STM32VL- Training Esprit 2012 V1.0 1 CONTENTS PART I : CORTEX-M3 PART II : STM32F100 device PART III : STM32 Value line Discovery Kit 2 PART - I CORTEX M3 3 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 4 OBJECTIVES Familiarize with Cortex M3 At the end of the part you will be able to List the main features of the Cortex M3 5 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 6 What is ARM(Advanced Risc Machines)? ARM is an UK company that designs innovative 32-bit microprocessors ARM leads the world of RISC microprocessor cores ARM develops directly and through partnership the tools, systems and services to support its architecture. 7 Why use an ARM-based processor? Most popular 32-bit core Becoming an industrial standard like the C51 Compatible leading edge core roadmap ARM7 -> ARM9 /10->CortexM3, M4,… Large number of product choices Multiple vendors means a large choice 8 Sales in billions of dollars Why use an ARM-based processor? 9 Why Cortex M3? RISC Processor core Low power modes Tools and RTOS support 10 Why Cortex M3? More Than 28 company ST, NXP, Atmel, Samsung… Cortex-A Series, applications processors for complex OS and user applications. Cortex-R Series, real-time systems profile. Cortex-M Series, microcontroller profile optimized for cost-sensitive applications.. The number at the end of the Cortex name refers to the relative performance level, with 1 the lowest and 8 the highest. 11 ARM Cortex-M code size advantage explained 12 Industry standard 13 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 14 Cortex-M3 Processor(1/2) Hierarchical processor integrating core and advanced system peripherals Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex-M3 core Configurable interrupt controller Bus matrix Advanced debug components(ETM…) Optional MPU(Not available in STM32F10x) Cortex-M3 core Harvard architecture 3-stage pipeline prediction Thumb®-2 ALU w. H/W divide and single cycle multiply 15 Cortex-M3 Processor(2/2) Non Maskable Interrupt 3-Stage Pipeline, Harvard Architecture, Thumb-2 ISA (or Thumb) 30K* Gates 1-240 Configurable Interrupts with Configurable Priority Levels SWD or JTAG Breakpoints Data Watchpoints & Trace * Preliminary gate counts & power consumption based on initial implementation Gate Counts are based on TSMC 0.18 at 50MHz Optional ETM & MPU gate counts not included Cortex M3 Total 60k* Gates 16 Cortex-M3 Processor Main Features ARM v7M Architecture Thumb-2 Instruction Set Architecture Mix of 16 and 32 bit instructions for very high code density Harvard architecture Separate I & D buses allow parallel instruction fetching & data storage Integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Vector Table is addresses. Integrated Bus Matrix Data memory management 3 Stage Pipeline Integrated System Timer (SysTick) for Real Time OS 17 Data Memory management (1/7) Cortex-M3 includes two technologies to reduce Data memory requirements: 1. Unaligned Data Support 2. Atomic Bit Banding These technologies can dramatically improve data (SRAM) memory utilization, potentially enabling silicon designers and users to reduce the amount of SRAM required and dramatically impacting silicon usage. 18 Data Memory management(2/7) • Unaligned Data Support: Other Core does not support unaligned data Data aligned on word boundaries Long (32) Long (32) short (16) short (16) Char Char Char Char Unused (wasted) space ARM Cortex-M3 supports unaligned data that can improve SRAM utilization Long (32) Long (32) short (16) short (16) Char Char Char Char Free space Can be used Reduces SRAM Memory Requirements By Over 50% Less Memory - LowER Cost devices 19 Data Memory management(3/7) long (32) char (8) 32bit machine which does not support unaligned data long (32) char (8) char (8) char (8) Data aligned int (16) long (32) int (16)c char (8) Structure management example long (32) char (8) long (32) … … long char (8) char (8) char (8) int (16) long (32) … … long int (16)c char (8) int (16) long … … long (32) int (16) long (32) Unused (wasted) space Free space for the rest of the application Reduces SRAM Memory Requirements By Over 25% 20 Data Memory management(4/7) • Bit Banding: Traditional method Speed and code size optimized Cortex-M3 implementation Disable external events 32bit Read byte (RAM, register) 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Mask and modify bit element X X X X X 1 X X @Rbase+N b31 b0 example: 20000000h to 200FFFFFh b31 Write byte (RAM, register) 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 REAL memory image VIRTUAL aliased bit banding image b0 Enable external events ♦ Bit Banding done by bus matrix. ♦ Single instruction Read/Modify/Write (no more masking). ♦ No new instruction set Use standard data one (AND, OR, XOR…). Optimized RAM, peripherals and IOs registers accesses Easy multi-task semaphore management 21 Data Memory management(5/7) 32MB alias region 1MB Peripheral bit-band region 22 Data Memory management(6/7) • Bit Banding formula is: bit_word_addr = bit_band_base + (byte_offset x 32) + (bit_number × 4) where: bit_word_addr: is the address of the word in the alias memory region that maps to the targeted bit. bit_band_base is the starting address of the alias region (0x22000000 ) byte_offset is the number of the byte in the bit-band region that contains the targeted bit bit_number is the bit position of the targeted bit(0-7) Example -1: . How to map bit 2 of the byte located at Peripheral X address 0x20000300 in the alias region (Peripheral X based address is 0x20000000 ): 23 Data Memory management(7/7) • Solution: 0x22006008 = 0x22000000 + (0x300*32) + (2*4). Writing to address 0x22006008 has the same effect as a read-modify-write operation on bit 2 of the byte at SRAM address 0x20000300. Reading address 0x22006008 returns the value (0x01 or 0x00) of bit 2 of the byte at SRAM address 0x20000300 (0x01: bit set; 0x00: bit reset). For more information on Bit-Banding, please refer to the Cortex™-M3 Technical Reference Manual. 24 Instruction Pipeline(1/3) PC points to fetch stage: FETCH DECODE Instruction fetched from memory Instruction decoded Register(s) read from Register Bank EXECUTE Shift and ALU operation or memory access Write register(s) back to Register Bank 25 Instruction Pipeline(2/3) Optimal Pipelining: Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Operation ADD F SUB D E F D E F D E F D E F D E F D ORR AND ORR EOR F- Fetch D - Decode E E - Execute All operations here are registers (single cycle execution) In this example it takes 6 cycles to execute 6 instructions Clock cycles per Instructions (CPI) = 1 26 Instruction Pipeline(3/3) Flushing : A flush of the pipeline can occur because of A Branch An exception A breakpoint Branch Pipeline Example: Cycle 1 Address Operation 0x8000 B 0x8FEC 0x8002 SUB 0x8004 ORR 0x8FEC AND 0x8FEE ORR 0x8FF0 EOR F D E F D 2 3 4 5 F D E F D E F D 6 7 8 9 F F- Fetch D - Decode E E - Execute 27 Register Set(1/2) Registers R0-R12 are simple registers that can be used to hold program variables. Register Set R0 R1 R2 R3 Registers R13-R15 have special functions within the Cortex CPU. R13: Register R13 is used as the stack pointer R14: called the link register. used to store the return address when a call is made to a procedure R15: is the program counter xPSR:The Program Status Register contains status fields for instruction execution R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13(SP) R14(LR) R15 (PC) xPSR 28 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 29 Interrupt Handling The Cortex-M3 processor integrates an advanced Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) The NVIC supports up to 240 dynamically reprioritizes interrupts each with up to 256 levels of priority Supports advanced features for next generation real-time applications: Tail-chaining of pending interrupts Interrupt Pre-emption Late Arrival 30 Interrupt Response- Tail Chaining(1/3) Highest IRQ1 IRQ2 42 CYCLES ARM7 Interrupt handling in assembler code PUSH ISR 1 POP 26 PUSH 16 26 ISR 2 POP ISR 2 POP 