Battle of Titans - MysticArt Pictures

Battle of the titans
Original Idea: Yunior Puig-Guillen
Creator: Yunior Puig-Guillen
Chronicle of the TV Show:
In the Greek mythology, the Titans (male) and Titanides (female) were a race of powerful gods
who ruled during the legendary Golden Age.
The Titans were related with diverse essential concepts, some of which were simply extrapolated
from their names: the ocean and the fruitful earth, the Sun and the Moon, the memory and the
natural law. The Titans of the first generation were led by the youngest, Cronus, who overthrew
his father Uranus (‘Heaven’), induced by his mother Gea. This struggle for the power began
when Uranus (father of the titans) according to his wife Gea was giving birth to their children,
decided to enclose them in Tartarus, the deeper region of the underworld, all for the fear of being
Concept of the TV Show
Nine competitors would compete face to face in exhausting obstacle’s courses, were the two last
competitors who finishes every course will have to compete against each other in another race
(Duel of Death) to decide who would come back to the competition and who would be eliminated
All the races are going to start in the Tartarus, the competitors would be always chained, where
they would have to use keys to open the locks and be able to start the competition. All the courses
end with a 150 feet race free of obstacles, wearing clothes of Titan, with a shield and a little
heavy spear. The end of the race is the Olympus.
First Episode
Host: Thousands of years ago, in remote times, the Earth was populated by HUMANS, ruthless
GIANTS, bloody creatures called CYCLOPS, ferocious beasts half bull and half man called
MINOTAUR’S, by horrible MONSTERS and by the powerful GODS who dominated the world
under the command of URANUS (Heaven) and GAIA (Earth), his wife.
These engendered a first-generation Titans (male) and Titanesses (female), which URANUS
for fear to be dethroned; he ordered to lock them in the Tartarus, the deepest part of the
One day their youngest son, CRONUS, aided by his mother GAIA managed to escape from
the Tartarus to kill URANUS, releasing his brothers and became the Olympus’s King.
A cruel battle began for the Crown and for the domain of the world, in order for the winner be
crowned as King.
Today, the bloody and cruel history repeats itself. Nine warriors compete face to face in
exhausting races, where one by one will be staying on the way, to see who deserves to be
crowned as King of the Olympus and take home nothing more and nothing less than:
thousand dollars (Prize that we decide) and the desired Golden Crown. This is:
"Battle of the Titans"
Presentation of the Titans
Host: Now let’s meet who are these fearless warriors who do not have the
slightest idea of the obstacles they will have to face.
1-Pedro Ramírez, (digital description), who will be representing to:
OCEANUS: the river that surrounded the world.
2- Juan López (digital description) you will represent:
COEUS- Titan of the Intelligence.
3-Jorge Pérez (digital description), you will have the honor to represent:
CRIUS: god of herds.
And the others six…
Host: Well TITANS, Any of you who thinks that do not have the courage and
bravery to worthily represent the name of the God that you have to represent, this is
the time to surrender and retreat from this war that is about to begin.
Host: You are privileged to be chosen from millions of brave men that would be
determined to leave everything in the battlefield with the aim of being crowned
Host: you have the opportunity to determine which God must had been at that
time the true KING OF THE OLYMPUS.
Host: All of you who feels to be a true TITAN, when I say : Now, step forward and
anyone who wants to be seen as a coward in front of millions of people who are
watching you right now, step back.
Host: At the countdown of three , show your decision Titans
Host: Well brave man, you have decided, there is no turning back, it's time to see
the obstacles that you will have to overcome in this your first Battle.
