Green Square and City South Village Summary Report 2012 City of Sydney Floor Space and Employment Survey City of Sydney Town Hall House 456 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Green Square and City South Village Introduction The City of Sydney undertakes its comprehensive Floor Space and Employment Survey (FES) every five years to coincide with the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Census of Population and Housing. The latest FES is the second to encompass those areas amalgamated into the City of Sydney from the former South Sydney and Leichhardt Councils in 2004, and allows the City of Sydney to investigate and report on changes in workforce, businesses and floor space across Surveys. The FES collects data on all businesses, floor space uses and employment numbers for every building or property within the City of Sydney local government area (LGA). It provides a snapshot of the built form, land uses and economic activity of the City of Sydney every five years. The field data captured for the current Survey was undertaken during 2012. The data collection phase of the FES involves field surveyors visiting every business in the City of Sydney to determine what industry the business is in, how many workers are in each business, and the floor space use of each business through visual inspection and the use of existing floor space. Information for various capacity measures such as quantity of seating, parking, rooms and units are also collected. Residential uses are only surveyed from the street and validated by checking existing floor plans. The data is entered into a Geographic Information System (GIS) database to allow 2- and 3-dimensional mapping, analysis and reporting. The data is used by both internal and external stakeholders as a basis for strategic planning, policy formulation, business development and forecasting. The Green Square and City South Village is located in the southern part of the LGA, with boundaries adjoining Botany Bay City Council and Randwick City Council. The area includes the suburbs of Beaconsfield and Zetland and parts of Rosebery, Waterloo, Alexandria and St Peters. It is bounded by Gardeners Road in the south, South Dowling Street and Southern Cross Drive to the east and Euston Road / Sydney Park in the west (see Figure 1). The Green Square and City South Village is predominantly industrial with increasing pockets of residential development. The area includes Alexandra Canal, Green Square train station, and several major business and corporate parks. It also includes the whole of the Green Square Urban Renewal Area and the Green Square Town Centre. Victoria Park is one of the newest major residential developments, with the final sites currently under construction. The 2012 FES collected data from 2,524 sites in the Village, including 2,102 business premises. The total internal floor space surveyed was 4,428,047m², an increase of 4.3% from the previous Survey. A further 2,768,148m² of external area (including parks, backyards, balconies, pools etc.) were also included in the data. 1 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Figure 1: Green Square and City South Village Location Map Figure 2 below shows the extent of the Green Square and City South Village, looking north. Residential uses are shown in dark red, and are predominantly located on the eastern side of the Village, whilst business uses are shown in light brown and are largely located in the central and western sections of the Village. Vacant spaces are shown in blue. Figure 2. The Green Square and City South Village looking north. In 2006, the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) Estimated Resident population (ERP) stated that there were 14,803 residents living in Green Square and City South Village. By 2011, the ERP for Green Square and City South Village had risen to 20,103, an increase of 35.8% over five years. The proportion of the City of Sydney’s residents in Green Square and City South Village rose from 8.9% in 2006 to 11.0% in 2011. It is estimated that Green Square and City South Village will accommodate approximately 14.4% of the City of Sydney’s residents by 2016, and up to 20.0% by 2031.1 The Green Square and City South Village resident population was housed in 9,782 dwellings at the time of the Survey. More than four-fifths of the dwelling stock was located in multi-storey apartment blocks (82.7%), whilst a further 8.2% of the dwellings were separate houses. The remaining private dwellings are either terraces or townhouses (7.6%) or other dwellings. There was a 28.5% increase in the number of dwellings between the two Surveys. Current and future residential development will continue through large multi-story apartment development, and occur largely in the eastern half of the Village.2 1 City of Sydney Population Forecasts, Research performed by .id Consulting Pty Ltd. Available at: 2 City of Sydney, Residential Monitor December 2012. Available at: 2 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Employment in the Green Square and City South Village increased by 11.6% between the Surveys, from 25,043 in 2007 to 27,949 in 2012. The proportion of full-time employment decreased slightly from 89.3% in 2007 down to 87.5% in 2012. Over the same period, the average number of workers per business decreased from 14.1 to 13.3, however there was a significant increase in the number of businesses that are located in the Village, with an additional 329 businesses counted, a growth of 