16 Tail-chaining Cortex-M3 Interrupt handling in HW PUSH ISR 1 12 6 12 6 CYCLES ARM7 Cortex-M3 • 26 cycles from IRQ1 to ISR1 entered •Up to 42 cycles •42 cycles from ISR1 exit to ISR2 entry •16 cycles to return from ISR2 • 12 cycles from IRQ1 to ISR1 entered • 12 cycles •6 cycles from ISR1 exit to ISR2 entry •12 cycles to return from ISR2 31 Interrupt Response – Preemption(2/3) Highest IRQ1 IRQ2 42 CYCLES ARM7 ISR 1 POP PUSH 2 16 Cortex-M3 ISR 1 26 POP 112 ISR 2 ISR 2 6 POP 16 POP 7-18 CYCLES 12 32 Interrupt Response – Late Arriving(3/3) Less than 12 cycle IRQ1 Highest IRQ2 ARM7 PUSH PUSH 26 Cortex-M3 PUSH ISR 1 POP 26 16 ISR 2 ISR 1 6 TailChaining ISR 2 POP 16 POP 12 33 Interrupt Response – Lab More than12 cycle Highest NMI IRQ1 IRQ2 IRQ3 Less than12 cycle PUSH ISR 2 Starts PUSH NMI ISR 1 Push for ISR1 begins Pre-empted by NMI New instruction fetch in parallel minimises time to NMI POP ISR 2 ISR 3 POP Cortex-M3 •Following NMI processor tail-chains into ISR1 •ISR2 Completed •Pop only occurs on return to “Main” 34 NVIC Registers Each interrupt input has several registers to control it Enable/Disable Bit Enable or disable the interrupt Can be set, cleared or read Pending Bit If the pending bit is set, then the interrupt is pending A pending interrupt can only be taken (become active) if it is enabled and it has sufficient priority to run Pending bit can be set, cleared or read Active Bit A bit is set if the interrupt is executing or “active-stacked” “Active-stacked” means the interrupt was executing, but was preempted by another higher-priority interrupt Active register is normally read only Priority field priority management for each interrupt 35 Cortex-M3 Exception Types No. Exception Type Priority Type of Priority Descriptions 1 Reset -3 (Highest) fixed Reset 2 NMI -2 fixed Non-Maskable Interrupt 3 Hard Fault -1 fixed Default fault if other hander not implemented 4 MemManage Fault 0 settable MPU violation or access to illegal locations 5 Bus Fault 1 settable Fault if AHB interface receives error 6 Usage Fault 2 settable Exceptions due to program errors Reserved N.A. N.A. 11 SVCall 3 settable System Service call 12 Debug Monitor 4 settable Break points, watch points, external debug 13 Reserved N.A. N.A. 14 PendSV 5 settable Pendable request for System Device 15 SYSTICK 6 settable System Tick Timer 16 Interrupt #0 7 settable External Interrupt #0 7-10 …… 256 ………………….. Interrupt#240 ……………… 247 settable settable ………………….. External Interrupt #240 36 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 37 Cortex-M3 Memory Map 38 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 39 Power Management 8bit Microcontroller like power mode management SLEEP NOW ♦ “Wait for Interrupt” instructions to enter low power mode No more dedicated control register settings sequence ♦ “Wait for Event” instructions to enter low power mode No need of Interrupt to wake-up from sleep Rapid resume from sleep SLEEP on EXIT ♦ Sleep request done in interrupt routine ♦ Low power mode entered on interrupt return Very fast wakeup time DEEP SLEEP ♦ Long duration sleep From product side: PLL can be stopped or shuts down the power to digital parts of the system Enables low power consumption Optimized RUN mode CORE power consumption 40 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex M3 interrupt handling Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 41 System Timer (SysTick) Flexible system timer 24-bit self-reloading down counter with end of count interrupt generation 2 configurable Clock sources Suitable for Real Time OS or other scheduled tasks In STM32F10x the SysTick clock can be: CPU clock or CPU clock/8 (provided externally by the Reset Clock Control ) 42 CONTENTS Objectives Introduction What is ARM ? Why use an ARM-based processor? Cortex-M3 Processor Cortex-M3 Processor Main Features Data Memory Instruction Pipeline Write Buffer Privilege, Modes, Stacks and Register Set Cortex M3 interrupt handling Exception/Interrupt Handling, NVIC Registers Cortex-M3 