Homer Plessy - HAATAmericanLit

By: Jose Munive
He was arrested on June 7, 1892 for sitting in
the “white” car of the East Louisiana Railroad .
A black civil rights organization decided to
challenge the law in the courts.
He argued that the separate car act violated the
13th and 14th amendment.
The supreme court of the United States heard
of Plessy’s case and held the Louisiana
segregation statue constitutional.
Refers to a Black person in New Orleans who
traced some of their ancestors to the French,
Spanish, Caribbean, settlers of Louisiana before
it became part of the United States.
The arrest were it all started took place at the
East Louisiana Railroad on June 7, 1892 . Then
on 1996 the Court of the United States heard of
the case and held the Louisiana segregation
statute constitutional.
Homer Plessy wanted equality between Blacks
& whites. He got arrested two times for being
in White territory and his case was heard by
the United States Supreme court and then he
fought for the equality of blacks.
Plessy’s lawyer said that the separate act was
violating the 13th & 14th amendment .the Plessy
violated the law and sat in the white section at
court. Blacks and whites were separated then
as results of the court. White restaurants,
hotels, and etc were able to refuse service to
This means that Plessy made the decision that if
Blacks and whites were separate BUT equal it
will be fair … nut that didn’t really happened
because there was still some discrimination.
This is important because this explains why the
Separate car act was violating the 14th
amendment and how is was violating it.
This is significant
because it shows
how the
segregation was
the act that
separated the
blacks and the
whites equally,
even though it
wasn’t equal.