End of Course Exam Study Guidelines: This is NOT everything that

End of Course Exam Study Guidelines:
This is NOT everything that you need to know. This is a STARTING point for you to use to study.
Civil War Chapters 3 and 4
1. How did the North utilize their industries and vast transportation capabilities to win the Civil
2. What was the first battle of the Civil War and what happened?
3. What state was the first to secede from the Union?
4. What were the Civil War Amendments? (Know what they stated as well)
5. What battles were the turning points in the war?
Be able to identify:
 Abraham Lincoln
 William Tecumseh Sherman
 John Wilkes Booth
 Dred Scott Decision
 Jefferson Davis
 Emancipation Proclamation
 Ulysses S. Grant
 Gettysburg Address
 Robert E. Lee
 Appomattox
Reconstruction Chapter 5
1. What was Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction? What was the Radical Republican’s Plan for
Reconstruction? What was Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction?
2. Know the events surrounding Johnson’s impeachment.
3. What and who finally ended Reconstruction?
Be able to identify:
 Radical Republicans
 Ulysses S. Grant (As President)
 Reconstruction Act (1867)
 Black Codes
 Carpetbaggers
 Tenure of Office Act
 Scalawags
 Impeachment
 Compromise of 1877
 Andrew Johnson
 Ku Klux Klan
 Freedmen’s Bureau
 Rutherford B. Hayes
Triumph of Industry Chapter 6
1. Be able to explain the impact of labor unions on society
2. What did or didn’t the government do to try and control the expansion of business?
3. How did industrial growth of the late 1800s shape American society and the economy?
Be able to identify:
 Bessemer process
 President Grover
 Monopoly
 Protective Tariff
 Knights of Labor
 Sherman Antitrust
 Laissez faire
 American Federation
of Labor
 Vertical integration
 Andrew Carnegie
 Samuel Gompers
 Horizontal
 Haymarket Riot
 Trust
 Social Darwinism
Immigration and Urbanization Chapter 7
1. Be able to identify where immigrants came from before 1870 and where they came from after
2. Know the problems that were created in the cities by immigrant migration.
Be able to identify:
 Ellis Island
 Nativism
 Angel Island
 Urbanization
 Chinese Exclusion Act
 Tenement
 Americanization
 Gilded Age
The South and West Transformed Chapter 8
1. Be able to explain key battles between the Native Americans and Americans; “Indian Wars” (8-2)
2. What were the goals of the Farmers’ Alliance?
3. What is the “New South” and what factors limited the southern economic recovery?
Be able to identify:
 Farmers’ Alliance
 Assimilation
 Civil Rights Act of 1875
 Homestead Act
 Cash Crop
 Transcontinental Railroad
 Dawes General Allotment Act
 Open-range system
Issues of the Gilded Age Chapter 9
1. Be able to give examples of Jim Crow Laws
2. Know the key differences between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois
3. What were the goals of the Populist Party? What type of people did the Populist Party attract?
Be able to identify:
 Jim Crow Laws
 Pendleton Civil
 William McKinley
Service Act
 Booker T.
 William “Boss”
 Plessy v. Ferguson
 W.E.B. Du Bois
 Gold standard
 Omaha Platform
 Ida B. Wells
 Grange
 Spoils System
 Populist Party
The Progressive Era Chapter 10
1. What were the beliefs and goals of Progressives?
2. What was the lasting legacy of Progressivism?
3. What were Roosevelt’s goals for the Presidency?
4. What were the differences between Taft and Roosevelt?
Be able to identify:
