[PHYSICS LECTURE] CHAPTER 1 RADIATION - November 8, 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-ray Used glass envelop and barium platinocyanide cellulose nitrate – glass plate substitute Michael Pupin – 1st to use intensifying screen December 28, 1895 - investigated properties of the rays and made a manuscript ELECTOMAGNETIC RADIATION transport of energy through space as a combination of electric and magnetic fields produced by a charge that is accelerated travels at 186,000 miles/sec or 3 x 10 8 m/sec propagated through space by form of waves consist of wavelength (distance between 2 crest) and frequency (# of waves passing a particular point) frequency (hertz) is inversely proportional to wavelength diagnostically, we need a short wavelength and increase the frequency VELOCITY = F x W Coulomb’s Forces – force between 2 charged objects Electron volt (eV) - unit used to measure the energy of photons amount of energy that an electron gains as it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1V CHAPTER 2 PRODUCTION OF X-RAY x-rays are produced by energy conversion when a fast-moving stream of electron is suddenly decelerated in the target anode Glass enclosure 1 vacuum; both glass and wires are heated to high temperature on operation Cathode - - negative terminal / filament source of electrons for the tube 2 element of cathode: o connecting wires – supply the voltage and amperage o focusing cup filament is made of tungsten 0.2 mm x 0.2 cm x 1 cm Thermionic emission - emission of electron resulting from the absorption of thermal energy occurs when an acquired energy allows electrons to move a small distance from the filament Edison Effect – electron cloud produced by thermionic emission Space Charge - a small cloud produced by electrons emitted by the filament collection of negatively charged electrons Space Charge Effect - tendency of the space charge to limit the emission of more electrons from the filament Ampere (A) unit of electric current rate of flow when 1 coulomb of electricity flows through a conductor in 1 sec coulomb is the equivalent of he amount of electric charge carried by 6.25 x 1018 electrons Focusing Cup - made of Nickel designed so that the electrical forces cause the electron stream to converge onto the target anode Line Focus Principle - the size of the area bombarded by the electron is larger that the size Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. that emits x-ray due to the slanted character (see Figure 2-3 page 13) the smaller the angle, the smaller the apparent focal spot for general radiography in 40 inch distance, anode angle must not be < 15o Anode - - small plate of tungsten in a bed of copper (W chosen due to high melting point and high atomic number 74) copper facilitates heat dissipation and increase the total thermal capacity of the anode Rotating Anode - large disc of tungsten at 3600 rpm with a beveled edge from 6 to 29 degrees purpose is to spread the heat produced during an exposure over a large area of the anode remainder is composed of Molybdenum and uses metallic silver as lubricant the shorter the stem of the rotator the better! HEEL EFFECT -intensity of the beam is stronger at the CATHODE than the anode - always place the thick part in the cathode side! =) - less noticeable when larger focus-film distance and smaller films are used NATIONAL COUNCIL ON RADIATION PROTECTION NO. 49 - limit the load that can be safely accepted by an x-ray tube Kilowatt rating - abiliy of the tube to make asingle exposure of a reasonable duration (0.1 sec) Ceramic insulators positive electrodes 2 types: stationary and rotating Stationary anode - - the leakage radiation at the distance of 1 meter from the source shall not exceed 100 mR/hour when the tube is operated at its maximun continous rated current ofr the maximun rated tube potential TUBE RATING CHARTS - insulate the high voltage parts of the x-ray tube from the metal tube envelope most commonly used is ALUMINUM OXIDE Off-Focus Radiation - - produced by an x-ray tube when high speed electrons interact with metal surfaces other than the focal tract of the anode main source is the “backscatter from anode” ATOMIC STRUCTURE - Atomic # = # of protons - Proton + neutron = Mass # - IsotoPes – same # of Proton - IsotoNes – same # of Neutron BREMSSTRAHLUNG / GENERAL RADIATION braking electrons reaction of the elecetron with the nucleus of tungsten atoms an electron passes near the nucleus of a W atom, the + charge will act on the – charge of the electron the highest energy x-ray photon leaving the x-ray tube depends on the KVP used while the lowest energy depends on the FILTER used CHARACTERISTIC RADIATION results when the electrons bombarding the target eject INNER orbit electrons gives of a positive ion and an Auger electron (additional electron) Tungsten atom with an inner shell vacancy is much more likely to produce an x-ray than to expel an electron [PHYSICS LECTURE] Higher atomic number of target atoms, increase in the efficiency of the production of x-ray Atomic #determines the energy or quality of x-rays produced KVP – quality mAs – Quantity 3 RECTIFICATION - process of changing AC to DC convert everything to useful rays =) Half wave rectification -1/2 of electrical wave is used to produce xrays CHAPTER 3 X-RAY GENERATORS Full-wave rectification - - utilizes the full potential of the electrical supply device that supplies electric power to the tube Transformer - device that either increases or decreases the voltage in a circuit Primary Coil and secondary coil Current flows only through the secondary circuit if the magnetic field is changing Step-up Transformer - more turns in secondary coil than primary increases the voltage and decreases the current (ampere) Step-down Transformer - more