- San Diego State University

San Diego State School of Nursing
Women’s Health Across the Lifespan
Spring 2015
Professor: Joan Hall, MSN, APRN, BC
Communication with Prof Hall:
 Best: e-mail: jhall2@mail.sdsu.edu
 OK: Cell: 858-361-8041 (for answers that can’t wait)
 Poor choice: VM: 619-594-1482
Prof Hall’s Office Hours:
 Adams Humanities (AH) 3182
 By appointment (in person or telephone)
Professor: Wendy Bonnar WHNP-BC, MSN
Communication with Prof Bonnar:
 E-mail: wbonnar@mail.sdsu.edu
 Cell: 619-251-9266 Emergency only
Prof Bonnar’s Office Hours:
 Adams Humanities 3170
 Thursday 9:30-10:45 and by appointment in person or telephone
Course Overview
This course is completely online which means there will be NO face to face meetings.
Welcome! During this semester you will be learning about health issues that women face across
their lives. Health is defined broadly from a biological, physiological, and psychological
perspective and various cultural views on health are integrated throughout the course.
A focus on women’s health must take into consideration historical, present, and predicted
aspects of sociopolitical influences. Women’s health study must be culturally sensitive and
consider women from all nations. Women must be presented as holistic beings with dimensions
of mind, emotions, body, and spirit. And health care for women must emphasize proactive
prevention as much as reactive treatment.
General scientific concepts and methods, as well as issues encountered in health-related
research will be introduced in the beginning of the course. These principles will be used in
subsequent lectures and assignments.
Content on the physiologic basis for specific health issues will be presented. The lecture content
will be offered by a number of different professionals who have certain specialties such as
psychology, pregnancy and birth.
Students will compare and contrast the causes of the problems women commonly face, relate
the material to other courses they are taking, assess their own risk factors for future health
problems, and plan for ways to maximize their current and future health.
Although this course focuses on women’s health, the health risks themselves are not genderspecific. Men will find the content of this class relevant to themselves and the women in their
This syllabus is intended to guide us through the semester. However, circumstances can change
and so we reserve the right to change the syllabus as needed to ensure that we fulfill the
objectives of the course. You will receive full and fair notification regarding any such changes.
Please read this syllabus in its entirety. You are responsible for knowing its contents.
Course Outcomes:
1. Discuss the reasons there should be a class and text on women’s health.
2. Develop awareness of personal health risk factors and/or those of significant others.
3. Describe what a healthy lifestyle entails; include the concept of “the whole body”.
4. Describe how women can empower themselves to build health mental, emotional, sexual,
and reproductive choices.
5. Evaluate social influences on health issues.
6. Describe several ways to prevent chronic health conditions.
A lower division course in biology or human physiology is strongly encouraged.
Required Material:
Author: Kolander, Cheryl A., Ballard, Danny R., Chandler, Cynthia K.
Title: Contemporary Women’s Health: issues for today & the future. 5thEd.
Available from Aztec bookstore:
Loose-leaf (binder ready) option of Kolander
ISBN: 9781308214580
Available on line:
eBook option of Kolander
Available from Aztec Bookstore or on line; new or used books:
Soft bound cover of Kolander
ISBN: 978-0-07-802854-0
Distance Learning Prerequisites:
Online Learning Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course requires total online or distance
learning preparedness; computer problems on your end are NOT an acceptable excuse for
non-completion of course work. Take SDSU’s ‘readiness survey’
(https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/pls/webapp/survey.hybrid_learning.main) to see if online learning is
right for you.
If yes, then prepare your computer for the course as follows:
 Get speakers or a headset
 Download (for free) all necessary software, including the latest versions of: Adobe’s
Acrobat Reader and Flash Player, QuickTime Player, and Java.
 Download Mozilla’s Firefox if you are using Explorer (Explorer won’t work well with
Formulate a backup plan for fulfilling course obligations when/if your computer
malfunctions. For example, to find out about computers at the library; go to
If you need to learn how to use Blackboard, go to:
Make sure you know how to make a ‘screen shot’ on your computer (e.g., by pressing
‘Ctrl + PrntScr’) so that if you need to show me what you are seeing you can do so
properly; phone photos never work.
E-mail: To ensure that you receive an email via Blackboard, please make certain that your
email address within the system is correct. Some email systems block Blackboard mailings as if
they are spam. Either fix this in your spam filter, or get a FREE SDSU email account. To get a
SDSU email account, go to http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/newstudacct.shtml.
