EDEE 327-002 - Morehead State University

Department of Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education
College of Education
Fall 2013
EDEE 327 (002) - Literature and Materials for Young Readers
Melinda R. Willis
GH 401L
Office: 783-2844
Email: m.willis@moreheadstate.edu
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Literature and Materials for Young Readers. (3-0-3); I, II. Prerequisite: EDEE 305.
A survey of children’s literature from oral tradition through contemporary times, including all types of literature
and media appropriate for Early Elementary P-5. Emphasis is on criteria for evaluation, selection, and use of
books and materials as related to the developmental needs and interests of children
FIELD EXPERIENCES (2 hours), Level II: All candidates will complete a total of 2 hours of field experience,
probably in more than 1 session. Field experience is an integral part of this course. Students are required to
complete all hours and accurately enter the total into their Tk20 accounts. Failure to do so will result in an “I”
for the course.
“Community Engagement: A Light to and from the Mountains”
The Professional Education Unit at Morehead State University delivers rigorous, high quality programs that
prepare professionals informed by best national and international scholarship, plus research, literature, and
experiences specific to Appalachia- preparing professionals to improve the schools, quality of life, and the
communities in which they live and serve. This statement is not only the strategic mission for the College, but it also
incorporates the conceptual framework that guides all our activities.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): By the end of this course, the candidate will be able to:
Experience each of the 8 genre within the context of discussion, writing, and other creative projects;
Recognize and assess individual and group differences in order to provide developmentally
appropriate instruction, e. g. differently able, individual interests, different genders, and multicultural
Use Kentucky’s learning goals, academic expectations, and other appropriate curriculum guidelines in
order to design, plan and implement learning activities and assess learners;
Relate the influence of a variety of texts, materials and online resources to the growing child,
emphasizing environmental variations with the sub-cultural context in each of the eight genres;
Use technology and resource tools, e.g. utilization of Bb and bibliographies of children’s literature;
Demonstrate disposition for teaching related to scholarship, effective communication, passion about
learning, enthusiasm about teaching, self-reflection, resourcefulness, sensitivity to human differences,
working effectively with others.
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EDEE 327
Fall 2013
NCATE/ EPSB Accreditation Alignment of CFO’s and SLO’s:
Program: P-5
EDEE 327
Aligned with
Core Academic Standards for
English / Language Arts
Association for
Chapter reading and
(50 points)
CFO: 1
SLO: 4
Field Experience
participation and
(25 points)
CFO: 1, 3
SLO: 2, 3, 7
Connection Projects
(100 points)
CFO: 4
SLO: 1, 2, 3, 5
Literature Circles
CFO: 1
SLO: 1, 4
1, 4, 6
Standards 1-10: K-5: Reading
Literature; Reading
Informational; Speaking and
Listening; Language; Writing
2, 3
1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2,
3.4, 3.5, 4, 5.2
1, 2, 3, 4,
7, 8
Standards 1-10: K-5: Reading
Literature; Reading
Informational; Speaking and
Listening; Language; Writing
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2,
3.5, 4, 5.1
1, 3
1, 6
Standards 1-10: K-5: Reading
Literature; Reading
Informational; Speaking and
Listening; Language; Writing
1, 3
1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.2
2, 4
1, 3
Standards 1-10: K-5: Reading
Literature; Reading
Informational; Speaking and
Listening; Language;
1, 3
1, 3.4, 3.5
2, 3
Genre responses
(160 points)
CFO: 1
SLO: 1, 4
1, 6
Standards 1-10: K-5: Reading
Literature; Reading
Informational; Speaking and
Listening; Language; Writing
1, 3
1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.5
(50 points)
CFO: 1
SLO: 4
1, 6
Standards 1-10: K-5: Reading
Literature; Reading
Informational; Speaking and
Listening; Language; Writing
1, 2, 3
1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.5
(point values)
M. Willis
Literature and Materials for Young Readers
EDEE 327
Fall 2013
Assignment Descriptions:
Program: P-5
EDEE 327
Assessment (point value)
Field Experience participation and
25 points
Genre responses
160 points
Classroom Connection Projects
100 points
Literature Circles (2 sessions)
50 points
Chapter readings and responses
50 points
50 points
Literature and Materials for Young Readers
Complete several participation sessions (total time: 2 hours) with a child
or small group of children using appropriate motivation and follow-up
experiences. Write a summary/reflection of each and include photographs
if possible. Submit to Bb. Template for planning and reflection are in
“Course Documents” on Bb.