18.6%. The number of parking spaces in the Village increased by 12.4% overall between 2007 and 2012. These were predominantly located in internal garages within new residential developments. The percentage increase in internal parking is commensurate with the percentage increase in the number of residential dwellings. When looking at Visitor Accommodation in the Village, there had been a very small increase in the number of hotel rooms between the Surveys, growing from 31 to 35. However a number of serviced apartments were due to commence operation shortly after the Survey fieldwork was completed The key totals for the 2007 and 2012 Surveys are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1. Key Totals for Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 Category 2007 2012 Change % Change General Sites Surveyed Buildings Surveyed Businesses Surveyed 2,505 2,375 1,773 2,524 2,399 2,102 19 24 329 0.8% 1.0% 18.6% 4,245,954 2,626,914 6,872,868 4,428,047 2,768,148 7,196,195 182,093 141,234 323,327 4.3% 5.4% 4.7% Employment Full-time Employment Part-time Employment Total Employment 22,370 2,673 25,043 24,447 3,502 27,949 2,077 829 2,906 9.3% 31.0% 11.6% Residential Number of Dwellings Buildings with Dwellings Population Occupancy Rate 7,614 1,558 14,803 1.94 9,782 1,596 20,103 2.06 2,168 38 5,300 - 28.5% 2.4% 35.8% - Tenant Parking Internal Parking Spaces External Parking Spaces Total Parking Spaces 10,493 13,918 24,411 13,369 14,066 27,435 2,876 148 3,024 27.4% 1.1% 12.4% 31 68 0 35 68 0 4 0 0 12.9% 0.0% NA Areas Internal Floor Area (m²) External Area (m²) Total Surveyed Area (m²) Visitor Accommodation Hotel Accommodation (Rooms) Serviced Apartments (Units) Backpacker Accommodation (Beds) 3 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Industry Classification The FES codes each business establishment based on a modified Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) – 2006. ANZSIC classifies the primary activity of a business into 16 ‘Divisions’ and then into 506 4-digit ‘Industries’. The Survey has further sub-divided these into 644 unique business uses. This allows for more detailed analysis of business, employment and floor space uses. The 644 business uses have been re-categorised into a ‘City-Based Industry Sector’ Classification based on the method used by the City of Greater London. This classification better reflects the mix of uses within the business community of city centres such as the City of Sydney. There are nineteen ‘business’ related industry divisions, and a further five ‘non-business’ related industry divisions within the City-Based Industry Sector Classification. This allows the analysis of industry groups such as Creative Industries, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Tourist, Cultural and Leisure. Table 2 (following) shows the breakdown by City-Based Industry of employment, businesses and (business) floor space for the Green Square and City South Village in 2012. During the Survey, data was collected on 2,102 businesses; there were 27,949 workers counted; and businesses occupied 2,247,677m² of internal floor space. The predominant Industry Sector in the Green Square and City South Village is Transport and Logistics, with the highest proportions of businesses, employment and floor area. A number of Industry Sectors employ more than 2,000 workers within the Green Square and City South Village, including Creative Industries, ICT, Manufacturing, Professional and Business Services, Retail and Personal Services and Transport and Logistics. This characterises a diversified industry mix in a location that is historically dominated by two industries – Manufacturing and Transport and Logistics. Tables 3, 5 and 6 (following) show the changes in the number of businesses, employment and business floor space use by each of the City-Based Industry Sectors between 2007 and 2012. Business Establishments Between 2007 and 2012 the number of businesses in the Green Square and City South Village increased by 18.6%, from 1,773 to 2,102 establishments. The largest sectoral increase occurred in the Retail and Personal Services Industry, with an additional 127 business establishments compared to 2007. There were an additional 51 Food and Drink premises compared to 2007. Almost half of these additional establishments can be found in the newer residential development areas in the north-east of the Village. Of the 1,773 businesses located in the Village in 2007, 1,195 were still operating in the same location in 2012. By 2012, approximately 32.6% of businesses surveyed in 2007 were no longer operating in the same location. There was a large number of new commencements of businesses in a number of industry sectors, including Creative Industries, ICT and Manufacturing, where there was also very little growth in the number of businesses. This signifies a high turnover rate for firms within these industry sectors. Retail and Personal Services, Food and Drink and Professional and Business Services all had a relatively high number of new businesses allied with significant growth in the number of establishments. The area’s predominant industry, Transport and Logistics, had the largest business turnover number (160 ceasing or moving operation, with 154 commencing), whilst at the same time showing no growth in absolute numbers, in fact experiencing a marginal decline. 