Building the Bay Colony

Chapter 2—The Planting of English
England’s Imperial Stirrings
Name __________________________________
AP U.S. History—Period ____
Summer Reading Assignment
North American Colonies
Put an asterisk (*) next to the colony that played the largest role in the future United States.
 What caused the religious conflict in England?
 What effect did Elizabeth’s ascension to the throne have in England and its relationship with Spain
and Ireland?
Elizabeth Energizes England
Failed English Attempts at Colonization
Sir Walter Raleigh
 English victory over the Spanish Armada
beginning of the end of Spanish imperial dreams & helped ensure England’s naval dominance
 What characteristics did England now possess that Spain had displayed earlier?
1. True or False—Protestant England’s early colonial ambitions were fueled by its religious rivalry
with Catholic Spain.
2. True or False—The earliest English colonization efforts experienced surprising success.
3. True or False—The defeat of the Spanish Armada was important to North American colonization
because it enabled England to conquer Spain’s New World empire.
England on the Eve of Empire
 What were the reasons people emigrated from England?
 laws of primogeniture:
 joint-stock company:
4. True or False— Among the English citizens most interested in colonization were unemployed
yeomen and the younger sons of the gentry.
England Plants the Jamestown Seedling
 What was the main reason people were coming to Virginia?
 What makes the charter of the Virginia Company a significant document in American History?
 When did people arrive at Jamestown?
 What were the causes of death for many Jamestown settlers?
 Who took over the Virginia colony and what was his motto?
 “starving time”:
 What made the homeward-bound colonists turn around and stay?
5. True or False—Originally, the primary purpose of the joint-stock Virginia Company was to provide
for the well-being of the freeborn English settlers in the colony.
Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake
 Who was the Indian leader who ruled tribes in the James River area of Virginia?
 What actions did Lord De La Warr take on the Indians?
 First Anglo-Powhatan War:
 Second Anglo-Powhatan War:
 Powhatans fell victim to “Three Ds”:
Virginia: Child of Tobacco
 Who was the father of tobacco industry and economic savior of VA colony?
 What were the effects of growing tobacco in Virginia?
 What did the Dutch warship sell in Virginia in 1619?
 What was the first example of representative self-government in VA?
 What did King James do in 1624 and why?
6. True or False—John Rolfe enabled the Virginia colony to survive by introducing African slave labor
in 1619.
Maryland: Catholic Haven
4th English colony
 What was the main crop in Maryland?
 indentured servants:
 Act of Toleration:
7. True or False—The Maryland colony was founded partly to establish a religious refuge for
persecuted English Quakers.
The West Indies: Way Station to Mainland America
 What formed the foundation of the West Indian economy?
 How was sugar cane a “rich man’s crop”?
 Who did the West Indies depend on for labor?
 What did English authorities come up with to control this large slave population?
Colonizing the Carolinas
 What caused a break in English colonization?
 What did the Carolina slave trade consist of?
 What emerged as the principle export crop in Carolina?
 Who did they purchase to cultivate the rice?
8. True or False—From the time of its founding, South Carolina had close economic ties with the
British West Indies.
9. True or False—The principal export crop of the Carolinas in the early 1700s was wheat.
10. True or False—South Carolina prospered partly by selling African slaves in the West Indies.
The Emergence of North Carolina
 Describe the population in North Carolina.
 What characteristics did North Carolina share with Rhode Island?
 What group of Indians did North Carolinians get into it with?
11. True or False—Compared with its neighbors Virginia and South Carolina, North Carolina was more
democratic and individualistic in social outlook.
Late-Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony
Last of the 13
 Why wasn’t a plantation economy developed in Georgia like the rest of the southern colonies?
12. True or False—In their early years, neither North Carolina nor Georgia relied very heavily on slave
The Plantation Colonies
 What distinctive features were shared by England’s southern mainland colonies?
Chapter 3—Settling the Northern Colonies
The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism
 Who began the Protestant Reformation?
 What was the foundation of Calvin’s doctrine?
 Who wanted to purify the Church of England?
 What was Puritans issue about church membership in regard to the Church of England?
 What was the group of extreme Puritans that wanted to break away entirely from the Church of
England called?
 What threat did King James I make toward the Separatists?