turns in the primary than secondary coil decreases the voltage and increases the current Self rectification - x-ray tube itself serves as a rectifier - 2 disadvantages: 1) 2x as long 2) repeated and prolonged exposure heat the anode enough to produce current during the inverse half of the cycle. Solid-state rectifiers - N-type semiconductor - - consist of a single winding wound on a laminated closed core works on the principle of selfinduction - - regulates current flow through the filament of the xray tube precise control of filament heating is critical, a small variation is filament current = large variation in x-ray tube current KVP meter can be placed in the circuit between the autotransformer and step-up transformer mA meter must be in the secondary coil of the high voltage transformer to record current flow accurately 3 valence electron, impurity is the acceptor, made of “holes” DIODE – device formed by a P-N junction RIPPLE FACTOR - Filament Circuit - 5 electrons, impurity is the donor commonly arsenic and antimony P-type Semiconductor Autotransformer - more reliable and longer life uses semiconductor made of CRYSTALLINE SILICON - variation in the voltage across the x-ray tube expressed as a % of the maximum value s single phase circuit has a ripple factor of 100% POWER STORAGE GENERATOR 1) Capacitor discharge generator - electrical device for storing charge or electrons - provide high mA for very short exposure times - as a general rule, a drop of 1 kV for 1 mAs 2) Battery powered generator Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. - a standard power supply is used to charge large capacity nickelcadmium batteries FALLING LOAD GENERATORS - purpose is to produce an x-ray exposure in the shortest possible exposure time by operating the xray tube at its maximum kilowatt rating during the entire exposure CHAPTER 4 BASIC INTERACTIONS BETWEEN X-RAYS AND MATTER 5 Basic x-ray interactions: 1) Coherent Scattering - radiation undergoes change in direction w/o change in wavelength - 2 types: 1) Thomson (single electron) 2) Rayleigh (all electrons) - No ionization happens 2) Photoelectric Effect - 3 products: characteristic radiation, negative ion and positive ion - incident photon must have sufficient energy to overcome the binding energy of electron - most likely to occur when the photon energy and electron binding energy are nearly the same - the tighter the electron is bound in its orbit, the more likely it is involved in the photoelectric reaction! (high Atomic #) - enhances natural tissue contrast and does not produce scatter radiation; more radiation for the patient (bad) - most common reaction in lowenergy photons 3) Compton Scattering - contribute almost all the scatter radiation in diagnostic radiology incident photon strike a free OUTER shell electron; most common interaction between xray and body tissues 5) Photodisintegration - part of the nucleus is ejected by a high energy photon; does not occur in < 7MeV CHAPTER 5 ATTENUATION - reduction in the intensity of an x-ray beam as it traverses matter by either the absorption or deflection of photons from the beam - depends on both the quantity (mAs) and quality (kVp); however, in monochromatic radiation, quality is not affected! ATTENUATION COEFFICIENTS - measures of the quantity of radiation attenuated by a given thickness of an absorber 1) Linear Attenuation Coefficient - most important coefficient for diagnostic radiology! - quantitative measurement of attenuation per centimeter of absorber - it is for monochromatic radiation Half Value Layer – absorber thickness required to reduce the intensity of the original beam by ½ - inc. HVL; inc. beam penetration 2) Mass Attenuation Coefficient - used to quantitate the attenuation of materials independent of their physical state - unit is g/cm2 - MAC is same for water, ice and vapor FACTORS AFFECTING ATTENUATION * inc radiation energy = inc # of transmitted photons = dec attenuation 4) Pair Production - high energy photon interact with the nucleus of an atom, the photon disappears and its energy is converted into matter to form 2 particles: positron and electron * inc density, atomic # or electron/gram = dec # of transmitted photons = inc attenuation cannot take place in < 1.02 MeV - contains photons of various energies - POLYCHROMATIC RADIATION [PHYSICS LECTURE] 5 - in general, the mean energy of polychromatic radiation is between 1/3 and ½ of its peak energy 3 DIFFERENT LEVELS OF FILTRATION - change in both the quality and quantity - resulting from absorption of xrays as they pass through the xray tube and housing specifically the galss envelop, the window of the tube and the insulating oil around the tube APPLICATION IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY *If all photons were transmitted, the film would be black; if all were attenuated all will be white (e.g. bone will attenuate more photons than lungs hence bones appear white) * when Compton reactions predominate, the differential attenuation entirely depends on differences in density * fat and water could only be demonstrated effectively using low energy technique (photoelectric) SCATTER RADIATION - make up 50 – 90% of total # of photons from the patient Factors affecting scatter radiation: 1) kilovoltage (kVp) 2) part thickness 3) field size * increase in any of the 3 will increase scatter radiation! However if we decrease kVp we increase patient dose. =( Field size is the most important factor in production of scatter radiation but scatter radiation has a saturation point too which is 30 x 30 or 12 inch square wherein further increase in field size doesn’t produce increase in scatter radiation anymore. CHAPTER 6 FILTERS Filtration - process of shaping the x-ray beam to increase the ratio of photons useful