STROKE CODE STROKE AND THE PCT “Grandpa had a stroke” Not too long ago this statement meant death or disastrous disability for patients and families. In the 21st century medical science has progressed in the understanding of STROKE, prevention and treatment CVA How big is the problem of STROKE? Magnitude of the Problem 795,000 Americans annually suffer a STROKE 25% die #3 killer of Americans 25% of women have strokes before age 65 #1 cause of long term disability Stroke in the US One case of stroke every 45 seconds Results in devastating disability 16% institutionalized in nursing homes 31% assistance with Activities of Daily Living (bathing, dressing eating) 20% assistance with walking 30% depressed Annual cost of $68 billion New Advancements The FDA has approved the same clot busting drugs (tPA thrombolytic) used in heart attacks to be used in brain attacks – stroke. For a variety of reasons, only 2% of stroke victims are treated with thrombolytic medication Aggressive treatment begins with assessment and intervention at point of patient contact Before STROKE can be managed Learn more about what strokes are and how they happen. A very selfish organ The brain requires 20 % of the total blood pumped by the heart. No storage in the brain for either fuel or oxygen Requires constant supply of oxygen and glucose. Blood Supply to the Brain Carotid arteries – anterior neck Large Frequently congested with plaque Can be cleaned out surgically Vertebral arteries Pass through cervical vertebrae Well protected Not accessible for surgical cleaning Circle of Willis Both blood supplies (carotid and vertebral) join on the under surface of the brain. Fail-safe mechanism in case of a blockage somewhere in circulation BUT some hard corners in circle where debris can get caught and site of most cerebral aneurysms What can go wrong??? Disruption of blood flow to the brain Plaque – build up of cholesterol in interior of blood vessel Foreign debris– blood clot bubble of fluid air Broken vessel Ischemic STROKE Blockage of blood flow to brain Progressive Thrombus -- growing Plaque deposit – similar to process in heart with coronary artery disease Cerebral Emboli --Clot from somewhere else -floating debris Blood clot Air bubble Bubble of amniotic fluid Bone marrow from a fracture Hemorrhagic STROKE Aneurysm – weakened area in artery Congenital Younger population younger than 40 years Complain of “worst headache in my life” Spontaneous Hypertensive Bleed Due to BP > 200/100 Malformed Artery 50% younger than 30 years Transient Ischemic Attack “One Free Spin” Looks like a stroke but,symptoms improve in 1-24 hours Temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain –Like Unstable Angina of the brain Warning sign (15% of strokes have TIA first) Mimicked by low blood sugar (> blood sugar signs and symptoms go away) 1 in 20 patients will have a true stroke in 3 months Can STROKES be prevented? Modifiable risk factors High BP Cigarette smoking Alcohol intake Uncontrolled Heart disease Atrial fibrillation (creates mini clots) Uncontrolled Diabetes Carotid congestion Can STROKES be prevented? High blood cholesterol Sedentary lifestyle Obesity Seasons– spring and fall Stress Risk Factors Unable to Control Age Gender Race more women than men African American high risk Prior strokes Heredity Sickle Cell Disease Causes clot formation and strokes even in children Signs and Symptoms of STROKE Hemorrhagic Sudden and dramatic Violent explosive headache “worst headache of my life” Visual disturbance Flashing lights, aura Nausea and vomiting Neck and back pain Due to blood in sub-arachnoid space Sensitivity to light Weakness on one side Can present like a migraine headache Signs and Symptoms of STROKE Ischemic Stroke Harder to detect Weakness in one side Facial drooping Numbness and tingling Language disturbance Visual disturbance Left Brain Stroke Right side paralysis Speech and language disturbance Behavioral changes Swallowing problems Right Brain Damage Left side paralysis Spatial perception Where your limbs are in relation to the room Coordination problems Perception Recognition of familiar objects Primary Stroke Care 180 minute window of time Time is tissue The longer the brain is