When sending us an email via Blackboard, in the subject line: your last name, followed by the
first name. If you send email from outside of Blackboard, be sure to put the course number in
the subject line followed by your name (N350 Nurse, Nancy).
Please sign your name to the email exactly as you are registered. You may go by the name of
“Princess” but you are registered in the class as Nancy Nurse. Please include RED ID. If you have
a name change during the semester, please notify the registrar’s office and course coordinator.
Email is generally answered promptly, and at the latest within 24 hours after the email was
sent. Email does sometimes go awry: If you do not hear back from us in due time, please try
again with a different heading (in case the original was recognized as spam).
Remember: This is an online course. Information technology or IT challenges can and will come
up. Be prepared to handle them.
Please be assured that if and when problems occur on the SDSU end, you will not be penalized.
However, when problems occur on your end, the story is different: You are responsible for your
computing needs. When problems occur on your end, you must fix them. The instructors
cannot provide IT support. IT problems that you experience do not constitute an acceptable
excuse for non-completion of work. IT recommends Firefox as your internet browser.
How Does This Course ‘Work’?
Organization and Pacing
The course is organized into weeks with selected topics/modules. Each module will have
appropriate student learning outcomes followed by an online quiz. To do course work, simply
go to Blackboard, enter the relevant week (starting with week 1), and work through the
module then complete the self-assessment activity such as the quiz. Afterward, simply move
on to the next section or part of the course. Then, on the designated testing day, take the
Please note that although you may work at your own pace within a given section, making this
course ideal for anyone with a complicated schedule, you must complete all work by 2300
(11:00PM) of the closing dates provided. Deadlines keep students on track and ensure that
the workload entailed in this course—for you, for me is evenly distributed for the duration of our
time together.
This is an online course. Again, you can work at your own pace from week to week, so long as
you complete assigned work by the set deadlines. You can work where you want, when you
want. However, because this is an online course, we won’t have any time together during which
we can lay out instructions for you verbally. That means we have to rely heavily on course
documents such as this one.
This and the schedule provide a detailed map of the course and a plan for success as you
move through the semester. The documentation simply anticipates and answers questions
students will have about the course so that they don’t need to be asked; saving you time and
protecting you from the anxiety that can accompany vague instructions.
Blackboard: Class communication will be facilitated through use of Blackboard, the SDSU
website for distance learning. Enrollment in the Blackboard web site for this course is required.
An email account is mandatory (and free). Blackboard will be used to access course documents,
lecture notes, faculty information, announcements, and e-mails.
How do you access Blackboard?
Student accounts are created automatically for each student registered at SDSU. Once you
have registered in N350, log onto Blackboard: http://blackboard.sdsu.edu. Enter your user
name and password (this is your university ID and PIN number). Click the Login button and you
will be taken to the My SDSU page. You must keep your e-mail address current on Blackboard.
For problems regarding Blackboard, contact Blackboard support @
Learning will be evaluated through four (4) exams, and weekly quizzes. Three (3) additional
assignments will be available. These will be considered “extra credit” (EC #1,2,3) assignments.
All graded work, including tests, must be submitted on time to count toward your grade. Times
as stated refer to San Diego or Pacific Time. This is the time standard used by Blackboard’s
internal clock.
Students will complete a total of 13 on-line quizzes from the textbook reading and the lecture.
Each quiz will contain 10 questions, with each correct answer worth one (1) point. At the end of
the semester, the top ten scores will be used to calculate the final “quiz score”. The maximum
points for the “quiz score” is 100 points.
The on-line quizzes will be accessible each Tuesday at 6:00AM and disappear the following
Sunday at 11:00PM. Due to the large number of students who start the semester late the first
two quizzes will be available until Sunday, February 8th.
It is your responsibility to complete the quizzes in a timely manner, that is, before they are due.
This policy is intended to insure that you are working on each chapter as the material is being
covered in class. Once the quizzes have been removed from the web site, they will NOT be
made available to you again. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST 15 MINUTES TO DO THE QUIZZES!
Each module’s activities must be completed by 2300 hours (11:00PM) on Sunday at the end of
the relevant week. Points will only be given for activities completed on schedule.
