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European Colonization and
Imperialism from 1400-2000
Christian Albertini
AP Euro 2nd Period
• 1402: The Spanish empire begins with the
invasion of the Canary Islands
• 1415: The Portuguese empire begins with the
capture of Ceuta (Morocco)
• 1419: The Portuguese discover Madeira
• 1427: The Portuguese discover Azores
• 1441: The first consignment of slaves is
brought to Lisbon (Portugal)
• 1452: Papal Bull Dum diversas allows
enslavement of pagans
• 1455: Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex grants a trade monopoly for newly
discovered countries in Africa and Asia to the Portuguese.
• 1474: João Vaz Corte-Real, a Portuguese navigator, claims to have
discovered the New Land of the Codfish, an unidentified island of which
there is some speculation that it might be Newfoundland, in present-day
• 1482: The Portuguese build the Elmina Castle as the first trading point
in Ghana
• 1488: Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope for
the Portuguese king.
• 1492: "Discovery" of the "New World" and symbolic date of the European
Age of Exploration; beginning of the colonization of the Americas and of
the Columbian Exchange
• 1493: Papal Bull Inter caetera on May 4
• 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the world outside of Europe in an
exclusive duopoly between the Spanish and the Portuguese empires along
a north-south meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands (off
the west coast of Africa), roughly 46° 36' W. (This boundary was known as
the Line of Demarcation.) The lands to the east would belong to Portugal
and the lands to the west to Spain.
• 1498: Vasco da Gama sets foot on Kozhikode, starting the
Portuguese presence in India
• 1500: Pedro Álvares Cabral sails to Brazil for the Portuguese
• 1511: The Portuguese capture Malacca, in present
day Malaysia
• 1515: Spanish Leyes de Burgos on January 25
• 1519: The Portuguese capture Ormus, in the Strait of
Hormuz, in the Persian Gulf
• 1519-1522: Ferdinand Magellan makes his circumnavigation
of the Earth but doesn’t survive.
• 1542: Spanish Leyes Nuevas ("New Laws")
• 1542: Creation of the Viceroyalty of Peru
• 1550-1552: Valladolid Controversy and publication of A Short
Account of the Destruction of the Indies by Bishop
of Chiapas Bartolomé de las Casas[1]
• 1600: Queen Elizabeth I of England grants a Royal
charter to the English East India Company
• 1602: Establishment of the Dutch East India Company
• 1607: The first permanent English settlement in North
America at Jamestown, Virginia
• 1612-1615: The Portuguese captured Gamru Port and a
few other places (like Hormuz Island ) in southern coast
of Persia.
• 1615-1622: Abbas I, king of Persia, battled the
Portuguese with the aid of the Royal Navy and
the English East India Company and recaptured those
• 1619: The first African slaves arrive in Jamestown, VA.
• 1624: The English set foot in Surat
• 1625: Charles I of England receives Oldman, king of
the Miskito Nation, who was taken to England by
the Earl of Warwick.