without oxygen and glucose the more brain cells die Goal is to restore blood flow as soon as possible Treatment is a system beginning with early recognition and continuing through rehabilitation Goals of Primary STROKE Care Rapid Recognition of STROKE Symptoms Rapid access in to the medical system Assessment Treatment Seven D’s of STROKE Care Detection –of STROKE symptoms Dispatch– of EMS/ MET Team Delivery – to a facility prepared to manage STROKE Door to treatment– rapid diagnosis and decision making Data– CT Scan Decision– Ischemic or Hemorrhagic, does the patient meet the criteria to receive thrombolytic drugs Drug – thrombolytics when appropriate EMS Has a Critical Role Educate your community At first signs of a possible STROKE call EMS Many families wait to see if the patient gets better Take patient to the hospital by car “Don’t guess call EMS!!” Use a “FAST” STROKE Assessment Modification of Cincinnati Pre-Hospital Stroke Screen Face Arm Speech Time of onset FACE Look for Facial Droop Have the patient smile or show his/her teeth NORMAL Both sides of the face move equally ABNORMAL One side of the patient’s face droops or does not move ARMS Motor Weakness: Look for arm drift by asking the patient to close eyes and lift arms NORMAL- arms remain extended equally or drift downward equally ABNORMAL – One arm drifts down compared to the other Problem with gripping hands Many elderly have arthritis in hands Hurts to grip hands May mimic weakness SPEECH Ask the patient to say “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” Lots of t’s, k’s and c’s NORMAL –Phrase repeated clearly and plainly ABNORMAL – Words slurred, abnormal or unable to speak Abnormal Speech Slurring of speech Unable to think of words Inappropriate words Expressive aphasia – unable to speak words Area of brain where words are created is damaged Receptive aphasia – unable to understand words Area where words are interpreted is damaged TIME OF ONSET The window of opportunity to effectively treat STROKE is 3 hours (180 minutes) May be extended to 4 ½ hours in some cases Need to know “ last known well”. Difficult when Patient lives alone Woke up with symptoms 180 minutes Don’t think of as 3 hours, but 180 minutes Time gets eaten up fast Short scene time Take transport time into consideration Assessing the Stroke Patient Initial Assessment General Impression Airway Airway Airway!! High-flow O2 Circulation HIGH PRIORITY TRANSPORT Assessing the Stroke Patient Focused history and physical exam Perform thorough neurologic exam. FAST Stroke Screen History of Seizures Headache Nausea/vomiting Neck pain Obtain baseline set of vitals Recheck Vital Signs frequently Priorities of care Conduct general assessment Trauma – recent or within last month Cardiovascular – on heart medications Does the patient have atrial fibrillation Does the patient take blood thinners Pulse oximetry > 94% Blood sugar treat if able Recent seizure Could be a subdural hematoma Low blood sugars mimic a stroke Pupils Position Protect potentially paralyzed parts STROKE Check List Securing A B Cs Stroke identification Use of FAST Screen EKG monitoring if able Oxygen saturation of > 94% Management of blood glucose IV access Blood specimens obtained Head of Bed elevated 15 degrees Early communication with Physician Urgent transport to CT Scan Non Contrast CT of Head Want a normal CT Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke Blood shows up white Sub Arachnoid Bleed Blood in meninges due to aneurysm Could this be anything other than a STROKE? Transient Ischemic Attack Hypoglycemia Race Against Time Goals of STROKE Care 2013 Standardized assessments, vocabulary, protocols and goals Door to treatment (with thrombolytics) goal is 60 minutes Early identification of candidates Direct transport to CT scan NINDS** Recommended Goals Door to doctor Door to CT completion Door to CT read Door to treatment Access to neurological expertise* Access to neuro-surgical expertise* Admit to monitored bed 10 minutes 25 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes 15 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes * by phone or in person ** National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke Case Study 1: 