4 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 2. Overview of City-Based Industry Sectors, Green Square and City South Village, 2012 City-Based Industry Sector Community Creative Industries Finance and Financial Services Food and Drink Government Health Higher Education and Research ICT Life Science (Bio-tech) Manufacturing Motor Vehicle Natural Resource-Based Industries Other* Professional and Business Services Property Development and Operation Retail and Personal Services Social Capital Tourist, Cultural and Leisure Transport and Logistics Utilities Total Businesses % of Total Businesses Employment % of Total Employment Business Floor Area % Business Floor Area 23 176 27 194 18 35 14 174 31 176 142 0 0 177 98 305 49 40 414 9 2,102 1.1% 8.4% 1.3% 9.2% 0.9% 1.7% 0.7% 8.3% 1.5% 8.4% 6.8% 0.0% 0.0% 8.4% 4.7% 14.5% 2.3% 1.9% 19.7% 0.4% 100.0% 241 2,715 291 1,377 548 713 339 2,887 445 3,606 1,825 0 25 2,173 841 2,779 518 337 6,113 176 27,949 0.9% 9.7% 1.0% 4.9% 2.0% 2.6% 1.2% 10.3% 1.6% 12.9% 6.5% 0.0% 0.1% 7.8% 3.0% 9.9% 1.9% 1.2% 21.9% 0.6% 100.0% 42,018 177,616 15,802 84,287 50,741 35,350 20,929 159,209 35,529 265,301 217,862 0 0 93,821 48,499 302,000 29,745 41,947 605,690 21,332 2,247,677 1.9% 7.9% 0.7% 3.7% 2.3% 1.6% 0.9% 7.1% 1.6% 11.8% 9.7% 0.0% 0.0% 4.2% 2.2% 13.4% 1.3% 1.9% 26.9% 0.9% 100.0% *’Other’ industry sector data may include nil businesses, nil employment and/or nil business floor area. This is explained by: the inclusion of nonprivate households which employ staff, such as student accommodation and aged care facilities; and, workers counted in common areas of multitenanted buildings who are not directly linked to a business establishment. 5 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 3. Business Mix By City-Based Industry Sectors, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 City-Based Industry Sector 2007 % of 2007 Businesses 2012 % of 2012 Businesses Change 2007-2012 % Change 2007-2012 Community Creative Industries Finance and Financial Services Food and Drink Government Health Higher Education and Research ICT Life Science (Bio-tech) Manufacturing Motor Vehicle Natural Resource-Based Industries Other Professional and Business Services Property Development and Operation Retail and Personal Services Social Capital Tourist, Cultural and Leisure Transport and Logistics Utilities Total 25 171 22 143 15 25 12 158 21 181 131 0 0 124 84 178 23 24 420 16 1,773 1.4% 9.6% 1.2% 8.1% 0.8% 1.4% 0.7% 8.9% 1.2% 10.2% 7.4% 0.0% 0.0% 7.0% 4.7% 10.0% 1.3% 1.4% 23.7% 0.9% 100.0% 23 176 27 194 18 35 14 174 31 176 142 0 0 177 98 305 49 40 414 9 2,102 1.1% 8.4% 1.3% 9.2% 0.9% 1.7% 0.7% 8.3% 1.5% 8.4% 6.8% 0.0% 0.0% 8.4% 4.7% 14.5% 2.3% 1.9% 19.7% 0.4% 100.0% -2 5 5 51 3 10 2 16 10 -5 11 0 0 53 14 127 26 16 -6 -7 329 -8.0% 2.9% 22.7% 35.7% 20.0% 40.0% 16.7% 10.1% 47.6% -2.8% 8.4% NA NA 42.7% 16.7% 71.3% 113.0% 66.7% -1.4% NA 18.6% 6 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 4. Recent and Established Businesses By City-Based Industry Sectors, Green Square and City South Village, 2012 City-Based Industry Sector Community Creative Industries Finance and Financial Services Food and Drink Government Health Higher Education and Research ICT Life Science (Bio-tech) Manufacturing Motor Vehicle Natural Resource-Based Industries Other Professional and Business Services Property Development and Operation Retail and Personal Services Social Capital Tourist, Cultural and Leisure Transport and Logistics Utilities Total Established (Pre-2008) Commenced 2008-2012 % Established 21 106 15 99 18 18 9 108 19 117 101 0 0 75 48 140 18 21 260 2 1,195 2 70 12 95 0 17 5 66 12 59 41 0 0 102 50 165 31 19 154 7 907 91.3% 60.2% 55.6% 51.0% 100.0% 51.4% 64.3% 62.1% 61.3% 66.5% 71.1% NA NA 42.4% 49.0% 45.9% 36.7% 52.5% 62.8% 22.2% 56.9% Figures 3a and 3b show the percentage share of the top six City-Based Industry Sectors in 2007 and 2012. Transport and Logistics remains the predominant industry in terms of the number of businesses, however its percentage share has dropped from 23.7% down to 19.7% between the Surveys. Manufacturing fell from second to fifth place, decreasing establishment share from 10.2% down to 8.4%, whilst Creative Industries fell from fourth to sixth despite a slight increase in establishment numbers. Despite an increase in the absolute number of establishments, ICT has fallen out of the top six industries in terms of share. The main reason for these declines in share is the absolute and percentage growth in Retail and Personal Services (10.0% to 14.5%) and Food and Drink Industries (8.1% to 9.2%) – largely to serve the increasing residential population of the area – and Professional and Business Services Industry (7.0% to 8.4%). This suggests that the industry mix of Green Square and City South Village is becoming more diversified over time, and less dominated by its traditional base of Transport and Logistics and Manufacturing sectors. 