Sample Performance Review Form


Appendix E

Sample Performance Review Form

(Modified from Student Unions & Activities Performance Development Process)

Graduate Student Name

Student ID Number

Position Title

Work Unit


Appraisal Time Period

Graduate Assistant, Intern, Practicum/Field Study Student

 Probationary Appraisal

 Performance Appraisal

 3 Month

 6 month

 12 Month/Annual

The Performance and Development Process (PDP) has been developed to help graduate students and site supervisors focus on performance and goals this appraisal period, establish goals and expectations for the graduate student for the coming year, and provide a meaningful framework for a discussion.

The graduate student is to complete and submit it to their site supervisor prior to their mid-experience and end-ofexperience performance review meetings.

Self Assessment and Review of Goals

Self Assessment


List your most important accomplishments & achievements during this appraisal period (at least three).


What aspects of your position are most rewarding?


How would you describe your contribution to your work area and to goals of the department?


If you could, what would you change about your position?


What can your supervisor do to help make your position better?


Suggest some ways in which your capabilities may be more fully utilized by the department.

Student’s comments on work goals from this appraisal period


List your position goals for this appraisal period.


Progress on position goals for this appraisal period.


List your professional development goals for this appraisal period.


Progress on professional developmental goals for this appraisal period.

Performance Review Summary

Performance Standards and Descriptions

All graduate students are expected to meet the following relevant performance expectations and standards that support the mission and values of our department. Space is provided for graduate student comments for each of the performance factors. Supervisors are to evaluate the graduate student’s performance on relevant performance factors. For graduate students not meeting expectations, develop a performance improvement plan with the graduate student, document the plan, and actively manage and support his/her progress.

Exceeds Expectations






During this review period, the individual performed the job at an excellent level. This category describes the overall performance of dedicated individuals who consistently perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions at a very high level. Their efforts result in outstanding customer service, teamwork, quality of work, etc. They show initiative, demonstrate thoroughness, and make contributions that go well beyond the expected level.

Meets Expectations

This standard reflects an effective student whose performance ensures the department’s ongoing success. The individual’s overall performance is solid and meets the standards necessary to contribute to the unit. The individual’s performance demonstrates commitment to the skills and competencies on a daily basis. Graduate students in this category may exceed expectations in some aspects of their work. This is the level at which we expect the majority of our graduate students to perform.

Needs Improvement

During the review period, the individual did not carry out all the assigned duties and responsibilities of the job at the expected level. One or more of the skills and competencies pertaining to the work of the unit are below standard (e.g., Advising &

Supervising, ethical and professional practice). While there may be some areas where job performance meets the basic requirements of the position, overall there is a distinct need for this individual to improve performance. During the review process the supervisor will highlight areas of competence as well as areas which need improvement. Immediate attention to improving areas identified as less than satisfactory is expected by means of coaching and training to help meet defined expectations. A performance improvement plan may also be put in place.

List 4-5 major duties from learning contract:

Skills, Competencies, & Expectations

NOTE: The boxes below are formatted as bullets. You can check the empty box by selecting it, right click, and go to “bullets” to change.

Check skills and competencies to be applied to above duties in this review:

 Advising & Supervising

 Assessment, Evaluation, &


 Human & Organizational


Policy, Governance, &



Inclusion, & Equity

 Professional & Ethical


Professional Knowledge

& Orientation

Student Learning &


 Additional responsibilities in

Learning Contract


Advising & Supervising

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Enact a helping/advising approach of guiding, but not leading, a student’s development

 Facilitate training and development sessions that enable students to learn and grow

 Team with the student to build a strong set of shared expectations

 Coach and share feedback on a regular and timely basis, paying particular attention to the student’s strengths and areas for growth

 Create reflection opportunities in individual and group settings regarding lessons learned

 Draw on student motivation and connect students with meaningful opportunities

 Reinforce the University of Minnesota Student Development and Learning Outcomes in all advising and supervising interactions


Supervising, as applicable

 Select/hire students who: meet position requirements, are a good organizational match, and will be able to further develop within the position

 Manage and communicate job expectations

 Informally and formally assess job performance

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations


 Exceeds Expectations

Assessment, Evaluation, & Research

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Advocate for evidence-based practice

 Employ a qualitative and/or quantitative assessment tool, collect data, and perform program evaluation utilizing collected data

 Identify the difference between assessment and research

 Perform a critical analysis of published research related to the position

 Utilize assessment data in program evaluation

 Utilize research data in program design/implementation

 Evaluate a program’s successes and failures, and make recommendations for future implementation

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations  Exceeds Expectations


Human & Organizational Resources

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Participate in a search process for student committees, employees, or professional staff members

