Azimuthal and HBT Correlations of Particles with Strangeness Outline •HBT Motivation Selected Results/Implications •Azimuthal Correlations Motivation Info in Correlations Selected Results/Implications •Summary NOTE !! Strange Particle Azimuthal and HBT Correlation Measurements are NOT Pervasive. Roy A. Lacey Why Study HBT Correlations HBT allows quantification of contributions to spacetime evolution (STE) of system reaction plane Lifetime and duration of fp=90° emission Rside (small) Spatial extent of system Rside (large) Collective flow at thermal freeze-out Probability to detect 2 particles at p1 and p2, C2 d 4 x1d 4 x 2 12 x1 x 2 2 (pair relative momentum) r r r t r ,t exp 2 2 2 R 2 R 2 R 2 L 2 2 2 2 2 2 C 2 1 exp q L R L q TS R TS q TO R TO E 2 2 2 L 2 TS 2 TS 2 TO 2 TO • HBT(f) provides direct access to fshape P=0° and orientation of source 2 In the Longitudinal CMS, where (p1+p2)beam = 0, R 2 2 2 2 C 2 1 exp q 2L R 2L q TS R TS q TO R TO 2 2 2 R exp 2 TO exp 2 TS 2 exp RTO Observables • Predicted Signatures for 2 R 2 2 3 radii: R L , R TS , R exp TO TO QGP Time duration : chaoticity: Roy A. Lacey What is the Value of Strange Particle Azimuthal and HBT Correlations ? Roy A. Lacey Value of Strange Particle HBT Correlations Accurate Source Size Determination 4fm 6fm F.Wang & S. Pratt PRL 83, 3138, 1999 10fm -p correlations are more sensitive than p-p for large sources Roy A. Lacey Value of Strange Particle HBT Correlations Access to Space-time Asymmetries Catching up kz 0 p Large interaction time Large correlation p kz 0 p C. Gelderloos et al NIM A349, 618 (1994) R. Lednicky et al PLB 373, 30 (1996) Moving away Small interaction time Small correlation Ratio or Difference Sensitive to the space-time asymmetry Strange Particles aid Access to Possible Space-time Asymmetries Roy A. Lacey Results Chung et al (E895) Imaging Technique Brown Danielewicz PRC 64, 14902 (2001) C (q) 1 4 drr 2 K (q, r ) S (r ) Kernel Encodes ( FSI) Source Function: Prob. of emitting a pair of particles with separation r in pair c.m. (short and long range) Fraction of particles High Quality Source Functions Allow Detailed Comparisons Between pp, pi-pi, and /\p Roy A. Lacey Results/Implications Chung et al (E895) •Half of the pions come from A source with R1/ 2 8 fm (1/2 from larger source) •~ 51% of protons come from a compact source •~ 60% of p/\ pairs come from intermediate size source. -- emission time diff.? -- difference in flow ? Estimates for /\ source R1/ 2 6 1 fm ~ 1 The Naive Expectation of R p Rpp R is not Followed Roy A. Lacey Results R1/ 2 Insensitive to pT over Range of Measurements. Substantial change in fraction of particles which contribute to short-range source Roy A. Lacey Results /\p Fit with theoretical CF (effective range approx) R. Lednicky Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 35, 770 (1982) •S-wave scattering length f0=-2.3/-1.8 (singlet/triplet) Preliminary NA49 Data Indicate Similar Radius value Roy A. Lacey Results Correlations Fit with theoretical CF •S-wave scattering length f0 Suggestive of Small Scattering Lengths nn s-wave ~ 20 fm Roy A. Lacey Results K 0 K 0 Correlations Uncorrected Large Radius ? Mt Scaling ? Roy A. Lacey Value of Strange Particle HBT Correlations Access to Space-time Asymmetries Catching up kz 0 Large interaction time Large correlation p kz 0 p C. Gelderloos et al NIM A349, 618 (1994) Moving away Small interaction time Small correlation Ratio or Difference Sensitive to the space-time asymmetry R. Lednicky et al PLB 373, 30 (1996) Roy A. Lacey Results Fit in pair rest frame <r*pion-r*kaon> = -6.8 fm r* = g (r - t) tpion-tkaon < 6.4 fm/c rkaon-rpion < 4.6 fm Data Suggest Important Space-time Asymmetry in Emission Pattern for different Particles Roy A. Lacey Why Azimuthal Correlations Jets: Primarily from gluons at RHIC Sensitive to the QCD medium (dE/dx) CGC: Flow: Provides insights on Saturation Physics Primarily from pressure build-up Reflect conditions in collision zone (EOS) Correlation Studies can provide information on the particle production mechanism,the EOS, Initial State effects QGP formation…. (Very Important Signal) Roy A. Lacey Extracting Azimuthal Correlations There are Several Methods Currently being Exploited to Extract the Anisotropy and Asymmetry of Correlations Reaction Plane method Correlation Function Method: 1.) correlate particles (1 and 2) from the same pT range (fixed pT) 2.) Correlate particle 1 in a given pT bin with particles of arbitrary or Fixed pT (Assorted pT) Multiparticle correlations: Three-Particle Correlations, Cumulants Roy A. Lacey Establishing Definitions Asymmetry ( ) 1.2 C(f 1.1 1.0 Anisotropy ( v 2) 0.9 0.8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 fdeg.) 2 2 dN 1 f a 1 2 v2 cos(2f ) exp d (f ) 2 Azimuthal Distributions and Correlation Functions are Characterized by an Anisotropy and an Asymmetry. Roy A. Lacey Information in Correlation Functions Hydro or Transport Saturation Model With large Opacity HIJING 1.2 C(f 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0 Flow leads to strong anisotropy Mini-Jets, lead to strong anisotropy and an asymmetry 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 fdeg.) Jets lead to strong anisotropy and an asymmetry The anisotropy of the correlation function can reflect both flow-like and Jet contributions – Detailed Differential Studies Required !! Roy A. Lacey What Kind of Insights Do Strange Particles Provide ? E895 Clear Evidence for in-medium potential at AGS Energies Roy A. Lacey Differential Measurements Star Flavor Composition of v2 is Crucial Roy A. Lacey Anisotropy Pattern is Species Dependent Roy A. Lacey Differential Measurements PHENIX STAR Good Agreement Between Experiments Preliminary Flavor Composition of v2 is Crucial Roy A. Lacey Differential Correlation Functions a) Au + Au Au + Au b) 1.04 1.02 1.02 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.96 c) f P+P 2 • Charge Selection Consistent with presence of Jets/Minijets P+P Illustrative Sketch Illustrative Sketch 2 C 1 1 0 40 80 120 fdeg.) 160 0 40 80 120 fdeg.) •Asymmetry Sensitive to pTRef 160 Asymmetry of Correlation function sensitive to: • pT Reference • Selection d) f C C 1.04 • 1.0 < pTRef < 3.0 (GeV/c) C 0.3 < pTRef < 1.0 (GeV/c) • Extracted v2 relatively insensitive Roy A. Lacey v2 Scaling Scaling observed in models b ~ 5.3 b ~ 6.2 b ~ 7.1 b ~ 10.9 v2(pT,b)/v2(b) 3 2 Molnar et al. 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 pT (GeV/c) Goal: Apply scaling to p+p & d+A and compare to A+A Roy A. Lacey Correlation Measurements serve as an important probe for the high-energy-density nuclear matter . Measurements Involving Strange Particles Provide: – A Wealth of Insights on Reaction Dynamics • Several Examples Given (HBT, Azimuthal Correlations) – Better Understanding of Probes Crucial to the Search for the QGP Much Much More to Come !! Roy A. Lacey