13. True or False—The most fervent Puritans believed that the Church of England was corrupt
because it did not restrict its membership to “visible saints” who had experienced conversion.
The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth
Plymouth Bay
Did not like the
of their children
 Mayflower Compact:
 What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact?
 winter of 1620-1621:
 autumn of 1621:
 William Bradford:
 1691:
14. True or False—The large, separatist Plymouth Colony strongly influenced Puritan Massachusetts
The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
 Why did the Puritans eventually decide to leave England?
 John Winthrop:
 What industries prospered in Massachusetts?
 What did Winthrop declare as the purpose of the Massachusetts Bay colony?
15. True or False—The Puritans all wanted to break away from the Church of England and establish a
new “purified” church.
16. True or False—Massachusetts Bay restricted the vote for elections to the General Court to adult
male members of the Congregational Church.
Building the Bay Colony
 What group of people could vote?
 Who could be freemen?
 What was the purpose of government according to the doctrine of the covenant?
 Describe Puritan’s concept of hell.
17. True or False—Massachusetts Bay restricted the vote for elections to the General Court to adult
male members of the Congregational Church.
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
 Why was Anne Hutchinson banished and what happened to her when she left?
 What did Roger Williams believe?
18. True or False—Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were both banished for organizing rebellions
against the Massachusetts Bay authorities.
The Rhode Island “Sewer”
 Who was the founder of Rhode Island and what did he establish there?
 Why was Rhode Island referred to as “that sewer”?
19. True or False—Rhode Island was the most religiously and politically tolerant of the New England
New England Spreads Out
Connecticut Settlements
New Haven
 Fundamental Orders:
 What was the economy in New England based on?
*MA BAY colony was the hub of New England. All earlier colonies grew into it; all later colonies grew out of it.*
Puritans versus Indians
 How was the relationship between the local Wampanoag Indians and Puritans when they arrived?
 What caused the change in this relationship?
 Pequot War:
 How did the Puritans respond to critics in England?
 King Phillip’s War:
20. True or False—The Wampanoag people of New England initially befriended the English colonists.
21. True or False—King Philip’s War enabled New England’s Indians to recover their numbers and
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence
 What was the New England Confederation and what was its purpose?
 When restored to the crown, Charles II wanted more control over the colonies. How did he react
when he discovered such control was hard to exercise?
Andros Promotes the First American Revolution
 Who created the Dominion of New England and what was its purpose?
 How did the Navigation Acts try to make the colonies benefit only England?
 Who was the head of the new dominion?
 What effect did the Glorious Revolution have on America?
22. True or False—Edmund Andros’s autocratic Dominion of New England was overthrown in
connection with the Glorious Revolution in England.
Old Netherlanders at New Netherland
 Where was the Dutch Republic’s greatest colonial activity?
 Henry Hudson:
 Describe the population in New Amsterdam.
Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors
 What did the Dutch do to try to protect themselves from the Indians?
 How did New England feel about the Dutch presence?
New Sweden
 How did the Dutch respond to the Swedish intrusion?
Dutch Residues in New York
 What happened to New Netherland?
 How did the Dutch legacy live on in New York?
23. True or False— Dutch New Netherlands was conquered in 1664 by Sweden.
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
 In what ways were Quakers offensive to the authorities?
 William Penn:
 How did William Penn secure a land grant from the king?
 How did William Penn get people to come to Pennsylvania and who did he welcome there?
24. True or False—William Penn originally intended his Pennsylvania colony to be settled exclusively
by his fellow Quakers.
Quaker Pennsylvania and Its Neighbors
 How did Penn begin positive relations with the Indians?
 What ruined the Quakers’ relationship with Native Americans?
 What attracted a rich mix of ethnic groups to Pennsylvania?
 What other areas became home to Quakers?
25. True or False—Later non-Quaker immigrants to Pennsylvania welcomed the peaceful relations
with the Indians established by William Penn’s policies.
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies
 What were the Middle Colonies?
 What common features did these colonies share?
26. True or False—The middle colonies’ broad, fertile river valleys enabled them to develop a richer
agricultural economy than that of New England.
27. True or False—The middle colonies were characterized by tightly knit, homogeneous communities
that shared a common sense of religious purpose.
28. True or False—You are excited about AP U.S. History. (Beware, there’s only one right answer!)