UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 Document information Info Content Keywords LPC4300, SGPIO, UART Abstract This application note describes how to implement multi-UART (including single UART) transmission and reception function using SGPIO handled by the Cortex-M4 or Cortex-M0 core on NXP’s LPC43xx. The UART protocol implemented in this application note is configurable. The following configuration are tested: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. The baud rates are configurable as well. Implementing multi-UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 Revision history Rev Date Description 1 20150416 Initial version. Rev. 1 — 28 March 2013 2 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 1. Overview NXP’s LPC43xx is an ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontroller for embedded applications, which include an ARM Cortex-M0 coprocessor, up to 1 MB of flash, up to 264 KB of SRAM, and advanced configurable peripherals such as the Serial General Purpose I/O (SGPIO) interface. The LPC43xx devices operate at CPU frequencies of up to 204MHz. The LPC43xx is a dual-core microcontroller in which the ARM Cortex-M4 host CPU is used as the top-level system controller and the ARM Cortex-M0 CPU is controlled by the host CPU. The startup process of the dual core is shown in Fig 1. Fig 1. Dual core startup process This application note describes how to implement multi-UART, including single UART, transmission and reception functions (hereafter called TX and RX) using SGPIO handled by the Cortex-M4 or Cortex-M0 core on the LPC43xx. The software architecture design is shown in Fig 2: Fig 2. Software architecture design Remarks: The emulated UART protocol is configurable. The following configurations are tested: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. There are several configurable baud rates supported in this implementation. Service routines include SGPIO ISR, common sending and receiving functions. Board configurations include clock and pin setup. There are two examples (echo demo and self-loop demo) included to demonstrate the emulated UART communication. Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 3 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 2. SGPIO Peripheral Introduction SGPIO is a new peripheral available on the LPC43XX devices from NXP. SGPIO offers standard GPIO functionality enhanced with features to accelerate serial and parallel data stream processing. The enhanced features are realized with slices. There are 16 SGPIO slices and 16 SGPIO I/O pins. A slice is a section of hardware that handles the data processing when sending or receiving serial data. A slice consists of a 32-bit FIFO that is used to clock data in or out, a data shadow register, and a clock divider to generate a clock for the slice. Slices also have several interrupt capabilities. See the user manual UM10503 for details on the interrupt functionality of a slice. The basic operation of one slice is shown in Fig 3. Fig 3. Basic operation of one slice 3. Environment The following sections describe hardware and software environment set up for development and test. 3.1 Hardware - Board: MCB4300 evaluation board with UART - Debugger: KEIL ULINK2 for Keil IDE, Segger JLINK for IAR IDE, LPC-LINK2 for LPCXpresso IDE - Connections: For echo demo, the hardware setup are as following: The TX/RX pins (P2_0/P2_1) of UART0 on the MCB4300 board are configured as SGPIO pins. Jumpers J16 and J13 should be set to UART0. A COM cable needs to connect UART0 on MCB4300 to a COM port on PC. Fig 4 shows the connection diagram of the target board. Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 4 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 Fig 4. Connection diagram For self-loop demo, the hardware setup are as following: On the MCB4300 board, test points for most of MCU pins are provided (see the green region in Fig 4). The LPC4300 can supports up to 8 channels of UARTs since there are 16 SGPIO pins. See Table 5. Table 1. UART channel TX and RX pin allocation Channel No. TX Pin RX Pin 0 PF_3 PF_1 1 PF_9 P0_1 2 PD_0 PD_1 3 P6_7 P6_8 4 P1_12 P1_13 5 PD_6 PD_7 6 P1_18 P1_6 7 P1_20 P1_5 To test self-loop communication of a channel, the corresponding TX and RX pins must be connected, for example, PF_3 should be connected to PF_1 for UART channel 0. 3.2 Software - Development IDE: KEIL uVision4 (V4.6). The latest version (V5.13) is also supported. Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 5 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM V7.20.1 LPCXpresso V7.6.2_326 - Tool: COM communication tool on the PC, such as AccessPort, SSCOM and PuTTy. This tool is used for the echo demo only. 4. System configurations The system configuration is related to the target board. It includes clock setup and pin assignment for SGPIO peripheral. 