Amy Zirbser
Teaching Literacy
After Reading Strategy Lesson Plan:
Objectives:1) By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write a book report about
“The Wizard of Oz” using factual information and illustrate a scene.
2) By the end of the lesson, the students will be able sequence certain key points from a graphic organizer into a narrative piece.
CCSS ELLA Standards: 1) CCSS.EA-LiteracyW.5.3b Use Concrete words, phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.
2) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.7 Provide clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Materials: Somebody Wanted But So Charts
Lesson Procedures: Teaching: I will start the lesson out by saying to the students we are finishing up our unit on fairytales. I will explain to the students to pull out the main facts from
our book, “The Wizard of OZ”, we are going to be using a reading strategy called “Somebody
Wanted But So”. I would put on the blackboard an illustration of this reading strategy. I would start by putting a column up for Somebody, and then Wanted, and then But, and then a column for So. I would tell the students that this strategy gives a framework for them to create a summary. I would tell the students what each of the columns mean. I would start with the
Somebody column. I would explain that the somebody is a character in the story. The “wanted” is what the character or somebody needed to do or accomplish. I would explain to the students the But is what stopped the character from getting what they wanted. And lastly, I would explain the “so” column is what the character did to get what they wanted in the end.
Modeling: To model this strategy, I would put on the board the framework for Somebody
Wanted But So. I would tell the students for the Somebody we could use Dorothy. I would write
Dorothy, under the somebody column. I would then move on to the wanted column. I would say that Dorothy wanted to go back to Kansas. So, under the wanted column, we would put wanted to go back to Kansas. Then I would go onto the But column. I will tell the students that Dorothy couldn’t go home until she killed the witch. So, under the but column we could put needed to kill wicked witch of the west. Lastly for the so column, I would say Dorothy killed the witch by pouring water on her. I would tell the students that could go in the last column.
Practice: I would put the students into partners. I would then pass out the Somebody But
Wanted So chars. I would explain to the class. I would explain to the class that they are going to work in groups to fill out these charts. The students are able to use their groups, the book, or any other sources to complete the chart. I will divide the class into five groups. I will assign each group character from the book to work on. The characters that the groups will be assigned dare as follows: Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin man, the Lion, and other pertinent characters. I will tell the
students they are to fill these out as thorough as possible, because they will be using them for a book report. The students will be given 25 minutes to work on this. I will be walking around monitoring and making sure they are staying on task. After the allotted time, I will have the groups share their charts.
Method of Assessment: Students will write a 2 page book report on The Wonderful Wizard of
OZ and include one illustration on the cover from a scene in the book.
Criteria for Success: The book report must be two pages, contains a cover page with an illustration, contain information obtained from the charts.