• 1630: Puritans establish Massachusetts Bay Colony
• 1717: Creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada
• 1775-1783: American War of Independence
• 1776: Creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la
• 1776: The thirteen original colonies of the United
States declare independence from Britain
• 1784: Britain passes Pitt's India Act
• 1791-1804: Haitian Revolution and abolition
of slavery by the French First
Republic (reestablished by Napoleon in 1804)
• 1795: Britain invades the Cape region of
present-day South Africa
• 1798: French Invasion of Egypt
• 1804-1813: Uprising in Serbia against the presence
of the Ottoman Empire
• 1810-1820s: Spanish American wars of
• 1810-1821: Mexican War of Independence
• 1815-1817: Serbian uprising leading
to Serbian autonomy
• 1821-1823: Greek War of Independence
• 1822: Independence of Brazil proclaimed by Dom
Pedro I
• 1823: British abolish slavery in the West
• 1830: Start of the French conquest of Algeria
• 1834: Beginning of the Boers' Great Trek
• 1839-42: First Opium War and First AngloAfghan War
• 1846-1848: Mexican-American War, which
results in the Mexican Cession
• 1848: Spring of Nations in Europe
• 1848: Decree-law Victor Schoelcher which abolish
slavery (permanently) in the French colonial
• 1853-55: Publication of Gobineau's An Essay on
the Inequality of the Human Races (one of the
first, major formulation of racial theories [2])
• 1854-56: Crimean War
• 1854- Convention of Kanagawa after Commodore
Perry's expedition to Japan
• 1856-60: Second Opium War
• 1857: Uprising in India against British occupation,
which leads to the creation of the British Raj
• 1861-1867: French intervention in Mexico ordered
by Napoleon III
• 1870: Franco-Prussian War
• 1870-80s: Conquest of the Desert in Argentina, led
by Julio Argentino Roca
• 1877-1878: War between Russia and the Ottoman
Empire and March 3, 1878 Treaty of San Stefano
• 1878: Treaty of Berlin recognising the independence
of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and the
autonomy of Bulgaria
1878-1881: Second Anglo-Afghan War
1879: Anglo-Zulu War
1880-81: First Boer War
1881: Indigenous Code in Algeria
1882: Triple Alliance between Italy and the
German-Austrian Dual Alliance
• 1883: Publication of The Story of an African
Farm by Olive Schreiner
• 1884-85: Berlin Conference (UK, France,
Germany) which sets the right of
conquest for the scramble for Africa
• 1885: Foundation of the Indian National
• 1885: Treaty of Simulambuco (between
Portugal and the N'Goyo Kingdom).
• 1887: France creates the Indochinese Union
• 1888: Lei Áurea ("Golden Law") on May 13 in Brazil which abolish
• 1889: Foundation of the Republic of Brazil
• 1889: British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes chartered by
the British government to seek treaties and administer territory
between the Limpopo River and African Great Lakes.
• 1890: Cecil Rhodes sends the Pioneer Column into Mashonaland,
starting the process of annexing the territory which
became Southern Rhodesia
• 1891: The Stairs Expedition to Katanga kills its king, Msiri and
obtains treaties from his successors for the territory to become the
possession of Leopold II of Belgium
• 1894: Franco-Russian Alliance, breaking France's
isolation by Bismarck
• 1895: Treaty of
Shimonoseki between Japan and China and Triple
• 1895: Creation of French West Africa (AOF)
• 1895-96: First Italo–Ethiopian War
• 1896: Anglo-Zanzibar War (on August 27)
• 1897: Punitive Expedition led by British Admiral Harry
Rawson against Benin, which brings to an end the highly
sophisticated West African Kingdom of Benin
• 1898: Fashoda Incident
• 1898: On July 25, 1898 at the outbreak of the Spanish–
American War, Puerto Rico was invaded by the United
States with a landing at Guánica. Following the
outcome of the war, Spain was forced to cede Puerto
Rico, along with Cuba, the Philippines, and Guam to
the United States under the Treaty of Paris (1898)
• 1899: Publication of Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's
Burden, as well as Joseph Conrad's Heart of
Darkness [3]
• 1899-1902: Second Boer War
• 1899-1913: Philippine-American War
• 1902: Anglo-Japanese Alliance: end of
UK's Splendid isolation
• 1902: Italy puts a supplement to the Triple
Alliance concerning France
• 1904: Entente Cordiale between France and the
• 1904-05: Russo-Japanese War
• 1904-07: Herero Genocide
• 1905: Partition of Bengal
• 1905: First Moroccan Crisis after the March 31,
1905 visit of Kaiser Wilhelm to Tangiers
• 1906: Algeciras Conference to mediate
the Tangier Crisis between France and Germany
• 1907: Triple Entente between Russia, France and
the UK
• 1910: Mexican Revolution and overthrow
of Porfirio Díaz's dictatorship
• 1910: Creation of French Equatorial Africa (AEF)
• 1911: Agadir Crisis
• 1911: Chinese Revolution
• 1912: France establish a
full protectorate over Morocco
• 1912-1913: Balkan Wars and Italo-Turkish
War (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica are transferred
from the Ottoman Empire to Italy)
