LECTERE 3 Lecturer: Dmukhalska Yevheniya. B. Plan 1. Carbohydrates. 2. Biological role of carbohydrates in an organism. 3. Classification of carbohydrates. 4. Structure and stereoisomerism, chemical properties of monosaccharides. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes such as D-glucose, polyhydroxy ketones such as Dfructose, and compounds such as sucrose that can be hydrolyzed to polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones. Synthesis of carbohydrates polymerize CO2 + H2O photosynthesis glucose clothing fiber wood cellulose giving structure to plants polymerize chlorophyll light starch, plant seeds eaten by animals CO2 + H2O + energy glucose glycogen (liver) Biological role of carbohydrates 1. Carbohydrate oxidation provides energy. 2. Carbohydrate storage, in the form of glycogen, provides а short- term energy reserve. 3. Carbohydrates supply carbon atoms for the synthesis of other biochemical substances (proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids). 4. Carbohydrates form part of the structural framework of DNA and RNA molecules. 5. Carbohydrate "markers" on cell surfaces play key roles in cell -cell recognition processes. Classification • Monosaccharides are carbohydrates that contain a single polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone unit. Glucose, fructose. • Oligosaccharides are carbohydrates that contain from two to ten monosaccharide units. Lactose, sucrose. • Polysaccharides are carbohydrates made up of many monosaccharide units. Cellulose, starch. Classification of monosaccharides. 1. Monosaccharides are classified by the basis of type of carbonyl group, which are present in molecule: • Aldoses are monosaccharides that contain an aldehyde group. • Ketoses are monosaccharides that contain а ketone group. 2. Monosaccharides are often classified by number of carbon atoms. • А six-carbon monosaccharide is an hexose. • A five-carbon monosaccharide – pentose. • A four-carbon monosaccharide – tertrose. Configurations of Aldoses Configurations of Ketoses • Stereoisomers are isomeric molecules that have the same molecular formula and sequence of bonded atoms (constitution), but which differ only in the three-dimensional orientation of their atoms in space. • Any organic molecule containing а single carbon atom with four different groups attached to it exhibits chirality. • А chiral center is an atom in а molecule that has four different groups tetrahedrally bonded to it. It is asymmetric atom. • Enantiomers are stereoisomers whose molecules are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other. Enantiomers are an optically active compound. • The right- and left-handed enantiomers of a chiral compound rotate plane-polarized light in opposite ways. • Monosaccharides are polyhydroxy aldehydes and polyhydroxy ketones, because Aldoses can react with themselves forming cyclic hemiacetals (a) and Ketoses can react with themselves forming cyclic hemiketals (b) 1 CHO OH H H HO OH H H red raw to sh ow th e -OH on carbon-5 close to the aldeh yd e on carbon-1 CH 2 OH OH H5 O H OH H C 1 H HO 5 OH CH2 OH D -Glucose H anomeric carbon CH2 OH O OH() H H OH H HO H H OH -D -Glucopyranose (-D -Glucose) OH anomeric carb on CH2 OH O H H H + OH H HO OH() H OH -D -Glucopyranose ( -D -Glucos e ) •Five-membered rings are called furanoses •six-membered rings are pyranoses •Cyclic form of fructose is fructofuranose, while glucose in the pyranose form is glucopyranose Haworth Projection Formulas The D or L form of а monosaccharide is determined by the position of the terminal СН2ОН group on the highest-numbered ring carbon atom. In the D form, this group is positioned above the ring. In the L form, which is not usually encountered in biological systems, the terminal CH2OH group is positioned below the ring. or configuration is determined by the position of the ОН group on carbon-1. In а configuration OH group is positioned above the ring; in an configuration OH group is positioned below the ring. -D-Monosaccharide -D-Monosaccharide Haworth projection and Fischer projection -form -form