Exception Types Vector Table Cortex-M3 Memory Map Power Management System Timer (SysTick) Debug Capabilities 43 Debug Capabilities JTAG ETM Three solutions are possible : SWD More pins available for the application Joint Test Action Group easy flashed application debugging ♦ 8 hardware breakpoints Serial Wire Debug for targeted low bandwidth data trace Enhanced Thematic Mapper capability for better real time debugging ♦ Instruction trace only 44 Performance Power Management Real time 5 reasons to choose Cortex-M3 Optimized Memory Powerful Debugging 45 PART - II STM32F10x Device 46 CONTENTS Objectives STM32F10x Device Block Diagram Memory mapping and boot modes System Architecture STM32F10x System Peripherals Main features STM32F10x Minimum External Components STM32F10x standard peripheral Library What is CMSIS? Package organization STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture Coding conventions Using the Library 47 OBJECTIVES Familiarize with STM32F10x device At the end of the training you will be able to List the main features of the STM32F10x system peripherals Configure the standard library environment Develop your applications using the STM32F10x standard library 48 CONTENTS Objectives STM32F10x Device Block Diagram Memory mapping and boot modes System Architecture STM32F10x System Peripherals Main features STM32F10x Minimum External Components STM32F10x standard peripheral Library What is CMSIS? Package organization STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture Coding conventions Using the Library 49 More choice with STM32 series The general purpose F-1 series addresses a wide range of applications, from the lowest price-sensitive design to the computing intensive, high memory Footprint Get the highest performance with the F-2 series for computing intensive application and advanced connectivity. The F-2 series maintains the compatibility with the F-1 series. Get the highest performance with the Design ultra-low-power applications with the L-1 series for those who are power conscious and seek the absolute lowest energy consumption. The L-1 series maintains the compatibility with the F-1 series. 50 STM32 portfolio based on F1 series 51 STM32 Value line 16K-32KBytes block diagram ARM® Cortex™-M3 1.25 DMIPS/MHz up to 24 MHz 2.0 V to 3.6 V range -40 to +105 °C CORTEXTM-M3 CPU 24 MHz JTAG/SW Debug Nested vect IT Ctrl Rich connectivity 1 x Systick Timer 5 communications peripherals Advanced analog 12-bit1.2 µs conversion time ADC Dual channel 12-bit DAC Flash I/F Core and operating conditions DMA ARM Lite Hi-Speed Bus Matrix / Arbiter (max 24MHz) 16kB - 32kB Flash Memory 4kB SRAM Power Supply Reg 1.8V POR/PDR/PVD XTAL oscillators 32KHz + 4~25MHz 20B Backup Data Int. RC oscillators 40KHz + 8MHz PLL Clock Control 7 Channels Bridge RTC / AWU ARM® Peripheral Bus 1 (max 24MHz) Enhanced control 16-bit motor control timer 5x 16-bit PWM timers Synchronized AC Timer Up to 16 Ext. ITs 37/51 I/Os LQFP48, LQFP/BGA64 1 x SPI 1 x USART/LIN Smartcard/IrDa Modem Control 5 x 16-bit timer (max 24MHz) ARM® Peripheral Bus 2 Bridge 1 x 16-bit PWM 1 x CEC 2 x Watchdog (independent & window) 2-channel 12-bit DAC 1 x USART/LIN Smartcard / IrDa Modem Control 1 x 12-bit ADC up to 16 channels Temperature Sensor 1 x I 2C 52 ARM® Cortex™-M3 1.25 DMIPS/MHz up to 24 MHz 2.0 V to 3.6 V range -40 to +105 °C 24 MHz JTAG/SW Debug Nested vect IT Ctrl Rich connectivity 8 communications peripherals DMA 7 Channels 12-bit1.2 µs conversion time ADC Dual channel 12-bit DAC Synchronized AC Timer Enhanced control 16-bit motor control timer 6x 16-bit PWM timers Up to 16 Ext. ITs 37/51/80 I/Os 1 x SPI 8kB SRAM LQFP48, LQFP/BGA64, LQFP100 1 x USART/LIN Smartcard/IrDa Modem Control Power Supply Reg 1.8V POR/PDR/PVD XTAL oscillators 32KHz + 4~25MHz 20B Backup Data Int. RC oscillators 40KHz + 8MHz PLL Clock Control Bridge 1 x 16-bit PWM 64kB - 128kB Flash Memory Advanced analog RTC / AWU ARM® Peripheral Bus1 (max 24MHz) Bridge 6 x 16-bit Timer (max 24MHz) 1 x Systick Timer