FISCAL SERVICES To: All MUNIS® Users From: Robert Caldwell








Robert Caldwell, Chief Financial Officer, Auditor’s Office

Karl Kuespert, Director, Purchasing Department

Zak Talarek, Director, Office of Management and Budget

Date: October 7, 2015

Subject: Year-End Tasks and Deadlines

2015 Requisitions, Purchase Orders and Invoice Payments

The Purchasing Department must receive all requisitions for 2015 purchase orders no later than 12:00 noon, Monday,

Nov. 23. The last purchase order resolution will be presented at the Commissioners’ general session meeting on

Tuesday, Dec. 1. Fiscal Services will close all 2015 purchase orders at year-end.

The Accounts Payable Department of the Auditor’s Office must receive all invoices to be paid in 2015 in correct form and with the proper authorization no later than 2:00 p.m., Friday, Dec. 18. Invoices received after this deadline will not be processed.

If an emergency arises, please contact Jeff Roose at 525-7345.


The last pay of the year will be Thursday, Dec. 24, therefore payroll will close Monday, Dec. 21 at 8:00 a.m. instead of Tuesday, Dec. 22. Employee reimbursements for the last pay of 2015 have to be in to the Auditor’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 16. This date has been moved up a day due to the holiday schedule.

For changes to payroll allocation code set-ups, please complete the Allocation Request Form. If you need assistance with 2016 budgeted allocations, please contact your OMB analyst. For Position Control Number (PCN) changes and/or additions please complete the PCN Request Form. The deadline for turning these forms in to the Payroll

Department of the Auditor’s office is 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 24 to be effective for the January 8, 2016 pay.

Agencies have from 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 15 until 12:00 noon, Friday, Dec. 25 to update employee master files with new or revised allocations, PCNs and org #’s to be automatically populated into the January 8, 2016 payroll which will be generated at 8:00 a.m., Monday, Dec. 28. After the payroll is generated, changes must be made in both the employee master records and the generated payroll. If an employee is deleted and re-added from payroll for Dec.

24, make sure when the employee is re-added that the correct allocation, PCN, Org, etc. are correct.

Due to year-end close, payroll data entry for the Jan. 8, 2016 pay date can be done from approximately 9:00 a.m.,

Monday, Dec. 28 until 12:00 noon, Tuesday, Jan. 5. Please plan accordingly.

2016 Requisitions

Entry of 2016 requisitions cannot begin until the 2016 budget has been posted in MUNIS

, which is expected to occur no later than Thursday, Dec. 17. OMB will send an e-mail to confirm the date and time. Purchasing will contact each agency as to requisitioning sequence numbers for 2016. Requisitions to be presented at the

Commissioners’ general session on Tuesday, Jan. 5, must be submitted to Purchasing by 12:00 noon, Tuesday, Dec.


Requisitions for payments to county agencies should be created utilizing the Intra-County vendor numbers established in the 30000 range in MUNIS. A listing of those vendors is attached to this memo. If additional vendors need set up or changes to the Org or Object attached to a vendor are required, please contact Jeff Roose at 525-7345.





will not be available from 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 30 until 12:00 noon, Saturday, Jan. 2 due to yearend close and system maintenance.


373 South High Street, Columbus Ohio 43215-6310  614.525.7399 