for imaging to those photons that increase patient dose or decrease image contrast * we must remember that the 1st few cms of tissue receive much ore radiation than the rest of the patient, filter is used to reduce patient dose which is usually a sheet of metal so low energy photons are absorbed from the beam before it hits the patient 1) INHERENT FILTRATION - measured in aluminum equivalent which represents the thickness of aluminum that would produce the same degree of attenuation as the thickness of the material in question (commonly 0.5 to 1.0 mm) - special circumstance uses Beryllium window tubes for essentially unfiltered beam 2) ADDED FILTRATION - resut from absorbers placed in the path of the xray beam *attenuation is most intense in photoelectric reaction and diminishes in Compton reaction - usually copper (for high energy) and aluminum (low energy and multipurpose) * in compound aluminum and copper, the aluminum faces the patient an the copper faces the tube. Most filtration occurs in the copper and the purpose of the aluminum is to absorb the characteristic radiation from the copper Filter Thickness Operating kVp < 50 kVp 50 – 70 kVp > 70 kVp Total Filtration 0.5 mm aluminum 1.5 mm aluminum 2.5 mm aluminum * major disadvantage of filter is reduction in the intensity of x-ray beam, to comensate we must increase the mAs HEAVY METAL FILTERS (K – edge filters) - to produce an x-ray beam that has high # of photons in the specific energy range that will be most useful in diagnostic imaging - transmit a significantly narrower spectrum of energies than aluminum w/ decreased # of both low and high energy photon Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. CHAPTER 7 XRAY BEAM RESTRICTORS 1) APPERTURE DIAPHRAGMS - simplest type of beam restrictor - sheet of lead with a hole in the center - diasadvantage: large penumbra at the periphery of the beam but can be reduce the farther away the aperture is to the patient 2) CONES AND CYLINDERS - beam restriction with cylinder takes palce at the far end of the barrel, so less penumbra GRID PATTERN - orientation of the lead strips in their longitudinal axis 1) Linear Grid - lead strips are parallel to each other in its longitudinal axis - major advantage: allow us to angle the xray tube along the length of the grid without loss of primary radiation from grid (“ grid cut-off”) 2) Crossed grid - diasadvantage: like aperture , severe limitation in sizes available - 2 superimposed linear grids with same focusing distance; cannot be used with oblique techniques 3) COLLIMATORS - converge at convergence point - best beam restrictor 3) Focused Grid - provides infinite variety of rectangular xray fields and a light beam shows the center and exact configuration of the xray field - made up of lead strips that are angled slightly so that they focus in space Positive Beam Limiting devices – automatic collimators wherein its shitters are motor-driven; sensors in the tray identify the size and alignment of the cassette - require to be no greater than 2% total misalignment from the respective edges of the xray field CHAPTER 8 GRIDS - converge at a line in space called convergent line - focusing range, which is the distance within which the grid can be used without significant loss in primary radiation, is wide in low-grid ration and narrow for high grid ratio 4) Parallel Grid - lead strips are parallel when viewed in cross section - consists of a series of lead foil strips separated by xray –transparent spacers - focused at infinity so there are no convergent lines - invented by Dr. Gustave Bucky in 1913 - can only be used effectively with very small xray fields or long target-grid distances, commonly in fluoro machines - most effective way of removing scatter radiation from large radiographic fields - primary radiation must be oriented the same axis as the grids GRID RATIO - ratio between the height of the lead strips and the distance between them - usually 4:1 to 16:1 * the higher the ratio, the better the grid function, better contrast EVALUATION OF GRID PERFORMANCE 1) Primary Transmission - measurement of the percentage of primary radiation transmitted through the grid 2) Bucky Factor - ratio of the incident radiation falling on the grid to the transmitted radiation passing through the grid [PHYSICS LECTURE] - indicates how much we must increase exposure factors from a non-grid to grid technique - tells how much the patient’s exposure dose is increased by the use of a grid - measure of the total radiation (primary + secondary) absorbed from the xray beam by the grid *the higher the bucky factor, the greater the radiation dosage to the patient and exposure factors motion of the grid should be synchronous with the pulses of the x-ray generator GRID SELECTION - most important test to a grid’s performance since grid function to improve contrast GRID CUT-OFF - loss of primary radiation that occurs when the images of the lead strips are projected wider than they would be with ordinary magnification - greatest on the side directly under the xray tube - resultant images will be light in the area of the cut-off Four causes of grid cut-off: - - uniform loss of radiation over the entire surface of the grid producing a uniformly light radiograph 3) focus-grid distance decentering - the target of the xray tube is correctly centered to the grid 4) combined lateral and focus-grid distance decentering MOVING GRIDS - invented by Hollis E. Potter, 1920 grids are moved to blur out the shadows cast by lead strips grids must move fast to blur the lead strips and the transverse reduce scatter radiation but lesser patient exposure than using grids scatter radiation decrease not from filtration but from the scattered photons missing the film the larger the air gap, the