EM Probes in STAR A Look into the Future Thomas Ullrich, STAR/BNL International Workshop on Electromagnetic Probes of Hot and Dense Matter ECT, Trento June 10, 2005 Current STAR Layout and EM Capabilities Detectors used for EM Probe Detection: TPC: tracking pT > 0.2 GeV/c, PID via dE/dx for pT < 0.7-1 GeV/c (-1.3 < h < 1.3) BEMC & EMC: e/g PID best for p > 1.5 GeV/c, trigger (0 < h < 2) ToF: electron PID (Df p/30 -1 < h < 0) PMD: g detection, p > 20 MeV/c (2.3 < h < 3.7) FPD: e,g PID for p > 10 GeV, xF > 0.4, small pT (3.4 < h < 4) 2 Current EM Capabilities EMC+BEMC: not optimized for low pT EM probes large coverage and efficiency for high-pT electrons (p > 1.5 GeV/c) open charm, , Z (s = 500 GeV) high-E photons high-pT p0, g-jet, jet-jet ToF Patch: good electron PID for pT < 3 GeV/c in conjunction with TPC successfully used for non-photonic single electrons (open charm) acceptance of present “prototype” too small for e+e- physics PMD: photon detection down to 20 MeV/c DCC studies g multiplicity and rapidity distributions in forward region FPD: only for low-pT, high-p, xF > 0.4 physics (only p+p, d+Au. or peripheral Au+Au) p0, open charm, J/Y (), at high xF 3 Electron PID with MRPC TOF/TPC and EMC EMC ToF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. use TPC for p and dE/dx use Tower E p/E use SMD shape to reject hadrons e/h discrimination power ~ 105 works for pT > 1.5 GeV/c 4 use TPC and ToF PID works for pT < 3 GeV/c g and p0 Studies Using the TPC Only STAR reconstructs p0, g from conversions in material inside the TPC Material budget crucial Sweet spot: ~6% radiation length from vertex to TPC eff(p0) ~ eff(e)4 PRC 70 (2004) 044902 130 GeV Au+Au Inclusive g from 0 to 2.5 GeV/c DE/E = 2% Fraction of p0 gg contribution to inclusive yield decreases in most central events Large systematic uncertainties ~40% p0 normalization complex interplay of corelated und un-correlated uncertainties 5 Same Idea: Photonic Single Electron Background Subtraction Opening Angle Works well for photonic background rejection in single electron studies: 1. Combine candidate electron with opposite sign tracks anywhere in TPC 2. Reject tagged track when m < mcut ~ 0.1 – 0.15 MeV/c2 Rejection Efficiency: • g conversion and p0 Dalitz decay reconstruction efficiency ~60% Invariant Mass Square g conversion and p0 Dalitz decay reconstruction efficiency : ~60% at pT>1.0 GeV/c Signal Rejected 6 Studies on EM Probes in STAR PMD: 62 GeV Au+Au Centrality dependence of dNg/dy (nucl-ex/0502008) FPD: Forward p0 production in 200 GeV p+p (PRL 92 (2004) 171801) Excellent (e,g)-h separation Other studies: gg-HBT using TPC and EMC/TPC ( a la WA98) 7 The Next Step: Upgrades Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) Current ¾ barrel will be instrumented to full azimuthal coverage, -1 < h < 1, for next RHIC run Barrel Time of Flight (TOF) Current prototype patches to be upgraded to full azimuth, -1 < h < 1. Project is in President’s budget. Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) Full azimuthal EM Calorimetry 2.5 < h < 4.0 Possibility of charm measurements in this region Proposal submitted to NSF Data acquisition upgrade (DAQ1000) Upgrade TPC readout an order of magnitude, ~double effective Luminosity Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) High precision (<10 um) measurements for displaced vertices 8 Relevant for EM Probes: ToF and HFT Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) Time-of-Flight: MRPC Two layers 1.6 cm radius 4.8 cm radius 24 ladders 2 cm by 20 cm MIMOSA Active Pixel Sensor (CMOS) Precise (<10 mm) , thin and low power 50 mm thick chip - air cooling 0.36% radiation length 2 Power budget 100 mW/cm 9 p/K separation up to 1.6 GeV/c p/K separation up to 3 GeV/c Thus cover wider range of (p,K,p) pT Full ToF: -1 < h < 1, 2p Relevant for EM Probes: ToF and HFT Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) SVT + HFT Time-of-Flight: MRPC Clean D meson sample (v2 !) Test statistical models Pythia p-p 200 GeV Au-Au Statistical recombination* D+/D0 0.33 0.455 Ds+/D0 0.20 0.393 Lc+/D0 0.14 0.173 J/y/D0 0.0003 0.0004 (No suppr.) ToF + EMC ToF + TPC A. Andronic et al., PLB 571,36 (2003). Disentangle b,c contributions to non-photonic singel electron spectra sbb through B J/Y + X (?) Electron PID p < 3 GeV/c Exactly where needed for J/Y Low mass dileptons spectra vector mesons allows us to trigger on J/Y ToF used as fine granular g veto ToF 10 complement one another PID of K, p, p allows D meson measurements up to higher pT Low Mass Dileptons: What STAR Can Do Upgraded detectors: Full TOF+TPC Electrons PID SVT+HFT (m-Vertex detector) Reject electrons not from primary vertex (g conversion + Dalitz) NIM Article in preparation: Studies on Particle Identification with TPC and ToF γ conversion and π0 , η Dalitz decay background How can μVertex detector deal with γ conversion subtraction? 