Mutarotation The - and -forms of monosaccharides are readily interconverted in aqueous environments This spontaneous process, mutarotation, produces an equilibrium mixture of - and -forms in both furanose and pyranos ring structure Open chain form can participate in redox reactions Equilibrium Mixture of D-Glucose Isomerization— monosaccharides can undergo several types of isomerization D-glucose incubated in an alkaline solution for several hours produces two isomers: D-mannose and D-fructose Both involve an enediol intermediate Isomerization Oxidation of Monosaccharides Oxidation can be done in several ways. Tollens reagent (Ag+(NH3)2 or Benedict’s solution (Cu2+ tartrate complex). Not synthetically useful due to side reactions. Bromine water oxidizes aldoses (not ketoses) to monocarboxylic acids (Aldonic Acids). Nitric Acid oxidizes aldoses to dicarboxylic acids (Aldaric acids). Enzyme catalyzed oxidation of terminal OH to carboxylic acid (Uronic Acid) Oxidation of Monosaccharides • Monosaccharides are reducing sugars if their carbonyl groups oxidize to give carboxylic acids. • In the Benedict’s text, Fehling's text, Tollens’, and Tromer’s solutions, D-glucose is oxidized to D-gluconic acid. Glucose is a reducing sugar. O O H C C H C OH HO C H H C OH OH H C OH + Cu2+ HO C H H C OH H C OH H C OH CH2OH CH2OH D-Glucose + Cu2O(s) D-Gluconic acid 37 Oxidation • Weak oxidizing agents oxidize the carbonyl (aldehyde) group end of а monosaccharide to give a glyconic acid. Oxidation of glucose produces gluconic acid. • Strong oxidizing agents can oxidize both ends of а monosaccharide at the same time to produce а dicarboxylic acid - aldaric acids. For glucose, such an oxidation produces glucaric acid. Reduction. • Aldoses and ketoses, the product of the reduction is the corresponding polyhydroxy alcohol (sugar alcohol). The reduction D-glucose gives D-glucitol (D-sorbitol). Reduction of Monosaccharides • The reduction of the carbonyl group produces sugar alcohols, or alditols. • D-Glucose is reduced to Dglucitol also called sorbitol. 41 Glycoside Formation. Methyl--D-glucoside Methyl--D-glucoside NH2 N O HOCH2 O H H N a -N -glycosid ic bond H H HO OH anomeric carbon Acylation and Alkylation of Monosaccharides Phosphate ester formation -D-Glucose-1-phosphate -D-Glucose-6-phosphate Amino Sugar • Amino groups may be substituted for hydroxyl group of sugars to give rise to amino sugars. Generally, the amino group is added to the second carbon of the hexoses. The most common aminosugars are Glucosamine and Galactosamine. -D-Glucosamine -D-Glalactosamine N-acety1-D-glucosanune Oligosaccharides: Biological role • Within the human body, oligosaccharides are often found associated with proteins and lipids in complexes that have both structural and regulatory functions. • Free oligosaccharides, other than disaccharides, are seldom encountered in biological systems. • Complete hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide produces monosaccharides. Disaccharides Nоn-reducing disaccharides. In these disaccharides the two hexose units are linked together through their reducing groups which is С, in aldoses and С, in ketoses. Important example of non-reducing disaccharides is sucrose. Reducing disaccharides. In these disaccharides, one hexose unit is linked through its reducing carbon to the non-reducing carbon (C4 or С6). Maltose and lactose – reducing disaccharides. Disaccharides formation Monosaccharide + monosaccharide = disaccharide + Н2O (Functioning as а hemiacetal or а hemiketal) (Functioning as an alcohol) (Glycoside) Maltose • Malt sugar, is produced whenever the polysaccharide starch breaks down, as happens in plants when seeds germinate and in human beings during starch digestion. • Structurally, maltose is made up of two D-glucose units, one of which must be -D-glucose. • -D-Glucose -D-Glucose -(1-4)-linkage • The glycosidic linkage between the two glucose units is called an (1 - 4) linkage. Maltose is а reducing sugar. • Lactose is made up of а -D-galactose unit and а D-glucose unit joined by -(1 - 4) glycosidic linkage. • -D-galactose -D-Glucose • Lactose is а reducing sugar (1 - 4)-linkage • The two monosaccharide units present in -D-sucrose molecule are -D-glucose and -D-fructose. It is instead an ,(1-2) glycosidic linkage. Sucrose is а nonreducing sugar Sucrose is dextrorotatcry. Sucrose hydrolysis (digestion) produces an equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose. Now since fructose is more strongly laevorotatory than the dextrorotatory property of glucose, the mixture (product) after hydrolysis will be laevorotatory. dextrorotatcry laevorotatory This reaction is also as inversion of sugar because the dextrorotatory case sugar is converted into laevorotatory product due to hydrolysis. The mixture of glucose and fructose is called invert sugar.. • А polysaccharide contains many monosaccharide units bonded to each other by glycosidic linkages. • Polysaccharides may be divided into two classes: homopolysaccharides, which are composed of one type of monosaccharide units, and heteropolysaccharides, which contain two or more different types of monosaccharide units. • Homoglycans (glucans or glucosans): starch, glycogen and cellulose. They are made of only glucose. • Heteropolysaccharides (Mucopolysaccharides): hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphates. They are made up of different monosaccharide units. А polysaccharide (glucans) • Cellulose. Structurally, cellulose is а linear (unbranched) Dglucose polymer in which the glucose units are linked by (1-4) glycosidic bonds. Starch is used for energy storage in plants Starch is а polysaccharide containing only glucose units. Two different polyglucose polysaccharides can be isolated from most starches: amylose (15-20%) and amylopectin (8085%) • Amylose: Up to 1000 glucose units; no branching; molecular mass is 50,000 amu or more • Amylopectin: Up to 100,000 glucose units; branch points every 24-30 glucose units; molecular mass is 300,000 or more for • Glycogen: Glycogen is about three times more highly branched than amylopectin, and it is much larger, with а molar mass of up to 3,000,000 amu. Up to 1,000,000 glucose units; branch points every 8-12 glucose units. • Liver cells and muscle cells are the storage sites for glycogen in humans. Chitin, a polymer of N-acetylglucoasamine • Hyaluronic acid is а principal component of the ground substance of connective tissue. Among other places it is found in skin, synovial fluid, vitreous hemour of the eye, and umbilical cord. Synovial fluid which contains about 0.02 – 0.05% of hyaluronate. • Hyaluronic acid: It consists N- acetylglucosamine (NAG) and glucuronic acid linked according to the principle discussed above. Note also, in this structure, the alternating pattern of glycosidic bond types, (1-3) and (1-4). It is а highly viscous substance and has а molecular weight in several 100 millions. • (1,4)-O--D-Glucopyranosyluronic acid-(1,3)-2acetamindo-2-deoxy--D-glucopyranose. Chondroitin sulphate. It has similar structure as hyaluronic acid with the difference that the N-acetyl glucosamine unit of the latter is replaced by N-acetyl galactosamine 6 sulphate unit. The two other chondriotin sulphates are А and В; the type А nas sulphate group in position 4 while the type В has L-iduronate (а stereoisomer оf D-glucuronic acid) in place of D-glucuronic acid. Chondroitin sulphates are found in cartilage, bone, heart valves, tendons and cornea. (1,4)-O--D-Glucopyranosyluronic acid-(1,3)-2-acetamindo-2-deoxy-6O-sulfo--D-galactopyranose Heparin. It is naturally occurring anticoagulant found mainly in the liver, and also in lung, spleen, kidney and iatestinal mucosa. It prevents blood clotting by inhibiting the prothrombin-thrombin conversion and thus eliminating the thrombin effect on fibrinogen. This polysaccharide is composed of glucosamiae-N-sulphate aad sulphate ester of glucuronic acid linked via 1 4 - 1 4 linkages (difference from hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphates). (1,4)-O--D-Glucopyranosyluronic acid-2-sulfo-(1,4)-2-sulfamindo2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo--D-glucopyranose Thank you for attention