more effective in removing scatter radiation FACTORS IN CHOOSING GAP WIDTH: 1) thicker patients, larger gap 2) 1st inch of air gap improves contrast more than succeeding inches 3) image sharpness deteriorates with increasing air gap 4) greater air gap, more exposure , greater magnification CHAPTER 9 LUMINESCENT SCREENS Fluorescence – – 1) focused grid used upside down 2) lateral decentering (grid angulation) 8:1 - < 90 kVp 12:1 - > 90 kVp AIR GAP TECHNIQUE 3) Contrast Improvement Factor - ratio of the contrast with a grid to the contrast without a grid 7 for of luminescence produced when light is emitted instantaneously ability of crystals of certain inorganic salts (phosphors) to emit light when excited by xrays Phosphorescence – if the emission of light is delayed beyond 10-8 sec Calcium tungstate – phosphor in intensifying screen; produces light in the blue region of the spectrum Cadmium sulfide – phosphor in fluorescent screen INTENSIFYING SCREEN - decrease the x-ray dose to patient, allow shorter exposure time *x-ray film used with intensifying scrren has photosensitive emulson on both sides (unlike mammo which is a single emulsion film) =) Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. 4 LAYERS OF INTENSIFYING SCREEN: 1) 2) 3) 4) base made of poleyester plastic reflecting layer (TiO2) phosphor layer plastic protective coat (cellulose) total thickness is 15 to 16 mils the efficiency with which the phosphor converts xrays to light is called intrinsic conversion efficiency of phosphor ability of light emitted by the phosphor to escape from the screen and expose the film is the screen efficiency intensification factor is the ration of the xray exposure needed to produce the same density on a film with and without the screen CHAPTER 10 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF X-RAY FILM AND FILM PROCESSING *Transfer of information from the xray beam to the screen-film combination always results in a loss of information - LATENT IMAGE photographically active or radiation-sensitive, emulsion that is usually coated in both sides of a transparent sheet of plastic (base) FILM BASE - cellulose nitrate (then) ; polyester (now) provide support for the fragile photographic emulsion 3 charachteristics: 1) must not produce a visible pattern or absord too much light when the radiograph is viewed 2) flexibility, thickness and strength must allow ease of processing 3) dimensional stability EMULSION - - gelatin and silver halide gelatin – keeps silver halide dispersed, prevent clumping of grains, processing solution can penetrate easily silver iodobromide – lightsensitive material in emulsion (90 – site at which the developing process will cause visible amounts of metallic silver to be deposited metallic silver is black. It is silver that produces the dark areas seen in the developing radiograph the minimum number to produce developability is between 3 and 6. The more silver atoms that exist at a latent image center, the greater the probability that the grain will be developed DIRECT X-RAY EXPOSURE FILM - 99% silver bromide and 1-10% silver iodide) chemical sensitization of the crystal takes several forms and is produced by adding alllylthiourea to produce silver sulfide which is located in the surface of the crystal called the sensitivity speck photographic effect of direct absorption of x-rays by the emulsion is not caused by electromagnetic radiation itself but by electrons emitted when the photon interacts with the silver halide in the emulsion FILM PROCESSING 1) Development amplifies the latent image to form a visible silver pattern - reduction of the silver ion changes it into black metallic silver - time is a fundamental factor in the developing process - developing solutions: hydroquinone and sodium sulfite (makes the solution colorless and act as preservative) - FOG – development of unexposed silver halide grains that do not contain a latent image - Temperature must be 90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit 2) Replenishment - maintain developing agent concentration, preservative concentration, bromide concentration and pH - in high volume (developing reaction dependent), low volume (oxidation reaction dependent = - [PHYSICS LECTURE] raises pH and produces no bromide) 3) Fixing - removes the remaining silver halide - uses sodium thiosulfate - chromium or aluminum compound is used as hardener 4) Washing - remove the fixing-bath chemicals - incomplete washing = film that browns with age CHAPTER 11 PHOTOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF X-RAY FILMS 1) mAs controls film density 2) kVp controls image contrast increase in film density of 0.3 decreases transmitted light to 50% of its previous value higher density means a blacker film and less light transmission Film exposure – product of the intensity of the exposure and the time of exposure increase in the log relative exposure of 0.3 always represents doubling of the relative exposure 4 FACTORS OF FILM CONTRAST: 1) characteristic curve of the film - tells us how much change in film density will occur as film exposure changes - the slope of a straight line joining the 2 points of specified density on the characteristic curve is average gradient 2) film density 3) screen or direct x-ray exposure 4) film processing - increasing the time or temperatur of development will: 1) increase average gradient (increase film contrast) 2) increase film speed (increase density for a given exposure) 3) increase fog (decrease film contrast) LATITUDE 9 EMULSION ABSORPTION - standard silver halide films absorb light in the ultraviolet, violet and blue regions - ortho film - green-sensitive film - pan film – absorbs red CROSS-OVER EXPOSURE - “print-through exposure” - occurs when a double emulsion xray film is