Chapter 8/9 Notes - Fill in the Blank

Ch. 8 - Early American Government Notes
I. Articles of Confederation
A. America’s first written form of ___________________________________.
B. Every state had their own _____________________________________ and
acted independently.
C. All of the power in the government was in the states because they wanted to
________________________ the power of the national government after they had
been abused by King George III.
D. Every state had its own ___________________________________.
E. All national decisions had to be approved with each
II. Problems under the Articles of Confederation
A. The United States of America was in _______________________________ from
the American Revolution. Under the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. had very little
_________________________________power to pay these debts, due to it weak
central government.
B. The two major weaknesses were weak national government and a weak national
C. Made it difficult to deal with other nations, because all states had to approve
D. Paper money became _____________________________________.
III. Events in the early United States of America
A. The Northwest Ordinance
1. Created a ____________________________________________ that included all land
north of the Ohio River and East of the Mississippi River.
2. When the territory reached ____________________________________ people the
territory could apply for statehood.
B. Diplomatic Problems
1. Britain refused to leave some areas east of the
Ch. 8 - Early American Government Notes
2. Spain occupied _________________________________________ and lands west of
the Mississippi River.
C. Shays’ Rebellion
1. Daniel Shays was a war hero from the American Revolution turned farmer in
2. He led a rebellion in Springfield Massachusetts over debt and
3. The rebellion showed the critical need of a strong national government with a strong
national _________________________________________. If the new nation struggled
with a farmer’s rebellion, how would they defend an attack from a power like England?
IV. Change in Government
A. A nationwide call for a stronger government was led by
_____________________________ and Alexander Hamilton.
B. A constitutional convention was called in May 1787 and went through the summer.
_____________________________ Delegates attended.
C. The convention took on more prestige when
________________________________________ decided to support it.
D. James Madison - Known as the ‘Father of the Constitution’ because he was the main
____________________ of it.
His first attempt was called the Virginia Plan.
It called for a ______________________ house legislature where representation was
based on ________________________.
E. – The New Jersey Plan
The other plan proposed was called the New Jersey Plan.
Each state would get one vote regardless of _________________________________.
Gave the power to tax and regulate trade
Also has a weak _______________________________ branch
The groups could not decide, which eventually lead to the………
Ch. 8 - Early American Government Notes
V. Finalizing the new national government
A. The ______________________ created a two-house legislature including a House of
Representatives and a Senate.
1. The House representation would be based on state
2. The _____________________________________ would have every state with two
members, regardless of population.
B. The 3/5’s Compromise
1. Every __________________________________________ was to count as 3/5’s of a
person for population and taxation.
2. The slave trade would be left alone until __________________________________.
Then Congress could choose to limit it if they wanted to
C. Bill of Rights
1. Designed to protect individual
2. Were added to the _________________________________________in order for
Virginia and Massachusetts to sign.
3. The Bill of Rights was based on England’s _____________________________ which
was written in the 1200’s and stressed individual rights.
D. The new United States Constitution was signed in 1787 in
VI. Government under the Constitution
A. Our government is divided into three branches, Executive, Legislative, & the
_______________________ branches.
B. The Constitution is divided into sections called
C. The first three articles of the Constitution describe the three branches and their
D. Federalism – the sharing of powers between central and state
Ch. 8 - Early American Government Notes
E. The President is elected using an electoral ____________________________________.
1. Every citizen in every state may vote for an
2. The elector who receives the most votes casts that states vote for who they want to be
3. The candidate that receives the most electoral
___________________________________ becomes President.
4. Presidents serve a _______________________ year term after being elected.
F. Check and Balances
1. Every branch is designed to _______________________________________ the powers
of the other two branches.
2. This is to prevent any one branch from becoming too
______________________________ and abusing their powers.
G. Ratify – to ____________________________________________.
H. Separation of powers – giving different _____________________________ to different
branches of the government.
VII. 1st political parties
A. Federalists
1. Believed in the ___________________________________ and a strong central
2. Supporters included James Madison, __________________________________, and
Alexander Hamilton.
B. Anti-federalists
1. Believed in the Articles of Confederation and ____________________________
state governments.
2. Supporters included Patrick Henry and