Astronomy Exam 3 Study Guide

Study Guide Chapters 7 – 16 & 28
plate tectonics
continental drift
Impact Theory
Capture Theory
Shield volcano
Olympus Mons
Maxwell Mons
Great Red Spot
William Hershel
What is the theory for how oxygen developed on earth
What is the theory of plate tectonics?
What is the evidence used to support plate tectonics
Most precise way to measure distance to moon
Why so difficult to see Mercury
Theory of moon’s creation
Method used to determine Venus’ rotation and what type of rotation it has
How Earth and Venus compare and contrast
What the atmosphere of Venus is like and what its compositional make up
how many continental size land masses on Venus
main constituent of atmosphere of Venus, composition of clouds on Venus
Most prominent features on Mars
Why is Mars red
What are the dark spots on Mars
Where is water found on Mars
How does the tilt of Mars compare to that of Earth
Most predominant volcano types on Mars
Atmospheric composition on Mars
What is unique about Martian troposphere
What is evidence or lack of evidence for life on Mars
What causes Io’s volcanism?
What is unique about Jupiter’s mass and rotation rate
What is Jupiter’s atmosphere composed of
What are the “Band” in Jupiter
What is the Great Red Spot and is it changing
is there life on Mars?
how does mass of Jupiter compare with other planets
what is interesting about Jupiter’s rotation period
Nebular Theory
Angular Momentum
Drake’s Equation
what two gases make up 99% of Jupiter’s atmosphere
What is the solar nebular theory and how does it apply to our solar system
what makes up the core of Jupiter
What would Jupiter need to become a star
What is unique about the formation of Jupiter unlike all the other planets?
What is unique about Saturn’s density
What is the composition of Saturn’s atmosphere
What is the composition of Saturn’s rings
Who was William Hershel and what did he discover
what is meant by 2:1 resonance
How long does a day last at the north pole of Uranus?
How long does a day last during a equinox on Uranus
Why do Neptune and Uranus have a blue tint
What component/compound decrease in the atmosphere of Jovian planets as you move away from the sun
What component/compound increase in the atmosphere of Jovian planets as you move away from the sun
What is unique about the moon of Triton
What is the typical size of an asteroid, what type of orbits do they have
Where do most comets lie
What are comets made up of
describe the orbits of asteroids
what is the typical size of asteroids
When was Pluto discovered
Where is the most famous asteroid scar on Earth, when were the dinosaurs wiped out by an asteroid, where did the
asteroid hit that wiped out the dinosaurs
What is Drake’s equation and how does changing one component impact the outcome?
What were some of the early exploration missions completed by both NASA and the Russians?
How do planetesimals accrete to form protoplanets?
What is the order stars from Hottest to coolest?
Where are the high density planets found in relationship to our sun?
What is the limiting factor for communicative civilizations according to Drake?
what is the name of the theory for the creation of our solar system
what molecules did Miller Urey brew up
What is N in Drakes equation
according to Drake's equation, how long how our technological civilization been around
according to Drake’s equation what fraction of planets are habitable