7 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report % of Total Businesses, 2007 Transport and Logistics 23.7% Manufacturing 29.4% Retail and Personal Services Creative Industries 10.2% ICT 8.1% Food and Drink 10.0% 8.9% Other Industries 9.6% Figure 3a. Percentage Share of Top Six Industry Sectors, 2007 % of Total Businesses, 2012 Transport and Logistics 19.7% Retail and Personal Services 31.4% Food and Drink 14.5% Professional and Business Services Manufacturing Creative Industries 8.4% 9.2% 8.4% Other Industries 8.4% Green Square and City South Village Figure 3b. Percentage Share of Top Six Industry Sectors, 2012 8 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Employment In the period between the Surveys, employment in the Green Square and City South Village increased by 11.6%. There were 27,949 workers counted in 2012 across nineteen different industry sectors. Fifteen of the nineteen sectors experienced employment growth, with Professional and Business Services and Retail and Personal Services recording the highest increases, with 923 and 853 additional workers respectively. Both of these industry sectors had complementary growth in the net number of businesses. Transport and Logistics remains the predominant employer in the area despite a minor decrease in numbers and continues to employ over one-fifth of workers. The Manufacturing Sector increased its workforce over the period, despite a slight decrease in the number of business premises. Table 5 following shows the breakdown of employment by City-Based Industry Sector for 2007 and 2012, with the percentage share of each sector and the change between Surveys. Two of the industry sectors, Social Capital and Tourist, Cultural and Leisure more than doubled their employment numbers, with another four sectors adding at least half their worker numbers again over a five year period. In a number of industries, changes in single establishments have had significant impact on the change in employment for that sector. In the case of the ICT sector, one establishment which employed over 800 workers ceased operation in this location, which was the primary reason for the net decrease of 578 employees. In contrast, a single Health industry establishment with over 300 workers commenced operation between 2007 and 2012, accounting for almost all of the employment growth in that sector. In 2012, businesses in Green Square and City South Village employed 13.3 workers on average across all sectors. The Government Sector had the highest average workers per establishment with 30.4, whilst the Food and Drink sector had the fewest workers per business with 7.1. The average number of workers per establishment in 2007 was 14.1. The fall in average number of workers across all establishments is due primarily to the proportionally large growth in the number of Food and Drink, Retail and Personal Services and Professional and Business Services establishments that traditionally have fewer employees per business. The following figures (4a and 4b) illustrate the proportion of employment across the top six industry sectors in 2007 and 2012 respectively. The Transport and Logistics industry sector had the highest proportion of employment in both 2007 and 2012, although its share decreased over the period, from 24.7% in 2007 down to 21.9% in 2012. The Manufacturing sector was still the second highest employer in both Surveys, although its percentage share also decreased. ICT maintained its position as third largest employer although its share of total employment diminished by 3.5% as a result of losing 578 workers between 2007 and 2012. The industries that gained the most in their percentage share of employment were Professional and Business Services, increasing from 5.0% to 7.8%, and Retail and Personal Services increasing from 7.7% up to 10% of total employment. Total employment in the Village was more evenly distributed across the industry sectors in 2012 than in 2007. The top six industries became less dominant in terms of employment share compared to the remaining industries. 9 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 5. Employment By City-Based Industry Sectors, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 City-Based Industry Sector Community Creative Industries Finance and Financial Services Food and Drink Government Health Higher Education and Research ICT Life Science (Bio-tech) Manufacturing Motor Vehicle Natural Resource-Based Industries Other Professional and Business Services Property Development and Operation Retail and Personal Services Social Capital Tourist, Cultural and Leisure Transport and Logistics Utilities Total 10 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report 2007 % of 2007 Employment 2012 % of 2012 Employment Change 2007-2012 % Change 2007-2012 425 2,698 232 1,077 290 402 303 3,465 579 3,575 1,460 0 15 1,250 712 1,926 131 160 6,186 157 25,043 1.7% 10.8% 0.9% 4.3% 1.2% 1.6% 1.2% 13.8% 2.3% 14.3% 5.8% 0.0% 0.1% 5.0% 2.8% 7.7% 0.5% 0.6% 24.7% 0.6% 100.0% 241 2,715 291 1,377 548 713 339 2,887 445 3,606 1,825 0 25 2,173 841 2,779 518 337 6,113 176 27,949 0.9% 9.7% 1.0% 4.9% 2.0% 2.6% 1.2% 10.3% 1.6% 12.9% 6.5% 0.0% 0.1% 7.8% 3.0% 9.9% 1.9% 1.2% 21.9% 0.6% 100.0% -184 17 59 300 258 311 36 -578 -134 31 365 0 10 923 129 853 387 177 -73 19 2,906 -43.3% 0.6% 25.4% 27.9% 89.0% 77.4% 11.9% -16.7% -23.1% 0.9% 25.0% NA 66.7% 73.8% 18.1% 44.3% 295.4% 110.6% -1.2% NA 11.6% % of Total Employment, 2007 Transport and Logistics 22.9% 24.7% Manufacturing ICT Creative Industries 5.8% 14.3% 7.7% Retail and Personal Services Motor Vehicle 10.8% Other Industries 13.8% Figure 4a. Percentage Share of Top Six Industry Sectors, 2007 % of Total Employment, 2012 Transport and Logistics 21.9% Manufacturing 27.4% ICT 12.9% 7.8% 10.3% 9.7% 10.0% Retail and Personal Services Creative Industries Professional and Business Services Other Industries Figure 4b. Percentage Share of Top Six Industry Sectors, 2012 11 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report The following figures (5 and 6) show the distribution of employment by block in 2012 and the change in employment numbers by block between 2007 and 2012 respectively. As can be seen in the first map, the majority of employment occurs