ARM® Lite Hi-Speed Bus Matrix / Arbiter (max 24MHz) Core and operating conditions CORTEXTM-M3 CPU ARM® Peripheral Bus2 Flash I/F STM32 Value line 64K-128KBytes block diagram 1 x CEC 2 x Watchdog (independent & window) 2-channel 12-bit DAC 2 x USART/LIN Smartcard / IrDa Modem Control 1 x 12-bit ADC up to16 channels 1 x SPI Temperature Sensor 2 x I 2C 53 STM32 Value line 256K-512KBytes block diagram ARM® Cortex™-M3 1.25 DMIPS/MHz up to 24 MHz 2.0 V to 3.6 V range -40 to +105 °C JTAG/SW Debug Nested vect IT Ctrl Rich connectivity 1 x Systick Timer 11 communications peripherals DMA up to 12 Channels SRAM, NOR, memories support. LCD Parallel interface 8/16-bit Intel 8080 and Motorola 68K Reg 1.8V POR/PDR/PVD XTAL oscillators 32KHz + 4~25MHz 84B Backup Data Int. RC oscillators 40KHz + 8MHz FSMC SRAM/ NOR/ LCD parallel interface Bridge PLL RTC / AWU Enhanced control 16-bit motor control timer 10x 16-bit PWM timers (max 24MHz) Bridge Up to 16 Ext. ITs 51/80/112 I/Os 1 x SPI LQFP64, LQFP100, LQFP144 ARM® Peripheral Bus 1 1 x 16-bit PWM Synchronized AC Timer 24KB-32kB SRAM Power Supply FSMC 256KB-512kB Flash Memory Clock Control 1 x USART/LIN Smartcard/IrDa Modem Control 10 x 16-bit Timer (max 24MHz) Flash I/F ARM ® Lite Hi-Speed 36us Matrix / Arbiter (max 24MHz) Core and operating conditions ARM® Peripheral Bus 2 CORTEXTM-M3 CPU 24 MHz 1 x CEC 2 x Watchdog (independent & window) 4 x USART/LIN 2-channel 12-bit DAC Smartcard / IrDa Modem Control 1 x 12-bit ADC up to 16 channels 2 x SPI Temperature Sensor 2 x I 2C 54 Memory Mapping and Boot Modes Addressable memory space of 4 GBytes RAM : up to 32 kBytes FLASH : up to 512 kBytes Boot modes: Depending on the Boot configuration - Embedded Flash Memory - System Memory - Embedded SRAM Memory is aliased at @0x00 0xFFFF FFFF 0xE010 0000 0xE00F FFFF 0xE000 0000 Reserved Cortex-M3 internal peripherals Reserved Reserved Option Bytes BOOT Mode Selection Pins 0x1FFF F80F 0x1FFF F800 Reserved 0x2000 0000 SRAM Reserved 0x0000 0000 User Flash User Flash is selected as boot space BOOT1 BOOT0 0x1FFF F000 x 0 0 1 SystemMemory SystemMemory is selected as boot space 1 1 Embedded SRAM Embedded SRAM is selected as boot space Reserved 0x0801 FFFF Peripherals Aliasing 0x1FFF F7FF SystemMemory 0x4000 0000 Boot Mode Flash 0x0800 0000 SystemMemory: contains the Bootloader used to re-program the FLASH through USART1. CODE 55 System Architecture Multiply possibilities of bus accesses to SRAM, Flash, Peripherals, DMA BusMatrix added to Harvard architecture allows parallel access Efficient DMA and Rapid data flow Direct path to SRAM through arbiter, guarantees alternating access Harvard architecture + BusMatrix allows Flash execution in parallel with DMA transfer I-bus D-bus BusMatrix CORTEX-M3 Master 1 Flash I/F GP-DMA Master 2 FLASH SRAM Slave APB2 AHB AHB-APB2 AHB-APB1 Arbiter Peripheral Bus APB2 APB1 Peripheral Bus APB1 Bridges Buses are not overloaded with data movement tasks 56 CONTENTS Objectives STM32F10x Device Block Diagram Memory mapping and boot modes System Architecture STM32F10x System Peripherals Main features STM32F10x Minimum External Components STM32F10x standard peripheral Library What is CMSIS? Package organization STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture Coding conventions Using the Library 57 STM32F101x Series Block Diagram Nested vect IT Ctrl 1 x Systick Timer DMA up to 12 Channels ARM ® Lite Hi-Speed 36us Matrix / Arbiter (max 24MHz) JTAG/SW Debug Flash I/F CORTEXTM-M3 CPU 24 MHz 256KB-512kB Flash Memory 24KB-32kB SRAM Power Supply Reg 1.8V POR/PDR/PVD XTAL oscillators 32KHz + 4~25MHz 84B Backup Data Int. RC oscillators 40KHz + 8MHz FSMC SRAM/ NOR/ LCD parallel interface Clock Control Bridge PLL RTC / AWU ARM® Peripheral Bus (max 24MHz) Bridge 1 x 16-bit PWM 51/80/112 I/Os 1 x SPI 1 x USART/LIN Smartcard/IrDa Modem Control 10 x 16-bit Timer (max 24MHz) Up to 16 Ext. ITs ARM® Peripheral Bus Synchronized AC Timer 1 x CEC 2 x Watchdog (independent & window) 4 x USART/LIN 2-channel 12-bit DAC Smartcard / IrDa Modem Control 1 x 12-bit ADC up to 16 channels 2 x SPI Temperature Sensor 2 x I 2C 58 Power Control (PWR) and Backup Domain (BKP) 59 Power Supply • Power Supply Schemes VDD = 2.0 to 3.6 V: External Power Supply for I/Os and the internal regulator. VDDA = 2.0 to 3.6 V: External Analog Power supplies for ADC, Reset blocks, RCs and PLL. ADC working only if VDDA ≥ 2.4 V VDDA domain VREFVREF+ A/D converter Temp. sensor Reset block PLL VDDA VSSA VDD domain V18 domain I/O Rings VSS VDD VBAT = 1.8 to 3.6 V: For Backup domain when VDD is not present. STANDBY circuitry (Wake-up logic, IWDG, RCC CSR reg) Core Memories Digital peripherals Voltage Regulator Low Voltage Detector Backup domain VBAT LSE crystal 32K osc BKP registers RCC BDCR register RTC 60 Power On Reset / Power Down Reset • Integrated POR(Power On Reset )/ PDR(Power Down Reset ): circuitry guarantees proper product reset when voltage is not in the product guaranteed voltage range (2V to 3.6V) No need for external reset circuit • POR and PDR have a typical hysteresis of 40mV VDD Vtrh POR 40mv hysteresis Vtrl PDR Tempo 2ms Reset Vtrl min 1.8V / Vtrh max 2V 61 Programmable Voltage Detector (PVD) • Programmable Voltage Detector(PVD) VDD Enabled by software Monitor the VDD power supply by comparing it to a threshold Threshold configurable from 2.2V to 2.9V by step of 100mV PVD Threshold 100mv hysteresis PVD Output Threshold 62 Backup Domain • Backup Domain contains RTC (Counter, Prescaler and Alarm mechanism) Separate 32KHz Osc (LSE) for RTC 20-byte user backup data RCC BDSR register: RTC source clock selection and enable + LSE config Reset only by Backup domain RESET • VBAT independent voltage supply Automatic switch-over to VBAT when VDD goes lower than PDR level Backup domain VBAT power switch RCC BDSR reg 32KHz OSC (LSE) 20 byte data RTC VDD ANTI_ TAMP No current sunk on VBAT when VDD present • Tamper detection: resets all user backup registers Configurable level: low/high Configurable interrupt generation 63 Low Power Modes STM32F10x Low Power modes: uses CortexM3 Sleep modes SLEEP, STOP and STANDBY modes The reset circuitry, POR/PDR, is active in STANDBY and STOP modes Feature STM32F10x typ Consumption in RUN mode w/ execute from Flash on internal RC and peripherals clock ON 4.9mA Consumption in RUN mode w/ execute from Flash on PLL 24 MHz (HSE : external clock = 8MHz) and peripherals clock ON 36mA Consumption in RUN mode w/ execute from Flash on PLL 24 MHz (HSE : external clock = 8MHz) and peripherals clock OFF 27mA STOP w/ Voltage Regulator in low power Low speed and high-speed internal RC oscillators and high-speed oscillator OFF(no independent watchdog) 14µA STANDBY w/ low-speed oscillator and RTC OFF Low-speed internal RC oscillator and independent watchdog OFF 2µA RTC on VBAT (*) : Typical (*) 1.4 µA values are measured at TA = 25 °C, VDD/VBAT = 3.3 V. 64 CONTENTS Objectives STM32F10x Device Block Diagram Memory mapping and boot modes System Architecture STM32F10x System Peripherals Main features STM32F10x Minimum External Components STM32F10x standard peripheral Library What is CMSIS? Package organization STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture Coding conventions Using the Library 65 STM32F10x Minimum External Components Built-in Power Supply Supervisor reduces need for external components Filtered reset input, integrated POR/PDR circuitry, programmable Voltage Detector (PVD). Embedded 8 MHz High-Speed Internal (HSI) RC oscillator can be used as main clock Optional main crystal drives entire system Inexpensive 4-16 MHz crystal drives CPU, all peripherals Optional 32.768 kHz crystal needed additionally for RTC, can run on 40KHz Low Speed Internal (LSI) RC oscillator Only 7 mandatory external passive components for base system on LQFP100 package! Application Note is available from AN2586: STM32F10xxx Hardware development : getting started 66 CONTENTS Objectives STM32F10x Device Block Diagram Memory mapping and boot modes System Architecture STM32F10x System