Power Point

Bell Ringer
Get out a sheet of paper.
Write down the six parts to tomorrow’s
test (from the board on your left).
Exploring Your Options (Influences on the Framers)
The phrases that match these definitions can be found in
Enlightenment Boxing and the Colonial Influences foldable.
Before the Breakup (England vs the American colonies)
The phrases that fill in the blanks were discussed when we
worked on the Hey King! Activities.
The Fight (Declaration of Independence)
These matches can be found on the Hey King! Cut out
The Rebound (Articles of Confederation)
The effects that match these causes can be found on your
Wanted! A Just Right Government Cut & Paste Flow Chart.
The Keeper (U.S. Constitution)
The modern meanings can be found on your copy of the
Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
What I Like About You (Articles of Confederation vs U.S. Constitution)
The effects that match these causes can be found on your
Wanted! A Just Right Government Cut & Paste Flow Chart.
Exploring Your Options
Age of Reason
limited government
separation of powers
Artisan Partisans
majority rule
social contract
consent of the governed
natural freedom
social freedom
direct democracy
natural rights
state of nature
due process
Reign of the Right Mind
tabula rasa
Founding Fathers representative democracy
The Renaissance
freedom contract
Time of Thought
freedom exchange
rule of law
Useless Yankees
general will
self government
Wise Writers
Nine of these phrases match with the
nine definitions on your study guide.
Before the Breakup
Coercive Acts
Declaratory Act
Intolerable Acts
Quartering Act
Stamp Act
Townshend Revenue Act
Using context clues, we should be able to find the
right words to fill in the blanks on your guides.
The Fight
can be seen just by looking at it
powers that are fair
rights people are born with
rights that cannot be taken away
trying to find joy and contentment
These five definitions match the five phrases
from the Declaration of Independence.
The Rebound
Large states were The government could
unhappy because not pay its debts from
with bigger
the Revolutionary War,
populations, they
and America lost
thought they should standing with other
have more power.
These three things were caused by
the events on your study guide.
When a problem
arose between
states, there was
nowhere to settle
the dispute.
The Keeper
create a fair legal system
help keep the people safe and healthy
join together to defend against attacks
keep things peaceful at home
make sure that freedom and liberty is around
These five phrases are good modern translations of
the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.
What I Like About You
The new Constitution
required states to The new Constitution
treat citizens of
said laws passed by
other states the Congress are superior to
same as they treat
state laws.
their own citizens.
These three things were caused by
the events on your study guide.
The new
Constitution split
the legislature so
states had equal
power in one half
and power based
on population in
the other.