Read the number of books within designated genres / categories and
respond according to requested formats. Bring materials to classes and
share with peers.
Plan, gather materials, and present information related to 2 specific genres
throughout the semester. These include “Info Fair: Library in a Box,”
“Readers’ Theater,” “Pairing Fact and Fiction,” “Poetry Slam!” and “Original
Read and participate in book discussions; collaboratively plan and present
a project related to the book.
Read and respond to information in textbook using the chapter response
guides posted on Bb in Assignments. Post responses on Discussion Board.
Each chapter will have a related quiz. Short answer responses will be
Grading Scale (Evaluation Plan of Assignments includes Rubrics with each assignment)
Grades in this course will be earned as follows:
E=59% or below
Attendance Policy:
Attendance at all class sessions is expected. Illness, death in the family, and participation in
authorized university-related trips will constitute excused absences; however, the instructor must be
notified before class of the absence and a written excuse must be presented to the instructor when
the student returns to class. It is the responsibility of the student to secure information presented in
class and to make up any experiences missed. Absences on days scheduled for field experiences or
presentation must be made up.
More than three hours of absences or excessive tardiness for other reasons are not excused and will
result in the reduction of the final grade.
Student Diversity: Individual differences in learning styles, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and
personal physical abilities are acknowledged. Students with particular needs should make them
known to instructor immediately.
Required Textbooks:
Kiefer, B., & Tyson, C. (2010). Charlotte Huck's children's literature: A brief guide. New York :
M. Willis
EDEE 327
Fall 2013
Academic Honesty
Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism or helping others to commit these acts will not be tolerated.
Academic dishonesty will result in severe disciplinary action including, but not limited to, failure of
the student assessment item or course, and/ or dismissal from MSU. If you are not sure what
constitutes academic dishonesty, read the Eagle: Student Handbook or ask your instructor. An
example of plagiarism is copying information from the internet when appropriate credit is not given.
The policy is located at http://www.moreheadstate.edu/advising/index.aspx?id=8311 (also,
described at Eagle Handbook pp 39-40, 2009-2010
http://www.moreheadstate.edu/files/units/dsl/eaglehandbook/200910%20Handbook%2080309.pdf?n=7091 )
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
In compliance with the ADA, all students with a documented disability are entitled to reasonable
accommodations and services to support their academic success and safety. Though a request for
services may be made at any time, services are best applied when they are requested at or before the
start of the semester. To receive accommodations and services the student should immediately
contact the Disability Services Coordinator in the Office of Academic and Career Services, 223 Allie
Young Hall, 606-783-5188, www.moreheadstate.edu/acs/
Campus Safety Statement
Emergency response information will be discussed in class. Students should familiarize themselves
with the nearest exit routes in the event evacuation becomes necessary. You should notify your
instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or will require assistance during
an emergency evacuation. Students should familiarize themselves with emergency response
protocols at www.moreheadstate.edu/emergency .
TEP Applicant: If you are applying TEP this semester, please go Educational Service Unit and check
the application deadline. http://www.moreheadstate.edu/esu/index.aspx?id=1106
M. Willis
EDEE 327
Fall 2013
EDEE 327 (002) – Literature and Materials for Young Readers
Tentative Calendar
Fall 2013
August 20
August 27
September 3
Introduce course expectations, syllabus, etc.;
community building with “Literacy Hearts;” Interest
inquiry; Reading Letters
Visit LRC for searching activity and location of
materials; identify topic of interest for “Info Fair”
Background: Awards, formats, genre overview, text
structures, illustrations; introduce Literature Circles
September 10
Genre: Informational materials
Discuss Literature Circle books
September 17
Classroom Connection: “Info Fair” – “Library in a box”
September 24
Quiz: Background information and Informational
Discuss Literature Circle books
Genre: Traditional Fantasy;
Classroom Connection: Readers’ Theater
Discuss Literature Circle books
October 1
October 8
Genre: Modern Fantasy
Present Literature Circle projects
October 15
Quiz: Fantasy, Traditional and Modern
Classroom Connection: Original books due to publisher
Genre: Historical Fiction;