exposed in a cassette containing 2 intensifying screen - decrease cross-over by: 1) matching screen light emission to silver halide natural sensitivity 2) changing the shape of the silver halide grains CHAPTER 12 FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGING Copper-activated zinc cadmium sulfide – fluorescent material in the screen that emitted light in the yellow-green spectrum IMAGE INTENSIFIER DESIGN Vacuum tube contains: 1) Input Phosphor and Photocathode - cesium iodide - CsI because: 1) vertical orientation of the crystals 2) greater packing density 3) more favorable effective atomic number - the photocathode is a photoemissive metal (combination of antimony and cesium compounds) 2) Electrostatic Focusing Lens - inverts and reverses the image (point inversion) 3) Accelerating Anode - located at the neck of the tube - accelerate electrons emitted from the photocathode toward the output screen - range of log relative exposure (mAs) that will produce density within the accepted rage for diagnostic radiology 4) Output Phosphor * the latitude of film varies inversely with film contrast - crystal size and layer thickness are reduced; good resolution even if small - silver-activated zinc-cadmium sulfide Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. BRIGHTNESS GAIN - tends to deteriorate as an image intensifier ages (10% / year) - comes from minificaion gain ( produced by reduction in image size) and flux gain ( increases the brightness by factor of 50; for each light photon from input screen = 50 photons in output screen) - depends on thickness difference, density difference, atomic number and kVp * low kVP the greater the subject contrast 2) Film Contrast 3) Fog and Scatter IMAGING CHARACTERISTICS - the effect of fog and scatter I to reduce radiographic contrast Contrast – brightness ratio of the periphery to the center of the output screen - scatter is produced by Compton Scattering Lag – persistence of luminescence after xray stimulation has been terminated - increased by improper film storage, contaminated or exhausted developer solution, excessive time or temperature of development and use of high speed film Distortion – result from unequal magnification due to the flaring of the peripheral electron from its course. Vignetting – fall-off in brightness at the periphery of the image IMAGE QUALITY - CHAPTER 13 VIEWING AND RECORDING THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGE - * vertical resolution depends on te number of vertical lines and horizontal resolution is determined by bandpass (frequency range that the electronic components of a video system must be designed to transmit) - - image is processed by a television camera tube which can either be a standard vidicon, plumbicon or a CCD - - (for more details read pp 175-195) CHAPTER 14 THE RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE R.E Wayren – suggested that the term image clarity be used to describe the visibility of diagnostically important detail in a radiograph ability of the film to record each point in the object as a point on the film influenced by: 1) radiographic mottle 2) sharpness ability of the xray film or film screen system to define an edge composed of geometric, motion,absorption, screen and parallax unsharpness (only in double-emulsion film) 3) resolution resolving power is he ability to record separte images of small objects that are placed very close together 1) high contrast images are SHARPNESS limited 2) low contrast images are NOISE limited RADIOGRAPHIC CONTRAST the only factor determining noise in the number of photons used by the screen - difference in density between areas in the radiograph MODULATION TRANSFER FUNCTION - depends on: - 1) Subject contrast - difference in x-ray intensity transmitted through one part of the subject as compared to that transmitted through another part - concept that has been formulated to provide an objective measurement if the combined effects of sharpness and resolution amount of information seen is less than the signal that had been modulated [PHYSICS LECTURE] CHAPTER 15 GEOMETRY OF THE RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE Magnification is decreased the closer the object is to the film and keep the focus-film distance as large as possible DISTORTION - results from unequal magnification of different parts of the same object PENUMBRA - edge-gradient / geometric unsharpness region of partial illumination that surrounds the umbra width of the penumbra is less on the anode side than on the cathode side INVERSE SQUARE LAW - states that the intensity of light falling on a flat surface from a point source is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the point source FOCAL SPOT BLOOMING - variation of focal spot size varies with tube operating conditions the focal spot size increases in direct proportion to tube current marked blooming seen in low kVp and high mAs focal spot size will decrease slightly with increasing kVp FACTORS THAT WILL DECREASE UNSHARPNESS CAUSED BY: MAGNIFICATION 1) small object-film distance 2) large focal spot-film distance PENUMBRA 1) small focal-spot size 2) small object-film distance 3) large focal spot-film distance MOTION 1) short exposure time 2) maximum possible limitation of actual object motion 1 1 CHAPTER 16 BODY SECTION RADIOGRAPHY - special x-ray technique that blurs out the shadows of superimposed structures to shows more clearly the principal structures being examined BLURRING - distortion of definition of objects outside the focal plane Width of Blur - refers to the distance over which the image of an object is spread out on the film and is determined by: 1)amplitude of tube travel - increase will increase width of blur 2) distance from focal plane - the farther from