Overview of the IASB DP Estimate of Future Cash Flows

International Accounting – Emerging Issues
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Fair Value Accounting Update
Gareth Kennedy
Casualty Loss Reserving Seminar – San Diego, CA
September 10 – 11, 2007
Section I Agenda
 Overview of the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) Discussion Paper
(DP) with tentative American Academy of
Actuaries (AAA) Working Group (WG)
Measurement model
Estimate of future cash flows
The time value of money
Risk margins
Unit of account
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Measurement Model
 Single measurement model to be used for
future cash flows:
– For P&C and Life insurance contracts
– For insurance and reinsurance contracts
– During claims period and pre-claims period
 DP proposes that insurance liabilities be
measured at Current Exit Value (CEV)
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Measurement Model
 Definition of CEV:
– “…the amount an insurer would expect to pay at
the reporting date to transfer its remaining
contractual rights and obligations immediately to
a market participant.”
 IASB has not yet identified any significant
difference between the notion of CEV and fair
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Measurement Model
 To measure CEV
the IASB proposes
that three explicit
building blocks are
required for
insurance contracts:
Risk and service margin
Effect of the time value
of money
Estimated future cash flows
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Estimate of Future Cash Flows
 IASB’s preliminary view is that cash flows
should be:
Consistent with observable market prices
Exclude entity specific cash flows
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
The Time Value of Money
 Requires that best estimates of future cash
flows are explicitly reduced for the time value
of money
 Discount rate should be based on current
market rates for cash flows with the same
timing as the weighted average contract cash
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
The Time Value of Money
 DP does not specify a discount rate although
it is presumed by many that a risk-free rate or
close to one will be used
 P&C members of the AAA WG believe
discounting with the addition of a separate
risk margin is compliant with Actuarial
Standard of Practice 20 and is a good
measure of economic value
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Risk Margins
 IASB’s preliminary view is:
– “the risk margin should be an explicit and unbiased
estimate of the margin that market participants
require for bearing risk”
– It is not intended as a shock absorber for unexpected
losses nor to enhance the insurer’s solvency
– “the observed price for a transaction with a
policyholder …. should not override an unbiased
estimate of the margin another party would require to
take over the insurer’s contractual rights and
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Risk Margins
 The last point may result in profits or losses
at a policy’s inception
 Some IASB members are in favor of an
alternative definition that calibrates the risk
margin to the premium at inception,
combined with a liability adequacy test
 Supporters of CEV believe this is an entry
value approach
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Risk Margins
 IASB does not plan to prescribe what
methods are appropriate to develop a risk
 Instead the IASB will publish attributes that
the methods should have and leave industry
practitioners to develop further guidance
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
Unit of Account
 Definition: “portfolio of contracts that are
subject to broadly similar risks and managed
together as a single portfolio”
 When developing risk margins, the DP
proposes that it should be calculated at a unit
of account level
 No benefit of diversification beyond unit of
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Overview of the IASB DP
 There is a lack of mirror accounting and
recognition between a ceded reinsurance asset
and an assumed liability in the DP for a
reinsurance contract written on a policies
attaching basis
 DP argues remaining asset has little contractual
value if underlying policies are issued at CEV
 Reinsurance liability would be valued using all
future cash flows
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
Section II Agenda
 Comparison of DP to Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB) Statements 157 and
– FASB Statement 159
– FASB Statement 157
– Comparison to IASB DP
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FASB Statements 157 and 159
FAS 159 – Fair Value Option
 Provides a voluntary election to account for
certain assets and liabilities at their fair value
– including P&C insurance liabilities
 Provides a one-time chance to elect fair
value option for any existing liabilities without
affecting income
 Option is irrevocable and all future changes
in fair value must be recognized in income
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
FASB Statements 157 and 159
FAS 157 – Fair Value Measurement
 Defines fair value for financial reporting
purposes under U.S. GAAP as the “… price
that would be received to sell an asset or
paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
transaction between market participants at
the measurement date”
 Market based not entity specific entity
specific measurement
 Statement is not insurance specific
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
FASB Statements 157 and 159
Comparison of FAS 157 to IASB DP
 FAS 157 more general than IASB DP
 Principles from DP currently fit well into the
more general FAS 157 principles
 Impact of FAS 157 currently optional for P&C
insurance liabilities – IASB standard that will
arise from DP will be compulsory
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP
International Accounting – Emerging Issues
Fair Value Accounting Update
Gareth Kennedy
© 2007 Ernst & Young LLP