Photosynthesis Review Photosynthesis happens in animal cells

Photosynthesis Review
Photosynthesis happens in animal cells True/False? False
What is another name for the sugar produced during photosynthesis? Glucose
What does your body do with the thermal energy released during cellular respiration? Regulate
body temperature
Cellular Respiration is the same thing as breathing. True/False? False
What are the 2 products of photosynthesis? Oxygen and glucose
What is the chemical equation for Carbon Dioxide? CO2
What 2 things are required for cellular respiration to happen? Glucose and oxygen
What is the chemical equation for Glucose? C6H12O6
How does breathing help your cells perform cellular respiration? Provides oxygen
This molecule stores energy so cells can use it. ATP
What are the 3 products of cellular respiration? Carbon Dioxide, Water, ATP
What would happen if all the producers died today? We would die too.
What is the chemical equation for water? H2O
How do plants benefit from photosynthesis? They make their own food
What is O2? oxygen
Mitochondria are found in __________ cells animal
Why are producers important to the survival of all other organisms? Provide oxygen and food
What gives plants their green color? chlorophyll
Plants and other organisms that use photosynthesis are called _____________ producers
How do people benefit from photosynthesis? oxygen
Chlorophyll captures the radiant energy of the _____________ sunlight
How do photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together? They exchange carbon dioxide and
Chloroplasts are found in _____________ cells plant
Carbon dioxide, water, and ATP are produced in this process: cellular respiration
When you breathe, you inhale ___________ and exhale __________ oxygen/ carbon dioxide
Oxygen and glucose are produced in this process: photosynthesis