focal plane the more blurred the object 3) Orientation of tube travel - if longitudinal axis of the object is oriented at the same direction that the the tube travels the object is not blurred even if its outside the focal plane 4) distance from the film - farther from film, more blurred the object FULCRUM - pivot point about which the lever arm rotates, it determines the plane that will be on focus. FOCAL PLANE - plane of maximal focus, and represents the axis about which the xray tube and film rotate FOCAL PLANE LEVEL - height of the focal plane above the table top TOMOGRAPHIC ANGLE - amplitude of the tube travel expressed in degrees EXPOSURE ANGLE - angle through which the xrya beam moves during the exposure Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. WIDE ANGLE 1) tomographic arc > 10 (30-50) 2) less section thickness 3) Considerable unsharpness of focal plane images 4) bone 5) maximum blurring outside focal plane 6) can be done with either circular or linear motion 7) unlikely to cause phantom image 8) long exposure time NARROW ANGLE 1) tomographic arc < 10 2) greater section thickness 3) very little unsharpness CHAPTER 18 XERORADIOGRAPHY XERORADIOGRAPHY - 4) lungs 5) minimum blurring 6) usually done with circular motion 7) frequently cause phantom image 8) short exposure time LINEAR 1) inexpensive 2) section thickness is dependent on orientation of body parts 3) blur margins are tapered and indistinct 4) objects outside the focal plane may be incompletely blurred ; “parasite streaks” 5) does not produce phantom images * in stereoscopy, the radiologist should know which film should be viewed by each eye CIRCULAR 1) expensive 2) uniform section thickness 3) blur margins are sharp and well-defined 4) objects outside focal plane are uniformly blurred; no “parasite streaks” 5) likely to produce phantom images PANTOMOGRAPHY - radiographic technique that produces a panorami roentgenogram of a curved surface (e.g teeth) - Valence band – band wih the highest energy that also has electrons Conduction band – next higher permissible band introduced by J. MacKenzie Davidson at 1898 MONOCULAR DEPTH PERCEPTION Insulator: large forbidden gap that electrons absorb enough energy to bridge the gap Semiconductor: small forbidden gap XERORADIOGRAPHIC PLATE 1) 2) - 3) 4) - Size: near objects are larger than far objects Overlapping contours: near objects overlap distant objects Stereopsis - binocular depth perception; dependent on the brain’s ability to see discrepant image and fuse it into a single object with depth Parallax - apparent displacement of an object when viewed from 2 different vantage points MAGNITUDE OF TUBE SHIFT - equal to 10% of the target-film distance; equal to an angle of 6 degrees the energy difference across the forbidden energy gap determines whether a solid acts as a conductor, insulator or a semi-conductor Conductor: no forbidden region between the valence and the conduction band CHAPTER 17 STEREOSCOPY - production of a visible image utilizing the charged surface of a photoconductor (amorphous selenium) as the detecting medium, partially dissipating the charge by exposure to xrays to form a latent image invented by Chester F. Carlson in 1937 ALUMINUM SUBSTRATE - made of cleaned aluminum with smooth surface INTERFACE LAYER thin layer of aluminum oxide prevent negative charges induced in the aluminum from migrating into the selenium and dissipating the positive charge induced in the selenium surface SELENIUM COATING PROECTIVE OUTER COATING cellulose acetate resistance is high enough to prevent lateral conduction of charges which would degrade the electrostatic latent image Dark Decay – reduction of plate voltage while the plate remains in darkness - for xeroradiography, the rate should not exceed 5% / min IMAGING CHARACTERSISTICS OF XERORADIOGRAPHY: 1) 2) 3) Edge enhancement Deletion Subdued broad area response 1 3 [PHYSICS LECTURE] 4) Broad exposure latitude - this system is useful for imaging lowcontrast objects defined by sharp edges CHAPTER 19 COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY - introduced by G.N. Hounsfield in April 1972 ALGORITHMS FOR IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION 1) 2) - BASIC PRINCIPLE - the internal structure of an object can be reconstructed from multiple projections of the object SCANNING MOTIONS First Generation (translate – rotate, 1 detector) - pencil-like xray beam; linear and rotatory Second Generation (translate-rotate, multiple detectors) - fan-shaped beam and multiple detector 3) Third Generation (rotate-rotate) - translation motion was completely eliminated multiple detectors are aligned along the arc whose center is the xray tibe focal spot Fourth Generation (Rotate-fixed) detectors from a ring that completely surrounds the patient each detector has a collimator at 2 points, 1 close to the xray tube and the other at the detector DETECTORS - 2 TYPES: 1) scintillation crystals 2) xenon gas ionization chamber photomultiplier tubes are replaced by silicon photodiodes (converts a light signal into electron flow output that is proportional to the intensity of the light signal) Components of Detectors 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) an anode and cathode a counting gas (inert gas) a voltage between the anode and cathode walls that separate the detector from the rest of the world a window for the radiation photon to enter the detector BACK PROJECTION summation method; oldest means of image recontruction none of the commercial scanners use this method ITERATIVE METHOD starts with assumption and compares this with measured values and averages it can either be simultaneous reconstruction, ray-by-ray correction and point-by-point correction ANALYTICAL METHOD used in almost all CT scanners today