Peripherals Main features STM32F10x Minimum External Components STM32F10x standard peripheral Library What is CMSIS? Package organization STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture Coding conventions Using the Library 67 What is CMSIS? • Definition: The Cortex-M3™ Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is defined in close cooperation with various silicon and software vendors and provides a common approach to interface to peripherals, real-time operating systems and middleware components. For more details, please refer to • CMSIS layer structure 68 Package organization 69 STM32 Firmware Library User Manual Main page 70 STM32 Firmware Library User Manual 71 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture - STM32 interrupt IRQ list/ Specific options for the Cortex-M3 core - STM32 peripheral memory mapping and physical register address definition - Configuration options … User application Cortex-M3 exceptions Peripheral header file Include NVIC and SysTick drivers Low-level & API functions to Perform basic operations offered by the peripheral 72 Coding conventions All firmware is coded in ANSI-C Strict ANSI-C for all library peripheral files Relaxed ANSI-C for projects & Examples files. PPP is used to reference any peripheral acronym, e.g. TIM for Timer. Registers & Structures FW library registers have the same names as in STM32F10x Datasheet & reference manual. All registers hardware accesses are performed through a C structures : Improve code re-use : e.g. the same structure to handle and initialize 3 USARTs. 73 Using the Library (1/4) 1) Before configuring a peripheral, you have to enable its clock by calling one of the following functions: RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_PPPx , ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_PPPx , ENABLE); RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PPPx , ENABLE); 2) PPP_DeInit(..) function can be used to set all PPP’s peripheral registers to their reset values: PPP_DeInit(PPPx); 3) If after peripheral configuration, the user wants to modify one or more peripheral settings he should proceed as following: PPP_InitStucture.memberX = valX; PPP_InitStructure.memberY = valY; PPP_Init(PPPx, &PPP_InitStructure); 74 Using the Library (2/4) At this stage the PPP peripheral is initialized and can be enabled by making a call to PPP_Cmd(..) function: PPP_Cmd(PPPx, ENABLE); Note: This function is used only for communication peripherals like UART, SPI, … To access the functionality of the PPP peripheral, the user can use a set of dedicated functions. These functions are specific to the peripheral and for more details refer to STM32F10x Firmware Library User Manual. Example of GPIO Functions available 75 Using the Library (3/4) UART1 configuration example : /* Enable USART1 Clock */ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( USART1, ENABLE ); /* set all UART1’s peripheral registers to their reset values */ USART_DeInit( USART1 ) ; /* USART1 configuration ------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USART1 configured as follow: - BaudRate = 19200 baud - Word Length = 8 Bits - One Stop Bit - Even parity - Hardware flow control disabled (RTS and CTS signals) - Receive and transmit enabled */ USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = 9600; USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b; USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1; USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_Even; USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None; USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Rx | USART_Mode_Tx; /* Configure USART1 */ USART_Init( USART1, &USART_InitStructure); /* Enable USART1 */ USART_Cmd( USART1, ENABLE ); USART 1 is ready now … 76 Using the Library (4/4) • Files to be modified by the user: stm32f10x_conf.h /* Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Uncomment the line below to enable peripheral header file inclusion */ /* #include "stm32f10x_adc.h" */ /* #include "stm32f10x_bkp.h" */ /* #include "stm32f10x_can.h" */ … … stm32f10x.h /* Uncomment the line below according to the target STM32 device used in your application */ #if !defined (STM32F10X_LD) && !defined (STM32F10X_MD) && !defined (STM32F10X_HD) /* #define STM32F10X_LD */ /*!