in the western half of the Village, with a small pocket of employment below Victoria Park to the East. Figure 5. Total Employment by Block, 2012 12 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Figure 6 below shows that almost all of the employment growth has occurred in the south west, either side of O’Riordan Street. In most cases, employment loss has been due to conversion of sites for residential uses. Over the coming years as the Town Centre starts to develop, it is anticipated that most of the employment growth will occur around this area. There will be continued development for residential uses in the eastern half of the Village, leading to a further redistribution of employment across the Green Square and City South Village. Figure 6. Total Employment Change by Block, 2007 to 2012 13 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Floor Area The 2012 FES measured nearly four and a half million square metres of internal floor space in the Green Square and City South Village. Additionally, data was collected on 2.77 million square metres of external space, including parks, car parks, terraces and balconies. The measurements for the floor space uses were collected by creating spatial entities for each non-contiguous space, and attributing relevant attribute data such as employment numbers, capacity and vacancy to each. Every individual space is held in a Geographic Information System (GIS) database, and is related to the business that uses it. The GIS calculates the areas automatically, and allows 2-D and 3-D rendering of the data. In terms of internal business floor area, the Transport and Logistics sector occupies the largest amount of floor space in the Village, with over 605,000m². This is more than double the next largest floor area user, Retail and Personal Services, which uses 302,000m². Other industries with significant floor space uses include Manufacturing (265,301m²) and Motor Vehicle (217,862m²) sectors, both of which also have large components of external floor area. The Retail and Personal Services Sector had the highest increase in floor area used, with an additional 86,056m² (an increase of 39.9%). Between the two Surveys, there was a net decrease of 16,164m² of business floor space across all sectors, compared to an additional 2,906 workers. This suggests that there has been a significant intensification of floor space per worker (Work Space Ratio – WSR) across the Village. The industry sectors with significant floor area losses include Manufacturing (down 31.6%), Transport and Logistics (down 12.3%) and ICT (down 30.3%). The amount of residential floor area increased by 23.0% between 2007 and 2012, adding another quarter of a million square metres to the stock. There were 2,168 dwellings completed in this period. 14 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 6. Internal Floor Area By City-Based Industry Sectors, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 2007 m² % of 2007 Floor Space 2012 m² % of 2012 Floor Space Change 2007-2012 % Change 2007-2012 Community Creative Industries Finance and Financial Services Food and Drink Government Health Higher Education and Research ICT Life Science (Bio-tech) Manufacturing Motor Vehicle Natural Resource-Based Industries Professional and Business Services Property Development and Operation Retail and Personal Services Social Capital Tourist, Cultural and Leisure Transport and Logistics Utilities Total Business Floor Area 46,386 164,971 14,464 74,984 38,397 15,178 20,272 228,294 39,701 387,780 159,743 0 58,962 51,437 215,944 8,610 21,713 690,399 26,606 2,263,841 2.0% 7.3% 0.6% 3.3% 1.7% 0.7% 0.9% 10.1% 1.8% 17.1% 7.1% 0.0% 2.6% 2.3% 9.5% 0.4% 1.0% 30.5% 1.2% 100.0% 42,018 177,616 15,802 84,287 50,741 35,350 20,929 159,209 35,529 265,301 217,862 0 93,821 48,499 302,000 29,745 41,947 605,690 21,332 2,247,677 1.9% 7.9% 0.7% 3.7% 2.3% 1.6% 0.9% 7.1% 1.6% 11.8% 9.7% 0.0% 4.2% 2.2% 13.4% 1.3% 1.9% 26.9% 0.9% 100.0% -4,368 12,645 1,339 9,303 12,344 20,171 657 -69,085 -4,172 -122,479 58,119 0 34,859 -2,938 86,056 21,135 20,234 -84,709 -5,274 -16,164 -9.4% 7.7% 9.3% 12.4% 32.1% 132.9% 3.2% -30.3% -10.5% -31.6% 36.4% NA 59.1% -5.7% 39.9% 245.5% 93.2% -12.3% -19.8% -0.7% Private Households Non-Private Households Other Redevelopment Vacant Total Businesses Floor Area Total Floor Area 1,100,282 2,589 245,386 63,764 570,092 2,263,841 4,245,954 25.9% 0.1% 5.8% 1.5% 13.4% 53.3% 100.0% 1,352,901 2,589 334,422 83,522 406,937 2,247,677 4,428,047 30.6% 0.1% 7.6% 1.9% 9.2% 50.8% 100.0% 252,618 0 89,036 19,758 -163,155 -16,164 182,093 23.0% 0.0% 36.3% 31.0% -28.6% -0.7% 4.3% City-Based Industry Sector 15 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report % of Business Floor Area, 2007 Transport and Logistics Manufacturing 18.4% 30.5% ICT 7.1% Retail and Personal Services Creative Industries 7.3% Motor Vehicle 9.5% 17.1% Other Industries 10.1% Figure 7a. Percentage Share of Top Six Industry Sectors by Floor Area, 2007 % of Business Floor Area, 2012 Transport and Logistics 22.9% 26.7% Retail and Personal Services Manufacturing Motor Vehicle 7.0% Creative Industries 13.3% 7.8% ICT Other Industries 9.6% 12.7% Figure 7b. Percentage Share of Top Six Industry Sectors by Floor Area, 2012 16 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Figures 7a and 7b show the percentage share of business floor area for the top six industries in 2007 and 2012 respectively. Transport and Logistics had the highest share of floor space usage, although it decreased from 30.5% in 