4.1 SGPIO peripheral clock setup The SGPIO peripheral clock, as input clock to the SGPIO, needs to be set according to the UART baud rate, SGPIO Counter and system clock. It is configured to generate the SGPIO shift clock and swap clock for serial data communication. For setup details, see the function SGPIO_UART_SetCLK() in sgpio_mcb_4357.c. 4.2 SGPIO pins assignment Based on the MCB4300 board, some SGPIO pins are selected for echo demo or selfloop demo. The SGPIO slice and pin mapping to UART TX and RX is shown in Error! Reference source not found.. Table 2. SGPIO slice and pin mapping In echo demo: Slice Pin Function C/K SGPIO_4/SGPIO_5 TX/RX Slice Pin Function E/A SGPIO_2/SGPIO_0 TX/RX J/I SGPIO_3/SGPIO_1 TX/RX C/K SGPIO_4/SGPIO_5 TX/RX In self-loop demo: F/L SGPIO_6/SGPIO_7 TX/RX B/M SGPIO_8/SGPIO_9 TX/RX G/N SGPIO_10/SGPIO_11 TX/RX D/H SGPIO_12/SGPIO_14 TX/RX O/P SGPIO_13/SGPIO_15 TX/RX For more details, refer to function SGPIO_Borad_CfgUART0_Chn() and SGPIO_Borad_Cfg_Chn() in sgpio_mcb_4357.c. 5. Drivers This section describes the SGPIO drivers that emulate UART protocol to send and receive data. The user can skip this section if he doesn’t care how to implement and use the drivers. This section includes: UART protocol initialization. Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 6 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 SGPIO shift clock and swap clock configuration for UART communications. SGPIO pin initialization and slice configuration for UART TX and RX function. Emulate sending and receiving of data frames conforming to UART protocol. Fig 55 shows the waveform showing a UART protocol. Fig 5. UART waveform The UART protocol initialization is implemented in function SGPIO_UART_InitProtocol() in sgpio_uart_43xx.c. 5.1 SGPIO clock configuration After the SGPIO slice input clock is decided, the slice needs to be set to generate shift and swap clock. The shift clock frequency should be equal to UART baud rate which samples once for each bit and the swap clock should be designed as the cycle time of a frame. The main settings are shown in Table 3: Table 3. Register SGPIO clock control setting Slice for TX Slice for RX SLICE_MUX_CFG 0<<2 | 0<<6 0<<2 | 0<<6 Function Description (1) Use clock internally generated by COUNTER (2) Shift 1 bit per clock SGPIO_MUX_CFG 0<<5 0<<5 enable clock For additional details, See the function SGPIO_UART_InitSGPIO() in the sgpio_uart_43xx.c file. 5.2 SGPIO initialization Initialize the SGPIO for UART TX and RX to function. The pin for TX should be configured as an SGPIO output slice and all of the data bits in the data and shadow registers should be “1” to set the UART to idle mode. See Table 4. Table 4. Register SGPIO TX initialization Setting OUT_MUX_CFG 0 | 0<<4 Function Description (1) 1-bit mode (2) state set by GPIO_OEREG GPIO_OENREG 1<<(Pin No. of SGPIO[15:0]) Enable output for TX REG/ REG_SS 0xFFFFFFFF Keep idle state before send valid data Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 7 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 For RX, besides setting up for input mode, the SGPIO should be initialized to get ready to match the start bit of UART RX. Table 5 shows the setting of SGPIO. Table 5. Register SGPIO RX initialization Setting Function Description GPIO_OENREG 0<<(Pin No. of SGPIO[15:0]) Enable input for RX SLICE_MUX_CFG 1<<0 Pattern match mode 1<<4 Bit falling edge match for start bit 0 0xFFFFFFFF Keep idle state before receive valid data REG See the related source code for more details regarding SGPIO initialization. 5.3 Control SGPIO To start UART for transmission or receiving, enable the SGPIO slices. To stop UART, disable the SGPIO slices. 5.4 Send data frame Create the serial data frame to be sent first, according to the UART protocol (1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit). See Fig 6: Fig 6. Create TX data frame The data frame can now be put directly in TX slice’s data register to be shifted out. And the next data frame can also be loaded in the shadow register to be swapped with the data register when the previous frame has been shifted out completely. 5.5 Receive data frame When the data frame with start bit is captured and the start bit is shifted to the bit 0 in the data register, an interrupt will be generated. In the interrupt handler, the data frame can be read from the data register. Then the valid data needs to be extracted from the frame. More details on the implementation are described in the following sections. 5.5.1 Oversampling To improve the reliability of data reception, each bit is sampled three times in reception. Then the SGPIO UART driver extracts each valid data bit from the sampled data frame. The criteria to extract a bit is to compare the three sampled values to each other and then choose the one that occurs two or more times. For more detail, See the function SGPIO_UART_Extract_Rxdata() in sgpio_uart_43xx.c. 5.6 Driver APIs The driver APIs are implemented in sgpio_uart_43xx.c and can be called to realize UART communication combined with an appropriate SGPIO ISR (interrupt service routine). For Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 8 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 the interrupt service routine implementation, see ISR SGPIO_IRQHandler() in sgpio_uart_srv.c. The driver APIs are listed in Table 6: Table 6. API functions Prototype Input Return Description SGPIO_UART_InitProtocol ch_no: UART channel No. None Initialize default protocol of one UART channel None Initialize the SGPIO including SGPIO clock of one UART channel None Enable/Disable data transmission/reception (TX/RX) for one UART channel data: valid data to be sent a UART data frame Create a frame to be sent over one UART channel ch_no: UART channel No. None Start a data frame for transmission over one UART channel None Transmit a frame for swapping to be sent over one UART channel UART_cfg: the UART protocol information used for initialization SGPIO_UART_InitSGPIO ch_no: UART channel No. clk_pre: preset value for SGPIO shift clock SGPIO_UART_Control ch_no: UART channel No. dir: communication direction. 