened for Chlamydia. Sexual partners must be treated to prevent passing the infection back and forth. There is no significant immunity following the infection and a person may become repeatedly infected. A follow-up evaluation may be done in 4 weeks to determine if the infection has been cured. Early antibiotic treatment is extremely successful and may prevent the development of long-term complications. Untreated infection, however, may lead to complications such as : in women chlamydia infections may lead to inflammation of the cervix. In men, chlamydia infection can lead to inflammation of the urethra called urethritis. An untreated chlamydia infection may spread to the uterus or the fallopian tubes, causing salpingitis or pelvic inflammatory disease. These conditions can lead to infertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. If a women is infected with chlamydia while pregnant, the infection may cause infection in the uterus after delivery (late postpartum endometritis). In addition, the infant may develop chlamydia-related conjunctivitis (eye infection) and pneumonia. …. of the urethra called Urethritis. An untreated Chlamydia infection may spread to the uterus or the fallopian tubes, causing Salpingitis or pelvic inflammatory disease. These conditions can lead to infertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. If a women is infected with Chlamydia while pregnant, the infection may cause infection in the uterus after delivery (late postpartum endometritis). In addition, the infant may develop Chlamydia-related conjunctivitis (eye infection) and pneumonia. WEEKLY SERVICES & ACTIVITIES Sunday Solemn High Mass Solemn High Mass Sunday School Sunday School St. Paul St. John St. Paul St. John 7:00am 9:00am 3:30pm 3:00pm Monday Youth Choir Practice St. Paul 6:00pm Tuesday Mass Bible Study A.C.W.A. Meeting Mother’s Union Meeting St. John St. Paul St. Paul 3rd Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesday 6:00am 5:00pm 5:00pm Wednesday Mass Bible Study St. Paul St. John 6:00am 5:30pm Thursday Mass Mother’s Union Meeting St. Paul Choir Practice St. Paul 2nd & Last Thursday St. Paul Friday Mass God’s Garden & Homework Club IMPAC+ Youth Ministry Saturday Men’s Fellowship Football Team Practice Altar Servers Practice Altar Servers Practice Mon Tue Wed Thurs Friday Sat Pr 27:1-6,10-12 Pr 30:1-4,24-33 Am 5:6-15 Hab 3:1-10 Ezek 18:1-4,25-32 Ezek 39:21-29 Genesis 9:8-17 1 Peter 3:18-22 St. Paul 6:00am 5:30pm 6:00am 5:00pm 6:30pm St. Paul St. John St. Paul 1st Saturday 11:00am 1:00pm 4:30pm THE LIVING WORD Psalm 25 Phil 2:1-13 Psalm 26 Phil 3:1-11 Psalm 95 Lk 18:9-14 Psalm 37:1-8 Phil 3:12-21 Psalm 95 Phil 4:1-9 Psalm 30 Phil 4:10-20 LECTIONARY B - PG. 679 Psalm 25:3-9 Mark 1:9-13 Your prayers are asked for the sick of the Parish, both at home and in the hospital. Pray that God will restore them to a sound and pristine health. Sick & Shut-ins Hugh Bailey Withfield Bess Chinello Browne Merle Cadougan Marie Coombs Cornelia Cox Anita David Lewistina Farrell Stanley French Cindy Hogan Rose Holder Becenta Haywood George Haywood Sydney Joseph Cynthia John Cynthia John (Seata) Helen Joseph Mildred King Aleatha Goodluck Jeremy Grant Elimina Griffith Miriam Gurley Alfred Mandeville Inez Mandeville Hugh Marshall Ardon & Marie McCree Elmina Martin Beatrice Noel Pearl John Elaine Ollivierre Cheryl Peters Mary Phillips Reid Violet Revierre Susan Sinson Sarah Spencer Alexandria Sandy Vera Smart Clara Sandy Carl Stephens Nola Thomas Amanda Robinson Thelma Simmons G. Barrow Roland Hannibald Alrick Skerritt Carl Glasgow Sarah Commissiong Annie Malcolm Elsa Scott Lucy-Ann Cato Please keep the Church informed of the condition of the above persons IMPORTANT EVENTS 1. There will be a Clergy Retreat from 13th –15 March conducted by Rev. Canon Dr. George Sumner– Principal, Wycliffe Theological Seminary, Toronto, Canada. 2. The Provincial Clergy Gathering 2012 to be held in The Diocese of Guyana 22nd until Friday 27th. from Sunday April 3 . The third phase of the Archdeaconry Lay Training Programme commences Saturday April 14th, and continues every Saturday until June 30th, 2012, at the Anglican Pastoral Centre. Do listen to our production “Anglican Outreach” aired on NBC RADIO 705, Wednesdays at 5:45pm