2007 to 26.7% in 2012. Over the same period, Manufacturing decreased its percentage share of floor space from 17.1% to 12.7%, whilst Retail and Personal Services increased its floor space from 9.5% to 13.3%. Over the five years between the Surveys the share of business floor space in traditional industries such as Manufacturing and Transport and Logistics has decreased as the local economy of Green Square and City South Village moves to a more service-oriented industry mix. These two industries are likely to continue to have a significant but decreasing impact on the Village due to the area’s proximity to Sydney Airport and Port Botany, however a large proportion of new business growth is expected to occur in the services and technology sectors, including Professional and Business Services, Retail and Personal Services, ICT and Creative Industries. The average business is approximately 1,069m² in size (for all space uses) across all sectors. This ranges from an average low space use of 434m² per establishment for Food and Drink, up to an average of 2,819m² of floor space use per establishment for the Government sector. Figure 8 below maps the distribution of internal floor area by block for the Green Square and City South Village in 2012. The areas in light yellow are the major parks in the Village, whilst the lighter red areas are predominantly low density residential locations around Rosebery and Beaconsfield. The highest levels of floor space are located in the industrial areas in the western half of the Village, as well as the remaining industrial areas along South Dowling Street to the east, and the high density residential areas of the former ACI site in the north eastern portion of the Village. Figure 8. Total Internal Floor Space by Block, 2012 At the time of the Survey, approximately 490,000m² of internal floor area was Vacant or Under Redevelopment, comprising 11.1% of all internal floor space. This is down from 14.9% of floor space in the same category in 2007. There is still a significant amount of redevelopment occurring in the Village that is residential or employment generating and this will continue to occur for the foreseeable future. 17 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Space Use The City of Sydney Floor Space and Employment Survey collects data in three levels, from individual ‘Space Units’ (space uses), which belong to ‘Establishments’, which are located in ‘Buildings’. The FES data classifies all floor area within the LGA according to the way in which the space is used. Each space use is assigned a code, which is categorised according to fourteen different space use divisions. Space use codes are also used to record employment, seating capacities, dwelling and room numbers and parking spaces. These space uses can then be related to the industry use of each establishment, and the location of each building. For the Green Square and City South Village, there were 45,038 internal and 16,154 external individual space units recorded in 2012. This represents a 29.4% increase in the number of records collected compared to the 2007 Survey. Table 7 indicates the internal floor area by Space Use Division within the Green Square and City South Village in 2007 and 2012. The Village has been historically dominated by the Transport and Logistics industry sector, which is reflected in the large proportion of Storage space uses in 2007 (19.7%), although this proportion has slightly declined since (18.2% in 2012). Residential space uses are currently the predominant type of space, rising from 19.3% in 2007 to 22.7% in 2012. Looking at residential construction currently approved and underway, the percentage share of Residential space is set to increase in the short term. The amount of space devoted to Parking has also increased by 24.9% (Parking includes parking spaces, driveways, loading zones and bicycle parking). This growth is largely connected to the growth of Residential space. There was almost 60,000m² of Shop/Showroom space added between the Surveys, due to the need to service the growing residential community. The Industrial Space Use Division had the greatest loss of space between 2007 and 2012, with almost 270,000m² lost. Interestingly, the amount of employment in these spaces increased over the same period (Table 8), with a greater intensification of use of this space in 2012. There was also a minor decrease in the amount of Office space uses, due to the redevelopment of sites with small Office components. Table 8 shows the total employment by Space Use Division for the Green Square and City South Village in both 2007 and 2012. Those Space Uses with no employment (or minor employment) have been aggregated into the Other category. The majority of employment in Green Square and City South Village is located in Office space uses, comprising 63.8% of all employment. The Industrial Space Use Division holds the second highest number of workers with 4,339, or 15.5% of the total employment. Whereas there have been decreases in the amount of floor space in a number of Space Use Divisions, employment totals have risen across all Space Use Divisions; with an additional 1,378 workers in Office spaces and 583 in Shop/Showroom spaces the most significant. The FES collects a number of capacity measures that are related to different types of space uses. The capacities are recorded for each individual space record. Table 9 following shows the capacity of restaurant seating, café seating, and meeting room / boardroom seating aggregated across the Village for 2007 and 2012. In the five year period from 2007 to 2012, there was a 27.3% increase in the number of restaurant seats, with the number of restaurant establishments rising from 24 to 32. There was a 91.1% increase in café seating, with the number of café establishments rising from 44 in 2007 to 68 in 2012. In terms of the number of seats in meeting rooms (or boardrooms), this rose by 42.5% in the same period. 