• 1914-1918: World War I
• 1916: May 16 Sykes-Picot Agreement
• 1916-1918: Arab Revolt initiated by Hussein bin
Ali and Emir Faisal
• 1917: October Revolution
• 1918: Woodrow Wilson's January 9 speech on the Fourteen
• 1919: Foundation of the League of Nations at the Paris Peace
Conference and creation of the League of Nations
Mandates (Iraq and Palestine — including Transjordan — are
passed to Great Britain's control, Lebanon and Syria to France;
the Cameroons and Togoland are split between the UK and
France; Ruanda-Urundi goes to Belgium and Tanganyika to the
UK; Nauru and New Guinea to Australia; the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands and the South Pacific
Mandate to Japan; Samoa to New Zealand and South West
Africa to South Africa)
• 1919: Third Anglo-Afghan War
• 1919: Non-Cooperation Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi
• 1920: San Remo conference in April
• 1920: Treaty of Sèvres on August 10 between the Triple
Entente (UK, France and Russia) and the Ottoman
Empire; Mustafa Kemal leads the Turkish War of
Independenceleading to the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne
• 1922: Creation of the Soviet Union
• 1922: Britain receives League of Nations mandate for Palestine
• 1923: Proclamation of the Republic of Turkey by Mustafa Kemal
on October 29
• 1924: British Empire Exhibition
• 1925: Foundation of the Algerian Star of North Africa by Messali
• 1921-1926: Rif War in Morocco, led by Abd el-Krim
• 1927: May 19 Treaty of Jeddah accords
independence to Saudi Arabia led by King Abdul
• 1927-1928: Publication of André Gide's Travels
to Congo.[4]
• 1931: Paris Colonial Exposition\
• 1931: Gandhi leads Salt March
• 1931: South Africa gains independence from Britain
• 1932: Independence of Iraq
• 1930: Portuguese Colonial Act
• 1933: Publication of Gilberto Freyre's Casa-Grande &
Senzala ("The Great House and the Slave Quarters" 1933 [5])
• 1934-1935: Long March by the Chinese Communist
• 1935: Aimé Césaire coins the word Négritude
• 1935: Government of India Act
• 1936: Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence (never
ratified by France)
• 1936-1939: Great Arab Revolt in the British Mandate
of Palestine
1935-36: Second Italo-Abyssinian War
1937-45: Second Sino-Japanese War
1939-1945: World War II
1945-1991: Cold War
1946: Treaty of Manila
1947: India and Pakistan are independent of
Great Britain
• 1948: First apartheid legislation in South Africa
• 1948: Partition of Palestine and First Arab-Israeli
1951-1980: European decolonization of Africa
1952: King Farouk is overthrown in Egypt
1956: Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal
1956-1966: Decolonization of British African colonies
1957: Ghana is first independent African nation
1958: United Arab Republic is formed
1960: Congo is granted independence from Belgium
1962: Algeria gains independence from France
1963: Organization for African Unity is formed
1964: The Palestine Liberation Organization is formed.
• 1964: Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison
• 1967: The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
is founded by Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,
and the Philippines to encourage cooperation and
economic prosperity.
• 1980: Canada gains full independence from the British
parliament with the Canada Act.
• 1990: Mandela is released after 26 years in prison
• 1991: End of Soviet Union
• 1993: Eritrea, a former Italian colony declares
independence and is subsequently recognized.
• 1994: Mandela becomes President of South Africa
• 1997: The British dependent territory of Hong Kong is
given to People's Republic of China.
"The Bull Inter Caetera (Alexander VI), May 4, 1493." The Bull Inter Caetera. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. <>.
"Chronology of Western Colonialism." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Mar.
2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.
"Decolonization." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Mar.
2014. <>.
"Global Development: Timeline." World Geography: Understanding a Changing
World. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.
Koeller, David W. "Decolonization." World History Chronology. N.p., n.d. Web. 22
Mar. 2014. <>.
"Welcome to the History of the Philippines." The History of the Philippines. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.
White, Nicholas J. Decolonisation: The British Experience since 1945. London:
Longman, 1999. Print.
Picture Sources
"History of Spain." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Mar. 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. <>.
"Douglas MacArthur." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.
"The Daily Caller." The Daily Caller. Ed. Christopher Bedford. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.
"Attack on Pearl Harbor." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. <>.
"How Nelson Mandela Survived His Years in Isolated South African Jail." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.