** The running time for each quiz. Time is limited to 15 minutes
Quiz Schedule:
Lecture will
Quiz will be
Week One (1)
Week Two (2)
Week Three (3)
Week Four (4)
Week Five (5)
Week Six (6)
Week Seven (7)
Week Eight (8)
Week Nine (9)
Jan 26
Feb. 2
Feb. 9
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 23
Spring Break
April 6
April 13
April 20
April 27
Jan 27
Feb. 3
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 24
Spring Break
April 7
April 14
April 21
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Quiz will be
My Score
unavailable after
March 1
March 8
March 15
March 22
April 5
Spring Break
April 12
April 19
April 26
May 3
There will be four (4) exams with multiple-choice/True or False questions. Each exam will
consist of 50 questions. Each correct answer will be worth two (2) points.
All test questions come from lecture and readings in the textbook. Any portion of the lecture or
assigned readings may be covered on the test. Your textbook readings should be an essential
complement to the material covered in lecture. Exams will be based on lectures, discussions,
and textbook readings.
**There is a running timer for each exam. Time is limited to 70 minutes.
Exam Schedule:
My Score
Exam 1
Feb. 28- March1
Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
March 21-22
May 9-10
Weeks 5, 6, 7, 8
Weeks 9, 10, 11
Weeks 12, 13, + from
previous weeks
Exam/Quiz dates and times: Exams and quizzes are available as indicated in the tables above.
The quiz/exam will become available @ 0600. Blackboard will close the quiz/exam at 2300
hours (11:00PM)) on the last date indicated for the Exam/quiz in question.
Please clear your calendars now to ensure that you are available for every quiz or exam. Also
note that because of the broad ‘window frame’ for testing, your scheduling issues or minor
infirmities (e.g., colds) are never grounds for a makeup exam.
Exam/Quiz Makeup Policy:
No provisions are made for examinations that are missed because of an unexcused absence.
Like all other rules set out in this syllabus, the work completion deadline rule applies to
everyone. We do appreciate how difficult it can be to balance school, work, family, and so on.
However, we cannot extend deadlines or waive requirements for students who overextend
themselves. Please think twice about enrolling if you anticipate being overtaxed by other
courses or obligations, or if you have a history of trouble with deadlines or with following
written instructions. Please do not put us between a rock and a hard place later by asking us to
break rules for you. We cannot and will not do that.
Overtime tests: Although you may begin testing any time within the testing window, you will
receive a set number of minutes to complete the quiz /exam once you have opened it, and
exam/quizzes must be completed in one sitting. Blackboard provides a timer, which starts when
you begin a test. The timer does not stop your test when your time runs out: It is your
responsibility to submit your test prior to when your time expires.
Also please note that Blackboard does not grade tests submitted after ‘time allowed’ runs out.
Those must be mark by hand (if warranted). Here is exactly how we will handle them: The clock
will remain running. It does NOT automatically stop at the 70 minute mark. For every minute
over the 70 minute time mark, 1 point will be deducted.
Students with Accommodations:
You will need to monitor a clock for time also. Once you have met the 70 minute mark, keep
answering questions. When you have completed the Exam, a small green square with a white
explanation mark will be present on your BB MYGrades. The next day I will check your score
and accommodations and post your grade.
Only students, who have submitted the accommodation letter BEFORE the quiz/exam, will have
accommodations honored. Submitting the Academic Accommodation letter AFTER the
exam, will deny you of your accommodations for that quiz/exam.
You may NOT use your textbook or any other materials, including your class notes, class mates,
friends, to assist you in completing the on-line quiz/exam.
It is also your responsibility to monitor your exam and quiz scores and not to wait until the last
day of the semester. Once grades are calculated and sent to the registrar’s office, your request
to recheck, look-up or question any previous quiz/exam results will be denied.
Extra Credit Assignments
EC #1 Homepage:
Please click on the Homepage tab to the left of the course homepage. Please share some
information about yourself with the group. Please upload an appropriate digital picture by
clicking on the Browse button and finding the file on your computer.
Note: Photos should be saved as .jpg and should be approximately 150 x 150 pixels. If your
picture is large, here's a web site that allows you to upload a large image and it will resize it for
you: http://www.shrinkpictures.com. I recommend choosing a custom size between 150-350
Five (5) “extra credit” points will be awarded for completing this assignment. All pictures and
communication must be appropriate for a class setting and professional in words and tone. Any
crude, rude or unprofessional language, innuendos or pictures will be immediately removed
and the student will receive a deduction of 10 points for the assignment
NOTE: only students registered in this class will have access to this information.