exact formulas are used can either be 2-dimensional fourier analysis or filtered back-projection a lack of precision, or the presence of mottle, is the limiting factor in CT performance at the present time Quantum mottle is a variation in the number of xray photon absorbed by the detector Most of the noise I current Ct images is a result of statistical fluctuations and is not related to mathematical reconstruction Voxel – volume element Pixel – picture element; a flat surface without thickness RESOLUTION Spatial Resolution - ability of the scanner to display separate images of 2 objects placed close together Contrast Resolution - ability of an imaging system to display an image of a relatively large object that is only slightly different in density from the surrounding ARTIFACTS Motion Artifacts Streak Artifacts - when a high density material severely reduces the transmission, streak will appear as an image Beam Hardening Artifacts - as a heterogeneous xray beam passes through the patient the low energy Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. photons are rapidly absorb causing artifact Ring Artifact - result of miscalibration of 1 detector in a rotaterotate geometry scanner CHAPTER 20 ULTRASOUND - velocity of sound depends on the velocity of the medium - oscillate in longer distances: gas > liquid > solid Longitudinal waves - ultrasonic pulses are transmitted through liquids as longitudinal waves (meaning that the motion of the particles in the medium is parallel to the direction of wave propagation) - length of the wave is the distance between 2 bands of compression, or rarefraction - by definition, ultrasound has a frequency of greater than 20,000 cycles/sec convert ultrasonic energy eflected back from the tissues into electric signal - most important component is piezoelectric crystal located near the face of the transducer -“strain” refers to the deformity of the crystal caused when a voltage is applied to the crystal Characteristic of the Piezoelectric Crystal - madeup of innumerable dipoles arranged in geometric pattern - ferroelectrics is a group of artificial piezoelectric materials Curie Temperature - ceramic crystals are made-up of tiny dipoles but to be able to have a piezoelectric characteristic, the dipole must be in perfect geometric configuration – to produce this pattern, it will be heated at high temperature in high electric field because at high temperature the dipoles are free to move. - diagnostic imaging have frequencies from 1,000,000 – 20,000,000 cycles/sec (hertz) or 120 MHz - curie temperature is the temperature at which this polarization is lost. Heating a piezoelectric crystal above the curie temperature reduces it to a useless piece of ceramic =( Velocity of Sound Transducer Q Factor - independent of frequency and depends primarily on the physical makeup of the material through which the sound is being transmitted - refers to 2 characteristics of piezoelectric crystals: the purity of their sound and the length of time that the sound persists - sound travels slowest in gas then liquids and fastest in solid - high Q transducer (produces a nearly pure sound with narrow range of frequency) and a low Q (produces whole spectrum of sound with wide range of frequency) - inversely related to the compressibility of the conducting material (more compressible, the more rapidly it transmit sound) - the more dense the transmitting material, the lesser the velocity of sound * in the ultrasonic frequency range, the velocity of sound is constant in any particular medium. If the frequency is increased, the wavelength must decrease Relative Sound Intensity - measured in decibels - positive decibels indicate a gain in power, whereas negative decibels express loss of power TRANSDUCERS - device that converts one for of energy to another - convert electric signal into ultrasonic energy that can be transmitted into tissues, and to Spatial Pulse Length - length of the sonic pulse - it is the number of waves x wavelength * in a transducer, a backing block is incorporated to quench the vibrations and to shorten the sonic pulse (to ready for the coming of the signals from the tissues =)) Fresnel zone – parallel component Fraunhofer zone – diverging portion of the beam ________________________ __Fresnel zone_______Fraunhofer zone * the length of the Fresnel zone is longest with a large transducer and high frequency sound, [PHYSICS LECTURE] shortest with small transducer and lowfrequency sound * tissue absorption increases with increasing frequency INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ULTRASOUND AND MATTER 1) REFLECTION - image is produced by the reflected portion of the beam - transmitted sound contributes nothing to image formation - the percentage of the beam reflected at tissue interface depend on 1) acoustic impedance (density x velocity, the velocity of sound in tissue is fairly constant over a wide range of frequencies, so a substance’s acoustic impedance is constant) 2) beam’s angle of incidence (the greater the angle of incidence, the less the amount of reflected sound 2) REFRACTION - bending of waves as they pass from 1 medium to another - can cause spatial distortion (real structures are imaged in wrong location) and loss of resolution of image 3) ABSORPTION - there are 3 factor that affects absorption 1) frequency of sound 2) viscosity of conducting medium and 3) “relaxation time” of the medium - bone has the highest absorption - the relaxation time is the time that it takes for a molecule to return to its original position after it has been displaced ULTRASONIC DISPLAY - and electronic representation of data generated from returning echoes and and displayed on a TV monitor A Mode - echoes are displayed as spikes projecting from a baseline - the