0: TX 1: RX NewState: Enable/Disable UART = ENABLE: Enable UART = DISABLE: Disable UART SGPIO_UART_Create_Txframe ch_no: UART channel No. SGPIO_UART_Start_Txdata dframe: a data frame to be sent SGPIO_UART_Put_Txdata ch_no: UART channel No. dframe: a data frame to be sent SGPIO_UART_Get_Rxframe ch_no: UART channel No. received data frame excluding start bit Receive a data frame received from one UART channel SGPIO_UART_Extract_Rxdata size: valid data size in an UART frame payload data in a frame Extract payload data from an UART frame without start bit dframe: data frame without start bit Remark: SGPIO_UART_Start_Txdata(): It loads a frame into data register (called REG in Fig 3) to be shifted out right after TX is enabled. It can be used for sending the first one in a series of frames. SGPIO_UART_Put_Txdata(): It loads a frame into the shadow data register (called REG_SS in Fig 3) to be swapped to REG after the previous one in REG is shifted out. It can be used for sending the remained frames after calling SGPIO_UART_Start_Txdata(). For detailed usage see function SGPIO_UART_Send() in sgpio_uart_srv.c. Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 9 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 6. Demonstration 6.1 Common routines The common service routines include common functions and SGPIO ISR to send and receive via the SGPIO emulated UART. As shown in Fig 2, these routines are midware, which are based on the low level drivers and used for the examples. The routines are implemented based on cycle queue. Users can utilize them without changing or modifying them or develop their own routines according to the particular application’s requirements. The routines are listed in Table 7. Table 7. Common routines introduction Prototype Description SGPIO_UART_InitVal Initialize global variables for UART TX and RX SGPIO_UART_Send Send a serial of data without blocking via UART SGPIO_UART_Block_Send Send a serial of data with blocking via UART SGPIO_UART_Recv Receive a serial of data without blocking via UART SGPIO_UART_Block_Recv Receive a serial of data with blocking via UART SGPIO_IRQHandler SGPIO IRQ handler for UART TX and RX For more details, see the file sgpio_uart_srv.c. 6.2 Examples There are two examples (echo demo and self-loop demo) that are designed to demonstrate the UART communication emulated using SGPIO. The echo demo demonstrates communication between COM port on PC and UART emulated using SGPIO on target board. The self-loop demo demonstrates self-loop communication between UART TX and RX pins which are emulated using SGPIO. It is convenient to evaluate the performance of the simulated UART. For ease of evaluation and providing good application reference, there are multiple project targets created within the KEIL, IAR and LPCXpresso IDE. Table 8 shows the details Table 8. Example project targets Project Target Name Description echo_IRAM_M4 echo demo in internal SRAM on M4 core selfloop_IRAM_M4 self-loop demo in internal SRAM on M4 core echo_IFlash_M4 echo demo in internal Flash on M4 core selfloop_IFlash_M4 self-loop demo in internal Flash on M4 core echo_IFlash_M0 echo demo in internal Flash on M0 core selfloop_IFlash_M0 self-loop demo in internal Flash on M0 core IFlash_DC_M4 boot loader in internal Flash on M4 core which subsequently releases M0 core How to run “echo_IFlash_M0” or “selfloop_IFlash_M0” project: Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 10 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 1. Build the M0 project and download the M0 image 2. Build the “IFlash_DC_M4” project and download the image. This step may only be operated once for different M0 project running. 3. Reset or re-power on. The image on M4 will run to release M0 core and boot the M0 image. Notes: If reports error, such as “Could not stop Cortex-M device!” in Keil IDE, when downloading M0 image, please try to change the debug port to SW for the M0 project. See below: For KEIL IDE For IAR IDE However, remember that the debug port should be reconfigured to JTAG and M0 IDCODE should be reselected for KEIL IDE when debugging. 7. Test and Performance 7.1 Test and result Use the following steps to demonstrate and test the examples: 1. Setup the test environment as mentioned above. Note: User needs to configure UART protocol (Defaults: 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity and 9600 baud rate) in COM communication tool on PC for testing echo demo. 2. Open the project: - For KEIL IDE \application\lpc18xx_43xx\keil_project\SGPIO_Uart.uvproj. - For IAR IDE \application\lpc18xx_43xx\iar_project\SGPIO_Uart.eww - For LPCXpresso IDE Import the project archive (.zip) after setting a worksapce. 3. Select a project target to build. 