18 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 7. Internal Floor Area by Space Use Division, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 Space Use Division Office Shop/Showroom Residential Storage Industrial Visitor Accommodation Entertainment/Leisure Restaurant/Eating Community Utilities Parking Transport Common Area Other Total 19 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report 2007 m² % Floor Area 2007 2012 m² % Floor Area 2012 Change 2007-2012 % Change 2007-2012 715,296 172,628 819,476 837,010 698,042 6,871 34,240 25,243 29,167 29,920 435,836 64,419 284,779 93,026 4,245,954 16.8% 4.1% 19.3% 19.7% 16.4% 0.2% 0.8% 0.6% 0.7% 0.7% 10.3% 1.5% 6.7% 2.2% 100.0% 706,199 231,056 1,004,902 807,359 428,319 6,887 40,453 30,587 28,053 29,047 544,542 74,233 312,889 183,521 4,428,047 15.9% 5.2% 22.7% 18.2% 9.7% 0.2% 0.9% 0.7% 0.6% 0.7% 12.3% 1.7% 7.1% 4.1% 100.0% -9,097 58,428 185,426 -29,651 -269,724 16 6,213 5,343 -1,114 -873 108,706 9,814 28,110 90,495 182,093 -1.3% 33.8% 22.6% -3.5% -38.6% 0.2% 18.1% 21.2% -3.8% -2.9% 24.9% 15.2% 9.9% 97.3% 4.3% Table 8. Employment Mix by Space Use Division, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 Space Use Division 2007 % Employment 2007 2012 % Employment 2012 Change 2007-2012 % Change 2007-2012 Office Shop/Showroom Storage Industrial Entertainment/Leisure Restaurant/Eating Community Utilities Transport Other Total 16,441 1,029 2,416 4,165 32 528 148 174 53 57 25,043 65.7% 4.1% 9.6% 16.6% 0.1% 2.1% 0.6% 0.7% 0.2% 0.2% 100.0% 17,819 1,612 2,446 4,339 178 826 191 187 252 99 27,949 63.8% 5.8% 8.8% 15.5% 0.6% 3.0% 0.7% 0.7% 0.9% 0.4% 100.0% 1,378 583 30 174 146 298 43 13 199 42 2,906 8.4% 56.7% 1.2% 4.2% 456.3% 56.4% 29.1% 7.5% 375.5% 73.7% 11.6% Table 9. Selected Capacity Measures, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 Capacity Measure 2007 2012 Change 2007-2012 % Change 2007-2012 Restaurant Seating Cafe/Coffee Lounge Seating Meeting Room/Board Room Seating 906 915 3,994 1,153 1,749 5,690 247 834 1,696 27.3% 91.1% 42.5% 20 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Work Space Ratios Work Space Ratios (WSRs) are an indication of the average number of square metres within which employees work for a particular industry. The ratio is determined by dividing the internal floor area (in square metres) of a categorised space grouping by the total number of employees recorded for that grouping. Ratios can be determined using the Industry Divisions, Space Use Divisions, Office space uses and Occupied Office space uses, where the floor area is divided by total employees. The ratios for each category can be used for projecting the anticipated population of new developments, and to determine how space uses are managed over time. Table 10 (following) shows the industry-wide WSRs for Green Square and City South Village in 2007 and 2012. In any given industry division, where the WSR for 2012 is less than that of 2007, there has been an intensification of employment to space use for that industry. This means that a percentage of the growth of employment of any given area or industry may come from more intensive use of space, rather than solely from the take-up of new development space. This has been the case in fourteen of the eighteen industries present in the Village. Overall, the average WSR for the Village fell from 90.5 in 2007 to 80.5 in 2012. By comparison, the overall WSR for the LGA was 41.5 in 2007 and 37.9 in 2012. The most intensive use of work space occurs in the Professional and Business Services, with 43.2m² for every worker. This is a slight decrease in space per employee when compared to 2007, where there was 47.2m² per worker. The industries with the lower WSRs tend to have higher concentrations of office spaces, or in the case of the Health Division, doctor’s surgeries or waiting rooms. Those industries with higher WSRs tend to have very large areas with little or no employment, such as showrooms (Retail and Personal Services or Motor Vehicle) or public spaces (Community or Tourist, Culture and Leisure). On average, the WSR for the combined industries in Green Square and City South Village was more than double the average for the City of Sydney (in both 2007 and 2012). The average WSR across all industry sectors for Green Square and City South Village was 49m² greater than the LGA average in 2007 (90.5 compared to 41.5), tightening to just above 43m² greater than the LGA average in 2012 (80.5 compared to 37.9). The following table (Table 11) shows the WSRs for the nine main employment generating Space Use Divisions. Space Use Divisions with minor employment levels have not been included; hence the totals for the table do not match the corresponding Village totals (for floor space and employment in Tables 7 and 8). Interestingly, the Restaurant/Eating Space Use Division has the lowest WSR (37.0), closely followed by the Office division (39.6). This is a reversal of the 2007 results, and is due to the small average floor space size of the new restaurants and cafes within the Village. All of the