Classroom connection: Pairing fact and fiction
New Literature Circle books
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Discuss Literature Circle books
October 22
October 29
November 5
November 12
November 19
November 26
December 3
December 10
Quiz: Realistic Fiction, Historical and Contemporary
Discuss Literature Circle books
Genre: Poetry
Discuss Literature Circle books
Classroom Connection: “Poetry Slam!” performance with
No Class: Beginning of Thanksgiving Holiday
Quiz: Poetry
Discuss Literature Circle books
Present Literature Circle projects; share Original books
– EDEE Award
M. Willis
EDEE 327
Assignment / What’s Due
Chapter 1 – “Knowing Children’s Literature” and
Chapter 2 “Understanding Children’s Responses to
Literature” response due on Bb Discussion Board
Chapter 9 – “Non-Fiction” responses due on Bb
Discussion Board; Genre Response: Turn in
Picture Book Reading Log
Genre Response: Turn in informational book
Bibliography and response pages
Chapter 4 - “Traditional literature” responses due
on Bb Discussion Board
Genre Response: Turn in Traditional Literature
response page
Chapter 5 – “Modern Fantasy” responses due on Bb
Discussion Board
Genre Response: Turn in Modern Fantasy
response pages
Chapter 8 – “Historical Fiction” responses due on Bb
Discussion Board
Chapter 7 – “Contemporary Realistic Fiction”
responses due on Bb Discussion Board
Genre Response: Turn in Response Pages for
Historical Fiction
Genre Response: Turn in Reading Letters for
Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Chapter 6 – “Poetry” responses due on Bb
Discussion Board
Genre Response: Turn in Poetry Bibliography
Fall 2013
EDEE 331 - Classroom Connection Projects
Fall 2013
From the following list, please choose 2 projects in which to participate. Be certain to look at the
accompanying dates for which the projects are due in making your decisions. Scoring guides will be
available for each project.
Info Fair – Library in a Box
This project will involve identifying a topic of interest to you and which would be if interest
to children, K-5. Topic must be approved by instructor. Materials in the form of books, movies/dvds,
websites, etc. will be displayed and shared with the class. All materials must be included on an
annotated bibliography (APA format) to be available to all class members.
Readers’ Theater / Storytelling
A Readers Theater script or story must be performed whose focus is traditional literature.
Minimal props can be used to enhance the story. If you choose a Readers Theater, you must recruit
other performers to assist you. Copies of the script or story must be made available to the class.
Pairing Fact and Fiction
Often realistic fiction has a historical backdrop that influences the setting, characters’
actions, and/or plot of the story. Realistic fiction books and informational books will be shared with
the class with an explanation of how they are related and how learning can be enhanced through the
pairing. All materials must be included on an annotated bibliography (APA format) to be available to
all class members.
Poetry Slam
Poetry is intended to be read aloud! In this project, 3 selections of various kinds of poetry
will be shared with the class. Poems must be appropriate for children. A collection of 10 poems will
be turned in with bibliographic information for each poem included.
Original Book
Writing and illustrating your own book is an opportunity many look forward to having. For
this project, you will write the test and illustrate your own book which will be sent away for
hardback binding and returned to you. At the end of the semester, you will share the book with the
class and your book will be eligible for the EDEE Award given annually by the Camden-Carroll
M. Willis
EDEE 327
Fall 2013
Genre responses:
Below you will find the required number of titles within each category / genre. Please read and/or
listen to these books and respond using the response format that is provided. You have choices
within each category / genre in terms of titles and available formats.
Category / Genre
Number of required titles
Picture books
10 titles; minimum of 5 should be Caldecott Winners or Honor
books; may be in various formats: print, audio/cd, video/dvd,
Traditional literature
2 folktales; 1 fables; 2 myths; may be in various formats: print,
audio/cd, video/dvd, etc.
Modern Fantasy
3 picture books; 2 children’s novels; may be in various
formats: print, audio/cd, video/dvd, etc.
Historical fiction
3 picture books; 2 children’s novels; may be in various
formats: print, audio/cd, video/dvd, etc.
realistic fiction
3 picture books; 2 children’s novels; may be in various
formats: print, audio/cd, video/dvd, etc.
3 poems in single book form; 2 anthologies of poetry; may be
in various formats: print, audio/cd, video/dvd, etc.
Non-fiction /
2 biographies; 3 informational / topical; may be in various
formats: print, audio/cd, video/dvd, etc.
M. Willis
EDEE 327
Fall 2013