
QuickSync: Improving Synchronization
Efficiency for Mobile Cloud Storage Services
Yong Cui, Zeqi Lai, Xin Wang*, Ningwei Dai, Congcong Miao
Tsinghua University
Stony Brook University*
 Background
 Measurement & Analysis
 Design & Implementation
 Evaluation
 Conclusion
The way we store data…
Mobile Cloud Storage Services (MCSS)
 Data entrance of Internet
– Major players: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, …
– Large user base: Dropbox has more than 300 million users
– More and more mobile devices/data: MCSS helps to manage
data across your multiple devices
 Basic function of MCSS
– Storing, sharing, synchronizing data from anywhere, on any
device, at anytime via ubiquitous cellular/Wi-Fi networks
Architecture & Capabilities of MCSS
 Architecture
– Control server: metadata management; Storage server: contents
– Sync process with your multiple clients
Sync efficiency is one of the most important thing for MCSS.
Architecture & Capabilities of MCSS
 Key capabilities
Chunking: splitting a large file into multiple data units with certain size
Bundling: multiple small chunks as a single chunk
Deduplication: avoiding the retransmission of content already available
in the cloud
Delta-encoding: only transmitting the modified portion of a file
Can data be synchronized efficiently?
 Ideal
These capabilities MAY efficiently synchronize our data in
mobile/wireless environments (high delay & intermittent connections)
 Reality
The sync time is much longer than expected with various network
 Challenges of improving sync efficiency
These capabilities are useful or enough? What’s their relationship?
Novel angle of view: storage techniques & network techniques
Close source & encrypted traffic—hard to identify the root cause
Aim of our work
We identify, analyze and address the
sync inefficiency problem of modern
mobile cloud storage services.
 Background
 Measurement & Analysis
 Design & Implementation
 Evaluation
 Conclusion
Measurement Methodology
 Understand the sync protocol
Methodology: trace app encrypted traffic
Decryption for in-depth analysis: hijack SSL socket of Dropbox
Three sync/upload stages: sync preparation, data sync, sync finish
Arrangement of our measurement
Dropbox Google
OneDrive Seafile
Identifying the sync inefficiency problem
 Redundancy deduplication
Seafile eliminates more redundancy than Dropbox on a same data set
Seafile uses smaller content-define chunk size than Dropbox
But Seafile may need more sync time even with reduced traffic!
Finding more redundancy needs more CPU time
deduplicated file
size/the original file size
Root cause analysis
 Why less data cost more time?
– Chunking is closely related to deduplication
– Fixed-size is efficient in good network conditions
– Aggressive chunking helps in high delay environments
– Trade-off between traffic amount and CPU time with various
network conditions
– Network-based chunking may be important
Identifying the sync inefficiency problem
 Dropbox fails on incremental sync with delta encoding
– 3 operations (flip bits, insert, delete) over continuous bytes of a
synced test file
Insert 2MB at head of a 40MB file, but 20MB transmitted
TUO: generated
traffic size
/expected traffic
Root cause analysis
 Why the incremental sync fails
A large file is split into multiple chunks
Delta-encoding is only performed between mapped chunks
Chunking is the basis for delta-encoding
Identifying the sync inefficiency problem
 Incremental sync failure for continuous modification
– Modify files continuously, which are under the transmissions
process to the cloud (temporary files of MS word or VMware)
Incremental sync fails with long delay network
 Root cause analysis
The metadata is updated only after chunks are successfully uploaded.
A chunk under sync process cannot be used for delta-encoding.
