Ch. 3 Notes

Notes: The English Colonies in America (Ch. 3)
Social Studies Standards for Chapter 4
History: You will be able to describe political, religious, and economic aspects of North American colonization including the reasons for colonization,
interactions with American Indians, indentured servitude, slavery and representative government.
People in Societies: You will be able to discuss the development of religious freedom and diversity in the English colonies.
Before Chapter
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
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A or D
A or D
Anticipation Guide: Statement
1. The first English colony in N. America was Plymouth.
2. There really was a Native American girl named Pocahantas.
3. The Pilgrims came to America in search of religious freedom.
4. The Pilgrims sailed to America on the Mayflower.
5. The Pilgrims might not have survived without help of Native Americans
6. The Roanoke colony thrived for over 60 years.
7. The colony of Maryland was founded to give Catholics a place to practice their religion.
8. The Dutch took over the colony of New Amsterdam from the English in 1664.
9. William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania.
After Chapter
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
A or D
Chapter 3 Essential Question: Bell Ringer-How does geography influence the way people live?
I. Lesson One: Roanoke and Jamestown-“Why did the first English come to America?”
A. Roanoke (1585 & 1587)
1. Countries of Europe wanted riches from America like ________________.
2. Queen Elizabeth gave ______________________ right to start colony in America.
3. Decided to locate on Roanoke ___________ and named the land _______________.
4. John White- led the ________________; returned to England for _______________.
5. When White returned the colony was ___________________.
B. 1607- _______________ founded by Virginia Company of London.
1. Charter-document that gave people right to start __________________.
2. Virginia Co. was a joint stock company (owned by ____________________________)
3. Settled near Chesapeake Bay on the __________________ River.
Jamestown Problems
Jamestown Survival
a. locationa. Governor John Smith- forced people to _______
b. settlersc. starving timed. Indians-Eventually fought __________ for land
e. Royal Colony- 1624 king took ____________ &
made Virginia a ______________ Colony.
b. Powhatan Indians- could have ___________ the
colony, but instead _____________ with them.
c. CASH crop- learned to plant ___________
d. Pocohantas married _______________- led to
peace between colonists and Natives.
e. Government-House of Burgesses was first
representative ______________ in America
f. Headright System-gave settlers ________ for
paying way to America.
II. Lesson Two: The New England Colonies- Bell Ringer: “Why did the Puritans come to America?”
A. The Reformation in England was caused by the actions of ________________.
1. Church of England or _____________ Church become the official church because of the
marriage problems of __________________.
2. Catholic Church- many _______________ (people that disagree) favored remaining
3. Puritan Church-dissenters that wanted to reform the ________________ Church.
4. Others were _______________ who wanted to setup their own churches.
5. Separatists were _______________ (mistreated because of beliefs), so some left
_______________ and moved to Holland, but were not happy there.
B. The Pilgrims Settle ____________-1620
1. Received permission from ____________ Company to settle in Virginia & have freedom
of _______________.
2. Traveled aboard the ship _____________, but were blown off course & ended up
3. Landed in November and founded ______________.
4. Mayflower Compact (________________)
a. Setup an organized ________________ for the colony
b. Signers agreed to ______________________.
c. Important step in development of idea of ______________________.
5. Pilgrim Survival
Pilgrim Problems
Pilgrim Survival
a. Almost _________ of Pilgrims died a. Native Americans ____________ &
1st year
_____________ taught them how to grow crops.
b. Illness, ___________ &
b. Pilgrims and local Indians made ___________
(for awhile) & gave thanks: ________________
C. New Colonies-Massachusetts Bay Colony founded in 1630 by ___________ seeking religious
900 Puritans were led to Massachusetts by Governor _____________________
Named their town ______________
More than 15,000 Puritans moved to Massachusetts in the 1630’s in what’s known as the
Theocracy-governed by ________ church members that owned ______________.
5. Puritans had strict _____________ beliefs and were not ______________ of other religious beliefs.
6. This lack of tolerance caused some people to leave & start ___________________.
D. Connecticut & Rhode Island founded by Puritan ____________
1. Thomas Hooker led his followers to the ____________________ River Valley in 1636
a. In 1639 wrote the __________________________ -first constitution in America
b. Detailed plans for government by the ______________
2. Roger Williams founded ______________________
a. Believed government should not force people to ____________ a certain way
b. Believed land should not be taken from _______________.
c. Rhode Island had policy of ______________ tolerance, so many dissenters moved
3. Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan woman that expressed her ______________ beliefs
publicly. She was banished from __________________ & moved to Rhode Island.