Date Due: Sunday February 8th, @ 2300 (11:00 PM).
EC #2 Syllabus:
Complete the 10 question quiz regarding the N350 syllabus. You may complete this twice; the
highest score will be used. A maximum of ten (10) “extra credit” points will be awarded for
completing this assignment.
Date Due: Sunday February 8th, @ 2300 (11:00 PM).
EC #3 Stress Quiz:
The checklist will become available about mid-semester. You will receive ample notice.
Academic Honesty:
A student using other person’s work as his or her own is an infraction of University policy. Each
student should be aware of the University policy on academic honesty as set forth in the
University Catalog. Violations of this policy can possibly lead to expulsion from San Diego State
University. Please consult with the instructor if questions about academic honesty arise. Any
student caught cheating will receive a zero (0) for the assignment and the final course grade will
be lowered by one full grade, i.e., an A will become a B; a B will become a C; a B- will be a C-,
It is now mandatory that faculty report any and all episodes of academic dishonesty per the
Executive Order 969, August 2006.
If you know other students are cheating, you should report them. Why let them get a better
grade than you when you put in all the work!
If you have any questions about SDSU’s policy regarding cheating, see p.13 of this SDSU policy
document: http://senate.sdsu.edu/policy/policy_file.pdf or
http://senate.sdsu.edu/policy/pftoc.html. See also
Disabled Students:
“Students who need disability accommodation should provide documentation of their disability
to Student Disability Services at 619-594-6473 (Calpulli Center, Suite 3101), and receive
authorization for academic accommodations (AAA). After accommodations have been
authorized by SDS, students are responsible for notifying faculty in advance of the need for
accommodation. This can best be accomplished by scanning and emailing the document to the
instructor within the first two weeks of the semester, or as soon as possible in the event that a
disability is diagnosed during the course of the semester. SDSU General Catalog 2014-2015.
Student Athletes:
Per Senate policy 2.2 "Official absence from class": The student has the responsibility to notify
the instructor within the first two weeks of the semester of any scheduling conflicts. It is the
responsibility of the student athlete to ensure the athlete’s advisor has provided the instructor
with the official schedule.
Religious Observances:
By the second week of classes, the students should notify the instructor (in writing) of planned
absences for religious observances. SDSU General Catalog 2014-2015
Point Distribution of Final Grade:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Weekly Quizzes-maximum
Maximum number of points:
500 points Total
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
500 points
Extra credit #1
“Home page” Introduction
Extra credit #2
Syllabus Quiz
Extra Credit #2
Stress Checklist
Points Grade
Less than 300
5 points
10 points
5 points
**Grading will be strictly by points - no percentages will be used.**
Credit/No Credit policy
“”A grade of “Credit” is awarded for work equivalent to all grades which earn 2.0 or more grade
points (A through C). “No Credit” is awarded for work equivalent to all grades which earn less
than 2.0 grade points (C- {C minus} through F or less than 350 points.)” SDSU General Catalog
Where to Find Things on Blackboard:
Exams & Quizzes: Tab @ left with same name
Cancer Videos: The audio & visual of Cancer presentation.
Course Documents: How to print PPTs.
Course Overview: this is a brief overview of the course. It is highly
recommended that you listen. This is not a substitute for reading the Syllabus
or the Schedule and Reading Assignments.
Extra Credit (EC #1,2,3,): see homepage, syllabus quiz, & stress survey. Tab
@ left on homepage
Faculty Information: Syllabus p. 1 or Tab @ left on homepage.
Homepage: Tab EC #1.
How to print PPTs: see Course Documents
Lecture: the weekly captivate lessons. Contains audio and visual of most
PowerPoint: Power point slides that correspond to the lecture. Useful for those
who like to take notes on the PPTs.
Procedure for BlackBoard: Syllabus p. 5.
Quizzes & Exams: Tab with same name. These will be available on the specific
date. Check syllabus pages 6-7.
Recordings: Audio of Mental Health presentation.
Schedule & Assignments: Tab name “Schedule”. This is the “road map” for
activities/assignments each week.
Stress Checklist: Tab with EC #3. The checklist will become available about
mid-semester. You will receive ample notice.
Syllabus Quiz: Tab with EC #2
Syllabus: Tab with same name. This document will answer many questions for