TUO: generated
traffic size /size
of revised file
Identifying the sync inefficiency problem
 Bandwidth inefficiency
– Synchronize files differing in size
– Sync is not efficient for large # of
small files in high RTT conditions
BUE: measured throughput /
theoretical TCP bandwidth
 Root cause analysis
– Client waits for ack from server before transmit next chunk
– Sequential ack for each small chunk and even too many new
connections bear the TCP slow start, especially with high RTT
Bundling is quite important
Identifying the sync inefficiency problem
 Bandwidth inefficiency
– Bundling small chunks is important
(only dropbox implements)
– Bandwidth utilization decreases
with large files
 Root cause analysis
– Dropbox uses up to 4 concurrent
TCP connections
– Client waits for all of 4 connections to finish before next
– Several connections may be idle between two iterations
 Background and Architecture
 Measurement & Analysis
 Design & Implementation
 Evaluation
 Conclusion
QuickSync: improving sync efficiency
 System overview with 3 techniques
Propose network-aware content-defined chunker to identify redundant
Design improved incremental sync approach that correctly performs
delta-encoding between similar chunks to reduce sync traffic
Use delay-batched ack to improve the bandwidth utilization
Design detail: Network-aware Chunker
 Network-aware chunker
– Intuitively, prefer larger chunks when the bandwidth is sufficient,
and make aggressive chunking in slow networks
Predefine several chunking strategies in QuickSync
Client selects a chunking strategy for a file to optimize sync time
Total comp. time
Byte comp. Data size
Total comm. time
Design detail: Network-aware Chunker
 Virtual chunks in the server
A file needs to sync with multiple clients in various networks
Avoid storing multiple copies of a file with various chunk methods
Propose virtual chunk to only store the offset and length which can
be used to generated the pointers to the content
Support multi-granularity deduplication without additional copies
Design detail: Redundancy eliminator
 Two-step sketch-based mapping
– Hash match: two chunks are identical
– Sketch match: two chunks are similar
– Performing delta-encoding between two most similar chunks
 Buffering uncompletely synced chunks on client
– Chunks waiting to be uploaded or performed delta-encoding
are temporarily buffered in local device
So incremental sync works in the middle of a sync process (for
the use cases of MS Word or VMware temp files)
Design detail: Batched Syncer
 Batched transmission
– Defer the app-layer ack to the end of sync process, and
actively check the un-acked chunks upon the connection
Check will be triggered: when the client captures a network
exception, or time out
 Reuse existing network connections
– Reuses the storage connection to transfer multiple chunks,
avoiding the overhead of duplicate TCP/SSL handshakes
QuickSync implementation
 Implementation over Dropbox
– Unable to directly implement
on close-source Dropbox
Design proxy-based architecture
Implement our functionality between
client on Galaxy Nexus & proxy in EC2
Leverage Samplebyte for chunking and librsync for delta encoding
 Implementation over Seafile
– The proxy architecture adds additional overhead
– Full implementation with Seafile, an open source system, on both
client & server
 Background and Architecture
 Measurement & Analysis
 Design & Implementation
 Evaluation
 Conclusion
Impact of the Network-aware Chunker
 Setup
– Data set: 200GB backup
– RTT setting: 30~600ms
 Performance
– Up to 31% sync speed
 CPU overhead
– Client: <12.3%
– Server: <0.5% (per user)
 Results show
– Network-aware chunker
works well
Impact of the Redundancy Eliminator
 Setup & Results
– Conduct the same set of experiments, where TUO = 5-10
– Traffic utilization overhead decreases to 1 (insert)
– Results show: Sketch-based mapping works well
– QuickSync only synchronizes new contents under arbitrary
number of modifications: local buffering works well
Impact of the Batched Syncer
 Setup
– Uploading files differing in size
 Performance
– Bandwidth utilization improves up
to 61% (better with high RTT)
Delayed ack works well
 Exception recovery
– Delayed ack MAY lead high
overhead on exception recovery
Result of active check: overhead is
less than Seafile and Dropbox
Performance of the Integrated system
 Setup
– Practical sync workloads on Windows / Android
– Source code backup, MS Powerpoint editing, data backup, photo
sharing, …
 Performance
– Traffic size reduction: up to 80.3% / 63.4% (Win / Android)
– Sync time reduction: up to 51.8% / 52.9% (Win / Android)
 Background and Architecture
 Measurement & Analysis
 Design & Implementation
 Evaluation
 Conclusion
 Measurement study & sync inefficiency analysis
– The basic capabilities are quite important for sync efficiency
– They are far away to perform well
– Network parameters are also important
 QuickSync: design, implementation, evaluation
– Three key techniques
– Implementation over Dropbox & Seafile
– Practical sync workloads show the efficiency on both traffic size
reduction and sync time reduction
Welcome to IETF
 Standard sync protocol
– Third-party apps are easy to develop
– APIs will be unnecessary or at least simplified
– Sync or file sharing among different services is available
– Easy to improve Internet storage services
 Many interests from IETF
– We introduced this idea in IETF 93 in July 2015
– IETFer: good topic for a new working group
Our mail list: storagesync@ietf.org
Wiki: https://github.com/iss-ietf/iss/wiki/Internet-Storage-Sync
Thank you!
Server-side storage overhead
 Server-side overhead: measurement & analysis
– Using smaller chunks will increase the metadata overhead
(# of chunks)
The additional overhead of QuickSync is only a small fraction
of the overall storage cost
very small
Related work
 Measurement study
Measurement & performance comparison for enterprise cloud
storage service [IMC’10]
Measurement & benchmarking for personal cloud storage [IMC’12]
Sync traffic waste [IMC’14]
Our measurement identify and reveal the root cause of sync
inefficiency in wireless networks
Related work
 Storage system
Enterprise data backup system [FAST’ 14]
Data consistency in sync services [FAST’ 14]
Reducing sync overhead [Middleware’ 13]
QuickSync focuses on performance in wireless networks, and
introduce network-related consideration
Related work
 CDC and delta encoding
Content defined chunking [FAST’ 08] [FAST’ 12] [INFOCOM’ 14]
Delta encoding: rsync, https://rsync.samba.org/
QuickSync utilizes CDC addressing for a unique purpose,
adaptively selecting the optimized chunk size to achieve sync
We also improve the delta encoding and address the limitation in