Host: Well Titans,
The Tartarus is a post, you will be
chained to it and you will have a rope
with a hook on the other end. You must
launched the hook at a distance far
enough to be able to hook the keys and
bring back the keys. Use the keys to
open the lock and then you could begin
the competition and must keep the rope
to use it for the next obstacle
In the first obstacle you will have to
throw the hook until it locks to the end
of the steep ramp in order to climb it,
cross the bridge of strings taking the
rope with you, from the end of the
bridge you will have to throw the hook
in order to lock in a hanging net (the
net will be hanged on a horizontal
elevated stick) swing down to the sand
and continue the race to the next
course 1-2
Host: This obstacle is called:
The Nest of Python
Titans, this obstacle a tunnel, where there
are 3 digging points, one in the beginning to
enter the tunnel , one in the middle to
continue the path, and one at the end to
finally escape The nest of Python, you must
dig in every digging point in order to
(The tunnel will be made of long branches
from natural resources, also the tunnel will be
very narrow/cramped. The competitor will
have a hard time with “The nest of Python)
Before the Nest of Python the competitors
must cross through a balance beam. The
balance beam will have a log in the center, as
shown in the picture. That log will be loose
and free to move, so while the competitors are
crossing the balance beam, the log I free to
course 1-3
Host: This obstacle is called:
The Wells of Salvation
Warriors, this obstacle, you must untie the
ladder, must run with the ladder in order to
lower down a bucket that is attached to a rope
that will be at the top of a high wood post.
You will continue running with the ladder
and the bucket in order to use the ladder to
climb a tower that is connected to another
tower by a rustic bridge. You need to grab the
ladder to go down from the second tower
when you have completed this obstacle.
With the bucket and the rope you must
remove the water from a well that is
underneath the first tower to take it by the
bridge to the second tower, pour the water in a
container that has a floating key inside of it.
you will need this key in the next obstacle.
[The competitors will need to make several
trips (pouring the water in the container) until
the key rises up and the competitors could
grab them.]
cOURSE 1-4
Host: This obstacle is called:
“The Dangerous Tunnel”
In this challenge, with the keys that you
obtained from the Wells of Salvation,
you will open and close the tunnel’s
door. after you enter the tunnel, you
have to close the door because it has to
be completely dark (In this tunnel we
will be using infra-red cameras to see
what’s happening inside).
If any of you leaves the door open,
you must have to start again from the
beginning of the tunnel. You must be
very careful because the tunnel is full
with objects that can seriously injure
you, you must go very slowly.
You can’t lose the key because you
will need it to get out of the tunnel.
Cost of the Project and Amount of Funding required
The production company of: 'Amazing Race" in London gave an estimate to a friend
of mine of 5 million dollars to produce the show. The Colombian company charges
me $200 thousands per episode, using the same technology as the company in
London, which means that:
8 episodes X 200 thousands = 1.6 million
This is without the following costs: Awards, wardrobes, payment of the host, airplane
tickets, including everything, I will need a final funding of 3 million.
But the first thing that I need to do is to record a DEMO (in the TV is called a pilot)
with only two runners in a single course in order for me to have the material of what
I would be offering to the possible buyers of the show. The cost of the pilot will be
150 thousands.
Additional Information
In the web pages you cannot find any data on costs and profits of these types of shows. A
friend of mine who works at NBC network gave me some important data regarding these
NBC paid this year by the American Ninja Warrior show between 27 to 29 million, but the
production is asking 35 to 4o million for the next year.
What profit does broadcasters have to purchase these programs? During the first season
of The Fear Factor, the NBC broadcast had a gain of 600 million in commercial revenue.
These shows are sold as expensive because they are from internationally recognized
producers, in this case as it is my first production, I don’t know on how much I could sell
my show but I’m sure no less than 12 million. It would have a significant profit since the
cost of producing it would be only 3 million.
Now, for the second season, there would be women (War of the Titanesses) I would not
sell my show for less than 20 million.
Potential buyers of the show? Any television network, NBC, TNT, ABC, FOX.
This is an ambitious project which would get millions in profits; the big TV networks are
always looking for these kinds of shows. In addition it can be sold worldwide.
Personal Information
Name: Yunior Puig-Guillen
Address: 721 East 14th Street
Hialeah, FL 33010
Cell Phone: (702)756-7587
(305) 748-3572