 Progressivism
 Temperance
 Muckraker
 Jacob Riis
 Anti-Defamation
 Upton Sinclair
 Social Gospel
Theodore Roosevelt
 Settlement houses
 Square Deal
 19 Amendment
 Suffrage
Pure Food and Drug
Progressivism Party
New Nationalism
Woodrow Wilson
New Freedom
16th Amendment
Federal Reserve Act
Emerging World Power Chapter 11
1. How and why did the U.S. take a more active role in world affairs?
2. What was the Spanish-American War and who was involved?
3. How did the U.S. acquire the land for the Panama Canal?
Be able to identify:
 Imperialism
 Rough Riders
 Mathew Perry
 Treaty of Paris
 Queen Liliuokalani
 Guerrilla warfare
 Jose Marti
 Open Door Policy
 Yellow Press
 Great White Fleet
 Jingoism
 Sphere of Influence
“Big Stick” Diplomacy
Platt Amendment
Panama Canal
“Moral Diplomacy”
“Dollar Diplomacy”
Roosevelt Corollary
World War I and Beyond Chapter 12
What started World War I?
What caused the U.S. to enter World War I?
How did the war affect Americans at home?
How did Americans affect the end of WWI?
Why did Congress reject the Treaty of Versailles?
How did the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union contribute to the Red Scare?
Be able to identify:
 Francis Ferdinand
 Zimmerman Note
 Triple Alliance
 Triple Entente
 Militarism
 Selective Service Act
 Committee on Public Information
 Espionage Act
Great Migration
Vladimir Lenin
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Red Scare
Nicola Sacco
Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Warren G. Harding
The Twenties Chapter 13
How did the booming economy of the 1920s lead to changes in American life?
Understand the scandals surrounding the Harding administration.
Be able to explain the concept of isolationism and its impact on American society and economy.
Be able to explain the impact of the Harlem Renaissance on African Americans in the 1920s.
Be able to identify:
 Installment buying
 Bull market
 Buying on the margin
 Consumer revolution
 Henry Ford
Teapot Dome
Dawes Plan
Calvin Coolidge
Scopes Trial
18th Amendment
Volstead Act
“Lost Generation”
The Jazz Singer
Harlem Renaissance
The Great Depression Chapter 14
1. How did the prosperity of the 1920s lead to the Great Depression?
2. How did the Depression affect the lives of urban and rural Americans?
3. Why did Herbert Hoover’s policies fail?
Be able to identify:
 Herbert Hoover
 Black Tuesday
 Hawley-Smoot Tariff
 Hooverville
Dust Bowl
Trickle-down economics
Bonus Army
The New Deal Chapter 15
1. How did the New Deal try to solve the problem of the Great Depression?
2. Be able to explain some of the New Deal programs.
3. How did Americans escape from the realities of life during the 1930s?
Be able to identify:
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
 New Deal
Second New Deal
Social Security Act
New Deal Coalition
The Coming of War Chapter 16
1. What events caused WWII, and how did the U.S get involved?
2. How did Americans react to the events taking place in Europe?
3. Be able to explain America’s reaction to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Be able to identify:
 Adolf Hitler
 Allies
 Anti-Semitic
 Lend-Lease Act
 Appeasement
 Pearl Harbor
 Axis Powers
World War II Chapter 17
1. How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis Powers
2. How did the war change Americans at home?
3. How did the Allies eventually defeat the Axis Powers in Europe and in the Pacific?
4. What were the long term effects of WWII?
Be able to identify:
 Dwight D.
 Internment
 Concentration
 D-Day
 Battle of Midway
 Yalta Conference
 Harry S. Truman
 Unconditional
 United Nations
 Manhattan Project
 Nuremberg Trials
 Holocaust
 Bracero program
 Kristallnacht
 Zoot Suit Riots
The Cold War Chapter 18
1. How did U.S. leaders respond to the Soviet Union trying to expand across Europe?
2. Be able to explain the lasting effects of the Korean War.
3. Be able to explain the space race and arms race.
4. Be able to explain the Red Scare that spread across the U.S.
Be able to identify:
 Cold War
 Mao Zedong
 Eisenhower Doctrine
 Truman Doctrine
 Red Scare (1950s)
