England's Terrible Trade

Name ______________________________ Core _________ Date ________________________
England’s Terrible Trade
came at a terrible price. Untold numbers of Africans died
by disease, shipwreck, and mistreatment. During weekslong voyages of slave ships, captives were forced into
extremely confined spaces, even if they became ill. For
over a century, slave traders and those who supported the
slave trade turned a blind eye to the mistreatment of
those in bondage. They cited the prevailing belief that
slaves were not humans, but property.
In England, it was not difficult to ignore the
horrors of the slave trade, since most slaves sailed
directly from Africa to the New World. Even some of the
English cities that profited from slavery saw little of the
LIVERPOOL, England Most people associate
the Atlantic slave trade with Africa and the Americas. In
truth, England also played a significant role in slavery's
terrible history, aiding in the transport and trade of
thousands of African slaves.
England began trading slaves in the 17th century.
Soon, it became a major player in the European slave
market. It engaged in what was known as "triangular
trade," a profitable business involving resources from
three continents. First, the traders would travel to Africa,
bringing with them cotton and sugar from the New
World colonies and manufactured goods from England.
They would then exchange these goods for slaves, who
would be transported to the British colonies in the
Western Hemisphere. There, the slave traders would
receive more cotton, sugar, and other raw materials. They
could then sell these items or bring them to Africa to
barter for more slaves.
The slave trade brought enormous wealth to the
many families that were involved and ultimately
contributed to England's growth. This growth, however,
trade at close quarters. Although slavery did exist in
England, the vast majority of slaves were in the colonies.
There, the plantation system demanded a tremendous
work force. In the important slave trade city of
Liverpool, England, for example, only 11 slaves are
known to have been held.
Over time, however, stories of the slaves'
mistreatment circulated throughout Britain. These stories
fueled the zeal of abolitionists, who considered slavery
cruel and unjust, and who advocated an end to the slave
trade and slavery itself. In 1787, the ardent English
abolitionist Thomas Clarkson visited Liverpool. He
collected appalling stories from sailors about the brutal
treatment of slaves. Clarkson purchased tools of the slave
trade, including chains, handcuffs, and iron collars, so
that he could educate the public about the horrors of the
Some abolitionists came to the cause under
unlikely circumstances. Abolitionist John Newton, for
example, had himself been a slave trader. While serving
as the captain of a slave ship, he began to feel sympathy
for his captives. Newton later wrote the hymn "Amazing
Grace," as well as an abolitionist tract called "African
names of slave traders—unbeknownst to the majority of
Slave Trade."
the city's residents. Most notably, Penny Lane, which
In 1807, England abolished the slave trade.
gained fame after it became the subject of a Beatles tune,
English citizens who already owned slaves, however,
was named after slave trader James Penny. Some of the
were permitted to retain them. It would be another 26
city's black historians are urging officials to further
years, however, before the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833
acknowledge Liverpool's role in slavery. That process
gave all slaves in the British Empire their freedom.
has already begun. In 1999, the city council formally
Today, the legacy of slavery is still evident in
some English cities. In Liverpool, many streets bear the
apologized, expressing "shame and remorse for the city's
role in this trade in human misery."
abolitionist (noun)
a person who supported outlawing slavery
appalling (adjective)
causing dismay or horror
legacy (noun)
something handed down to a new generation
colony (noun)
a land ruled by another country
plantation (noun)
slavery (noun)
a large farm where plants are grown
when people are made to work for no money
Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the choice the best completes the statement. (2 points each)
1. The best alternate headline for this article would be
A. England's Part in the History of Slavery
B. England's Abolitionists Made History
C. The Creation of "Amazing Grace"
D. The Memory of Slavery in Liverpool
2. Which of these is a statement of opinion?
A. The Liverpool city council formally apologized
for its part in slavery in 1999.
B. The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 gave slaves in
the British Empire their freedom.
C. Abolitionist Thomas Clarkson purchased tools of
the slave trade to educate the public.
D. Officials would be wise to further acknowledge
Liverpool's role in slavery.
3. Which is the closest antonym for the word ardent?
C. Describe the role that England played in the
European slave trade
D. Explain how slave traders such as John Newton
became abolitionists
6. Which question is not answered by the article?
A. Which act gave all slaves in the British Empire
their freedom?
B. What have officials done to acknowledge
Liverpool's role in slavery?
C. Why did slave trader John Newton decide to
become an abolitionist?
D. When was the practice of slavery abolished in the
United States?
7. The article states: That process has already begun. In
1999, the city council formally apologized. Its leaders
expressed "shame and remorse for the city's role in
A. Flattering
this trade in human misery." Which would be the
B. Unpleasant
closest synonym for the word formally?
C. Fierce
A. Dishonestly
D. Unenthusiastic
B. Casually
4. This article would be most useful as a source for a
C. Officially
student research project on __________.
D. Enthusiastically
A. Africa's role in the slave trade
8. Which of these is most important to include in a
B. The European slave trade
summary of this article?
C. The U.S. slave trade
D. Liverpool's slave trade
5. The author probably wrote this article in order to
A. Argue that Liverpool officials should do more to
acknowledge the city's role in slavery's history
B. Detail why it is important to collect stories and
educate the public on the horrors of slavery
A. England was a major player in the European slave
B. In Liverpool, England, only 11 slaves are known
to have been held captive.
C. Many people are familiar with Penny Lane
because it was the subject of a song.
D. A former slave trader wrote the hymn "Amazing
Opinion Question: Now that you have read the article, indicate whether you agree or disagree with this
statement. Which is more surprising?
1) England's 1807 law stopped the slave trade. But people who already owned slaves could keep them.
2) The slave trade in England went on for 200 years.
3) Some slave traders became abolitionists.
Thought Question: Explain why it is important for students to study the history of the slave trade.
information from the article, as well as your own ideas, in your response. (5 points)
Math- In 1833, the Slavery Abolition Act said that all slaves in England and its colonies were free. In 1999, the city
of Liverpool said it was sorry for taking part in the slave trade of the 1600s. How many years passed between 1833
and 1999?