PRE-AP CHEMISTRY DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS WORKSHEET #1 1. The acid in an automobile battery (a solution of sulfuric acid) has a density of 1.2 g/cm3. What is the mass of 2.00 x 102 mL of this acid? 2.00 x 102ml 1 cm3 1.2g 1 mL 1 cm3 = 240g 2.If Jules Verne expressed the title of his famous book, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea in basic SI units, what would the title be? (1 league = 3.45 mi, 1 mi = 1609 m) 20,000 Leagues 3.45 mi 1609 m 1 league 1 mi = 1.11 x 108 =1 x 108 m One Hundred Million Meters under the Sea 3.A few years ago, a cartoon pictured a thief making his getaway, gun in one hand and a bucket of gold dust in the other. If the bucket had a volume of 8.00 qt. and was full of gold whose density is 19.3 g/cm3, what was its mass? Comment on the thief's strength. (1.057 qt = 1 L) 8.00qt 1L 1000 cm3 19.3g 1.057qt 1L 1 cm3 = 1.46 x 105g (about 322 pounds) The thief was very strong!!!! 4. What is the cost in dollars for the nails used to build a fence 125 meters long if it requires 30 nails per meter? Assume that 40 nails are sold per box at a cost of 75 cents per box. 125m 30nails 1 box $0.75 1m 40 nails 1 box = $70.31 or since we can’t buy part of a box of nails, $70.50 5.A light-year is the distance that light can travel in one year. If the sun is 1.5 x 108 km away, how many light years is the sun from earth? Assume that light travels at a speed of 3.0 x 1010 cm/s. 1.5 x 108 km 1000m 100cm 1s 1 min 1 hr 1 day 1 year 1 km 1 m 3.0 x 1010cm 60s 60min 24 hr 365 day = 1.6 x 10-5 years 6.A budding young chemist decided to throw tradition overboard and include time in the metric system. To do this, she kept the unit "day" to refer to the usual 24-hour time interval we know. She then subdivided the day into centidays, millidays, and microdays. Solve the following problems, rounding them each to three significant digits: A. A 100 yd dash done in 9.7 s took how many microdays? 9.7s 1 min 1 hr 1 day 106 µday 60s 60 min 24 hours 1 day = 112 µday B. A 50 min class period lasts for how many centidays? 50 min 1 hr 1 day 100cday 60 min 24 hr 1 day = 3.47 cdays C. A car going 60 mph goes how many miles per centiday? 60 mi 24 hr 1 day 1 hr 1 day 100cday = 14.4 miles/cday D. What is the velocity of light in miles per milliday if it is 186,000 mi./s? 186000 mi 60s 60 min 24 hr 1 day 1s 1 min 1 hr 1 day 103 mday = 1.61 x 107 mi/mday E. What is the acceleration of gravity in centimeters per microday2 if it is 980 cm/s2 980 cm (60)2s2 (60)2min2 (24)2hr2 1day2 1s2 1 min2 1hr2 1day2 (106)2day2 = 7.32 cm/ day2