 Receive and take action on feedback through a staff evaluation process

 Use conflict resolution skills through the study of theory and styles, and through practice

 Develop organizational and institutional knowledge via interaction with colleagues and senior leadership; which includes a focus on identifying, understanding and navigating political situations to produce an agreeable result

 Participate in the financial process of the organization, including development of the budget, understanding of fiscal resources available, and long term planning considerations

 Understand the management practices associated with facilities, technology, crisis management, risk management, and sustainable resources for the organization

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations


Multiculturalism, Inclusion, & Equity

 Exceeds Expectations

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Demonstrate individual self awareness and cognition of personal values, culture, and assumptions/biases

 Develop knowledge of multiple groups culturally different from self and engage in culturally appropriate behavior with others

 Actively seek out opportunities to move beyond tolerance toward inclusion

 Engage in multiculturalism through participation in workshops, attending events, and working with people from multiple backgrounds

 Work with community partners and/or multicultural groups toward a common goal related to organizational mission

 Learn, understand, and engage in campus culture

 Develop an understanding of consistent, fair practice with student staff and advisees

 Seek out experiences/education to improve understanding and effectiveness within a multicultural setting

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations


 Exceeds Expectations

Policy, Governance, & Law

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Understand the organization’s governance structure, including an understanding of the University’s relationship to the State of Minnesota and federal government

 Comprehend how policies are developed and implemented throughout the organization and participate in policy development processes applicable to the position

 Recognize who is involved in the legal, risk, and policy discussions within the campus community and participate in conversations related to these areas

 Demonstrate an understanding that local, state, and federal laws impact practice and the knowledge of when (and whom) to contact to ensure that policies and practices in your unit are in compliance

 Discuss the rationale and implications for University policies and procedures

 Apply policies and procedures in a viewpoint neutral fashion

Student’s Comments on Performance

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement


Professional & Ethical Practice

 Meets Expectations  Exceeds Expectations

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Set professional standards for self that integrate with organizational culture

 Demonstrate awareness of one’s own areas of strength and growth

 Maintain emotional, physical, social, environmental, relational, spiritual, and intellectual wellness

 Develop a comfort-level for ambiguity

 Understand and apply ethical standards to one’s work

 Apply integrity and interpersonal skills in work relationships

 Manage finances ethically and within required standards

 Interpret and apply appropriate policies

 Understand the doctrine of “viewpoint neutrality “ and its application to higher education

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations  Exceeds Expectations


Professional Knowledge & Orientation

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Seek out and articulate the history of the institution and its relevance to the institutional culture

 Seek out and articulate the history, philosophy, and values of the field

 Understand the importance of institutional context

 Apply the theory and values of the profession

 Develop self awareness of one’s role on a team or a collaborative project, including both strengths and areas for growth

 Seek out professional development opportunities in a variety of capacities, including an awareness of skills to be learned and seeking out opportunities to develop those skills

 Find passion and inspiration in professional role

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations  Exceeds Expectations


Student Learning & Development

Select all applicable skills to be evaluated (GAs: All relevant items should be selected; Interns: At least two relevant items should be selected; Practicum/Field Study: At least one relevant item should be selected)

 Identify key principles and theories of student development

 Apply student learning and development theories in advising students and/or program planning

 Design an activity, experience, or program using student development theories

 Demonstrate a personal advising philosophy that demonstrates the use of student learning and development concepts, principles, and theories

 Employ teaching and training theory in advising students and/or program planning

 Assist students in connecting their experiences and specific behaviors with the University of Minnesota

Student Development and Learning Outcomes

Student’s Comments on Performance

Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations


Additional Responsibilities as outlined in learning contract a.



Student’s Comments on Performance

Supervisor’s Evaluation on Performance

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations

 Exceeds Expectations

 Exceeds Expectations

Supervisor Review of Graduate Student Performance

Supervisor is to describe how the graduate student performed this appraisal period.

Supervisor’s Comments on Skills and competencies & Expectations as evaluated above

Student’s strengths

Student’s progress on goals for this appraisal period

Student’s progress on professional developmental goals for this appraisal period

Student’s progress on accomplishments & achievements for this appraisal period


If a performance factor needs improvement

A performance improvement plan has been developed.  Yes  No

Overall Rating

 Needs Improvement  Meets Expectations

If probationary appraisal, does student pass probation?

Exceeds Expectations

Yes  No

I acknowledge that I have discussed this evaluation with my supervisor.

Student Comments

Student Signature Date

Supervisor Signature



Assistant Director Signature


HR Director Signature




Director Signature Date

*If a graduate student will be returning to the department, in addition to this review, a new learning contract should be created to establish goals for the upcoming term.*