11 Low-pT Electron PID with ToF STAR not hadron blind a low level of hadron contamination crucial Study in 62.4 GeV Au+Au Evaluated through dE/dx fits Hadron contamination increases for pT > 1.5 GeV/c (eff = const.) need to accept slightly lower efficiency at intermediate pT This is the pT range where EMC because effective Hadron Rejection Power ~ 10-5 for pT < 1 GeV/c Def: (hadron contamination) (e/h) / (electron efficiency) 12 Low-Mass Dileptons: Background Rejection Conversion Electrons only Background inv. mass spectrum 1 M PYTHIA Events Require TPC+SVT+μVertex (HFT): ~98% electrons from gamma conversion rejected Dalitz decays become dominant sources!!! Dalitz decay background/event: ~5∙10-6/25MeV (ω) ~5∙10-7/25MeV (Φ) Total background/event : ~10-4/25MeV (ω) ~2∙10-5/25MeV (Φ) 13 What one wants … R. Rapp, hep-ph/0010101 14 Vector Mesons Rate Estimate Assume: dn/dy|p 1 (pp) dn/dy|p 300 (Au Au) p 0.15 f p 0.02 s 15 MeV s f 8MeV TOF match+PID eff ≈ 80% TPC+SVT+μVertex eff ≈ 60% (?) From PDG: BR (e e- )710-5 BR (f e e- )310-4 Preliminary estimates: Au+Au #events for ω with 3σ signal #events for Φ with 3σ signal TOF+TPC 7M 2M TOF+TPC+SVT+ μVertex (HFT) 800K (350K) 150K (50K) 15 b Quark Measurements with HFT B mesons accessible using semileptonic decay electrons Issue: nonphotonic electrons will be measured, but what is the real fraction of these from B? Highly model dependent Using displaced vertex tag is the most promising method pT ~ 15 GeV/c: s (Au+Au) ~ 20mb/Gev 10 nb-1 yields 200k bb pairs Non-photonic electrons in d+Au Tagging in Au+Au (w/ HFT) 16 DAQ Upgrades (1000 Hz) Current limit from TPC front-end electronics is 100 Hz Limits size of datasets ~100M events/nominal RHIC run Affects available luminosity Deadtime scales linearly with rate 50 Hz = 50% dead, i.e. 50% drop in luminosity available to rare triggers: usual compromise Proposal to replace TPC electronics with ALICE chips to increase maximum rate by order of magnitude Rate of events to disk increased though timely processing of events on disk is an issue Removes deadtime: effective doubling of RHIC luminosity 17 Summary STAR has proven capabilities for EM probes and heavy flavor measurements at RHIC PMD: Photon multiplicity FPD: forward g and electron detection - high xF physics Electron identification using three detector systems (TPC, TOF, EMC) from 1 to >10 GeV/c Direct reconstruction of charmed mesons Shortcoming in PID, vertexing, and acceptance STAR has a clear path for improving its capabilities in the near future Completion and extension of calorimetric coverage Extension of TOF coverage to full azimuth for electrons and combinatoric background rejection in direct reconstruction Upgrade of Data Acquisition to increase effective luminosity and untriggered data samples Installation of the heavy flavor tracker for displaced vertices for heavy flavor physics and photonic electron rejection Low Mass Vector Mesons and Thermal Dileptons Will Become Part of STAR’s Program 18 STAR Collaboration 545 Collaborators from 51 Institutions in 12 countries Argonne National Laboratory Institute of High Energy Physics - Beijing University of Bern University of Birmingham Brookhaven National Laboratory California Institute of Technology University of California, Berkeley University of California - Davis University of California - Los Angeles Carnegie Mellon University Creighton University Nuclear Physics Inst., Academy of Sciences Laboratory of High Energy Physics - Dubna Particle Physics Laboratory - Dubna University of Frankfurt Institute of Physics. Bhubaneswar Indian Institute of Technology. Mumbai Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Institut de Recherches Subatomiques de Strasbourg University of Jammu Kent State University Institute of Modern Physics. Lanzhou Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physics Michigan State University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute City College of New York NIKHEF Ohio State University Panjab University Pennsylvania State University Institute of High Energy Physics - Protvino Purdue University Pusan University University of Rajasthan Rice University Instituto de Fisica da Universidade de Sao Paulo University of Science and Technology of China USTC Shanghai Institue of Applied Physics - SINAP SUBATECH Texas A&M University University of Texas - Austin Tsinghua University Valparaiso University Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre. Kolkata Warsaw University of Technology University of Washington Wayne State University Institute of Particle Physics Yale University University of Zagreb 19