Study Guide

AP World History
Study Guide for Unit 3 Test (Chapters 14-20)
Test: Wednesday, February 23rd
Take-Home Compare and Contrast Essays - due:
Thursday, February 25th
Study Tips:
Follow the study guide below
Don’t wait until a day before to start studying & reviewing!
Study your notes, quizzes, and completed classroom handouts
You may want to consider making index cards or typing up an outline as a way to
The test format will consist of 70 multiple choice questions and one take home
compare and contrast essay.
Chapter 14:
Lord-serf obligations
Social and economic changes caused by the Black Death
Reconquest of Iberia
The Great Western Schism
The Hundred Years War
Joan of Arc
“New Monarchies” of France and England and their sources of state revenue
The Magna Carta
Chapter 15:
Admiral Zheng He
Purpose of the Ming sponsored expeditions
The Arawaks and the Caribs
Motives for European expansion / countries involved
Henry the Navigator
Compass and astrolabe
Portuguese voyages around Africa
African interactions with the Portuguese and other Europeans
Conquistadors (names, motives, etc.)
Vasco da Gama
Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro
Reasons for the conquistadors’ success
Global circulation of precious metals and goods after the establishment of Spanish
and Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia
Chapter 16:
The Renaissance
Saint Peter’s Basilica
Martin Luther
Indulgences vs. Sale of Indulgences
The Protestant Reformation and the corruptions of the Catholic Church
Support for Luther’s reforms (Why? Where?)
John Calvin
Calvinist churches
Reaction to scientific discoveries from the Catholic and Protestant Churches
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Johannes Kepler
The Enlightenment (definition, famous philosophers and their main ideas)
Joint Stock Companies
Little Ice Age
Gender relations and role/education of women
The Edict of Nantes
King Henry VIII and the founding of the Anglican Church
Charles V and the Habsburg family/dynasty
The English Civil War
Balance of power
Chapter 17:
The Columbian Exchange and its consequences
Colonial governments and their relations to their mother-countries
Global movements of goods and precious metals
Bartolome’ de las Casas
The mita
The encomienda
Forms of slave resistance
Indentured servitude
Mestizos, mulattoes (castas), creoles (society in Spanish colonies)
Puritans and Pilgrims
Coureurs de bois
The English Navigation Acts
Chapter 18:
Sugar plantation economy
Social classes in Saint Domingue (the grand blancs, petit blancks, etc.)
Mercantilism vs. Capitalism
British/French colonies vs. Spain/Portuguese colonies (characteristics)
The Atlantic Circuit
The Middle Passage
Slave trade in Africa
Islam’s influence in Africa
Chapter 19:
Geographic locations and extent of land based empires in Ch.19
Ottoman Empire – location and religion
Suleyman the Magnificent
Devshirme, Osmali, Askeri, Raya
Safavid Empire – location and religion
The “Hidden Imam”
Mughal Empire – location and religion
Reasons for decline of the empires and who benefited from the decline
Mansabs and Rajputs
European colonial possessions in the Indian Ocean (see map on p.565)
Omani-European rivalry
Chapter 20:
Consequences of the Japanese invasion of Korea
Daimyo, samurai, shogun
The Tokugawa Shogunate
Japanese trade restrictions with Europeans
Japanese reaction to Christian missionaries
Status of merchants and samurai under the Tokugawa government
Society of Jesuits in China (successes, tensions with other Christian
The Manchu
Qing Empire and its northern frontier
Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong
The Macartney Mission and European trade with China
Demographic changes of Russian expansion
Status of peasants in Russia as a result of the expansion
Peter the Great
Westernization (definition and examples of policies)
“Window to the West”
Catherine the Great
Similarities between Russia and China
“BIG PICTURE” Concepts/Developments/Ideas:
Use of religion by various rulers to justify and solidify their control
Impact of European exploration on established economic systems
Comparison and contrast between land based empires and maritime
 Balance of Power in Europe
 Globalization of movement of people, products, and ideas
For this part, you should review conclusions for every chapter!!!
This test will also include many questions based on short primary
source excerpts and visuals.