Answer Key Midterm Exam Study Guide Receptive Study Guide Part A: CR Units 13-17 “Which Number Was That”- Circle which number was given. 1. $2.50 2:50 12:50 2. 101 111 $1.01 3. Nov. 22, 1992 Nov. 2, 1992 Nov. 12, 1992 4. June 7, 1938 Jan. 7, 1938 Jan. 8, 1938 5. 1570’s 1480’s 1520’s 6. 10 cents 10 years old 10:00 7. 1:15 1:05 115 8. 3 $3 3:00 9. 479 Freider 479 Reider 47 Freider 10. 202 Ella 200 Vella 22 Vella 11. 21 London 21 Londen 21 Ondon 12. 36 Walden 3 Walden 36 Alden Part B: Unit 17 “Beginning Conversations” Answer the Questions Dialog 1: 1. What did Anthony do on Friday? 2. What did Anthony do on Saturday? 3. What did Anthony do on Sunday? 4. What does Anthony’s boss say? Dialog 2: 1. What did Sandra do Friday? 2. What did Sandra do Saturday? 3. What did Sandra do Sunday? 4. How did she feel? Dialog 3: 1. What did Ethan do Friday? 2. What did Ethan do Saturday? 3. What plans were cancelled? Part C: Unit 17 “Disrupted Plans” Narrative 1: 1. What was the water like when they left the harbor? 2. What was the water like in the open sea? 3. What happened after Mary looked out the window? 4. What did the captain decide to do? 5. What did Mary and the others get when they returned to shore? 6. How did Mary feel about the change in plans? 7. What does Mary fingerspell, once with one hand, then again with both? Narrative 2: 1. Describe the setting of the wedding. 2. What was the first unexpected occurrence? 3. What was the next unexpected occurrence related to the car? 4. How was the problem solved? 5. What was the last unexpected occurrence? 6. How did people feel about the day? 7. What word does Cinnie fingerspell? Part D: Unit 17 “Descriptionary” Round 1: 1. Who spells SPUR? 2. Who spells WHEELBARROW? Round 2: 1. Who spells CACTUS? 2. Who spells COFFEE RACK? Round 3: 1. Who spells SUNDIAL? 2. Who spells CAKE? Round 4: 1. Who spells STARFISH 2. Who spells JACK? Round 5: 1. Who spelled BUCKET? 2. Who spelled BAG? Round 6: 1. Who spelled SIEVE? 2. Who spelled NET? Round 7: 1. Who spelled TELESCOPE? 2. Who spelled LEVEL? Round 8: 1. Who spelled BASTER? 2. Who spelled NAIL? Part E: Unit 16 “Minidialogue” 1. What food dish is being asked about? 2. What does Ivanetta want to know about it? 3. What ingredients are used? 4. How do you assemble it? Part F: Unit 15 “Discussing Nationalities” 1. What does Cinnie offer to get the others? 2. What is Cinnie’s maiden name? 3. What nationality is Cinnie’s father? 4. What nationality is Cinnie’s mother? 5. What is Cinnie’s new last name? 6. What country is that last name from? 7. What did Tina Jo think Cinnie’s nationality was? 8. What is Tina Jo’s mother’s nationality? 9. What is Tina Jo’s father’s nationality? Part G: Unit 12 “What Time is it” Time AM/PM/EVE Activity 1. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 2. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 3. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 4. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 5. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 6. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 7. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 8. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ 9. _____________ ____________ ___________________________ Part H: Beginning of Unit dialogs (Unit 12, 15, 16, 17) Objective Study Guide Part 1: Parameters and Types of Sign What are the five parameters of a sign? Handshape, Palm Orientation, Location, Movement, Nonmanual Markers Describe the parameters for the sign WATER: W, Palm to non-dominant side, on chin, tapping, none List three examples of a one handed sign: CABBAGE, CANDY, GUM List three examples of a two-handed symmetrical sign: WAKE-UP, SALAD, FINISH List three examples of a two-handed non-symmetrical sign: CHEESE, GET-OUT-OF-BED, CHIPS Part 2: Non-Manual Markers What is a NMM? A facial expression or body movement that goes with a sign. What sign uses the NMM of ‘oo’? SMALL, SKINNY What sign uses the NMM of ‘cha’? LARGE What sign uses the NMM of ‘ah’? FAR Are NMMs primarily used as grammar? YES Circle the signs that have NMMs: SKINNY SOUR FAR DELICIOUS THRILLED HATE Part 3: Classifiers Name an example of a Body Classifier: CL: D- Person walking Name an example of a Body Part Classifier: CL: Flat B- Feet walking Name an example of a Descriptive Classifier: CL:F- Small, flat, round object Name an example of an Instrument Classifier: CL: Bent 5- Playing piano Name an example of an Element Classifier: CL: 5- Waterfall What classifier would you use to describe rain? CL: Bent 5- Element Classifier What classifier would you use to describe spraying a hose? CL: Bent L- Instrument Classifier What classifier would you use to describe a person walking? CL:D or CL: V- Body Classifiers Part 4: Food and Cooking Classifiers Name three foods that can be described with CL: F- Slice of cucumber, pepperoni, chocolate Name three foods that can be described with CL: Bent