Brett K. Caldwell, AICP San Diego County Regional Airport Authority California Airports Clean Air Vehicle Working Group CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES What are CA Airports Doing? California Airports Clean Air Vehicle Working Group What is SAN Doing? Questions SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES WHAT ARE CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS DOING? SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES California Airports Clean Air Vehicle Working Group Started in 2009 Monthly Meetings Discuss and Exchange Ideas Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Infrastructure Landside Airside SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS CLEAN AIR VEHICLE WORKING GROUP John Wayne International Airport Long Beach International Airport Los Angeles International Airport Oakland International Airport SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS CLEAN AIR VEHICLE WORKING GROUP San Jose International Airport Sacramento International Airport San Diego International Airport San Francisco International Airport SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS CLEAN AIR VEHICLE WORKING GROUP – PARTNERSHIP AND EXPO Northern California Green Airport Fleets Partnership and Expo - 2010 at SFO Southern California Green Airport Fleets Partnership and Expo - June 2011 at ONT Current and Pending Regulatory Mandates Available Technologies Operational Experiences SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS CLEAN AIR VEHICLE WORKING GROUP – PARTNERSHIP AND EXPO Funding Vehicles on Display Landside Taxis Buses Limousines CNG, Electric, Bio-Fuel, Propane, Others SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Oakland International Airport (OAK) Electric Vehicle Chargers Alternative Fuels Program North Field CNG Station – 24 hour SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES San Francisco International Airport (SFO) CNG Vehicles Dominate Courtesy Shuttle and Shared-Ride Van Fleets Taxis are 80% hybrid or CNG Hybrid Rental Cars Are 15% of Transactions on account of SFO credits SFO Website Links Only to Green Limo Firms SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Upgrading Public Electric Vehicle Chargers Alternative Fueled Vehicle Requirement For Fleets LAWA Fleet Policy For Alternative Fuel Procurement New Bradley International Terminal designed to support all electric ground service equipment (GSE) SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Long Beach International Airport (LBG) Electric GSE Chargers Fast Charging 25 New Electric Vehicles – Airlines New Parking Will Reduce Emissions SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES John Wayne International Airport (SNA) Electric Charging Stations - Vehicles and GSE Requirements for Fleet Vehicles Taxi Provider is 100% CNG SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Sacramento International Airport (SMF) CNG Facility for Tenants and Public – 24 Hour ILEAV Participant – CNG Vehicles Centrally Located CNG Station SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES San Diego International Airport (SAN) Green House Gas Memorandum of Understanding (GHG-MOU) Implementing Incentive Program Coordination With Local Agencies Grant Strategy SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES CA Attorney General GHG-MOU Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) Electric Chargers - Green Build / EV Project Funding CA Clean Air Vehicle Working Group SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 Sustainability Policy (Feb 2008) MOU with CA Attorney General (May 2008) ACI-NA Environmental Goals (Feb 2009) 19 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement between Airport Authority & California Attorney General’s Office Objective is to reduce energy use & Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions Identified 14 Specific Measures Begin implementation January 1, 2010 (March, 2010) SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 Summary of MOU Specific Measures Provide landside power and pre-conditioned air at gates Reduce aircraft ground-based movement GHG emissions 20% by 2015 Replace aircraft pushback tractors with electric or alternative fuel vehicles Replace shuttles with electric or alternative fuel vehicles Use of green materials and sustainable design (LEED Silver or higher) Use of green construction methods and equipment Work with tenants to reduce GHG emissions SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 Section 2 (b) provides for 2 implementation options: Mandatory Conversion -GHG MOU default mechanism Incentive-Based Program -Airport Authority-developed plan 83% (24 of 29) Airport-operated shuttles have been converted to compressed natural gas (CNG) Mission Statement AQMP Elements Baseline Emission Inventory The purpose of the AQMP for San Diego International Airport is to aid the Airport Authority, airport Ground-Based Aircraftstakeholders Movement in tenants and other effectively managing and reducing Addressing AG-MOU Report their air emissions and overall Vehiclefootprint. Conversion Program carbon Air Emission Reduction Opportunities A Living Document environmental/air_quality.aspx SAN Emissions Inventory Baseline conditions of 2010 Criteria pollutants & Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Includes all airport-related sources both on- and off-site Follows TRB-ACRP Airport GHG Guidebook Based on up-to-date data Vehicle Program Provisions *Aligned with Airport Ground Transportation Management Plan Acceptable Acceptable vehicles vehicles include: include: a) Alternative Fuel Fuel Vehicle (AFV) using using a) Electric Electric or or Alternative Vehicle (AFV) CARB CARB Low Low Carbon Carbon Fuel Fuel Standard Standard (LCFS) (LCFS) b) b) Clean Clean Air Air Vehicles Vehicles (CAVs) (CAVs) per per CA CA Vehicle Vehicle Code Code Fee-Based Incentives: Fee-Based Incentives: a) Reduced user fees for electric or AFV/CAV a) Reduced user fees for electric or AFV/CAV b) Increased user fees for non-AFV/CAV b) Increased user fees for non-AFV/CAV Applies to all ground transportation providers, Applies to all ground transportation providers, except rental car buses (under concession agreement) except rental car buses (under concession agreement) Fleet Consolidation Incentive for Courtesy Vans Fleet Consolidation Incentive for Courtesy Vans Standardized 7-year vehicle age limit Standardized 7-year vehicle age limit 2017 Compliance Goal: 100% Vehicle Conversions 2017 Compliance Goal: 100% Vehicle Conversions Annual program effectiveness and economic / technological feasibility assessments Metric Tons CO2e 15,637 (7%) Energy Consumption Ground Transportation 89,365 (39%) Ground Support Equipment 119,003 (51%) 3,558 (1%) 4,148 (2%) Construction Activities Aircraft and Auxillary Power Units (on ground) and sturdy construction - ideal for home and for outdoor public applications. Section 2 (b) provides for 2 implementation options: Charge Point - CT 1500 Coulomb Technologies Drivers access with Charge Pass Card Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program (VALE) • FAA grant funding for GSE charging infrastructure Carl Moyer Grant Program • CARB grant funds for conversion to electric or clean fuel GSE Hybrid Voucher Incentive Program (HVIP) • CA state HVIP vouchers (up to $40K) for eligible new hybrid trucks CA Energy Commission AFV Funding Program • Buy-down incentives for natural gas and propane vehicles 32 Airport Vehicle Rebate Program (AVRP) June 2011 CCSE Administers the Program (Heather Shepard) Reformulated Gasoline Settlement Fund $750,000 (Rebate Amounts $1,000 - $7,500) Limit of 5 Vehicles Leased /Purchased/Used Vehicles Allowed SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 Airport Vehicle Rebate Program (AVRP) Eligible Vehicle Fuel Technologies High Fuel Economy Gasoline Electric & Plug-in Hybrid Electric Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Hybrid Propane SDCRAA Air Quality Management Program December 2009 CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS INCENTIVES FOR THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES QUESTIONS ?