Malorie Blackman (Sep)


S2 Book Talks


Noughts and Crosses series

“ Blanker-lover…You’ve had this coming for a long time’ she said softly. And then she let me have it.”

“Blankers going to my daughter’s school…I could almost hear Dad shaking his head.”





“No blankers in our school, no blankers in our school”

Racism and Prejudice

“I hadn’t realised just how powerful words could be before this.

Whoever came up with

‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’ was talking out of their armpit.”

“Noughts, even the word was negative.

Nothing. Nil. Zero.

Nonentities. It wasn’t a name we had chosen for ourselves.

It was a name we’d been given. But why?”

“The Crosses were meant to be closer to god. The good book said so. The son of god was dark-skinned like them, had eyes like them, had hair like them. The good book said so.”

Double Cross

Years after a violent war destroyed much of the world,

Kaspar has grown up in a society based on peace and harmony. But beyond the city walls, a vicious band of rebels are plotting to tear this peace apart. It is up to the

Guardians – an elite peacekeeping force – to protect the city, without ever resorting to the brutal methods of their enemy.

When Kaspar joins the Guardians, he has a chance encounter with a rebel – a beautiful girl named Rhea.

Haunted from that moment on by strange visions and memories – memories that could only belong to Rhea – he realises he hasn’t been told the truth about what the rebels really want, and what he’s really fighting for.

One reviewer gave this rating:

Overall, NOBLE CONFLICT was a really, really awesome read.. If you’re looking to read what I’m very sure is going to be The Next Big

Dystopian, go buy this now! A world half destroyed by war… and a

‘peaceful’ society in which people now grow up in… It was just so great.

Plunging straight into the Guardian graduations at the beginning, I immediately got really interested in the society these people in the future are living in. Then, when not even fifty pages in, a terrorist attack took place, I literally went “WHOA!”, and realised that this book was going to be very action packed. And, to my delight, it was.

Throughout the (seriously brilliant, well structured and unpredictable) plot, there was so much nail-biting suspense and action that kept me on the edge of my seat. I’d so want a sequel, Malorie Blackman- this brilliant world you’ve created is absolutely amazing. by keithbwalters

Boys Don’t Cry