L- Pizza, pancake, cookie Name three foods that can be described with CL:C- Soda can, bottle, cake What classifier would you use to describe a large bowl? CL: CC What classifier would you use to describe a baking sheet? CL: B or CL:LL What classifier would you use to describe stirring? CL: A Part 5: Pronouns Personal Pronouns are signed with a D handshape. List three personal pronouns: ME, YOU, HE Possessive Pronouns are signed with a B handshape. List three possessive pronouns: MY, YOUR, OUR Plural Pronouns incorporate the NUMBER of people involved. List three plural pronouns: TWO-OF-US, THREE-OF-THEM, FIVE-OF-THEM Reflexive Pronouns are used one talking about ONESELF. List three reflexive pronouns: MYSELF, YOURSELF, ITSELF Part 6: Deaf Culture- True or False T When arriving late or leaving early Deaf people expect an explanation. F Eye gaze is important when signing with a Deaf person. T When watching a signer you should look at their face. F If you sign something different than a deaf person you should tell them they are wrong. T It is acceptable to walk through another person’s conversation and sign excuse me. T 90% of Deaf people have hearing parents. F ASL is a universal language. F Deaf people think that deafness is a disability. F When you don’t understand something you should just ignore it and keep in the conversation. Part 7: Time and Recurring Signs The time signs should always come at the BEGINNING of a sentence. A recurring sign means that someone does the activity REPEATEDLY. To make Wednesday mean EVERY-WEDNESDAY you would SLIDE IT DOWN. To make WEEK mean EVERY-WEEK you would REPEAT IT. To make MONTH mean EVERY-MONTH you would REPEAT IT. To make YEAR mean EVERY-YEAR you would REPEAT IT. To make DAY mean EVERY-DAY you would SIGN ON YOUR CHEEK. To make MORNING mean EVERY-MORNING you would SLIDE IT NON-DOMINANT TO DOMINANT. How do you sign AM? MORNING How do you sign PM? AFTERNOON or NIGHT Part 8: Idioms What is an idiom? A phrase or a word that is not used literally. What does FINISH usually mean? Done, finished. When FINISH is used as an idiom it means? Stop, Cut it out. When FINISH is used as a conjunction it means? Then, After How do you use space when you sign your family tree? Set up father’s side on one side and mother’s side on the other. When do you use hand referents? To list Part 9: ASL Info What other words are appropriate to use to describe Deaf people? There are none. Is ASL grammar the same as English grammar? No Are non-manual markers part of ASL grammar? Yes Can you use English and ASL at the same time? No What sign would you use to describe an unexpected change? WRONG twisted on chin If you do not tell Deaf people about why a plan changed you are considered RUDE. Can a classifier only mean one item? No Part 10: Deaf History What two countries is ASL used in? US and Canada ASL is related to what other sign language? French Sign Language (LSF) What year was the first school for the Deaf founded? 1817 What was the original name for the school for the Deaf? The Connecticut Asylum for the education and instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons Where was the first school for the Deaf? Hartford, Connecticut What was the name of the hearing man that established the school? Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet What was his sign name? L to G handshape coming away from dominant eye. What was the name of the Deaf French man that helped establish the school? Laurent Clerc What was his sign name? Extended H brushing down on dominant cheek. What is the name of the first college for the Deaf? Gallaudet University Where is this college? Washington, D.C. Who was the first person to study and research ASL? William Stokoe Where did he work? Gallaudet University What decade did he do his research in? The 1960’s What other words are appropriate to use to describe Deaf people? None Is ASL grammar the same as English grammar? No Are non-manual markers part of ASL grammar? Yes PALS Study Guide These are practice scenarios for the midterm PALS. None of these are the actual PALS, but they will prepare you for the real one. Plan out your response and practice signing it. Try to make your responses at least one minute in length. Practice 1: You are hosting a birthday party for your sister. What kinds of food will you serve and how will you make it? Also include where you will buy the ingredients and how much they will cost. Practice 2: Your grandmother wants to know why you didn’t come visit last weekend. Tell her about your busy weekend including what you did and what time it was. Practice 3: Your family is planning an around the world trip. Tell your family what countries you would like to visit. Describe some ethnic food you want to eat there. Practice 4: You are inviting people over tonight to hang out. Your mother wants to know all the details of your plans. Include activities, food, and who is coming.