other Space Use Divisions are far less intensive in their use of floor area for employment, generally using space for ancillary business purposes. There has been a dramatic fall in the WSR for Industrial spaces, suggesting that a fundamental change is occurring in the way this type of space is used and that it is becoming far more intensive and employment oriented (rather than process oriented). In general, the Office Space Use Division is the most intensive of the space uses, and is usually a good indicator of future employment projections for a known quantum of floor space. The two main types of Office space defined are partitioned offices (predominantly walled offices with single occupants) and open plan offices (with workstations and multiple workers). Table 12 shows that the average WSR for partitioned and open plan office spaces is 24.3 square metres per worker (as compared to 39.6 for all Office space uses combined, which also includes other spaces such as meeting rooms, reception areas, photocopy areas and breakout spaces). The 2012 Survey also collected the capacity of partitioned and open-plan offices and vacant office space to determine the maximum intensity of uses for these two office types. If all Office space was fully occupied at the current average work space ratio, there could be an additional 7,914 workers in Green Square and City South Village (Table 13). 21 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Table 10. Work Space Ratios by City-Based Industry Division, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 2007 City Based Industry Sector Community Creative Industries Finance and Financial Services Food and Drink Government Health Higher Education and Research ICT Life Science (Bio-tech) Manufacturing Motor Vehicle Natural Resource-Based Industries Professional and Business Services Property Development and Operation Retail and Personal Services Social Capital Tourist, Cultural and Leisure Transport and Logistics Utilities Total 22 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report 2012 Internal Area Employment WSR Internal Area Employment WSR 46,386 164,971 14,464 74,984 38,397 15,178 20,272 228,294 39,701 387,780 159,743 0 58,962 51,437 215,944 8,610 21,713 690,399 26,606 2,263,841 425 2,698 232 1,077 290 402 303 3,465 579 3,575 1,460 0 1,250 712 1,926 131 160 6,186 157 25,028 109.1 61.1 62.3 69.6 132.4 37.8 66.9 65.9 68.6 108.5 109.4 NA 47.2 72.2 112.1 65.7 135.7 111.6 169.5 90.5 42,018 177,616 15,802 84,287 50,741 35,350 20,929 159,209 35,529 265,301 217,862 0 93,821 48,499 302,000 29,745 41,947 605,690 21,332 2,247,677 241 2,715 291 1,377 548 713 339 2,887 445 3,606 1,825 0 2,173 841 2,779 518 337 6,113 176 27,924 174.3 65.4 54.3 61.2 92.6 49.6 61.7 55.1 79.8 73.6 119.4 NA 43.2 57.7 108.7 57.4 124.5 99.1 121.2 80.5 Table 11. Work Space Ratios by Space Use Division, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 2007 2012 Space Use Division Internal Area Employment WSR Internal Area Employment WSR Office Shop/Showroom Storage Industrial Entertainment/Leisure Restaurant/Eating Community Utilities Transport Total 715,296 172,628 837,010 698,042 34,240 25,243 29,167 29,920 64,419 2,605,965 16,441 1,029 2,416 4,165 32 528 148 174 53 24,986 43.5 167.8 346.4 167.6 1,070.0 47.8 197.1 172.0 1,215.4 104.3 706,199 231,056 807,359 428,319 40,453 30,587 28,053 29,047 74,233 2,375,306 17,819 1,612 2,446 4,339 178 826 191 187 252 27,850 39.6 143.3 330.1 98.7 227.3 37.0 146.9 155.3 294.6 85.3 Table 12. Work Space Ratios by Office Space Use, Green Square and City South Village, 2007-2012 2007 Office Type Partitioned Office Open Plan Office Total 23 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report Internal Area 83,015 309,732 392,747 2012 Employment WSR 3,307 12,460 15,767 25.1 24.9 24.9 Internal Area 116,296 289,860 406,156 Employment WSR 4,703 12,034 16,737 24.7 24.1 24.3 Table 13. Potential Maximum Capacity Work Space Ratios by Office Space Use, Green Square and City South Village, 2012 2012 Office Type Partitioned Office Open Plan Office Vacant Office Total Internal Area Employment Capacity WSR 116,296 289,860 77,852 484,008 5,817 15,531 3,303 24,651 20.0 18.7 23.6 19.6 Occupied Office Employment (Actual) Additional Office Employment Capacity 16,737 7,914 Conclusion The Green Square and City South Village is undergoing significant structural change in its industry and employment mix, whilst at the same time experiencing significant employment and residential growth. The traditionally dominant industry sectors of Transport and Logistics and Manufacturing have undergone relative decline over the past five years, as service sector industries such as Professional and Business Services and Retail and Personal Services expand. There has been substantial growth in the Residential sector in recent years, which is set to continue into the near future, especially on the eastern side of the Village. Allied with expected employment growth, especially around the Green Square Town Centre, the future land use and employment mix of the Village is set to continue to change in the future. If the trends of the past five years continue into the future, there will be continued expansion of the Professional and Business Services, Retail and Personal Service, and Food and Drink sectors, whilst the Transport and Logistics and Manufacturing will decrease their percentage share of businesses, employment and floor space in the Green Square and City South Village. 24 / Green Square and City South Village FES Report