 Marshall Plan
 Alger Hiss
 Arms race
 Joseph McCarthy
 Warsaw Pact
 Brinkmanship
 Julius and Ethel
 Containment
 Nikita Khrushchev
Postwar Confidence and Anxiety Chapter 19
1. How did the U.S. prosper after WWII?
2. How did pop culture and family life change in the 1950s?
3. Why were some groups of Americans unhappy with the condition in postwar America?
Be able to identify:
 GI Bill of Rights
 Nuclear Family
 Baby Boom
 Elvis Presley
 Sunbelt
 Beatnik
The Civil Rights Movement Chapter 20
1. How did African Americans challenge segregation after WWII?
2. Be able to explain the impact of sit-ins and boycotts on the Civil Rights movement
3. Be able to compare and contrast Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.
Be able to identify:
 De facto segregation
 Brown v. Board of Education
 Civil Rights Act of 1957
 Rosa Parks
 Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
24th Amendment
Malcolm X
Black Panthers
The Kennedy and Johnson Years Chapter 21
1. How did Kennedy respond to the challenges of the Cold War?
2. Know the goals of the New Frontier
3. How did Johnson’s Great Society programs change life for Americans?
Be able to identify:
 John F. Kennedy
 Fidel Castro
 Bay of Pigs invasion
 Berlin Wall
 New Frontier
Space Race
Lyndon B. Johnson
War on Poverty
Medicare/ Medicaid
Peace Corps
The Vietnam War Chapter 22
1. Why did the U.S. become involved in Vietnam?
2. Be able to explain opposition to the Vietnam War.
3. How did the Vietnam War end and what was its lasting impact?
4. How did Nixon change Cold War diplomacy during his presidency?
Be able to identify:
 Ho Chi Minh
 Hawk/ Dove
 Domino Theory
 Tet Offensive
 Vietnamization
 Vietcong
 Paris Peace Accords
 Napalm
 War Powers Act
Henry Kissinger
Strategic Arms
Limitation Treaty
Japanese American
Citizens League
Earth Day
An Era of Protest and Change Chapter 23
1. Be able to explain the impact of the counterculture movement.
2. What led to the rise of the women’s movement?
3. Be able to explain the environmental movement of the 60s and 70s.
Be able to identify:
 Counterculture
 Feminism
 Beatles
 Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA)
 Commune
Cesar Chavez
 Generation Gap
 Chicano Movement
A Crisis in Confidence Chapter 24
1. Understand the events surrounding the Watergate Scandal and Nixon’s resignation.
2. Know the major events surrounding Ford and Carter’s presidency.
Be able to identify:
 Richard Nixon
 Watergate
 Helsinki Accords
 Stagflation
 Gerald Ford
 Pardon
 Camp David Accords
 Affirmative Action
 Jimmy Carter
 25th Amendment
 Televangelist
The Conservative Resurgence Chapter 25
1. Explain the rise of the conservative movement and opposition to it.
2. What is the “Reagan revolution”?
3. How did Reagan’s foreign policy help end communism?
4. What was George H. W. Bush’s approach to foreign policy?
Be able to identify:
 Liberal
 Deregulations
 Conservative
 New Right
 George H. W. Bush
 Ronald Reagan
 Glasnost
 Moral Majority
 Mikhail Gorbachev
 Budget Deficit
 Strategic Defense
Tiananmen Square
Nelson Mandela
Operation Desert
Saddam Hussein
Into a New Century Chapter 26
1. How has technology changed American society
2. What were the success and failures of the Clinton presidency?
3. How did the U.S. approach foreign affairs after the Cold War?
4. Be able to explain the 2008 financial crisis and the terrorist attack of 2001.
Be able to identify:
 Globalization
 European Union (EU)
 Biotechnology
 George W. Bush
 William Clinton
 No Child Left Behind Act
 Impeachment
 Taliban
 H. Ross Perot
 Barack Obama
 Tea Party Movement
 World Trade Organization (WTO)
 Department of Homeland Security
 Al Qaeda
 Immigration Act of 1990