Answer Key to Study Guide Chapters 4-7

1st Semester Study Guide
1. List the 5 causes of Industrialization.
1)Civil War 2) natural resources 3)immigration (workforce) 4)technology 5) government policies
(patents/laissez faire)
2. List the effects of Industrialization.
Linked world markets, farms mechanized, cities grew, pollution came from the factories
3. How did new technologies shape industrialization?
Improved communication and transportation-spurred urban growth
4. What impact did Industrialization have on Americans?
Same as number 2
5. What strategies did corporations use to decrease costs and increase profits?
Horizontal Integration owning all the SAME businesses in an industry (owning all McDonalds)
Vertical Integration owning all aspects of PRODUCTION (owning the oil rig, the boats to transport, the trains to
transport, and the gas stations)
6. Describe a “robber baron” and a “captain of industry”.
Both describe a monopolist like Carnegie, Rockefeller, or Vanderbilt
Robber Baronnegative (saw them as stealing from poor people and using employees to get rich)
Captain of Industrypositive (saw them as providing jobs to people)
7. What is “social Darwinism?”
Survival of the fittest
8. What did the ICC do?
Regulated the railroad
9. Explain the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Outlawed monopolies and anything that restricted trade (business)
10. What was the “Gospel of Wealth”? Who wrote it?
Book that said you had the right to get as rich as possible but the responsibility to give back to those in need.
Written by Andrew Carnegie.
What was “organized labor”?
Labor unions. workers came together to get things changed in factories
11. How did working conditions affect families?
Everyone had to work, long hours, unsafe conditions
12. What were 2 major labor unions in the late 1800s? Describe them and who are their leaders?
Knights of Laboranyone could join, not successful because they were too diverseTerence Powderly
American Federation of Laborskilled workers, Bread and Butter Issues (shorter hours, better pay, better
13. List the major strikes that took place during the organized labor movement.
Homestead Strike, Haymarket Square Riot, Pullman Strike
14. What did these strikes have in common and what did it do to the public’s opinion of labor unions?
15. Describe what took place during the Pullman Strike.
Interrupted the delivery of the mail. Government sided on big business sending the message that they don’t care
about workers.
16. What is a tariff? Explain who it was intended to protect and how.
Tax on imported goods. Intended to protect American business because foreign goods would become more
expensive to buy
17. What are subsidies?
Government incentives to a business such as land or money
18. Describe the “new” immigrants.
No English, No Money, No Skills
Had a harder time assimilating than old immigrants
19. List the push and pull factors for immigrants.
Push (negatives)religious persecution, famine, war
Pull (positive)land, money, jobs, families already here
20. Describe what happened to immigrants when they arrived at both Ellis Island and Angel Island.
Ellis Island (Europeans)Easy to get through
Angel Island (Asians)designed to filter out Chinese
21. What does assimilate mean?
Blending into another culture (example: becoming more American)
22. What is nativism?
Dislike for someone not born in America
23. Why did some Americans want to restrict Immigration?
Threat of immigrants taking American jobs
24. Who was the first group to be excluded from immigrating to the United States?
25. How did cities use their land more effectively?
Build skyscrapers
26. Give examples of mass transit.
Subways, trolleys
27. How did mass transit change urban areas?
Middle and upper class were able to move to suburbs, cities were less crowded and cleaner
28. Describe the living conditions of many urban dwellers.
Unsanitary and dangerous
29. Who coined the term “Gilded Age”?
Mark Twain
30. Why was this name appropriate for the time period?
From the outside, the time period seemed great but in reality, it was full of corruption and life in the city was far
from glamorous
What is William Randolph Hearst known for?
Newspaper journalist
Who wrote “Rags to Riches”?
Horatio Alger
What was the book about?
Starting poor and becoming rich
How did “Rags to Riches” encourage immigration?
They thought they could do this as well
What new forms of entertainment began in the late nineteenth century?
Vaudevilles, baseball, boxing, Buffalo Bills Wild West Show
1. What new industries could be found in the South?
Coal, iron and steel manufacturing
2. What type of transportation was key to industrialization?
3. Why did the South struggle to industrialize?
Not enough money or workers
4. What crop dominated agriculture?
5. What was the Farmers’ Alliance?
Group of organized farmers that wanted government ownership of railroads
6. What amendments changed African American’s legal status?
13slaves are free
14equal protection and more
15men in line (vote)
7. What group used terror and violence to intimidate blacks in the South?
8. Explain how Native American cultures were diverse.
Geography determined their way of life (hunters or gatherers, etc)
9. What was the common thread among all tribes?
Nature was sacred
10. Where were Indians’ forced to move by the government?
11. List three circumstances that hurt the Native Americans.
Reservations, disease, and killing of buffalo
12. What was the first instance of Americans/Indian warfare?
Sand Creek Massacre
13. Why did tensions exist between settlers and Indians?
Fight over land
14. Which battle was a victory for the Native Americans?
Battle of Little Big Horn
15. Who led the Sioux Indians during this battle?
Sitting Bull
16. What American General was killed at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
17. Who said “I will fight no more forever”?
Chief Joseph
18. What battle was fought over the Native Americans refusal to stop the Ghost Dance?
Wounded Knee
19. What is significant about this battle?
It was the final battle, the Indians gave up after this battle
20. What did policy makers hope that Indians would do as the buffalo became extinct?
They would become farmers
21. What does assimilate mean?
blending into another culture
22. Who wrote A Century of Dishonor?
Helen Hunt Jackson
23. What was her book about?
Mistreatment of Native Americans
24. What did the Dawes General Allotment Act (The Dawes Act) do?
160 acres of land to Indians
25. How did the Dawes ACt change the way Indians were treated?
They wanted to assimilate them
26. What did people hope to find when they moved out WEst?
Mining (gold and silver)
27. What is a Boom Town/Ghost Town?
Boom Town town sprang up because mineral was discovered
Ghost Towntown as abandoned because mineral was depleted
28. What is a vigilante?
Self appointed law officer
29. Why did vigilantes come about?
Western towns were lawless and dangerous
30. What was the Transcontinental Railroad?
Railroad linking the East and West
31. How incentive did the government offer to convince railroad companies to build the Transcontinental Railroad?
Land grants
32. What type of immigrants worked on the Transcontinental Railroad?
33. Describe the open-range system.
No fences, cowboys wandered with their herds
34. How did ranchers tell their cattle apart with the open-range system?
Who were the original “cowboys”?
Mexican Vaqueros
What were cattle drives?
Ranchers herded their cattle to the railroad
What was a cow town?
Towns on rail lines where ranchers brought their cattle to ship back east
How did the railroad affect the cattle industry?
Allowed for beef to be shipped back East
What ended the open-range system?
Barbed wire
Define the Homestead Act.
160 acres of land to settlers
What was the purpose of the Homestead Act?
Encourage settlement out West
Who were “Exodusters”?
African Americans that moved out West
What factors made life difficult for Homesteaders?
Blizzards, no trees, loneliness, etc
What was the purpose of the Morrill Act of 1862?
Land to states to build agricultural teaching colleges (Mississippi State)
What were some of the causes of prejudice and discrimination in the West?
Some many diverse people coming together
A lot of minorities in one place