4. Debug or download the demo to test after built. When the demo is running, the debug screen on PC will print the contents shown as: Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 11 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 Fig 7. UART output on PC Type a character or string on the COM communication tool, for example “1234abcd”, and the string will be echoed by the UART and printed on the screen: Fig 8. UART echo on PC The UART baud rate is configurable. It can be changed in sgpio_single_uart_echo.c: Fig 9. Baud rate setting The Self-loop demo that demonstrates self-loop communication is repeated automatically at configurable baud rate via multi-UART channels. There are two modes to test the function of the systems. In both modes, the test result is a success if sent characters are equal to received ones, otherwise the result is a failure. (1) Variable mode: A variable initialized to zero is added when the test result is a success, or the other variable is added if it is a failure. The variables can be observed in watch window in debugging mode. Fig 10 shows that all of 183 tests, in the example have succeeded and 0 failed: Fig 10. Variable watch (2) LED mode: The sample project will turn on one LED on the target board when the self-loop test on one UART succeeds. The LED will not be turned on when the test fails. For example, the LED named PD_10 on MCB4300 board will be turned on if self-loop test via channel 0 succeeds. UART channel mapping to LEDs on MCB4300 board is shown in Table 9: Table 9. UART channel mapping to LED on MCB4300 Channel No. LED Name 0 PD_10 Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 12 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 Channel No. LED Name 1 PD_11 2 PD_12 3 PD_13 4 PD_14 5 P9_0 6 P9_1 7 P9_2 Table 10 shows the settings to easily test the self-loop demo. Table 10. Self-loop demo settings Macro Definition Description Defined in UART_BAUDRATE communication baud rate sgpio_uart_selfloop.c TX_BYTE_NUM communication size in byte sgpio_uart_selfloop.c RESULT_DEBUG 1: variable mode sgpio_uart_selfloop.c 0: LED mode MAX_CH_NUM maximum channels supported sgpio_uart_43xx.h 7.2 Performance Table 11 lists some of the passed test cases in self-loop demo to show the performance (With test conditions changed, the performance may vary): Test conditions: - Project target: selfloop_IRAM_M4 - Definition RESULT_DEBUG set to 1 - Running at 180Mhz CPU frequency on M4 in internal SRAM - Communication byte size: 60bytes - Self-loop test times: 300 - Full duplex operation Test cases and results: Table 11. Test cases and results Baud Rate No. of UART Channels that can function concurrently 9600bps up to 8 19200bps up to 6 38400bps up to 4 57600bps up to 3 115200bps up to 2 up to 604800bps 1 Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 13 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 8. Conclusion This application note describes how to implement multi-UART (including single UART) using the SGPIO peripheral on LPC4300. The UART transmission and reception by both the M4 and M0 cores are introduced. Initializing the SGPIO peripheral correctly is very critical for this multi-UART implementation. Two examples with multiple project targets are provided in the sample code to allow easy evaluation of the project. It also provides reference for users to implement one or more UART channels using SGPIO on LPC4300. Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 14 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 9. References [1] NXP LPC43xx User Manual UM10503, NXP Semiconductors Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 15 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 10. Legal information 10.1 Definitions Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. 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Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP AN11351 Rev. 1 — 28 March 20135 16 of 17 UART via SGPIO on NXP LPC4300 11. Contents 1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 4.1 4.2 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.6 6. 6.1 6.2 7. 7.1 7.2 8. 9. 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 11. Overview .............................................................. 3 SGPIO Peripheral Introduction........................... 4 Environment ........................................................ 4 Hardware............................................................ 4 Software ............................................................. 5 System configurations ........................................ 6 SGPIO peripheral clock setup ............................ 6 SGPIO pins assignment ..................................... 6 Drivers .................................................................. 6 SGPIO clock configuration ................................. 7 SGPIO initialization ............................................ 7 Control SGPIO ................................................... 8 Send data frame................................................. 8 Receive data frame ............................................ 8 Oversampling ..................................................... 8 Driver APIs ......................................................... 8 Demonstration ..................................................... 9 Common routines ............................................... 9 Examples ......................................................... 10 Test and Performance ....................................... 11 Test and result ................................................. 11 Performance..................................................... 13 Conclusion ......................................................... 14 References ......................................................... 15 Legal information .............................................. 16 Definitions ........................................................ 16 Disclaimers....................................................... 16 Trademarks ...................................................... 16 Contents ............................................................. 17