E. New Hampshire founded by Puritans that left ____________________
F. Relations with Native Americans in New England
1. Native Americans and settlers often ______________________
2. Puritans believed they could take Native’s land because the Native’s had not
______________________ & were not ______________________
3. Several wars including ______________ (1637) and King Phillip’s (_______________)
War (1675). Colonists won and Indians lost ____________________.
Assess: Why did some people leave Massachusetts and start other colonies?
III. Lesson Three: The Middle Colonies- Bell Ringer: “Why did the middle colonies grow?”
A. New York and New Jersey
1. Between _______________ & Maryland in South and Plymouth & _________________
in the north was the Dutch colony known as _______________________
2. Main settlement was New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island & _____________ River.
3. Colony was center of _____________
4. Dutch West India Company owned colony and gave large land grants called ___________.
5. England claimed land (based on _____________ exploration) and sent fleet to attack New
Netherlands in 1664.
6. Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant ________________ and England renamed colony
________________ for James, the Duke of York.
7. James was the proprietor (_______________) of New York and colony continued to grow.
B. New Jersey
1. Duke of York gave some of his land _______________________ &
2. The offered ______________, _____________ freedom, trial by _____________ & a
representative _______________ (government).
C. Pennsylvania
1. ____________________ was a Quaker given land in America by Charles to settle debt.
2. Named colony Pennsylvania which means “_______________________.”
3. Quakers (Society of __________) believed in ____________, and people should follow
their “___________ light,” and refused to fight in wars (__________________).
4. Penn traveled to American and supervised the building of ____________________.
5. Penn believed Native Americans should be ____________ for land.
6. In Pennsylvania there was freedom of _____________ & representative ______________.
7. Colony had a ________________ population & grew rapidly.
D. Delaware
1. The southern counties in Pennsylvania had originally been part of New ______________.
2. Penn allowed them to have their own _________________ so they functioned as a separate
IV. LESSON FOUR: The Southern Colonies-B.R: “How did the Southern colonies develop differently than the
Northern and Middle Colonies?”_____________________________________________________
A. Economy of Virginia
1. Tobacco required many workers which led to ______________ from Africa
2. Many came to Virginia as _________________ servants; to pay for their passage they
agreed to work _______________ for an amount of time.
B. Maryland (1634)
1. Sir George Calvert (Lord _______________) wanted a safe place for English
2. When George died his son Cecelius inherited the colony & named it
3. Large ________________ were given to English aristocrats as well as smaller lands to
4. Colony depended on _______________ & _____________________ for labor
5. Disputed boundary with Pennsylvania was settled by the ______________________ Line
6. Maryland established the _________ of Toleration in 1649 to ensure freedom of
C. Rebellion in Virginia
1. In 1640’s Governor William ____________ promised Native Americans settlers would not
expand farther west in exchange Natives gave Virginia a large piece of ___________.
2. Virginians continued to move west in search of owning their own ____________.
3. These westerners felt Virginia government did not _____________ them from Natives.
4. Nathanial Bacon led an army of western Virginians in _____________ against Natives.
5. Bacon’s army then attacked and burned __________________, but
_____________suddenly died and the rebellion ended.
D. The Carolinas
1. King Charles II gave land to ______________ nobles and named colony ____________
(Charles Land)
2. John Locke wrote a ______________________ that declared every man has a “property in
his own _____________, the labor of his ___________...... are his.”
3. Northern part grew _____________ and used ports in _____________.
4. Southern section had harbor at ____________________ and grew ______________ &
5. In 1729 it officially separated and became _____________ & ____________ Carolina.
E. Georgia (1733)
1. Georgia was the last of the 13 ______________ colonies in America.
2. James Oglethorpe received a charter to start a colony for ______________ to get a fresh
3. British hoped Georgia would block any attacks from _______________________.
4. Built forts and town of __________________
5. Georgia did not grow as Oglethorpe intended so he gave charter to the _________ in 1751.
Video Notes: English Settlement pt. one
1. Roanoke
2. Jamestown
3. Prosperity in Jamestown (The Economy Grows)
4. Immigrants from other European Countries
Video Notes: English Settlement pt. two
1. Who were the Puritans and Separatists? Why did they leave England?
2. The Pilgrims (1620) Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Mayflower Compact
Miles Standish
Other info-
3. The Indians
4. Differences between Jamestown and Plymouth
4. The Puritans (1630) & The Great Migration to Massachusetts.
Why did they come to America?
John Winthrop-
Intolerant of others- examples??
5. English Settlement Along the East Coast
New Jersey-
Video Notes: The Massacre at Mystic
Fill in the chart below to compare the differences between the English settles and the Pequot Indians.
Land Ownership