Do you want to apply for a travel stipend? Yes: No

August 13th, 2012
Hola Snow Carvers!
It’s a Carve party and you’re invited! Better yet, you’re invited to Northstar At Tahoe
( in Lake Tahoe, California, where we are excited to host
Carve Tahoe, an international snow sculpture celebration. That’s right, carving in California.
You thought California was only good for surfing, celebrity sightings, and slow motion running
on the beach? Au contraire mon ami! California’s Lake Tahoe boasts world-class ski resorts,
thrill-inducing cliffs, spectacular views, fluffy white powder, epic ski runs, and slow motion
running in the snow.
Besides being the former home of the Winter Olympics, Lake Tahoe is one of the clearest
lakes of its size in the world. Tahoe boasts 15 meters of annual snowfall, gorgeous views,
and vertical drop of 1100 meters. And for our snow carvers, it doesn’t get much better than
Northstar At Tahoe’s clean, uniform machine-made snow.
While this is a competition, it’s a competition California-style. That means high-fives, making
friends from all over the world, and lots of celebrating before, during, and after the festivities.
What can we say? We like to party. Upon selection to participate, you will receive a full
itinerary of the festivities. We told you California was known for its celebrities, and at Carve,
that’s you. After you complete your work of art, you and your team are invited to a day off of
skiing, boarding and relaxation on us!
We will be selecting 10 teams to sculpt at the inaugural Carve Tahoe, February 7th-February
14th, 2013 at Northstar At Tahoe. If your team is interested in being a part of history, please
complete the following application and send it in no later than Monday, October 8th, 2012.
Please contact Kathryn Keown at 415-561-4345 x 215 or email
with your application or questions.
Cheers! Cin cin! Proost! Salut! L’Chaim! Skål!
Kathryn & The Carve Tahoe Team
2013 Important Information
Your Team:
 Each team will have a maximum of three (3) people who may sculpt. Carvers must be 18
years or older to participate.
Your Block:
 Each team will be provided with a snow block with the dimensions of 3.5 m. high x 3 m.
wide x 3 m. deep (12’ high x 10’ wide x 10’ deep). The block of snow must be sculpted
on all four sides.
 We will provide lodging arriving Thursday, February 7th, 2013 and leaving Thursday
February 14th, 2013.
 Carving will start on Friday, February 8th, at 1000 hours (10am) and it will end on Tuesday
February 12th, 2013 at 1000 hours (10am).
 There will be approximately 65 hours of carving time. Please note that you will not be
sculpting 24 hours a day. The sculpting time will be scheduled from Friday till Tuesday.
Monday will most likely be the only night you can sculpt through the night.
Teams are encouraged to provide all of their own specialty tools.
Only hand tools may be used to create the sculpture. No power tools are permitted.
A basic set of equipment will be provided for each team; this set consists of a snow shovel,
a snow scoop, a straight edge ice scraper, a ladder and scaffolding.
 The only materials allowed are snow, ice and water. No colorants may be added and no
other materials may be used in the sculpture. No supports or armature may be used in or
on the final sculpture.
Original Design:
 Please submit a design that has never been sculpted at another event. Only original
designs will be eligible for participation.
 You may expand your sculpture 1.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep from the original base
footprint of 3m. wide x 3m. deep.
 Keep in mind in California, everyone at Carve is a winner. By being selected to participate
in Carve Tahoe, you have already demonstrated your team is exceptional and accomplished
in the art of snow sculpting.
 However, just to keep it interesting we will award First, Second and Third place medals.
 Awards will also be given in other categories that will allow visitors to cast a vote too.
 Northstar At Tahoe:
Transportation & Lodging
 We provide accommodations within a short distance from the sculpting site from Thursday,
February 7th, 2013 and leaving on Thursday, February 14th, 2013.
 We will provide shuttle services to/from the following airports:
 Oakland International Airport: OAK (4.5 hours drive to Tahoe)
 San Francisco International Airport: SFO (5 hours drive to Tahoe)
 Sacramento International Airport: SMF (2 hours drive to Tahoe)
 Reno-Tahoe International Airport, Nevada: RNO (1 hour drive to Tahoe)
You will need to provide your own flight to Northern California, but after you arrive in Northern
California we take care of almost everything else.
Travel Stipends:
 There will hopefully be small travel stipends available.
 Please supply estimated travel costs with this application and we will work to offset the
costs of those teams traveling the greatest distances. Stipends will be paid out at the
competition after sculpting.
 Please note that the stipend will not cover all of your air travel expenses, but if you can get
here, you will have a great time.
 We will provide all 3 of your team members with most of your meals during your stay.
An International Party:
 While you and your team are in Tahoe, we want to create a wonderful experience for you,
while you create your masterpieces. Good food, good drink, forming friendships and
building lasting memories in beautiful Lake Tahoe will help shape the itinerary.
The Best-Laid Plans:
 Please Note: Some details are subject to change until you receive your final itinerary. And
even then, the best-laid plans can sometimes change. We look forward to hosting teams
that are not only exceptional artists, but also have a sense of humor, a sense of adventure
and are adaptable. 
Team Application
By Monday, October 8th, 2012 please submit:
 Your completed application
 A team bio, previous competitions, recognition and awards
 8” x 11” graphic representation/drawing of your intended original sculpture, a
sculpture name/title and a short description of your sculpture
 All submissions must be original to be considered for participation
 If your team is selected, you will be notified by October 19th, 2012
Return application to:
Hub Strategy & Communications
Carve Tahoe
P.O. Box 29407
San Francisco, CA 94129
E-Mail to:
Fax to: 415-771-5965
Helpful Hints & Important Information:
 Please type or print legibly
 Make sure we have one designated e-mail address to reach your entire team,
as email will be the primary form of communication for last minute details and
same day correspondence
 Please note, all team members must sign Liability Waivers AND have
health insurance that provides coverage in the United States/California
 The Carve Application may also be found online at
Country/Region Represented:
Primary Team Contact:
Designated Team Mailing Address:
Team Phone Number:
Team Email:
1) Team Captain Name:
Birth Date:
Languages Spoken:
Food Restrictions:
Email Address:
2) Team Member Name:
Birth Date:
Languages Spoken:
Food Restrictions:
Email Address:
3) Team Member Name:
Birth Date:
Languages Spoken:
Food Restrictions:
Email address:
Do you want to apply for a travel stipend?
Estimated Travel Cost to Northern California Airport in US Dollars:
Cost per team member:
Did you attach a bio for your team?
per team member.
Did you attach 8” x 11” graphic representation/drawing, description and title of your intended
original sculpture?