< STM32 Low density devices */… #endif … /* STM32F10x Interrupt Number Definition*/ EXTI0_IRQn = 6, /*!< EXTI Line0 Interrupt */ EXTI1_IRQn = 7, /*!< EXTI Line1 Interrupt */ DMA1_Channel1_IRQn = 11, /*!< DMA1 Channel 1 global Interrupt */ main.c #include "stm32f10x.h“ int main(void) { ... GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_1, Bit_SET); … } stm32f10x_It.h /* Exported functions ----------------------------------------------- */ void NMI_Handler(void); void HardFault_Handler(void); … stm32f10x_It.c #include "stm32f10x_it.h" … void EXTI1_IRQHandler(void) { GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_1, Bit_SET); } 77 PART - III STM32 Value line Discovery Kit 78 STM32 Value line Discovery Kit Microcontroller Division of MMS Group June, 2010 79 The cheapest and quickest way to discover the STM32 Everything included for a quick start with the STM32 Value Line Price: $9.90 (RRP) Order code: STM32VLDISCOVERY Available NOW from ST and Distributors In circuit ST-LINK debugger / programmer included to debug Discovery kit applications or other target board applications. Ideal for quick evaluation, learning or prototyping Dedicated web site Examples ready to run Schematics Forums and more… 80 STM32 Value line Discovery Board A compact “all in one board” The debugger “ST-link” is on the board itself Few leds and button for immediate usage ST-LINK SWD connector 84mm The extension connector will all STM32 pins enable building more complex applications by using an extension board STM32F100RBT6B User button Led Blue Led Green The board can be used as an independent ST-link for your own board if needed 42mm Extension connector On each side 81 Tools and Software Development Toolchain support Free Atollic TrueSTUDIO® lite version with unlimited code-size and usage-time. IAR EWARM KEIL MDK-ARM Software examples available at for a quick start to evaluate and develop with the STM32 Value line 82 Features and Benefits Feature Benefit STM32F100RBT6B microcontroller Discover STM32 with STM32 Value line, including 128-Kbyte Flash, 8-Kbyte RAM in a 64pin LQFP Self powered by USB cable between PC and STM32 Value line Discovery Immediate plug-and-play demonstration Can supply target application with 5 V and 3 V Adapts the demo to the future application environment On-board ST-Link with USB interface for programming and debugging Non-intrusive debug with the in-circuit debugger present on STM32 Value line Discovery. Selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone ST-Link (with SWD connector) The kit can be used as an ST-link for your own board Extension header for all QFP64 I/Os Ideal for prototyping and easy probing. Enable quick connection to a prototyping board Development toolchains from partners Complete kit enabling full software development, no need for additional software. Large number of free, downloadable ready-touse software examples Fast startup, accelerate your developments. More than 37 Videos are available on YouTube web site. example: link : 83 STM32F100xx Value Line necessary docs RM0041 (Reference Manual): Peripherals description… PM0063 (Flash Programming Manual): Flash description… Product Datasheet STM32F100x468B-B: Electrical parameters… STM32F10x Standard Peripheral Library V3.3.0: STM32 value Line Firmware library, examples… AN3268 (STM32VLDISCOVERY firmware package): STM32 discovery Firmware library… UM0919 (STM32VLDISCOVERY STM32 value line Discovery): STM32 discovery board description, schematics… UM0985 (Developing your STM32VLDISCOVERY application using the IAR Embedded Workbench software): Tools description... All docs are available from 84 Now you are able to… Develop your application around STM32F100 device 85 Thank you 86