Assignments Oct. 13-17, 2014 Your son/daughter are to write each week’s spelling words 3 times daily until testing. They are also to study the definition and use of 10 vocabulary words they have written down. As suggestion it would help your child if they had an additional 1 subject spiral to keep all their words in for referring to or for studying. This would help the parents know the words as well. Again please study words with your child daily. They have the words for this week and next week, and will receive the next six weeks of words for the next grading period. Therefore, this gives your son/daughter the opportunity to study all words in advance. Only the current weeks words will posted on website. Spelling words occurrence, embarrass, occasion, symmetry, recommend, exaggerate, terrain, barricade, alliance, applaud, hooray, opportunity, opposite, daughter, authentic, awkward, brought, because Word Study Spelling Five packet due date extended to this Monday or Tuesday, the students were informed of this on Oct 9th and 10th, due to field trip. Word Meaning, and Editing Spelling Worksheet Spelling Six packet are due Thursday and Friday depending on if your child has me on a Gray Day or Purple Day. Spelling and Vocabulary Test administered on Thursday or Friday depending on blocked scheduling. Students’ will again be assigned five spelling words for a project. They are to write the word, definition, and a sentence on the lined side of the index card, and on the back draw a picture representing the word. They are to keep these words in a gallon Ziploc bag for the entire school year to spiral throughout the year. Class work Students will be provided class time today to complete assignment given on Oct. 6, and it will be due their next class period, either Wed. or Thurs. Graphic organizer will be completed in class for personal narrative this week, and verb tense lessons will be done in class this week. Vocabulary words widespread, feat, initial, barren, area, vicinity, prow, stern, migrate, fraught. Please provide a scenario where your son/daughter can apply the use of the vocabulary words. On the test the same type of sentences will be given for them to apply their knowledge and a word bank will be available for them to retrieve the word from to complete the sentence. Projects (Culminating project for the entire school year) 5 spelling words on index cards with word, definition, and sentence written on lined side, and picture illustrating word on blank side or create a board game. Students know which of these projects they have been assigned to complete. For words that are hard to illustrate students will draw a picture and write a sentence using the word under the picture to represent it for (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 8th). Board games also due for 6th period only. These students are to add the additional vocabulary words to their game. The Press Release project is due on Monday or Tuesday of this week. Please continue to check with your son/daughter and their planner for due dates.