6:30 pm You are called by a family member to assess a patient who is not acting right. What could be the problem? Keep an eye on the time you have 180 minutes What could be the problem? Seizure Code Myocardial infarction Diabetic reaction Medication reaction Anxiety attack STROKE 6:35 pm Upon arrival, you find the patient, Mrs. Short, sitting in bed. She is confused, but responds to verbal stimuli. What assessments do you need? ABC/FAST Airway and ventilations are adequate Regular pulse and good perfusion Speech is garbled Unable to move her right arm and leg Denies chest pain. BP 195/105, pulse 90, respirations 18 ABC/FAST The patient’s daughter reports that her mother felt fine a few minutes ago when suddenly her arm felt funny. She did not lose consciousness and did not have a seizure. The woman did not complain of a headache, and has no history of seizures, diabetes, chest pain or palpitations. 6:43 pm This patient, Mrs. Short, is 65 years old. She has left sided facial drooping and right arm and leg weakness. She can move the right arm and leg slightly, but with great difficulty. Her speech is slurred. All of these signs and symptoms are new in the last 10 minutes. FAST How does Mrs. Short fare on the FAST Screen? Face Arm Speech Time Case 1 cont Face -- left sided facial drooping Arm – right arm and leg weakness Speech – speech is slurred Time last known well – within 20 minutes HIGH PRIORITY Determine precise time of onset of signs and symptoms. If thrombolytic therapy is to be considered, its infusion must begin within 3 hours of the onset of symptoms. HIGH PRIORITY Does Mrs. Short meet the criteria so far to be on the Primary STROKE Care track to receive thrombolytics (tPA)? YES, Proceed with Stroke protocol Case Study 2: 0635 Hours 70 year-old woman, Mrs. Black Awake with slight weakness and tingling in her left side. Speech is hesitant and slightly slurred No facial drooping Good eye contact Case 2 cont. Symptoms began 0615 per patient Speech was fine before that Blood sugar 50 mg/dl No emesis or seizure BP 150/90, Pulse 80, Respirations 16 O2 sat 92% FAST How does Mrs. Black fare on the FAST Screen? Face Arm Speech Time Case 2 cont Face -- no drooping Arm – slight weakness and tingling Speech -- Speech is hesitant and slightly slurred Time known well -- 20 minutes ago Case 2 BUT blood sugar is low! Treat the blood sugar and reassess the need for additional treatment High priority transport to a CT for acute STROKE Case Study 3 Ambulance call at 1400 hours 80 year-old man, Mr. Schmidt Daughter found him 15 minutes ago Unknown down time Awake Drooping left side of face No movement of right arm and leg Speech too slurred to understand Case 3 cont. Blood sugar 200 mg/dl No evidence of seizure or emesis BP 180/100, pulse 72, respirations 15 FAST How does Mr. Schmidt fare on the FAST Screen? Face Arm Speech Time Case 3 cont Face --Drooping left side of face Arm – No movement of right arm and leg Speech – Speech too slurred to understand Time known well – unknown, daughter found him 15 minutes ago, but she had not had contact with him since yesterday Case 3 Time window has closed. Not a candidate for thrombolytic treatment. Transport to ED for acute care. Quiz What are the 2 general types of stroke? What condition is equivalent to “angina” of the brain? 1. 2. 3. What are 3 risk factors for stroke that can be modified? 4. 5. 6. Quiz What are 2 risk factors for stroke that cannot be modified? 7. 8. What are you measuring in a FAST Stroke Screen? 9. 10. 11. 12. QUIZ In the 21st century, some patients suffering from STROKE can be treated using what type of medication? 13. What is the time deadline that must be met in order to use the aggressive medication in the question above? 14. Answers 1. Hemorrhagic stroke 2. Ischemic stroke 3. TIA (transient ischemic attack) 4. – 6. High BP Cigarette smoking Sedentary lifestyle Obesity Seasons Stress Alcohol intake High blood cholesterol Carotid Congestion Uncontrolled diabetes Atrial fibrillation Uncontrolled heart disease Answers 7-8 Age Gender Race 9. prior strokes heredity Sickle cell disease Face 10. Arm 11. Speech 12. Last known well Answers 13. Clot busting drugs, thrombolytics, tPA 14. 3 hours (180 minutes)