display on the cathode ray tube contains information about the depth of structures and the amplitude of the returning echo TM Mode - spikes are converted into dots 1 5 - used in echocardiography B Mode - produces a picture of a slice of tissue - echoes are displayed as dots similar to TM mode but in contrast, the transducer is moved so that the sound beam traverses a plane of the body Pulse Rate - refers to the nuber of separate little packets of sound that are sent out each second IMAGING PRINCIPLES RESOLUTION - depth resolution is the ability of the beam to separate 2 objects lying in tandem along the axis of the beam - lateral resolution is the ability to separate 2 adjacent objects - to narrow the beam and to improve resolution we have to use a smaller transducer Reverberation Echoes - image appears with no physical existence - transducer itself may act as a reflecting surface and produce a reverberation artifact * a close approximation of the focal length is the diameter of curvature of the lens DOPPLER TECHNIQUES - the Doppler effect is a change in the perceived frequency of sound emitted by a moving source - the sound usually moves faster than the source, so the source never catches the crest - source motion does change the gap between the crest Scattering of Ultrasound by Blood - sound reflection from solid structures is usually referred to as specular reflection - ultrasound encountering blood is not reflected ; it is scattered in all directions. This scattering is called Rayleigh-Tyndall scattering and is caused by the RBC REAL TIME ULTRASOUND Summary of Christensen – Karol Pauline Farinas, M.D. - real-time imaging systems are those that have frame rates fast enough to allow movement to be followed Rem – unit of absorbed dose equivalent; unit used only in radiation protection; Si unit is sievert; 1 sievert = 100 rems - line density refers to the number of vertical lines per field of view Linear energy transfer (LET) – amount of energy deposited per unit length of travel, expressed in keV/micron Types of Real time Instruments 3 Types of Mechanical Scanning 1) Oscillating Transducer: Unenclose crystal - a single transducer crystal is caused to osillate through an angle Relative biologic effectiveness (RBE) – another expression used to compare the effectiveness of several types of radiation Natural Radiation - produces a sector image - from external ( cosmic and terrestrial gamma radiation) and internal sources (radionuclides w/in the body) 2) Oscillating Transducer” Enclosed crystal External Sources - with this system, the patient does not feel any vibration because the moving transducer does not touch the screen - average cosmic ray annual dose equivalent is 0.26 mSv at sea level - produces a trapezoidal image - average annual gamma ray effective dose equivalent is 0.28 mSv (variesfrom 0.16 – 0.63 mSv) 3) Rotating wheel Transducer CHAPTER 21 PROTECTION 1928, the 2nd International Congress Of Radiology appointed a committee to define the roentgen (R) as a unit of exposure 1931, the 1st dose limiting recommendation was made by a group of American scientists, the Advisory Committee on X-ray and Radium Protection (recommendation is 0.2 R/day or 50R/year) Now, MPD is brought down to 1/10th of its original levels Radiological Effects of Radiation - can be somatic or genetic - the most important somatic effect is carcinogenesis; leukemia is the most common neoplasia - genetically significant dose – is the dose that if received by every member of the population, would expect to produce the same total genetic injury as the actual doses received by the various individual Internal Sources - from ingested food and inhaled particles - annual effective dose equivalent from these nuclides is 0.39 mSv Medical Radiation - estimated annual effective dose equivalent from nuclear medicine studies is 0.14 mSv - estimated annual effective dose equivalent from diagnostic xray examinations is 0.39 mSv EXAMINATION Chest Skull Lumbar Spine Upper GI Abdomen Barium Enema Pelvis IVP Extremities EDE / EXAMINATION (mSv) 0.06 0.20 1.30 2.45 0.55 4.05 0.65 1.60 0.01 Radiation Units Roentgen (R)- unit of radiation exposure Stochastic Effects Rad – unit of absorbed dose; 1 rad is equal to the radiation necessary to deposit energy of 100 ergs in 1 gram of irradiated material - effect in which the probability of occurrence increases with increasing absorbed dose - 1 gray = 100 rads - severity of the effects does not depend on the magnitude of absorbed dose (eg, cancers and genetic effects) [PHYSICS LECTURE] Non- stochastic effects - somatic effect that increases in severity with increasing absorbed dose (eg, lens opacification and blood changes) PLEASE SEE P 378 FOR THE DOSES OF RADIATION =) Protective Barriers - distance is one of the most effective method of radiation protection because exposures change inversely with the square of the distance * as a general rule, no secondary barrier is required for areas protected by a primary barrier Half Value Layer - thickness of a specific substance that when introduced into the path of a beam of radiation, reduces the exposure rate by 1/2 Scatter Radiation - the energy of scatter radiation is assumed to be equal to that of the primary radiation - the intensity of 90 degrees scatter radiation, relative to the primary beam is reduced by a factor of 1000 at a distance of 1 m for a field size of 400 cm2 * maximum permissible leakage exposure 1 meter from a diagnostic xray tube is 0.1 R/h CHAPTER 22 DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY CHAPTER 23 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Precession – change in the direction of the axis of rotation Angular momentum - describes the rotational motion of a body; has direction as well as magnitude 1 7